Homeopathy Remedy Thuja

Clinical Neuralgic headache in the occiput, extreme soreness and screaming cannot sleep nor chew. Violent neuralgic headache, as though a nail were driven in. Neuralgia of the head and face, with stabbing, unendurable pains; neuralgia of the head and face from tea-drinking. Neuralgia at night, extending from vertex over the whole head.


      Congestion of r. White of E., is blood-red; white of l. near cornea red in morning; white of E. red and inflamed, with biting and pressure as from sand. Much gum. Sticking in morning in sharp air; S. in a bright light. Boring above r. inner canthus. Pressure. Dryness; of r.; and in margin of lower lid a burning spot as if a stye would form. Burning; in r.; in morning; in morning on rising; at 10 A.M.; at 2 P.M., and in lids; in evening; in evening, with stinging and with injection of cornea; in evening, (<) inner canthi after dinner; during headache, with pain from the light; in r. during headache, (>) washing with cold water; with heaviness of lids and heat in r. ear; in l. near internal canthus, compelling him to rub it; as if room were smoky. Sensitiveness; of r. in morning. Weakness; when reading; (<) writing; with pressure as from sand.

Lachrymation of l. eye; L. in the air; of l. eye when walking in open air; when walking against the wind. Pupils dilated; in evening. Pupils contracted.

Balls.- Sticking in l. Tearing in l.; drawing T. in evening. Pain in r.; leaving sensitiveness to touch, the pain returned next morning on waking. Burning pain on upper surface of l. in evening, (<) touch.

Lids.- Swelling of upper. Red pimple on margin of lower. Agglutination; on waking. Quivering of upper; l. lower; r. Closed. Inability to open on waking, they were painful and closed involuntarily. Cutting in upper. Feeling as if swollen and as if a foreign body were in eyes. Burning; in evening, with dim vision; in edges in evening, with stinging (even the smoke of tobacco burns in the nose).

Canthi.- Hardened mucus in inner. Sticking in r. outer, with dryness, as from sand; S. in l. inner, with moisture which obscures vision; intermittent, in r. inner, piercing deeply. Feeling as of sand in r. inner till bedtime, and pain on moving lid. Biting in r. at 5 P.M., with swimming of objects. Burning; in outer; in l. outer in forenoon; in outer after rising; in l. outer, with dryness. Burning pressure in l. outer.

Orbits.- Pressing in lower border of r., then sensitiveness to touch and to closing of eye. Drawing pain in bottom of r. in morning. Tension in bottom of l.; at 7.30 P.M.; in l. in morning after waking, with pressure, then in r. Tearing in l. brow, (>) touch. Roots of hair of l. brow sensitive to touch.

Vision.- Shortsighted. Dim; when writing; in open air, with confusion of head; with pressure in eyes as if they would be pressed out of head or as if they were swollen; with muscle volitantes. Failed when reading. Dark with the eye that is not inflamed; D. when reading, with sensation about eyes as if he had not slept enough. Trembling of objects after eating. Luminous disc like a firefly hovering before eyes on entering a dark room; (<) twilight, in the room, afterwards this circle, which followed the movements of eyeball and hovered at various distances, now before one, now before both eyes, became more elliptical, had a dark violet or blackish nucleus in the centre. On going to dinner, sudden sparkling, and black shining, swimming points, disappearing first in r. eye.

Clinical Ciliary neuralgia, pain extends over the face and head, with great soreness, cannot lie on the face nor chew. Keratoiritis, with excessive photophobia, opacity, etc. Episcleritis, with great soreness and violent pain. Iritis, especially syphilitic, with gummata on the iris, severe nocturnal pain.


      Quivering extend to l. corner of mouth. (Wax increased.) Sticking in r.; in r. meatus; in r. meatus, with twitching; in r.; with ringing; outward from r. and under lobule; from depth of r. through external meatus; squeezing, in l. when sitting after dinner; from external meatus to internal, compelling him to hold his breath, at night as he entered the house from the cold air, leaving ear sensitive, less severe attack next morning, with sensation as if free access of air were prevented, after dinner feeling as if external meatus were filled with water, as when one dips his head under the surface, afterwards the earache threatened to return when he thought of it, afterwards slight sticking in l. ear.

