Homeopathy Remedy Thuja


      Stitches; (extending upward through chest); from spine through upper abdomen to pit of stomach. Cutting from spine to pit of stomach. Dislocated feeling in middle of spine, (<) sudden bending to right. Boring in a spot. Pain in spots when sitting; P. as from long stooping, in evening after lying down. Bruised feeling. Drawing pain when sitting. Drawing along spine and calves, with weakness in feet. Soreness; in middle. Pulsation in spine when sitting. Heaviness and tension. Stiffness in spine as after standing bent a long time.

Scapulae.- Twitching under l. Sticking between; on r.; under r; burning, between S. when sitting. Tearing in l. Cutting under l.; from point of l. through chest to edge of middle of sternum. Pressing between; on waking. Bruised pain. Constriction between S., hindering respiration and motion of arms. Drawing between.

Lumbar Region.- Twitching in l. at 2 P.M. Sticking between coccyx and anus at 7 P.M. when walking; close to spine when standing and leaning sideways; in l. side of vertebrae when walking, not affected by sitting; from l. side of sacrum into l. testicle; from sacral bones into side of pelvis; jerklike burning, in r. side close to sacrum, (>) violent rubbing. Cutting when walking. Sudden cramplike pain in sacrum if he moves his feet after standing long in one spot, he threatens to fall. Pain; in renal region; in sacrum on stooping; in vertebrae on leaning forward in sitting; in sacrum and lower half of spine, (<) bending body; in a spot in sacrum when lying, (>) motion. Bruised sensation, and in feet; in region and sacrum in morning after rising, (<) standing or turning trunk, (>) walking. Tensive pain in sacrum. Pressure outward in l. when sitting. Drawing pain in l. Drawing in sacrum; towards nates in morning on rising; in forenoon, with pressing; at noon; in muscles at noon when walking; (<) sitting; painful, in sacrum, coccyx and thighs, which after sitting long prevented his standing erect. Burning, then frequent burning micturition, next day the B. in renal region increased and was accompanied by drawing along ureter to vesica. Weakness when sitting, with pain in coccyx.


      Trembling of hand and foot. Stretching; and uneasiness. Cracking in elbows, knees and ankles on stretching limbs. Sticking in shoulders and r. knee; in sole and metacarpus; in external malleolus, hip-joint, middle metacarpal bone, on inner edge of foot, in heel; in joints, with tearing; drawing, in r. upper to elbow and in r. thigh to knee. Tearing in l. upper arm, then in l. leg; in a spot in middle of r. thigh and in l. upper arm. (<) muscles; in outside of r. ankle, then in l. elbow, then drawing in inner side of l. upper thigh, then T. in second joint of r. thumb. Bruised sensation; in shoulders and thighs, with weariness; at times in shoulders, at times in thighs.

Drawing pains in hands and feet. Drawing; in joints of hands and feet; in inner surface of r. thigh, in r. knee, r. calf, bend of elbow, in popliteal spaces, (<) l.; hands and feet, then in forearm; l. calf, then from r. elbow to wrist; l. ankle, then in r. ulna, then on radial side of r. upper arm; r. leg, (<) outside towards ankle, and in r. hand, (<) thumb, at noon; in evening, (<) upper arm and forearm near wrist, with bruised sensation and Dullness; during rest, (<) inner surface of upper part of l. thigh and forearm; (<) r. forearm, (<) movement; from r. wrist to tips of fingers and from r. calf to malleoli, with sensation as if that foot were lame, then drawing from r. elbow to wrist, then paralytic feeling in thighs; now here, now there; sudden; occasional; in slow access, in r. arm and thigh at 10 A.M.; painful, in second joint of l. thumb in morning during rest, the same in course of forenoon in almost all finger-joints during rest, for an instant in inner side of l. foot as far as sole, suddenly on inner side of l. metatarsus.

Tension now here, now there in extensor muscles of E. and nates, then heat in evening. Sticking beating in r. hand extending to tips of fingers and in anterior part of r. foot in morning in bed. Weariness; in afternoon when sitting. Stiffness and heaviness. Falling asleep of arms and legs at night on waking.

Upper Extremities

      Axilla. Stitches in r. Drawing from l. to elbow; paroxysmal laming, in r.

