Kali carbonicum


OBJECTIVE. Much mucus in the back of the throat, which is only loosened after much hawking. Much mucus in the throat, especially in the morning. Frequently much mucus in the throat (first 3 days). Tenacious mucus in the back of the throat, in the morning, which can be neither completely swallowed not hawked up, with a constant sensation as though a lump of mucus were sticking in the throat (16th day). Hawking, with expectoration, in the morning. Increased hawking of mucus (19th day). SUBJECTIVE. Dryness far back in the throat. Feeling of a lump in the throat. On waking in the morning, feeling of a little lump in the front of the throat about the root of the tongue, worse on swallowing saliva, which makes it smart; better on swallowing food, which makes it seem to go lower; worse after singing in evening. Something like a plug sticking in the throat, which is loosened by the cough, and the larynx becomes free. Anxious pressure in the throat. Soreness of throat, worse on swallowing saliva, better by swallowing food, came on in the evening and lasted all night; soreness next evening, worse after singing. Soreness of throat seems to go into ears when swallowing food or saliva. Sore throat, with difficult swallowing and difficult opening of the mouth. Sore throat on the left side; he feels a lump there, with sticking on empty swallowing. Sore pain in the throat. Sore pain in the throat, above in the palate, on empty swallowing, also worse on swallowing food, is only noticed when swallowing. Scraping sensation in the throat, it feels dry, parched, and rough (after 5 or 6 days). Scraping and scratching in the throat (after 8 days). Smarting sore throat on swallowing. Roughness in the throat, on uncovering the body. Great roughness in the throat, with much sneezing. Throat rough, with a cough. Throat very rough and hoarse for several days. Crawling in the throat, which provokes hawking and coughing, with a feeling of firmly adherent mucus, in the morning and evening (12th,22nd and 29th days). UVULA AND TONSILS. Elongation of the uvula, with stiffness of the nape of the neck. Tonsils feel swollen as if touching, causing feeling of suffocation, worse on lying down; the swollen feeling always comes on at the same time as the stiffness in neck and back. PHARYNX AND OESOPHAGUS. Sticking pain in the pharynx, as if there were a fishbone in it, if he becomes cold. Pressure and tearing in the oesophagus (9th day). Sensitiveness of the oesophagus; warm food burns it; she is able to take only lukewarm nourishment. SWALLOWING. Difficult swallowing, the food descends the oesophagus very slowly. Swallowing in hindered in the throat. The food will not go down; she is quite unable to swallow dry or cold things. EXTERNAL THROAT. Swelling of the cervical glands (after 5 or 14 days). Swelling of the cervical glands of both sides, with pain on turning the head. Swelling of the cervical glands; tickling so that she is obliged to press upon them with the cold hand in order to relieve it. Right cervical gland became swollen in the evening. Hard swelling of the cervical glands, at the angle of the lower jaw. Hard swelling of the parotid gland near the articulation of the jaw, with pain when touched. Swelling of a gland beneath the chin;it is painful after taking cold. Rush of blood to the neck. The neck seems thicker than usual, and the neck cloth too tight. Sticking in the cervical glands. The cervical glands are painful as after taking cold (3rd day). Both sides of neck tender to touch, or on moving head. Submaxillary glands painful to touch. Every attempt to swallow gave great pain (after one hour).


