Chelidonium Majus

Bleeding of the left nostril (9th day). Discharge of black blood with nasal mucus, on waking in the morning. Subjective. Dryness of the nose (4th day). Dryness of the nose and lips.

Dryness of the nose and throat. Dryness and itching in the left nostrils. Great dryness of the nostrils, as if stopped (3rd day). Sensation of catarrh in the nose, with much mucus (after one- eighth of an hour). Pains in the nasal bones. Pain in the nasal cartilage (after five minutes). Pains in the tip of the nose, after five minutes in the forehead, and soon afterwards in the right forearm. Burning in the nostrils (after ten days).

Burning in the left nostril (after five minutes). Burning in the mucous membrane of the nose towards the tip, as in catarrh (after ten minutes). Tension in the right side of the nose, in the afternoon (1st day). Pressure in the root of the nose. Stitches in the tip of the nose. Tearing in the nostrils, worse in the left. Soreness in the nose. Beating near the nose, as if a tooth would ulcerate; (she had formerly had an ulcerated tooth at this place). Itching in the left nostril. Illusions of smell. Unpleasant smell in the nose, like that of black soap (1st day).


Objective. Sickly, suffering expressing (after three hours). Sickly look, with sunken eyes surrounded by blue rings. Redness and flushes of heat in the face. Redness of the face, and distended veins of the hands, without external hear, at 5 p. m.

Yellow color of the face and hands, with yellow whites of the eyes. Yellow color of the face, throat, and chest, lasting more than eight days. Remarkably yellow color of the face, especially of the forehead, nose and cheeks; the general appearance of the face is that of jaundice (5th day). Face grayish-yellow, so that any sickly look causes general remark; even the hands are yellow. Pale face. Pale, suffering expression (3rd day). Pale, sunken face (after three hours). Subjective. Pain in the left side of the face, aggravated by touch; this pain increased to great severity from 6 to 8 p. m.

(Nov. 17, on the appearance of chilly, windy weather); somewhat relieved by magnetic passes with the hands (13th day). Burning sensation here and there in the face, as if blisters would appearing these spots (13th day). Burning in the left half of the face, which is red, swollen, and tense, as in erysipelas, even involving the left ear; the redness disappears half and hour after rising (5th day). Pressive drawing in the bones of the left side of the face (second day after 100 drops). Cheeks. Redness and heat in the cheeks. Redness of the left cheek, gradually changing from bright red to dark red (after a quarter of an hour). Sharply defined dark redness of both cheeks (after three hours). The usual redness of the cheeks has a mixture of yellow, of a dark color (5th day). Pain in the left cheek-bone. Pain in the right cheek-bones, and in the upper part of the occiput. Burning, with sensation of heat, in the left cheek (after half an hour). Burning pains in the cheek-bones, extending into the eyelids (after 3 hours). Sensation of swelling in the right cheek-bones. Tensive sensation in the cheeks between the eyes and mouth. Drawing pain in the right malar bone. Pressive pain in the right cheek-bone. Dull pressure in the right cheek- bones, extending to the right ear, at 10 P.M. Sticking and boring pains in the left cheek- bones, alternating with pains in the left upper incisors. Prickling-sticking in the left cheek. Tension, with drawing, in the left zygoma, only when lying down (after 9 hours). Jerking pain in the zygoma, as if it would be torn, repeated for 5 minutes (after 3 hours). Pains, which became very distressing, in the right upper jaw after going to bed. Constant drawing through the upper jaw and upper teeth (after 15 minutes). Violent drawing pain in the left upper jaw and cheek bones, with heat in the cheek, extending to the eye. Pressure in the upper jaws Awoke at night on account of severe pressure in the superior maxillary bone (after 150 drops). Sticking through the left upper jaw (after 10 minutes). Burrowing-tearing in the antrum maxillare (after 3 hours). Lips. Swollen lips in the evening, with peeling of the skin. Lips dry, cracked, and crusty. Dry lips in the morning. Burning in the upper lip (after a quarter of an hour). Stitches in the left side of the lower lip, repeatedly. Jaws. Dull pain in the left side of both jaws, extending towards the eye near the nose and also in the temples (13th day). Burning pain in the right upper and lower jaw, which extends into the cheek, and the right half of both lips, with some stitches back and forth, frequently alternating, worse in the evening after going to sleep.

