Homeopathy Remedy Thuja

Constipation; with shifting of flatulence; next day copious fluid stools in morning and after dinner; for eight days, then copious hard stool; for several days, after a profuse nocturnal emission. Hard; after much straining, then pain in anus, with borborygmus, after three hours a more liquid stool, then burning in anus; and delayed; in large brown balls covered with streaks of blood; and difficult, then the opposite, secondary action. Hard and unsatisfactory, with tenesmus; H. and U., with copious, inodorous flatus; afterwards another papescent one; then itching and burning in anus. Unsatisfactory; after much straining. Copious. Large, hard at first, then papescent, clayish and fetid. Scanty; with griping. Frequent; and normal. Ending with discharge of mucus, also itching and burning. Violent, with bellyache and burning in anus, that night another stool with borborygmi.

Clinical Chronic diarrhoea. Stools forcible, pale, copious, greasy, expelled with gurgling, like water from a bung-hole, (<) after breakfast; particularly diarrhoea after vaccination.

Urinary Organs

      Bladder. Seemed larger. Sticking from neck towards urethra. Cutting in afternoon; C. in region, (<) walking. Attacks of boring in region, with painful drawing up of testes. Sensitiveness in region, with inflated feeling and frequent urging. Urging; all day; all night, and much light-colored urine; hasty, with copious urine. Frequent urging, even when there was but little in bladder; with copious urine; then copious watery urine, even at night.

Dribbling from urethra (not bladder) after urinating. Micturition stops five or six times before bladder is emptied. Frequent micturition; at night; at night, with itching in urethra; at night, with hasty, incessant urging; at night, urine copious, straw-yellow; at night, urine copious, and after micturition renewed urging and discharge of a few drops; and copious; of limpid urine; every minute, obliged to press, urine passes only by paroxysms, when there is burning pain in urethra. Micturition infrequent.

Urethra.- Orifice closed by a slimy fluid consisting of serous liquid and a lump of mucus, which could be drawn out into threads, in morning, after removing this liquid burning on urinating. Discharge of prostatic fluid, which can be drawn out into threads, in morning after waking. Mucous discharge from female. Sticking; in evening; in fossa navicularis at 4 P.M.; at night, with frequent erections, so that he could not sleep; with urging to urinate; in anterior end when not urinating; in forepart, penis being relaxed; extending forward, (>) while urinating; sudden, from bulbus almost to middle of it, forcing him to bend over, towards noon when walking in open air; jerking cutting, when not urinating; burning, near meatus when not urinating; tearing, in forepart. Tearing like lightning, hither and thither in afternoon when sitting, with stitches in anus. Cutting in perineal portion; C. when urinating; drawing, when walking. Attacks of sticking beating in fossa navicularis. Sensation as if a few drops ran down it after urinating; sensation of moisture running forward in it, (<) evening; sensation as if a drop of viscid fluid pressed forward at 4.45 P.M. when sitting. Jerking voluptuous formication in fossa navicularis; in forepart at 9 A.M. when walking in the street, penis being relaxed. Itching; when urinating; voluptuous, in forepart after dinner, with relaxed penis; voluptuous, in forepart, penis being relaxed, with sensation as if a few drops would flow out. Burning; in forepart; towards bulbus; in orifice in evening; after rising; after a pollution, when not urinating; after micturition, and in fundus of bladder; after micturition in morning, with stitches from urethra to anus, pressing in region of neck of bladder and urging; in forepart, with sticking; then voluptuous feeling, (<) after micturition. Burning during micturition, after dinner; in navicular fossa (Petrosel.); and afterwards; with dark urine; with red urine; with gleety discharge, the stream small and split, next day the discharge was yellow, the symptoms were those of gonorrhoea.

Urine.- Watery, after standing it becomes cloudy. Red; and deposits a thick brick-dust sediment. Of penetrating odor. Copious; in afternoon, and limpid; at night; in evening and night, yellowish wine-colored; with stitches in l. testicle. Scanty, dark, burning; S., soon becomes turbid and deposits a clayey sediment. None all day, next day scanty, dark red, afterwards copious. Turbid, deposits a sediment; flocky, mucous sediments.

