Chelidonium Majus

Spasmodic constriction of the umbilical region. Dull pinching in the umbilical region, followed by some flatulence (after one hour). Griping in the umbilical region, then cutting in the abdomen and across the right lumbar region, extending to the back (after five hours). Griping in the umbilical region, then cutting in the abdomen and across the right lumbar region (after five hours). Violent pressing spasmodic pain in the umbilical region, lasting only a second, but frequently returning. Twinging about the umbilical region, and tension or contraction about the stomach (after one hour and a quarter). Pain in the left side of the abdomen near the umbilicus (after five minutes). Pain in intestines above umbilicus, with sensation of constriction transversely (after ten minutes). Pain above the umbilicus, as if the abdomen were constricted by a string, lasting a quarter of an hour, followed by griping in the intestines, and by six watery stools in an hour and a half (after two hours). Burning in the left side of the intestines near the umbilicus, also in the left hypochondrium (after half an hour). Burning pain around the umbilicus, in the intestines, speedily passing off (after fifteen minutes). Pains transversely across the umbilicus, as if the abdomen were constricted by a string, in the afternoon till six (3rd day). Sensation of constriction transversely across above the umbilicus (3rd day). The umbilicus is spasmodically drawn inward, accompanied by transient nausea (after six hours and a half). Pressive pain and burning between the pit of the stomach and umbilicus, and in the sternum (after a quarter of an hour). Pains about the navel. Violent pain about the navel from 3 to 4 P.M. (3rd day). Pain above the navel, somewhat to the left side. Drawing pain about navel (4th day). Painful pressure just above the navel. Pressive pain just above the navel, extending up to the left side of the chest.

Cutting in the intestine about the navel. Cutting in the intestines just above the navel (1st day). Transient, violent sticking pain in the abdomen just above the navel. Violent dull stitches below the navel, so that he was obliged to bend double, lasting one minute, and afterwards again while standing (after half an hour). Spasmodic colic between the navel and pit of the stomach (soon). General Abdomen. Fullness in abdomen (70 to 140 drops). Distended abdomen. Abdomen distended by gas. Distension and discomfort in the abdomen in spite of many eructations (7th day). Abdomen tense and hard, without pain when touched. Increased peristaltic motion of bowels. Trembling in the abdomen and passage of flatus. Trembling in the abdomen and some diarrhoea. Contraction of the abdominal muscles, with pain about the navel. Movings in the abdomen after a stool, with a sensation as of a foul stomach. Continual moving about and twinging, now there, in the intestines at 1-1/2 P.M.

Rumbling in the abdomen, with some distension. Rumbling in the abdomen, with some colic. Rumbling in the abdomen above the navel, passing downward, before and after the diarrhoea. Much rumbling in the abdomen (one hour after 30 drops). Dull rumbling in the abdomen (after one hour and a half). Rumbling in the intestines (soon after 20 drops); (after ten minutes) Constant gurgling and rumbling in the abdomen. Passage of flatulence.

Passage of much flatulence, without relief. Passage of large quantities of flatulence. Discharge of flatus from bowels (10 to 60 grains). Passage of much flatus, in the evening.

Passage of much flatus while in bed (1st night). Passage of much wind with the usual stool in the morning (2nd day).

Sensation of heaviness in the abdomen (after 10 minutes).

Discomfort in the abdomen (6th day). Great discomfort in the abdomen, with colic, relieved by a glass of wine (7th day). Pains in the abdomen. Pain in the abdomen with sensation if distension.

Pains in the left side of the walls of the abdomen, which were increased by drawing the abdomen together (2nd evening). Pain in the intestines and epigastric region. Pain in the intestines about the umbilicus (10 minutes after 5 drops). Tension across the upper portion of the abdomen. Contractive pain in the abdomen with every cough. Sensation of twisting and motion in the abdomen. above the navel, as if an animal were wriggling about the intestines (3rd day). Griping in the intestines, as is sometimes felt before stool (10th day). Griping and rumbling in the intestines. Griping in the intestines above the navel (soon). Frequent griping in the intestines, with some nausea.