Mouth.– Teeth and Gums.

Teeth seem too long (14th day).

The teeth seem too long; the pain is aggravated by chewing (3rd day). Sensation as if the left lower teeth were loose and too long (after half an hour). Pains in the teeth, extending to the right temple (6th day). Pain in the left lower teeth. Pain in a right upper tooth. Violent pains in all the teeth, so that I was obliged to stop the proving. Dull pains in the teeth of the left lower jaw, when touched they are less after 3 and 21 hours. Sensation of heat in the teeth (after 5 minutes and half an hour) Toothache, aggravated toward evening, not relieved by sweat (4th day). The toothache continues through the night (7th to 13th night). Periodic toothache. Toothache on the right side, lasting till evening. Toothache after going to sleep, involving the whole of the right side of the face. Toothache, involving the whole right side of the face, jaws, lips and cheek, aggravated by warmth, relieved for the moment by cold air and cold water. Toothache in the left upper jaw. Toothache, extending over the whole left cheek, afterwards felt in the right side, and lasting all night. The toothache is aggravated by every motion of the mouth (5th day). Toothache increases, and does not disappear at all. destroys the appetite, is worse during the night, extending to the forehead and temples, together with sensation of heat in the forehead; the pain is periodic. and extends in to the left ear.

The pains were so severe that I was obliged to take Arsenic 30th.

Frequent toothache. now in the left side, now is in the right, alternating with transient stitches in the left side of the chest. Incessant toothache the whole night. Violent toothache in the left side of both jaws, repeatedly returning, lasting several minutes. Violent toothache, especially after taking warm food; the pains in the teeth appear periodically, are most violent on the right side, and prevent sleep during the night, with frequent tearing in the left ear and left arm. Drawing in the teeth (soon); (after half an hour) (3rd day); (5th day). Painful drawing in the teeth (soon). Drawing pains in teeth (7 to 140 drops). Drawing pain through all the teeth (after 2 minutes). Drawing pain through the teeth of the upper jaw ( after 5 minutes) (2nd day). Drawing pain through the left upper teeth (3rd day) Drawing pain extending from the left ear into the left upper teeth. Drawing toothache, extending up into the eyes. Dragging in the teeth. Evening in bed, for a few moments pressive pain in right upper teeth (2nd day).

Sticking and boring in the teeth. Tearing here and there in the teeth. Tearing in the left teeth in the afternoon; the pains extend into the left meatus. Tearing pain in the teeth of the left side of the lower jaw, aggravated by chewing (after two hours). Frequent tearing, extending from the right ear into the right teeth, in the afternoon. Drawings through the upper incisors. Drawing through the upper incisors (8th day). Drawing pain in the upper incisors. Drawing pain in the left upper incisors, extending pain in the left upper incisors, extending thence into the upper and lower teeth of the left side (1st day). Drawing pain through the lower middle incisors, in the morning. Transient dragging in the upper incisors. Pain in the two last left upper back teeth, preventing chewing the whole day (4th day). Pain in the left back teeth frequently awoke her at night (6th day). Pain in the upper back teeth of the left side, while chewing or pressing upon the gum (after half an hour). Severe pain in the left back teeth, at night (3rd day). Awoke toward midnight, with violent pain in the back teeth and left upper jaw, extending to the left meatus and left arm (4th day). Toothache in the two last upper back teeth of the left side, the whole day, and also waking me from sleep at night; it was uncertain whether the pain was in the upper or lower jaw; only the two upper teeth were painful to touch (5th day). Drawings in the left back teeth and cheek-bones. Drawing pain in the left upper and lower back teeth (after ten minutes. Drawing pain through the right upper back teeth and through the two middle lower incisors (6th day). Severe sticking in some hollow back teeth of the right side. Sticking pain in the left back teeth (ten minutes after 5 drops). Gum of left upper jaw and left half of hard palate red and swollen (5th day). Swelling of the gum above the left the-tooth, which discharged blood when it burst.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.