APPETITE. Increase of appetite. Great hunger. Great longing for acids. Little appetite. Little appetite, with insipid taste in the mouth, though food tastes good. He eats without hunger. Does not relish his food. He is averse to food, especially to meat; it has a good taste when he eats, yet he does not eat much. Disgust for everything. A version to black bread. THIRST. Thirst, in the evening before lying down. Thirst at night. Great thirst, in the forenoon. ERUCTATION AND HICCOUGH. In effectual desire to eructate, followed by spasmodic construction in the stomach, in the morning and afternoon. After the spasmodic attack, eructations, followed by relief and extreme prostration, weakness, and discomfort; she could only speak very softly. The constrictive spasmodic paroxysmal pains in the stomach are followed by eructations, which frequently relieve, or by chilliness and shivering, with shaking, though mostly only in the hands, back, and head, and the usual stool. Frequent eructations, especially in the morning. Loud eructations, with accumulation of water in the mouth. Eructations tasting of the food. At night eructations of food eaten at noon. Uprisings of food and acids, following great uneasiness starting from the pit of the stomach. Sour eructations after eating. Many sourish eructations, in the afternoon, with qualmishness. Eructations as of sour bitter water. Acid eructations, in the morning (10th day). Acid rising from the stomach up into the mouth. Sour uprisings. Uprising of water from the stomach, much of it which she expectorates; after midnight. Something constantly rises from the stomach into the mouth (soon). Water brash. Hiccough, at noon. Constant hiccough before midnight. HEARTBURN. Heartburn. Heartburn for three hours after supper. After eating flatulent food (vegetables) burning like heartburn extending from the stomach up into the pharynx. NAUSEA AND VOMITING. Nausea as if she would become faint. Nausea as if to faintness, only disappearing when lying down; in the forenoon. Nausea, in the forenoon, lasting an hour. During the cough, nausea. On eating fried fish, nausea amounting to vomiting. Nausea with qualmishness, accumulation of water in the mouth (and diarrhoea). Nausea as from a disordered or empty stomach, which does not disappear on eating, with frequent water brash. Attack of nausea, even in the morning, violent yawning, eructations, twisting about the stomach, violent heat and anxiety (3rd day). Attack of nausea and vomiting, with bruised pain in the abdomen, worse on pressing upon it; together with great prostration, confusion of the head, sleepiness, and some watery stools, followed by constipation. Nauseated constantly, as if he would vomit (soon). Nauseated very easily, especially after a meal. Nauseated on every inward emotion, every worry and every joy, and at any time in the day, though when she is fasting there is only retching. Qualmishness as if he would become faint. Qualmishness in the stomach, at night in bed; gradually disappearing on rising. Qualmishness the whole day and many eructations early in the morning. Retching in the throat, which for a time increases and then decreases, with shortness of breath. Efforts to vomit, for several evenings. Vomiting with faint-like sinking of the strength. Vomiting frequently without an overloaded or disordered stomach; the next day weak and without appetite (after 13 days). Vomiting of food and acids, with nausea. At the time when the delayed menses should have come on but did not, she was attacked with sour vomiting, swelling of the cheeks, with stitches, though without heat, and swelling of the gum. STOMACH. Rumbling, gurgling and moving in the stomach as from flatulence, or as to diarrhoea. Heaviness in the stomach. Frequent pain in the stomach, though seldom in the, always preceded by swashing in the abdomen, relieved by eructations and emission of flatulence. Heat rises from the abdomen in the forenoon. Burning in the stomach. Burning in the stomach in the forenoon, after eructations. Burning acidity rising from the stomach, with some spasmodic constrictions. Fullness in the pit of the stomach. Fullness and pressure in the epigastric region. During the menses, great fullness and nausea after eating soon followed by vomiting. A constant feeling as if the stomach was full of the water. Constrictive pain in the stomach and extending towards the pharynx. Violent constrictive pains in the stomach, even at one o’clock at night, which extend into the chest and under the shoulder, where they become sticking with choking in the throat and oppression of the breath; followed by anxiety, transient perspiration, and eructations, which afford relief; recurring in frequent attacks till in the morning. Painful contraction from both sided of the stomach, with feeling of fullness relieved by vomiting clear water. Spasmodic contractions of the pit of the stomach and transversely across the chest. The constrictive spasmodic pains in the stomach are renewed by the slightest food or drink ( especially cold). Screwing-together pains in the stomach, especially at night