Homeopathy Remedy Thuja

Pain; in epigastrium towards r. hypochondrium in morning, (<) rest; in forenoon; in pit at night; after roast meat eaten in evening; after eating; in pit after eating; in pit after eating, so that he cannot bear his hand upon it; in pit after eating, on moving body and feeling of epigastric region; extending into fauces; in pit and chest, impeding respiration; spasmodic, in pit; on r. side near pit as from a foreign body, (<) morning, with stitches. Soreness of pit; in region on pressure, (<) evening. Constriction in forenoon, then eructation. Feeling as if deranged, with pressure over pit, which impeded respiration. Throbbing as in an artery, in middle of pit. Uneasiness; in region, with eructations of the drug.

Heartburn; in after; at 7 P.M.; on stooping; intermittent, after dinner. Burning in region; B. in morning; in forenoon; in forenoon, with pressing; in afternoon; in afternoon, with pressing; from 4 till 6 P.M.; in evening; in evening on eating fish, with pressing; after dinner; after dinner, with pressing; after dinner till evening and again in the night; after supper, with pressing and occasional constriction; (<) movement and speaking.


      Distention; in afternoon; in afternoon, with rumbling and colic; after eating; after eating, with stitches, pressure dragging and emission of flatus; after dinner, with griping; after dinner, embarrassing respiration; (>) eructations; with colic and constipation; flatulent. Rumbling; after breakfast, with cutting; in afternoon, with emission of flatus; in afternoon and evening, with gurgling, sticking and shifting of flatus; at night, with grumbling; with rolling; with shifting of flatus and with sticking in all parts of body. Gurgling. Flatulence at night. Emission of flatus; towards morning; at night; with moisture; noiseless; odorless; loud, inodorous.

Occasional sticking. Paroxysmal tearing upward, beginning in r. groin. Griping; in evening, with emission of flatus; with pinching now here, now there. Colic; in forenoon when walking in open air; at noon; at noon, so that he could scarcely stand straight, (<) driving, headache and chilliness, the C. (>) copious liquid stool and emission of flatus, C. (<) again towards evening; in evening; at 7 P.M., with movements, as before diarrhoea, violent diarrhoea at 8.30, then sensitiveness of abdomen; at night; (<) from morning till noon, (>) dinner, returned in evening till midnight, with pressure in hypogastrium; with diarrhoea; disturbing sleep; sudden, during dinner; sudden, in evening, as if all bowels were pulled towards a point behind umbilicus, (>) liquid stools and emission of flatus, with distention of abdomen, headache and rapid pulse. Sprained pain in muscles on bending backward. Sensation of something alive. Sensation as if a child’s knee were pushed out against anterior walls in morning. Tension. Burning compression transversely across, externally. Incommoded by supper, which was eaten with a hearty appetite. (Burning, still more in chest, hypochondria and pit of stomach, all of which parts are externally hot.)

Hypochondria.- Jerking in l. towards epigastrium. Stitches deep in; r. in evening, (<) respiration; in hepatic region when sitting; in liver when walking; drawing, in liver. Sticking in splenic region; during a meal; when sitting after dinner; (<) dinner and supper; with pale look; then soreness; deep, in forenoon. Cutting in side above liver on inspiration when walking, (>) pressure and standing still. Pressure as from a stone on lower part of liver when walking. Sensation of something alive moving in r.; in l. in bed. (Burning, (<) hepatic region.)

Upper A.- Cutting from the spine outward. Constrictive cramp. Colic in small intestines.

Sides.- Stitches in l. making walking difficult; in r. when lying on r. side, (>) pressure, returning on walking in open air. Cutting deep in l.; with griping. Pinching in l. muscles as if a hook were drawn upward. Pain in r., (>) pressure, returning on deep inspiration or forcible expiration. Fulness in r., in lumbar region, making breathing difficult, at 2 or 3 A.M. in bed.

Umbilical Region.- Cutting above umbilicus extending into small of back. Pinching. Griping; above umbilicus; at 2 P.M., when wandering; drawing towards r. groin, causing there intermittent pressing, (>) open air. Constriction.