Clinical Dysuria. High-colored, strong smelling urine. Gonorrhoea, with thin, greenish discharge and scalding during micturition. Repressed gonorrhoea, especially with rheumatism or inflamed prostate.

Sexual Organs

      Sticking in condylomata. Sweat on waking; S. on male. Flat dirty ulcer on corona glandis, with burning pain, surrounded by redness, with sticking. (Degeneration of epididymus like variocele.)

Glans.- Moisture. Secreted thin mucus. Covered with greenish- yellow, ill-smelling secretion, and on dorsum, near hinder border, four tubercles with a vesicle on the summit, and in sulcus near attachment of foreskin an eroded spot surrounded by a red circle, vesicles broke and left painless erosions surrounded by a red margin and yielding the secretion, then red, sensitive granular elevations, afterwards sebaceous glands of prepuce in flamed. Depressed vesicle, with stinging when urinating. Smooth red excrescences behind G. under prepuce, with crawling. Red at aperture of urethra, next day bruised pain in l. testicle, afterwards eroded spot in middle of furrow of glans discharging puslike fluid, aggravation from wine, inner surface of prepuce sore in spots, inflamed at fraenulum, glans sensitive and painful when walking. Red spots, with inflammation of inner surface of foreskin, next day burning on glans, red eroded spots exuding a thin yellowish, ill-smelling secretion on furrow behind corona, afterwards the spots ran together and were covered with granular elevations, feeling as if glans were ulcerating, afterwards the furrow as far as fraenulum was sore and covered with papillae, then reddish excrescences on hinder parts of glans and inner surface of prepuce full of granular tubercles, sebaceous glans of prepuce swollen. Stitches; in tip when not urinating, (<) pressure; near urethra, with desire to urinate, urine passed guttatim, stitches intermittent during micturition; burning; burning, in penis extending to testicles and umbilical region, (<) sitting, (>) walking. Painful jerking in penis, with sensation as if a viscid liquid exuded from urethra, which was not the case. Jerking pain in penis. Bruised sensation when sitting. Sensitiveness; on waking; with swelling of sebaceous glands; with darting stitches through it. Excoriated feeling near fraenulum; on touch. Painful throbbing at base. Intermittent burning between glans and prepuce. Itching; when walking; in G. and prepuce, alternating with stitches in anus; sticking, in side; burning, in tip when urinating; tickling, between G. and prepuce.

Erections in morning when half awake; in morning on waking, with strong desire, but no emission, which was not usually the case; in afternoon; long-continued at night.

Prepuce.- Red growth like condylomata on inner surface. Swelling. Red itching spot on inner surface. Red gritty spot on outer surface, becomes an ulcer covered with a scab, with itching and sometimes with burning pain. On inner surface moist tetter, depressed in middle, painful to touch. Stitches on inner surface. Burning on inner surface; B. alternating with stitches in anus. Biting in morning after walking; B., and on upper surface of glans. Itching; on inner surface; in afternoon, with biting.

Scrotum.- Sweat; in morning on waking, and on perineum and inner surface of thighs; on one half. Moist pimple. Sticking; burning, extending through S. and spermatic cord. Bruised sensation in r. side. Corroding aching of r. half. Itching on l. in evening; l. and crawling, with burning pain after rubbing.

Testicles.- L. drawn up against abdomen, with swelling of inguinal glands. Stitches. Bruised tearing sideways in r. Pain as if they would be crushed when sitting, (<) walking. Compression. Drawing; in l.; in l., with weight in it, also (>) walking in open air. Feeling as if they moved, (>) walking in open air.

Excitement at noon, especially tickling in prepuce and glans. Desire great; lost. Emission towards morning; at night; at night, whereupon he woke; at night, with pain in orifice of urethra as if too tight.

Female.- Cramplike pain on rising from a seat, and in perineum; C. pain extending into hypogastrium. Pain like a pressure and contraction when sitting. Biting during and after micturition, (<) urethra, with itching. Labiae, swelling, with burning pain when walking and on touch; (whitish ulcer on inner surface of majora, at first sore on touch, then itching). Pudenda, sticking on walking far; pain as if sore and biting, also (<) during micturition; itching when walking. Burning in vagina when walking and sitting, with biting. Leucorrhoea; yellow-green.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.