Kali carbonicum


OBJECTIVE. Sickly color of the face, with pale lips. Pale of the face a meal. Before and after dinner paleness of the face, hands and feet, though not without appetite. Paleness of the face and weakness. Pale face, with weak eyes. Lifeless expression. Face pale hollow-eyed, especially in the open air, in which the child looks as if frozen. The child becomes glowing red in the face in the morning, vomits its breakfast, then becomes deathly pale; after repeated vomitings it becomes again well but remains very weak for two days. Burning red cheeks for half an hour in the evening followed by great paleness of the face. Cheeks thick, with tearing and sticking. Cheeks thick red with fine papulous eruptions also on the nose. Swelling of the right cheek in the lower portion with stitches and pain when touched. Great swelling of the cheeks which develops in the ulceration of the gum, without previous toothache. CHEEKS Burning in the face beneath right eye. Pressive drawing in the muscles of the cheeks near the lower jaw. Tearing in the left zygoma, and afterwards in the inner side of the cheek. Tearing in the left zygoma, only mitigated by pressing upon it with sensation as if the cheek were swollen, through the evening and night till next morning, so that she cried and could not sleep. Pinching tearing in the right zygoma extending into the palate. Twitching in the left cheek with fine burning stitches with tearing extending into the left temple in the evening. LIPS. Lower lip thick and ulcerated. Swelling of the upper lip, with cracks sensitive to touch and bleeding easily. Burning in the lower lip. Cramp-like sensation in the lips. A stitch in the upper lip. Tearing in the left side of the upper lip and in the gum, disappearing on pressing upon them. Soreness of the red lips; they are sticky, as if agglutinated, in the morning or waking. Smarting, sore pain around the mouth in the margin of the red of the lips, very sensitive to touch. CHIN. Swelling of the lower jaw and the glands with looseness of the teeth. Grinding of the teeth at night in sleep. Pinching pain right lower jaw, not far from the articulation. Distressing cramp in the jaws which also draws the pharynx together. Tearing in the lower jaw and in front of the right ear. Tearing extending from the left temple into the articulation of the jaw in the evening. She looked haggard and exhausted (second day).


TEETH. Offensive odor from the teeth. A tooth is prominent and very painful on chewing. Looseness of all the teeth. One and another tooth becomes loose and sensitive, or a spot on the bone of the face becomes painful and seems to be very sensitive, like a tooth, followed by jerking or tearing in one point by paroxysms. Feeling of looseness of a left upper back tooth. Pain in the teeth daily on waking in the morning. Pain in the teeth on taking water into the mouth. Pain in the teeth on the left side in the morning in bed and a whole forenoon (2nd day). Pains in the roots of the teeth of the left side every morning after waking aggravated by eating (3rd day). Toothache only on taking food. Frequent attacks of toothache as soon as anything cold is taken into the mouth; relieved by warmth. Toothache with face ache. Toothache like a constant settled pain, as if something had got into a hollow tooth, on transiently relieved by cold water, with drawing behind a ear and into the head, at last jerking in the tooth and disappearing of the pain. Toothache only when eating, a throbbing in all the teeth. Toothache only when eating, at noon and in the evening, frequently at the very first mouthful, as if something had got to a hollow tooth, with intolerable drawing extending to the eye and ear only by paroxysms, which intermit for half an hour. Toothache after eating, extending into the bones of the cheek and ear, were it becomes seated and is a sticking pain. Toothache, followed by swelling of the gums. Constricting toothache in the upper and lower teeth. Burrowing toothache in the left lower jaw, caused by picking the teeth. Violent digging in the left upper back tooth after dinner. Drawing in the roots of the front teeth and in the left back teeth mostly in the evening. C Drawing toothache as soon as she gets into bed in the evening, not during the day. Pressive toothache in the roots of the last hollow back tooth in the evening. Boring, pressive toothache always after dinner, as if something got into the tooth. Sticking in the teeth and gum followed by swelling of the cheek with sticking pain (14th day). Burning- sticking pain in a tooth, especially at night with internal chilliness and with swelling of the lower jaw and gum (32nd day). Sticking pain in the front teeth, with a feeling of bluntness during supper (32nd day). Burning sticking toothache especially at night, as if a hot iron were sticking into it. Some stitches in the teeth, and frequent sneezing in the morning on waking. Some stitches here and there in the front teeth in the evening. Violent