Kali carbonicum


OBJECTIVE. Large painful hemorrhoids. The hemorrhoids swell and protrude with a hard stool. Greatly swollen hemorrhoids in the anus, and profuse bleeding from them, while urinating. C Protrusion of the hemorrhoids during a diarrhoea like stool with needle-like stitches and burning in them for many hours. The hemorrhoids protrude excessively while urinating, and discharge at first blood but on the next day white mucus. Large discharge of blood from the swollen hemorrhoids, with natural stool. Inflammation of the hemorrhoids (after 24 hours). Profuse discharge of blood from the rectum followed by uneasiness in the blood and pulsation in the whole body. Pimples in the anus. Shivering about the anus, for half an hour after a stool. SUBJECTIVE. During the cough the pain in the hemorrhoids, burning in the rectum after a stool. Burning and griping in the rectum frequently (1st day). Burning in the anus, without urging. Burning in the anus, so that he was unable to sleep on account of it (after 21 days). He is unable to fall asleep on account of burning in the anus, at night. Burning and contraction in the anus. Burning in the anus during and after a dry stool. Burning about the anus, hemorrhoids with severe pain while walking. Constant burning in the anus after a stool. Pain in the anus as if it would burst, after vomiting; can scarcely endure it. Pinching and violent constrictive sensation in the anus, epigastric region, and extending to the throat. Twinging in the anus. Burning-cutting in the anus. Stitches in the rectum. Stitches in the anus when not at stool, frequently repeated. Stitches in the anus as from needles. Stitches in the hemorrhoids. Sticking tearing and cutting in the anus (repeated several days). C Soreness in the anus (5th day). C Sore pain in the hemorrhoids. Biting sore sensation in and around the anus, after the morning stool. Smarting in the anus, in the evening. Crawling in the anus (after 6 days). Crawling and sticking in anus in the evening. Crawling in the hemorrhoids as from worms. Stitch like crawling in the anus before every stool. Itching in the anus. Itching in the anus after supper. Violent itching in the anus in scrotum. Violent itching and crawling in the anus, in the evening, lasting a long time (1st day). Urgent desire for stool, as in diarrhoea, though the stool was hard, with colic (soon after a new dose). Frequent urging to stool; it seems as though he could not pass everything at once (after 24 hours). Frequent urging to stool, at night which disappears after the passage of some flatulence (3rd day). Frequent urging to stool, with passage of very little. Much urging to stool, something always passed. Frequent excessive urging to stool by paroxysms with passage of only a small natural stool, or only some flatulence. C In effectual urging to stool, with a feeling as if the rectum were to weak to evacuate it. Tenesmus in the rectum and anus. Tenesmus of the anus after the usual stool (1st and 4th days).


DIARRHOEA. Diarrhoea in the evening. Diarrhoea, at night with intolerable pain in the abdomen, which also lasts the following day. Diarrhoea, every night from 3 to 4 o’clock (1st week). Diarrhoea without pain with rumbling in the bowels. Diarrhoea with griping low down in the preceding and following. Diarrhoea the first 14 days, with great weariness, lying down, loss of appetite, and daily colic; faces light colored and gray. Great diarrhoea day and night ( 22 days) Great diarrhoea with great weariness, (after 27 days). Severe diarrhoea, with much colic (after 4 days). Diarrhoea-like stool, with biting pain in the anus (after 8 days). Diarrhoea like-stool with griping in the abdomen preceding it, and followed by burning in the rectum. Three scanty though otherwise natural stools (1st day) Two liquid stools, preceded by rumbling in the bowels. Hard, scanty stools, in the morning afterwards a soft stool, in the forenoon (second day). Semi-liquid stool (scanty), pain in the bowels, followed tenesmus. Thin stool, with griping and uneasiness in the abdomen. Unnoticed thin stool on emission of flatulence. Stool more soft than hard, for several days (after 4 days). Soft stool preceded by colic (1st day). Soft stool followed by burning in the anus (after half an hour). Semi liquid stool, in the morning preceded by the pain in the abdomen. Copious brown stool. Very offensive stool. Blood with stool for several days (after 4 days). Stool colored with the blood followed by anxiety and dyspnoea. White mucus is discharged from the anus before and after the stool. A round worm is passed with the stool. Pieces of tapeworms are passed with a solid stool. Tenacious soft dark colored stool. Tenacious stool as though he was unable to loosen it. Insufficient stool; most of it remains behind. Insufficient stool; after much pressure. C Insufficient soft stool. Very hard stool with uneasiness in the abdomen. Hard delayed stool, at times with great urging, or followed by tenesmus. C Stool like sheep-dung which is only passed with pain and exertion. CONSTIPATION. Constipation (after 3 days). During the menses, constipation. Constipation, with painful drawings in the abdomen. Very hard stool, and only every other day. Stools often purulent and at times bloody, for several weeks. Profuse evacuation from the bowels and violent colic; the evacuations contained blackish portions of membranes and streaks of blood.

