Kali Hyper manganicum

Kali Hyper Manganicum homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….


Permanganate of Potash, 2KMnO4. Preparation: Triturations.


Head feels full (1 hour after 2nd dose, 4th day).


Profuse lachrymation (15 minutes after 1st dose, 3rd day).


Sharp, piercing pain extending from the throat to the left mastoid process of temporal bone, apparently along the course of the Eustachian tube (50 minutes after 1st dose, 3rd day).


Thin discharge from the nares, which smarts and irritates the mucous membrane (11th day). Sanious discharge from the nares. Sanious discharge from the nose; nares feel stuffed and full, as in catarrh; the discharge is blood-streaked, although I had no catarrhal symptoms (2 hours and a half before), (1 hour after 2nd dose, 3rd day). Discharge from the nares and larynx streaked with blood (3rd day). Nasal hemorrhage (half an hour after 2nd dose, 8th day). Slight hemorrhage from the nose (1 hour after 2nd dose, 4th day). Profuse hemorrhage from the nose (half an hour after 3rd dose, 4th day); not so profuse (half an hour later). Nose feels stuffed and full, and hemorrhage sets in on every attempt to free the obstruction (11th day).


Mouth and lips very dry, the latter smart when exposed to the cold air (9 hours and a half after 2nd dose, 3rd day). Increase of flow of saliva, which runs out of the mouth almost constantly, with more pain and difficulty of deglutition than ever (half an hour after 2nd dose, 8th day). Profuse flow of saliva, with a burning, raw, smarting, nauseating pain in the fauces, pharynx, larynx, and extending down the oesophagus to the stomach (half an hour after 3rd dose, 4th day). During the last hour a profuse flow of saliva from the mouth (so much so as to attract my attention, although I have had more or less all day, but I was not sure it was caused by the drug), with the same constant inclination to swallow manifested after each dose of the drug, but has now become very painful (2 hours and a half after 1st dose, 4th day). Profuse discharge of saliva (after half an hour, 11th day). Profuse salivation. Speech painful and difficult; hoarse, as though I had tonsillitis (half an hour after 3rd dose, 4th day).

Throat Objective.

The throat was primarily affected. Throat swollen and very painful (6th day). Small ulcerated spots here and there on the walls of the throat, with stinging, burning pains (10th day). Everything that is hawked up from the throat is streaked with blood (half an hour after 3rd dose, 4th day). Constant hawking up of a thick, blood-streaked, tenacious mucus, which appears to be abundant, but in reality is very little (2 hours and a half after 1st dose, 4th day). Subjective. Constant inclination to hawk up something, which is ineffectual (1 hour and 20 minutes after 1st dose, 3rd day). Throat dry, painful, with incessant attempts at deglutition, from which it seems almost impossible to refrain (8th day). Throat very dry and raw (1 hour after 2nd dose, 3rd day). Continual dryness in the throat, with a slight, irritating hacking cough on attempting to swallow (1 hour and a quarter after 2nd dose). Raw dryness in the throat, and constant inclination to swallow, with the pain in the stomach (1 hour and a half after 1st dose 4th day). The mucous membrane of the throat and larynx feels thick, and the larynx very painful (1 hour and 20 minutes after 1st dose, 3rd day). The whole throat and larynx feel as though the cavity was constricted, apparently from thickening of the mucous membrane of fauces and larynx (1 hour and three quarters after 2nd dose). Peculiar constricting smarting sensation in the throat and fauces, with the hot burning sensation in the cardiac extremity of the stomach (20 minutes after 1st dose). Pain, heat, and dryness of the throat, with a constant desire to swallow, although deglutition was painful. A great deal of pain in the throat all day, particularly on swallowing, for which there appears to be a constant desire (3rd day). Increase of the same smarting, burning pain in the throat, extending along the oesophagus, attended with burning pain in the stomach (half an hour after 1st dose, 4th day). Acute pain in the throat, extending to the ears and larynx, and producing a titillating cough (9th day). Whole throat feels raw (after 3 hours, 9th day). Throat feels raw and swollen and very painful, even when not attempting to swallow (1 hour after 2nd dose, 4th day). Throat feels raw and bleeds on attempting to hawk up the secretions which appear to completely fill the cavity (11th day). Throat and fauces feel raw and sore, with an acute pain extending to ears on swallowing (35 minutes after 2nd dose). Rough, raw, scraping sensation in the throat, with constant inclination to swallow, which is very painful (20 minutes after 1st dose, 3rd day). Posterior nares painful (half an hour after 3rd dose, 4th day). uvula. Uvula, soft palate, and fauces are mottled of dark-red color, with livid spots here and there (2 hours and a half after 1st dose, 4th day). Uvula oedematous and very much elongated (8th day). Soft palate swollen, uvula swollen and looks oedematous and of dark-red color (after 3 hours, (9th day). Fauces and pharynx. Fauces red and inflamed (1 hour and 3 quarters after 2nd dose ). The fauces and pharynx are red and very painful, and the efforts of deglutition almost incessant, with a profuse flow of saliva, which is allowed to escape from the mouth on account of the pain produced by swallowing (35 minutes after 2nd dose 4th day ). The mucous membrane of the fauces and posterior wall of the pharynx feels thickened (2 hours and a half after 1st dose 4th day ). Burning and nauseating pain in the fauces, extending down the oesophagus to the stomach, attended with dryness and constant inclination to swallow ( a quarter of an hour after 2nd dose ). swallowing. Desire to swallow increasing (1 hour and 3 quarters after 2nd dose). Constant painful urging to swallow with the cough ( 15 minutes after 1st dose 3rd day). Constant painful intense inclination to swallow, but cannot do so (half an hour after 3rd dose 4th day). throat so painful that it was with difficulty that I could swallow (2nd day). Could eat no solid food on account of the swollen and painful condition of the throat (5th day). External Throat’. The muscles of the neck feel sore, particularly the digastric and stylohyoid, and the cervical glands opposite the hyoid bone swollen and very painful (10th day). Considerable difficulty in opening the mouth, on account of soreness of parotid gland and muscles of neck (half an hour after 3rd dose, 4th day).