stitches in the teeth. Tearing in the teeth and lower jaw of the right side. Tearing and gripping in a back tooth and in the zygoma of the left side caused and aggravated by cold, relieved by tight binding. Tearing toothache during or soon after eating. The teeth are painfully sensitive (4th day). Throbbing and beating in the teeth on motion, at other times a burning pain. Throbbing and picking in a right upper incisor after dinner. Jerking and drawing in a tooth, as if it were being eroded, usually after eating and at night, for a long time together. Itching of the teeth after supper. Itching and digging in the left back tooth after dinner; relieved by pressing upon it. Corrosive, violent itching pain in various teeth and in a gum not relieved by picking the teeth. GUMS. Gum redder than usual. Painful inflammation in the front gum. Great swelling of the gum above the upper back teeth, with swelling of the left tonsil and cervical glands (9th day). An ulcer on the gum. An ulcer on the lower outer gum of the right side. Tearing pain in the gum just above the first incisors. Tickling in the gum, and bleeding of it after sucking with the tongue. Soreness of the inner gum of the front teeth. TONGUE. Swelling of the tongue, with many small painful blisters upon it. Painful blisters on the tongue and on the gum. A painful pimple on the tip of the tongue. Tongue dry, white, as from something acid, in the morning. The tongue is frequently very dry and almost without sensation in the morning on waking. Burning of the tongue and lower lip. Burning on the tip of the tongue, as if it were raw or covered with blisters. C Soreness of the tip of the tongue. Soreness of the frenum of the tongue. GENERAL MOUTH. Offensive odor from the mouth, like old cheese, every morning. Painful blisters in all parts of the mouth, with burning pain. Numbness in the mouth, as if burnt, in the morning after waking. Dryness of the mouth wakes him from sleep in the morning (7th day). Dryness in the mouth, without thirst, in the evening. Dryness of the mouth prevents sleep at night. Sensation of dryness and accumulation of saliva in the mouth; is obliged to spit very much. Violent burning in the mouth, in the morning, and thirst. Sticking and biting in the posterior portion of the palate, as from too great dryness, before the outbreak of catarrh, aggravated by swallowing, in the morning and evening (- wards and 41st days). Dry, sticky sensation in the mouth. Soreness of the inner mouth. The inner mouth and tongue feel raw, as from something acrid. Itching on the hard palate (10th day). SALIVA. Accumulation of water in the mouth. Constant accumulation of water in the mouth. She awoke every night for three nights consecutively, at about 3 o’ clock, with a sensation of water running from the mouth; she sat up in bed, and was employed for some time in spitting up successive mouthfuls of water, which seemed to be pumped up from the stomach;there was not the least nausea or inclination to vomit; the water was not sour nor alkaline; she had never been troubled in the least with dyspepsia, nor ever before experienced such a symptom; it was unattended with pain or any abnormal sensation and ceased immediately when the medicine was discontinued. Much saliva constantly in the mouth. Much saliva runs from the mouth, even during the day. Insipid, glutinous saliva in the mouth. TASTE. Sweetish taste in the mouth. Bad taste in the mouth. C Bad taste and very slimy mouth. Offensive taste to the water in the mouth. C Foul taste in the mouth. Bitterness in the mouth. Bitterness in the mouth, with nausea (1st day). Bitterness in the throat. Bitter taste in the morning. Bitter, sour taste in the mouth after breakfast. Sour taste in the mouth in the mouth every day. Acidity in the mouth at night. Taste of blood in the mouth, in the morning after waking, for three hours. Loss of taste, in the morning on waking, though only for a short time (2nd day). The gums became loosened and fell off in pieces. Mouth and fauces covered with a dirty-brown slough, which rendered the surface nearly insensible to touch (second day); the sloughs adhered firmly to the mouth and fauces (third day); the sloughs in the mouth began to separate, and burning heat in the fauces and gullet immediately supervened (fourth day); during the following week large portions of tough matter, sometimes firm and adherent like leather, were brought up by coughing, hawking, or vomiting; gradually the surface, so far as could be seen became clean, though raw, and the burning and pain on swallowing were most distressing; after a month had elapsed the mouth and fauces began to assume a more healing appearance; the pain and difficulty of swallowing diminished. Tongue, gums, and fauces were shockingly destroyed, the cuticle appearing as if destroyed with a hot iron, while the inside of the cheeks, roof of the mouth, and velum were entirely inflamed (after one hour).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.