Urinary organs

BLADDER. Cutting in the region of the bladder. URETHRA. Discharge of milky, odorless, flocculent fluid (prostatic fluid), after urinating. Tearing in the neck of the bladder, when not urinating (37th day). Cutting tearing in the neck of the bladder, while urinating aggravated while pressing upon the urine (36th day). Burning in the urethra, after urinating (after 5 days). Burning and biting in the orifice of the urethra and upper portion of the internal prepuce, in the morning in bed, soon after urinating (20th and 21st days). Frequent drawing and sharp tearing in the forepart of the urethra (18th and 19th). Intermitting cutting in the urethra, when not urinating. Pinching tearing in the urethra (after 12 days). Tearing pain in the urethra. Burning-biting pain in the urethra, during and after urinating. MICTURITION. Great desire to urinate. Urging to urinate, it is a long time, however, he can do so; the urine flows very slowly. She is obliged to urinate frequently, only a little every time, but always followed by renewed desire, which is almost painful (after 48 hours). He is obliged to urinate frequently, but there is often pressure upon the bladder a long time before the urine comes; even at night he is obliged to rise several times on account of it, though he drinks but little. She is obliged to rise at night to urinate. He is obliged to rise frequently at night to urinate (3rd and 4th days). While intent about her work she suddenly obliged to pass a few drops of urine. Stream of urine interrupted, without pain, in the afternoon (1st day). After urinating, a few drops still pass. Discharge of a few drops of urine two or three minutes after urinating. She is obliged to press before she can start the urine. URINE. Urine pale, scanty (1st and 2nd days); more (3rd day). Pale greenish urine, with burning during and after micturition (8th day). Dark-yellow urine with a cloud; an hour afterwards the urine is paler (after one hour). Urine fiery, diminished (1st time). Increased urine; at least she is frequently obliged to urinate. Unusually large secretion of urine (1st day). Urine turbid. Urine like mealy water, with much sediment on standing. Urea decreased from 30 grammes to 25 (20 per cent). Urine seldom and high- colored, for several weeks. Took 1 drachm at 12 A.M. (one hour before dinner), and 1 drachm at 8 P. M. (one hour before supper).

Respiratory organs

LARYNX AND TRACHEA Rattling in the chest, at night, when lying upon the back. Easy choking when eating. Chokes easily while eating because some of the food gets into the larynx. Constriction of the larynx, in the evening on falling asleep, so that he woke in fright; followed by stitching dryness in the throat (12th day). Sensation as if the larynx were constricted, in the open air. Frequent drawing pain in the larynx, with raw sensation. Raw pain in the larynx, on coughing. Tickling, provoking a cough, after eating (after 6 days). Tickling in the larynx, provoking cough, with great hoarseness. Rattling and gurgling in the trachea, on breathing, preceding cough. VOICE. Voice rough. Hoarseness, as if something were sticking in the throat, provoking a desire to hawk. At first hoarseness, afterwards excessive fluent coryza. Complete hoarseness, and loss of voice (after 24 hrs).. COUGH AND EXPECTORATION. Cough from tickling in the throat (20th day). She begins to cough as early as 3 a. m.; repeated every half hour. Cough in the evening in bed. Night cough. He is awakened at night by cough. She is obliged to cough every 5 minutes, from 9 p. m. till morning. Cough that affects the chest, caused by tickling in the throat. Cough, on playing the violin. Cough causing a sticking in the larynx, with fluent coryza. Cough, which easily makes her vomit. Frequent cough before midnight, but not during the day. Violent cough, in the morning fasting, disappearing after breakfast. Violent cough every evening, after lying sometime in bed, for several weeks. Coughs so violent as to cause vomiting in the morning. Fatiguing cough in the evening. Racking cough, so severe, that she loses her senses. Suffocative and choking cough, at 5 a. m. from dryness in the larynx; she is unable to speak on account of cramp in the chest, with redness in the face, and perspiration over the whole body. Spasmodic and irritable cough in different violent paroxysms, even amounting to retching, causing sore pain in the upper part of the head, and followed by great exhaustion. Scraping scratching cough. Tickling cough. Frequent hacking in the afternoon and following forenoon (after 6 days). Dry cough, suddenly coming and going. Dry cough, almost only at night, with sticking in the larynx. Dry cough at night, waking from sleep, with acute pain in the chest on coughing, with little cough during the day. (1st day). Cough from tickling in the throat without expectoration. The cough loosens mucus, which however does not come in to the mouth and hence cannot be expectorated. Much cough in the morning, with expectoration, though most in the evening. Hacking cough, with some expectoration, mostly only at night and in the morning, together with coryza. Cough with much expectoration, Cough, with expectoration of blood in the mucus three times (17th day). At night she was obliged to expectorate much mucus, frequently for half an hour. C Expectoration of small round lumps from the throat. Expectoration of a sourish taste. RESPIRATION. Inclination to take a deep breath. Tightness of the breath. Shortness of the breath in the morning. Breath very short in the morning. Arrest of breath wakes him at night. Arrest of breath, waking him from sleep at night. Dyspnoea, with shortness of the breath while writing (3rd day). Dyspnoea, as from an affected chest. He felt as if there was no air in his chest and he could not breathe (after 5 or 6 days).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.