extending into the chest and into the intestines, as if they would rend stomach impending the breath and speech; in paroxysms. Violent cramp in the stomach, almost like pressure and cutting (soon). Violent, though intermitting cramps in the stomach, relieved by walking, in the morning. Violent jerk-like cramp in the stomach at night an hour after falling asleep, with anxiety, groaning and coldness of the tip of the nose, hands and feet, followed by vomiting of food and acids with many eructations of air; again the following night though less. At the beginning of a stool severe attack of cramp in the stomach so that she was immediately obliged to sit down; she passed urine, and while sitting the pain was increased so that she doubled herself up and could not speak; with nausea, eructations, after vomiting of water, with retching; before the vomiting shivering during it reeling with shaking of the hands and feet; afterwards anxiety and heat of the whole body; relief of the pain and deathly paleness of the face, and at last the usual stool (after a quarter of an hour). Swollen feeling about the whole epigastric region. Spasmodic pains in the stomach with oppression in the pit of the stomach. Digging in the stomach, with painful contraction and sensation as if everything would be turned about, with rising of water in the mouth; disappearing during dinner but returning afterwards, with burning extending up into the throat. Digging burrowing in the stomach as if it would pierced through. Digging in the pit of the stomach, in the afternoon; followed by frequent eructations of bitter water, almost like water brash. Drawing and cutting transversely in the stomach, in the morning after rising. Pressure and burning in the stomach, at night. Pressure in the stomach frequently in the morning on waking. Pressure in the stomach, as from a stone, in the morning in bed, relieved by hawking. Pressure in the stomach like a heaviness after eating, especially after eating, especially after breakfast. Pressure in the stomach with rumbling, feeling of emptiness and eructations. Pressure in the pit of the stomach ( after 21 days). Pressure in the pit of the stomach and lower portion of the chest, with difficult respirations and rising of the heat to the head; after lasting half an hour it disappeared with eructations. Pressure below pit of the stomach, in the morning and afternoon relieved bending the body backwards and after eating. Pressure beneath the pit of the stomach at night with cough. Pressure across above the stomach and beneath the hypochondria, in the evening in bed, lasting half an hour. Pressive pain in the pit of the stomach which obliges lying down. Attacks of pressure in the stomach, extending up in the chest, with want of breath even amounting to suffocation, nausea and great prostration; she was obliged to lie down was seized with trembling of the hands and feet, then vomited bitter water with relief. Bread only oppresses the stomach after eating. Painful cutting in the pit of the stomach, during and after breakfast. Cutting pain in the stomach towards evening. A feeling in the stomach as if cut to pieces, with great sensitiveness of the epigastric region externally; in the morning. Sticking in the stomach, extending towards the left axilla and afterwards into the small of the back. Sticking pain in the with a sensations as if everything would be turned about, returning after dinner. Sore pain in the pit of the stomach, during inspirations and expirations. Great sensitiveness of the epigastric region externally, to touch, eating and talking etc. Throbbing in the epigastric region which is painful to touch. Throbbing in the pit of the stomach, like violent palpitation of the heart whereby the pit of the stomach visibly rise; mostly in the morning, lasting a quarter of an hour. Jerking in the right side near the pit of the stomach (after a few a hours) A sudden shock in the stomach, which changes to eructations of air or hiccough. Milk does not agree with her. Thirst very urgent (third day). Hiccough and vomiting the whole day. Nausea and vomiting, with the most violent pains in the stomach. Inclination to vomit on pressing over epigastric region (second day). Vomiting, almost immediately; increased after drinking warm water. Vomited incessantly; the vinegar and water which he drank were instantly rejected (after one hour). It was with the greatest difficulty that he could take any nourishment, since it always caused the most violent pain and frequently vomiting; the vomiting was not persistent, and only occurred after taking food or drink (after six weeks. Burning pains, especially in the epigastric region, aggravated by pressure, for several weeks. Burning in the stomach, extending to the mouth, with a sensation of constriction. Fluids had scarcely reached the stomach when they were followed by a sense of burning, and in general, in a few minutes, were rejected by vomiting (second day). Acute pain at stomach. On pressing over the epigastric region she complained of some uneasiness (second day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.