Chelidonium Majus

Twitches here and there in the head, with headache. Sticking tearing here and there in the head; it does not remain long in one place (after three hours). Violent throbbing in the arteries, and violent pains extending over the head from one ear to the other, with photophobia (after three hours). Repeated attacks of violent, throbbing pain, extending from the neck to the forehead and occiput. Waving sensation in the brain. Waving in the brain, and heaviness in the forehead and top of the head, extending to the temples, and very unpleasant, after drinking white beer. Forehead. Heaviness of the forehead (one hour after 200 drops),; (after eight hours and three_quarters). About 4.30 p. m. heaviness in the forehead (4th day). Dizzy heaviness in the forehead. Pains in the forehead. Pain in forehead, as if the brain would fall out, on stooping in the afternoon (3rd day). Pain in the forehead, like the pain sometimes felt in consequence of a very hard stool (after 150 drops). Pain in the forehead, at the root of the nose, in the morning. Pain in the right side of the forehead. Pain in the right side of the forehead, as from a blow, lasting only a short time (2nd day). Pain in the right side of the forehead, and afterwards dull pain all over the forehead. Pain in the forehead over the right eye, extending up to the occiput, and disappearing after half an hour (after three hours). Headache in forehead. Headache in the forehead, extending into the nasal bones. Headache in the forehead, with sticking in the left side of the forehead, towards evening (after five days). Dull pains in the forehead, Dull pain in the left frontal region, lasting from afternoon till going to sleep in the evening. Violent dull pains in the forehead. Dull headache in the forehead. Dull frontal headache, the whole day (4th day). It seems as though the forehead were screwed together from both sides (after two hours and a half). sensation of transient drawing beneath the frontal bones (after a quarter of an hour). Pressure in the forehead (after half an hour). Pressure over the whole forehead (after one hour and a half). Pressure and heaviness in the forehead (after two hours), and recurring periodically afterwards (after 150 drops). Pressure in the forehead and temples, extending to the neck. Pressure in the frontal and temporal regions, as from a band about the anterior lobes of the cerebrum. Pressure in the forehead and temples. especially in the left. Pressure in the forehead extends to the orbits, which are painful as if sore, on moving the eyes. Pressure in the forehead, extending towards both temples, and after two hours to the occiput also. Pressure in the forehead and occiput (two hours after 100 drops),; (9th day). Pressive pain in the forehead (half an hour after 30 drops). Pressive pain in the forehead and occiput, till evening (1st day). Pressive pain in the forehead, extending to the parietal bone, in the evening (14th day). Pressive pain in the right side of the forehead, lasting a short time (after two hours). Pressive frontal and occipital headache (20 to 50 drops). Pressive headache in the upper part of the frontal bone (14th day). Pressive-tensive headache across the forehead (14th day). Pressive headache in the forehead and occiput, at 4 a. m. (3rd day). Tensive pain in the forehead, as from a band above the eyes. Headache in the forehead, as from a band, after rising, lasting till towards noon (13th day). Sensation as of a band about the forehead and temples, just above the eyebrows, and as if the head were compressed thereby (after half an hour). Sensation in the forehead and temples, as from a band, lasting till noon, returning again at 7 p. m. (10th day). The sensation of a band across the forehead is relieved on closing the eyes (14th day).

Sticking in the forehead under the skin. Dull continued sticking in the middle of the forehead (after a quarter of an hour). Itching-sticking in a small spot in the middle of the forehead (1st day). Sticking pains in the forehead. Sticking pain in the right side of the forehead. Stitches in the frontal bone just above the eye, Afterwards in the left side of the occiput. Stitches in the head above the left eye, with twitchings in the lids. Dull drawing stitches, extending transversely across the whole forehead. Violent tearing stitches in the left frontal eminence (after three hours and a half).

Tearing in the middle of the forehead, extending backward over the skull, disappearing upon pressure, at noon after dinner.