Drawing pain through the abdomen (7th day). Drawing pains in the walls of the abdomen, in the evening (10th and 11th days.

Pressure in the abdomen and urging to stool, without diarrhoea.

Pressure, with coldness in the abdomen, in spite of warm coverings, in the afternoon (2nd day). Cutting in the abdomen, so that she was doubled together, in the evening (after 10 hours). Sudden cuttings in the abdomen, immediately followed by soft and diarrhoea-like stool (after 1 hour). Cutting pain through the upper abdomen (10th day). Cutting in the intestines (3rd day). Constant cutting in the intestines, immediately after eating, which, however, he relished. Jerk-like cutting in the intestines, as with knives; he was obliged to go to stool, which was soft and gave no relief. Sticking pain through the abdomen (after one hour and a half). Twinging and moving about the whole abdomen; on the left side the pain extends into the praecordial region, where it becomes a sticking (after one hour and a half). It seemed to her as though all the intestines were torn out of the body, on which account she lost her senses (after 7 hours). Colic. Colic in the intestines, Transient cutting colic. Hypogastrium and Iliac Regions. Constrictive sensation in the hypogastrium, just before the passage of turbid urine (18th day). Aching deep in the hypogastrium. Drawing pain through the lower abdomen (10th day). Twinging in the lower abdomen below the navel, with diminution of the great warmth of the body, at 5.30 P.M. Sensation of warmth in the intestines below the navel (after half an hour). Cramp like pain just above the pubis, with frequent urging to urinate, in the afternoon (3rd day). Pressure in the abdomen just above the pubis (7th day). Unpleasant pressive pain deep in, above the pubis, in the evening. Tension and pressure in the ilium (7th day). Tension in the abdomen, on both sides alike, in the iliac fossae (after 4 hours). Pressure and tension in the ilium (10th and 11th days). Spasmodic drawing pains from above downward in the iliac and inguinal regions, extending into the pelvic region (14th day). Pressure behind the crest of the ilium, more upon the left than the right side. Pressure in the left iliac region (1st day). Pain in the inguinal region which prevent walking, at 4 P.M. Pinching pain in the left inguinal region (after 9 hours). Drawing spasmodic pains in the inguinal region prevent walking; the right leg can be raised only with difficulty on account of these pains (15th day). Drawing, dragging pain in the inguinal region (10th day).

Spasmodic drawing in the inguinal region (3rd day). Tensive spasmodic drawing pain in both inguinal regions, extending from the upper and outer portion downward and inward (8th day).

Rectum and Anus. Rectum.

Discomfort in the rectum, as if he had taken a purge, followed by an evacuation (soon). Sensation as if the rectum were protruding, with spasmodic constriction of the anus and rectum, lasting the whole day (2nd day). Burning and cutting in the rectum, with constriction of the anus, alternating with itching in the anus (3rd day). Drawing towards the rectum (after one hour and a half). Frequent dragging, followed by hard stool, with pressure, he had already had the natural stool in the morning before taking the drug (after three-quarters of an hour). Periodic dragging and pressure upon the rectum, as if she must go to stool, without result, in the afternoon (3rd day). Pressure on the rectum; urging to stool (at an unusual hour); at the same time great appetite (after one hour).

Crawling and itching in the rectum. Painful crawling in the rectum. Itching in the rectum. Severe itching in the rectum. Anus. Mucous discharge from the anus (4th day). Pain in the anus and perineum, transient. Stools cause pains in the anus (2nd day). The pains in the anus are relieved by standing bent over (3rd day). The anus feels swollen during, and sore after the stool (6th day). Spasmodic constriction of the anus after every stool (after two hours).

With the stool a sensation as if the anus were contracted, and with difficulty allowed the stool to pass (3rd day). Drawings in the anus at 9 P.M. Sticking in the anus and left thigh. Stitches in the anus, lasting half a day. She is unable to lie upon the back or to sit, on account of sore pain in the anus (3rd day). Crawling in the anus, and after five minutes in the forehead. Itching in the anus.; (after ten minutes),; (a quarter of an hour).; (2nd day). Itching in the anus, lasting several days (had sometimes been noticed before) (2nd day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.