Homeopathy Remedy Thuja

Clinical Nasal catarrh, with quantities of thick, green mucus, pus and blood that seem to come from the frontal sinuses. Painful scabs in the nostrils. Warts on the nose.


      Wan. Pale and earthy. Red in afternoon, and limbs cool. Bloated and sickly-looking. Sunken. Swelling of a gland on l. cheek. Twitching extending towards zygomata, with crawling. Jerking sticking in muscles of cheek when walking in open air. Burning tearing in periosteum of l. side during dinner. Cramplike pain in r. cheek when the part is at rest. Boring in l. malar-bone, (>) touch. Drawing pain between mouth and nose, as if periosteum were tense, with pain like a saddle over nasal bones. In r. half from temple to teeth drawing, sometimes darting pain, then sensitiveness of whole face. Crawling drawing in zygomata; in l. zygoma, then Dullness, appeared again next day, then on r. side. Crawling in zygomata and l. upper jaw, with drawing. Sensation as if a spot under r. nostril would become indurated. Burrowing itching in l. malar-bone.

Jaws.- Cracking on yawning. Stitches in l. lower; in lower coming out of ear; between l. ear and zygomatic arch as if jaw had been, suddenly dislocated in evening and morning when chewing; boring, in r. lower; drawing, in angle of l. lower, (>) touch. Tearings in l. upper extending towards eye; in lower in region of joints, uniting at chin and disappearing together; drawing, in r. lower in evening; paroxysmal drawing, in l. upper; in single jerks from angle to os hyoides, deep in integuments. Gnawing boring in l. upper. Drawing in r. upper in morning; in l. upper at 1 P.M.; l. upper at 5 P.M. Stiffness of l. masseter muscles, painful on opening jaws.

Lips.- Red itching elevation on upper in forenoon. Itching tubercle on upper near r. corner. Itching pimples on margin of upper towards middle. On edge of upper, dark red burning spots, on which elevations developed, dried up and fell off, then new spots ran the same course. Redness of upper in morning, with burning. Upper swollen and burning. Twitching of upper; of upper near corner. (Stitches.) Cutting in l. side of upper; upward through l. half of lower. Sensitiveness of upper. Burning, and in palate. Dryness without thirst. Itching in inner side of upper.


      Teeth. Loose in morning. Sticking in incisor; jumping, in l. lower hollow. Tearing in l. in afternoon; sudden, in first l. lower molar, suddenly extending over whole lower jaw. Digging in two r upper hollow molars, with burning pain, pain (>) Mercurius sol., returning in a warm room, (>) cold water and (>) inhaling air at an open window, later D. in these teeth (>) cold water, (<) warm soup and tobacco-smoke. Pain in hollow on blowing nose; as from touch upper a nerve from evening till midnight, with intermittent jerking; jerking, in hollow in morning; like a hacking or sharp throbbing in the gum; in first l. lower molar as if split asunder, after every cup of tea, afterwards extending over upper and lower jaw; sore, beneath last r.; corroding, in hollow, affecting whole side of head, (<) cold (drinks or air) and chewing. Drawing in lower incisors; wandering D. in hollow; sharp, extending upward, (<) eating.

Gums.- Swollen and painfully sore; swelling of G. and tongue, with when she takes anything hard into her mouth or eats. Jerking sticking in r. upper at 4.30 P.M. during siesta. Sticking jerking through G. of last lower molars. G. of molars sensitive at noon; l. lower sensitive to touch.

Tongue.- White blister on side close to root, painfully sore; white V. returned, with burning, (<) after warm food. Coated; and half fry; white; white, with rough, scraping sensation, with a painful white blister in front of the middle. Sticking beneath r. side, (<) swallowing. Cutting in tip and on its under surface. Tip painful to touch. Sore Roughness, and of hard palate and throat. Dryness; at tip. Burning.

Mouth filled with blisters, as if burnt, with thirst at night. Sticking from r. velum palati into internal ear at night. Soreness of palate; about hard palate, as if burnt and covered with vesicles. On swallowing saliva, sore pain in palate as if air penetrated a wound, extending towards l. ear internally. Pressure in curtain of palate, with heaviness. Dryness; of palate; of palate, without thirst; of palate, with inclination to cough; with thirst and loss of appetite; of back part, with thirst. Bloody saliva. Frequent spitting of saliva and mucus, with hollowness at stomach and insipid taste. Salivation; in morning; after breakfast, with weakness of stomach; in evening; with drawing in r. masseter; with swelling of salivary glands; sweet; acid-tasting; acid at 6 P.M.; insipid, at night; metallic- tasting, with swelling of salivary glands.