Tearing in the forehead above the right eye (after a quarter of an hour). Tearing pain in the forehead above the left eye, extending into the eye, into the lids, and root of the nose (after a quarter of an hour). Tearing pain in the forehead, in the afternoon. Temples. Twitches in the left temple.

Pain extending up the temples. Pain in the temporal bone behind the ear (after one hour). Pains in the temples, especially severe drawing pains, so that the whole head becomes confused (after one hour). Dull pains in the temples. Drawing in the temples (after two hours). Violent drawing pains from the vertex to the right temple, so that I was obliged to go to bed at 8 p.

m. Pressure in the temples. Pressure in the temples, in the evening (5th day). Pressure in the posterior portion of the right temporal bone (after half an hour). Dull pressure in the right temple, extending to the vertex. Pressive pains in both temples. Pressive pain in the right temporal region, with stoppage of the right nostril (after six hours). Pressive pain in the right temple, right parietal bone, and at last over the right eye. Pressive pain in the region of the squamous portion of the Temporal bone. Sensation of compression of the temples (after two hours). An unpleasant sensation in the left temple, as if the blood stagnated in it, which caused a dull sticking pain in this place (after half an hour). Sharp neuralgic pain in right temple (before taking), (4th day). Frequent stitches and jerking pains in the left temple (after three hours). Pressive stitching in the right temple (in bed), ceasing when he lies on the affected part, reappearing when he turns over on the other side, and going off altogether in half an hour (3rd day). Tearing in the temples. Tearing pain in the right temple, worse when touched (soon). Tearing in the right temple and eye, afterwards in the left eye, extending to the left temple. Severe tearing in both temples. Throbbing pain in the temples (13th day).

Throbbing in the temporal arteries, with headache. Violent throbbing in both temples (after one hour). At night in bed before going to sleep. beating in both temples isochronous with the pulse, and at the same time a sensation as if the blood was rushing violently to the throat and top of the chest (1st day). Dull headache, with throbbing synchronous with the pulse, in the right temple, as if the vessels were over distended with blood (after two hours). Vertex. Tensive heaviness in the upper half of the head, extending into the occipital protuberance, with a sensation as if the head were encircled by a band. Dizzy heaviness on the top of the head in the morning, and sensation as if a band were around the head. Headache in the vertex and left temple. Violent headache in the vertex and left temple at various times; the headache was so severe that at times she could not think. Occasional drawing pains from the vertex to the nape of the neck, with involuntary shrugging of the shoulders, closing of the eyes; when walking she is obliged to tread softly. Pressure upon the vertex. Pressure on the top of the head, extending to the right side of the forehead and to the left side of the occiput. Dull pressure on the vertex.

Pressing sensation in the upper part of the head. Sticking pressive headache in the vertex, paroxysmal, especially when walking rapidly. Sticking in the left side of the vertex, intermitting, and returning at short intervals. Constant sticking and boring pain in the vertex, with twitching in the lids. The tearing headache transversely across the vertex became intolerable, causing tears (after seven hours). Sensitiveness of the vertex. Painfulness of the vertex to touch (after one hour).

Bruised sensation in the vertex and occiput. Jerks and stitches in a small spot on the vertex are worse to-day; she cannot touch the spot without causing the most violent pain (3rd day). Parietals. Pain in the anterior portion of the parietal bone, after supper (second evening). Tensive sensation on the right side of the head, extending from the right temple into the right half of the forehead. Sticking pain in the right parietal bone. Sticking pain in the left parietal bone, Paralytic sticking pain in the left parietal bone (1st day).

Stitch in the parietal bone (soon). Some sharp stitches in the upper part of the left parietal bone, in the afternoon (1st day). Occiput. Congestion of blood to the occiput. Heaviness in the occiput (after twenty minutes). Great heaviness in the occiput, with drawings in the neck from above downwards. Occiput feels heavy, as if it could not be raised from the pillow, at night. At night on waking, she can raise the head only with difficulty, on account of heaviness in the occiput (first night). On raising the head, a sensation as if the head moved forward, while the occiput remained lying held firmly by the neck; this sensation was noticed several times during the night on waking (1st day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.