Stomach Appetite.

Loss of appetite (2nd day). Have been unable to eat for two days (6th day). Did not feel inclined to take any more of the drug (5th day). Thirst. Thirst, but inability to drink (4th night). Eructation. Almost constant flow of ropy mucus from the stomach, which is ejected without pain, but does not in the least relieve the nausea (1 hour and a half after 3rd dose, 4th day). Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea, and constant inclination to swallow (15 minutes after 1st dose, 3rd day). Nauseating, sickening sensation at the stomach, soon (2nd day). I could take no more of the drug, from a loathing which would almost produce vomiting to look at it (11th day), and although a month has elapsed since I took any of the drug, the simple taste, or even the sight of it, will produce nausea. Nausea and vomiting (after half an hour, 11th day). Nausea and vomiting to such a degree that I began to search in vain for an antidote (20 minutes after 3rd dose, 4th day). Nausea and vomiting, first of the contents of the stomach, afterwards of a thick ropy fluid, which is ejected in large quantities, but with very little difficulty, with more violent pain in the throat than hitherto (a quarter of an hour after 2nd dose, 4th day). The vomiting, which had ceased last evening, returned in an aggravated form, attended with a burning, nauseating pain in the stomach and duodenum, which became almost insupportable (9th day). Vomiting incessant, though painless (half an hour after 3rd dose, 4th day). Stomach. Deepseated, sickening pain in the stomach, with a raw dryness in the throat, and constant inclination to swallow (1 hour and a half after 1st dose, 4th day). Burning pain in the stomach (half an hour after 1st dose, 4th day). Hot, burning pain in the stomach, which seems to radiate over the whole epigastrium (55 minutes after 2nd dose). Hot, burning sensation in the cardiac extremity of the stomach, with a peculiar constricting, smarting sensation in the throat and fauces, attended with slight inclination to swallow, and a hot, uneasy, constricting sensation throughout the whole length of the oesophagus, which continued for two hours, but was relieved by eating (20 minutes after 1st dose).


Constipation (2nd day). Obstinate constipation ever since I began to take the Permanganate (5th day).

Urinary Organs

Compelled to urinate four or five times (an unusual circumstance with me); urine clear, watery, and in considerable quantities each time (4th night). Profuse discharge of urine (after half an hour, 11th day). Urine profuse (5th day). Urine more profuse than usual, and has to be voided more frequently (3rd day). Urine very profuse and clear (35 minutes after 2nd dose); profuse and watery (1 hour after 2nd dose, 4th day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.