Hypogastrium.- Swelling of inguinal glands; of groin; S., with frequent urging to urinate; with sensitiveness to pressure and to jar of foot on the ground; with constrictive pains like cramps. Rumbling in r. after stool. Sticking in inguinal glands; on r. side of pelvis near linea alba; in r. groin and between sacrum and anus; in l. iliac region all day; in groin frequently during the day, with feeling as if inguinal glands were swollen; deep in r. groin in forenoon when walking in the street; in r. groin when coughing; from groin down through thigh when sitting; throbbing, in r. groin. Cutting; in r. iliac region. Boring inward in region of r. iliac bone; attacks of B., with painful drawing up of testes and occasional urging to stool. Pain, (<) above symphysis pubis; in r. iliac region when walking in the room; flatulent, before stool, (<) towards sides; as from a foreign body in r. side of pelvis, near linea alba. Movement as of something living (Croc.), like a pushing of muscles by the arm of a child, without pain. Sudden bounding as of something alive in r. iliac region. Pressure outward; in ward in r. groin. Bruised feeling over crest of r. ilium on touch. Drawing pain the groin on standing and walking; D. pain from inguinal glands to knees, (<) when going to sleep, then heaviness of limbs. Drawing in r. groin; l. groin at noon; in l. side, with pain on touch; from crest of r. iliac bone to upper part of thigh. Tension; in forenoon (with empty stomach), (<) deep inspiration, with occasional sticking. Constriction. Fatigue in groins; in groins, changing to drawing pain extending to glans.


      Stitches after stool; S. (<) evening; occasional; upward; extending into urethra beneath fraenum; burning, when not at stool. Cutting. Jerklike constriction and tearing upward, and in anus. Boring outward as from a worm, after stool. Pain during stool, so that she must desist. Itching after stool. Urging, with erections; frequent ineffectual U.; ineffectual, with itching in anus extending into urethra; ineffectual, afterwards loose stool, next day loose stool, third day no stool.


      Swelling of haemorrhoidal veins; with urging to stool and itching and burning in anus. Protrusion of haemorrhoidal vessels in afternoon when walking, with sticking in them. (Red painless pimples like figwarts.) Moisture. Discharge of bloody slime by day and night. Sticking; at 1 P.M. when sitting; in evening; (>) walking in open air; extending into region of l. iliac bone in morning; alternating with burning in prepuce, also in morning after walking. Haemorrhoidal pressure; at 11 A.M.; in evening when sitting; in evening, with burning; when seated; on touch. Soreness in morning; after a slimy discharge, as if skin were cracked. Constriction with almost every stool. Squeezing in haemorrhoids; S. in haemorrhoidal vessels in forenoon; in forenoon, with pressing. Sensation of alternate congestion and emptiness in haemorrhoidal vessels.

Burning; in haemorrhoidal vessels; in morning; in forenoon; at noon, with soreness; after a loose stool; after stool, with drawing inward; after a hard, scanty stool, with pressing; after stool, then discharge of mucus, with stitches in rectum in direction of a line from anus to small of back, as the stitches ceased the itching and burning returned. Biting. Itching; in haemorrhoids, with squeezing; in haemorrhoidal vessels in forenoon, with dragging; in haemorrhoidal vessels in forenoon when walking, with burning; at 10 A.M.; in evening, with pressing; in evening, with burning; after dinner; (<) morning; (<) evening, with burning and tenesmus; (<) evening after stool, with burning; with sweat; passing into burning after a hard stool.

Clinical Warts about anus. Fistula. Piles.


      R. side of raphe prominent and felt thickened. Clammy moisture in sulcus between nates. Stitches extending outward, (>) retracting anus. Cutting extending into urethra. Soreness; a sore painful spot in sulcus between nates, not far from anus. Burning pain, raphe prominent, and an inch from anus a tubercle, which became moist and smarted on walking. Burning in fossa between nates when walking. Itching in forenoon when seated.

Clinical Excessive perspiration on perineum.


      Liquid; and copious; and scanty; half liquid, scanty, with sensation as if rectum were inactive. Diarrhoea; in evening; nearly watery, painless; with pain; scanty, with urging, then feeling of inactivity of rectum. Soft; and copious; and frequent, also copious. Papescent, three times in one day, next day no stool; every day after dinner, with emission of flatus and scanty; and scanty, after dinner; and fetid, twice in one day; and copious, frequent, affording great relief.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.