Shoulder.- Swelling of r., with elevation and with inability to tie his cravat behind or hand his watch-chain around his neck. Cracking in joint on bending arm backward and inability to move arm on account of pain as if dislocated. Stitches; in joint; in r. deltoid when walking in open air; (>) walking in open air; in r. near clavicle, with tearing; drawing, in r. joint and in bend of elbow. Tearing in l.; in l. at night; in l., at times going to r. and nape. Cutting in r. joint. Pressings on r. Bruised pain in joints and upper arms. Drawing in r.; in l. in morning after rising, (>) afternoon; at night, and in upper arm, preventing his lying on that side, (>) next morning by warm wrappings, leaving a lame feeling in arm, at 9.30 A.M. attacks of tearing, returning in evening, and in r. arm, (<) forearm, a condition bordering on paralysis, with coldness; laming, in r. S. and thumb at 5 P.M., then tearing in palm near wrist; laming, in l. in evening, with tearing, next day in r., Throbbing in joint.

Arm.- Jerking during the day. Trembling after writing, with drawing pain. Raging pain from 3 A.M. till rising at 6 A.M. Burrowing drawing pain in periosteum of bone, extending to fingers, with pressure outward, and on deep pressure upon periosteum pain as if flesh were loosened from bone. Drawing in l.; in r. in afternoon; in bones. Tension in extensors of r. when writing. Weakness, with frequent tearing in them. Difficult to move, as if joints were dry. Paralytic feeling as if he had carried a weight.

Upper Arm.- Twitching in muscles of r.; pulse-like in r. in afternoon and evening, (<) r. deltoid. Stitches in r., (>) touch. Tearing in anterior tuberosity of l. humerus, (<) motion, increased to burning pain by touch; drawing, in r., also in morning, also in forenoon. Pain and weakness; P. now in r., now in l.; on pressure, as if flesh were loosened from humerus. Bruised pain; after dinner. Paralytic pain in muscles of middle of l. Drawing in l. in evening; intermittent, painful, in outer surface near olecranon. Heaviness from middle of l. to fingers.

Elbow.- Stitches; in r.; in l. several times during the day; (<) outer side of l., (>) touch; drawing from r. to wrist in evening in a crowded theatre. Drawing tearing from l. to two middle fingers. Boring. Pain in bone of l.; bruised, as if crushed and limp, and in wrists. Soreness in bend of r. in forenoon on extending it. Pain as after a knock, in prominences of r. Drawing in r. in forenoon. Tension in bend of r. when writing. Throbbing in l. during the day, in evening drawing in arm extending into fingers.

Forearm.- Sticking near elbow; in r. to finger-joints; in posterior surface of l. ulna near elbow an hour after dinner; intermittent tearing, on outer side of r.; tearing, from l. elbow to fingers, so that they were suddenly flexed; burning, above r. wrist. Tearing in bones of l. F. and wrist. Sticking tearing where l. ulna joins carpus; on inner side of l. from hand to elbow. Quick drawing boring through F. and metacarpal bone of index. Sore pain in r. Drawing pain in l.; in inner side of l. in forenoon, (<) rest. Drawing in r.; in inner side of l. in morning, and in r. fingers; along r. radius and into little finger at noon; sticking, on inner surface of l. towards wrist. Burning pain in muscles on moving hand quickly and strongly. Paralytic burning in muscles, extending to tips of fingers, (>) rest. Coursing and gurgling as if single drops of blood rolled over each other. Debility of r. in forenoon, (>) writing, with lameness and with trembling of r. hand, in which the veins swelled. Heaviness. Stiffness of l. as far as fingers.

Wrist.- Stitches in r.; in l. extending to tip of index; inward crosswise where radius and carpus unite, during rest. Tearing in l.; in r. carpus. Pain in r. as if dislocated. Crushing pain in inner side of l., in head of radius, in evening, with swelling and pain on touch. Paralytic feeling.

Hand.- Trembling when writing. Sticking in metacarpus; in middle bone of l.; in metacarpal bone of little finger; in l. palm in evening. Tearing; in r. metacarpus; in metacarpal bone of index; in metacarpal bone of index; in metacarpal bone of little finger; in l. in evening; in dorsum of l. at noon when writing; paroxysms of T. and sticking, so violent in middle of r. elbow when writing that he had to give it up, in afternoon when driving in a carriage T. in l. forearm, (<) anterior tuberosity of humerus, that region becoming sensitive to touch, with pricking in l. hand, amelioration from sweat in evening in a crowded theatre. Cramplike pressure in l. between little and ring fingers on their inner sides, with heat of l. fingers, but coldness of l. metacarpus and r. hand. Tension in r., (<) thumb; in extensors of r. Dry feeling. Stiff and tired on motion.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.