Tearing in evening in bed till midnight, with hammering and with micturition every half hour and with cold feet as far as knees; T. in l. concha, then in l. eye, ending with a darting stitch through middle of ball. Pinching in r. Cramplike pain in r.; in r. outer; in r. external meatus, (<) drawing scalp down from highest point of skull; cramp in middle like an aching and compression, then a stitch like lightning, frequently in evening. Pain behind l.; in meatus at noon; burning, behind r.

Sensation as if something were squeezed out. Compression in outer meatus. Tension in lower part of outer, as if a band were pulling downward. Drawing behind r., with constriction in ear; D. behind r. after dinner, with stitches in mastoid processes. Heat in r. Stoppage; with tension; of l. morning and noon, with diminished hearing; of r. in morning, with fulness and sneezing, which returned in evening, then itching in nostrils towards point of nose, then thin mucus.

Ringing; during the day; sudden, in r. after dinner, suddenly changing after a few hours to buzzing and groaning, then gradually changing to a noise as of a spurting liquid, which lasted most of the night. Creaking like the turning of a wooden screw, (<) empty swallowing, with sticking; C. like the turning of a wooden screw on swallowing, with dryness in r. outer canthus as from sand. Buzzing. Roaring; in l.; early in bed; at noon, with buzzing; in afternoon on entering house, with painful thumping; in l., with creaking when swallowing saliva; in r., with boiling; like a draught through a stove.

Clinical Polypi of the ear, with otorrhoea, easy bleeding, shooting pains. Otorrhoea smelling of putrid meat.


      Ulceration half an inch within, where there is a scab (Aurum, Acid nitricum). Swelling of l. wing, with induration and tensive pain. Red itching spot, sore to touch, in fissure of r. wing. Feeling of soreness or ulceration in r. nostril, (<) pressure on ala. Stitches in l. wing. Painful pressure at root. Pain at root not noon, with warmth, as if cold would set in. Tension above r. wing, (>) rubbing. Crawling as in coryza. Sensation of dry catarrh in upper part, (<) evening. Stoppage; with nasal voice; in morning and blowing out of blood all day, with frontal pain. Burning, with swollen feeling and with sensitiveness of septum, on which are vesicles; B. in lower border of r. nostril at noon, with sensitiveness to touch.

Dryness, in evening, and in frontal sinuses; at noon, (>) open air, returning in the house, moist after smoking a cigar; on smoking a cigar; with tickling; in r. nostril extending into frontal sinuses, with burning; and sensitiveness, this sensation gradually extended to frontal sinuses and eyes became sensitive, amelioration in afternoon, two days afterwards on rising the same feeling in l. nostril and r. frontal sinus; D. and pressure in nose and frontal sinuses in forenoon, catarrhal flow for an hour at noon, then pressure on root of nose and copious mucus, afterwards the pressure drew off towards ears, causing tension and stoppage of ears, next day D. and tension in nose, with swollen feeling in whole mucous membrane.

Sneezing; in morning, ending with Dullness in head; in morning on waking, with tickling in nose and burning in eyes, as if catarrh were coming on; in morning, and stoppage of r. nostril alternating with running, this catarrh lasted two hours, then ceased suddenly, returned in evening and again ceased suddenly; at noon; in evening and morning; in evening, with tickling in nose; after dinner, without catarrh; caused by vapor rising from stomach into nose; with stoppage of r. nostril and internal chilliness of feet; with obstruction in nose and roughness in throat, symptoms (<) evening, with aching in forehead and weight and pressure in eyes, then a restless night, on waking next morning throat was obstructed with phlegm, and after hawking larynx and trachea were painful, then malaise and ill humor, aching in forehead, burning in eyes, obstruction of nose, hoarseness, he felt better at noon when walking in open air, but aggravation when at rest, much flowing from nose, feet cold, general ill feeling sent him to bed early, it was long before he could get warm, Dullness of head, cough, stoppage of nose, next morning uneasiness and weakness, at noon Dullness and buzzing in head, dry cough, amelioration in evening, febrile symptoms at night, (>) after midnight, sweat towards morning.

Coryza, all day; at night, with cough; with cough; with headache; sudden; intermittent; dry, in open air, becoming fluent by sneezing. Fluent coryza; in morning; towards evening, with hoarseness; disturbing nights’ rest; in the house. Blowing out thick mucus at noon. Mucus mixed with clotted blood. Bleeding; in morning on blowing, on rising; in afternoon, relieving the head; in evening; on blowing; (<) becoming heated. Smell and taste dull.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.