Taste.- Bitter; in morning; at night; to bread. Bitter sharp after food, (<) root of tongue and in fauces, at noon, even an unpleasant after-taste to black coffee. Bitter mucous. Bitter sharp salt, (<) about root of tongue. Sweetish salt, (<) back part of mouth and root of tongue. As if food were salted too little. Sharp. Sweetish; slimy, after eating; insipid, in evening. Resinous, constrictive. Nauseous; after eating. Bad in morning. Unpleasant after eating ices. Insipid; with sensation as if stomach were disordered. (Mouldy when smoking tobacco.) Dull; in afternoon.

Clinical Violent toothache from decayed teeth, particularly useful when the teeth decay next the gums, with retraction of the gums, leaving a healthy crown; teeth extremely sensitive to cold water. Aphthous sore mouth.


      Swelling; of tonsils; of tonsils, and pain inducing frequent swallowing. Uvula seemed lengthened in afternoon. Tonsils red; in afternoon. Rising of a nauseating rancid vapor, perceptible to smell. Mucus in fauces which cannot be hawked up; M. when eating, which she must hawk up or else she cannot swallow the food. Hawking, with cough; H., with soreness of throat; and hacking. Hawking up mucus; of a sharp resinous taste; blood-red, from fauces; tough; thick, in morning; thick tenacious, from larynx in morning; tough white, at night.

Sticking; in pit; beneath larynx; in r. side of fauces, suddenly extending into ear, with sensation in ear on opening and closing mouth as of an opening through which air could penetrate. Scraping; after eating ices; with inclination to cough. Roughness; in morning; in morning, (>) breakfast, with deep voice and inclination to hawk; till afternoon; in evening; then feeling of a painless tumor; as from snuff. Pain on swallowing; in back part on swallowing; in r. side of pharynx, extending to ear, impeding swallowing. Soreness like a swelling from taking cold. Sensation in r. side as if about to inflame, and during the day stinging on swallowing.

Sensation as if he could not swallow on account of mucus and as if oesophagus were contracted, and after hawking the throat feels rough. Burning forcing him to hawk. Dryness; of pharynx; in evening; of fauces at night; and constriction; with salivation, hawking and spitting of white tough mucus. Inclination to swallow. Swallowing painful; difficult, without apparent cause in throat.


      Appetite. Great; towards evening; at dinner; without thirst. A., but does not relish food, and after eating anxiety and palpitation. Little. Lost; in evening. Aversion to dinner; to meat. Tobacco-smoke is not as agreeable as at other times, in evening.

Thirst; in morning on waking; in afternoon; after dinner; with coldness and drowsiness; with alternations of heat and cold, the latter (<) back, with hot head and face during the day, coldness before midnight, warmth towards morning, sweat finally; for cold drinks all day, without thirst; for cold drinks before and after dinner; little.

Eructations; when smoking; foul, late in evening; rancid; as of rancid grease; tasting of food when eating; of food, tasting of the drug all the afternoon; (bitter after eating). Empty eructations; all day; in afternoon; during a walk, with emission of flatus. Hiccough after eating, then pressure in pit of stomach, the flatulence and eructations.

Nausea; at 10 A.M., with rapid pulse; at night, with pain in stomach and vomiturition; all night, with retching of only mucus; after the customary smoke, with sweat, both (>) stool; when walking in open air, with vertigo, heat in face, anxious sweat, could scarcely get his breath, heaviness of legs so that he staggered; (from all food); in pit of stomach; in epigastric region; mounting from abdomen; with apprehension mounting from pit stomach and back again; with Dullness of head; with salivation; with chill. Vomiting, then shaking chill, with heaviness of limbs and tearing in occiput; V. of sourish-tasting liquid and food.

Swelling of region, (>) emissions of flatus. Stitches in pit; on l. side near pit; outward on l. side near pit; gnawing, in bed, (>) rising. Tearing in pit on bending body or r. side. Cutting on l. side near pit. Cramp. (<) towards evening. Pinching in forenoon; frequently in epigastric region during dinner. Boring above pit.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.