Chelidonium Majus

Pain in the occiput,; (first night). Pain in the occiput, with a sensation as though the head would be drawn backward (2nd day).

Violent pains in the occiput appear after the pains in the knee have disappeared, at 11 p.m. (1st day). Pains in the occiput more violent than during the first proving (after ten minutes). Headache in the occiput from morning till noon (13th day). Tensive sensation in the back of the head on the right side, Drawing through the left side of the occiput (sixth and fourteenth days). Drawing pain in the occiput, with anxiety in the chest, without appetite for dinner (6th day). Drawing pain in the right side of the occiput, and after ten minutes again in the right testicle. Pressive drawing pain on the left side of the occiput, and also above the mastoid process of the same side (1st day). Pressure in the occiput,; (20th day). Pressure in the occiput, with drawing pain in the muscles of the left side of the occiput, extending towards the neck (after half an hour) Pressure in the occiput, and chilliness at night, wake her. Dull pressure and heaviness in the occiput (1st day).

Pressive pain in the occiput. Pressive pain in the occiput, lasting a quarter of an hour (8th day). Pressive pain in the occiput, extending around to the forehead (after six hours) Stitches in the right side of the occiput. Pinching stitches in the left side of the occiput. as if external, neither increased nor diminished by pressure (after seven hours). Drawing, pressing-like stitches, extending from the left side of the occiput to the forehead (after half an hour). Tearing in the left side of the occiput above the ear. extending forward. Tearing pain in the right side of the occiput, with long severe stitches extending forward (after fifteen hours and a half). Occiput painful to touch, as if it were broken loose from the rest of the skull, in the evening (1st day). External Head. Hair dryer than usual (13th day). The hair becomes matted for four fingers’ breadth behind the right ear (13th day). Hair falls out. Constant falling out of the hair. The hair on the occiput falls out daily. The hair on the occiput falls out very freely while combing it (7th day).

Sensation as if the hairs were standing up, two inches above the forehead and on the occiput (after half an hour). Pain in the roots of the hair. Pain in the roots of the hair on combing, as if ulcerating. Sensation as though the skin were drawn together on the forehead above the left eye; burning in this place; on rubbing there follows a sensation as if one were pressing on the spot (1st day). (* He had previously received a violent blow at this point. *). Scalp is sore, hot to touch, with heat on top of the head. Soreness of the upper part of the scalp, with hear on the top. Crawling on the whole scalp, disappearing on scratching (after one hour and a quarter). Crawling in a place of the size of the palm on the right side of the head (after three-quarters of an hour). Crawling on the right side of the head, relieved by rubbing (after two hours). Crawling in the upper half of the left side of the head, not relieved by scratching, at 2 p. m. Itching on the right temple, relieved by scratching, but returning (after one hour). Itching on the left frontal eminence, relieved by scratching (after three-quarters of an hour). Itching on the right temple, relieved after scratching (after three-quarters of an hour). Itching on the occiput (14th day). Itching in the occiput, disappearing on scratching, and returning at 1 p. m. Itching on the right side of the occiput, relieved by scratching, at 5 p. m.


On waking in morning, the eyes are swollen, and the lids agglutinated by dried gum (3rd day). Heaviness in the eyes (after two hours). Sensation as of sand in the eyes. A sensation as if a grain of sand were in the left eye, at 7 p. m., lasting a long time. Sensation as of sand in the eyes, less noticed on closing the eyes (after one hour). Pins in the eyes, aggravated by lamp light (2nd day). Burning of the eyes and cheeks, in the morning on waking. Sensation of heat in the left eye, with sticking in the canthus (after half an hour). Burning in the eyes (after twenty minutes),; (6th day). Burning in the eyes and forehead. Burning in the eyes, lasting an hour (2nd day). Burning in the eyes the whole day. Burning in the right eye. Burning pain in the left eye, in the morning on waking, which gradually disappears on rising (2nd day). Spasmodic pain in the right eye. Pains in the eyes, as if the lids were forcibly pressed downward (after ten minutes). Pressure in the eyes. Pressure in the eyes and orbits, worse on moving the eyes, with sleepiness, as after a wakeful night. Pressure in the left eye (after five minutes). Pressure and flickering before the eyes (5th day). Pressure and pain in the eyes, on the upper part of the eyeballs, as if they would be pressed inward, more in the left than in the right eye; she keeps the eyes closed, since thereby the pain is relieved. Pressive pain over the left eye (1st day). Violent pressive sticking in the right eye; soon after, pressure in the left eye. Stitches in the right eye. Sudden stitch in the left eye; with sensation as if the eye were torn out, five times in succession (after half an hour). Tearing in the left eye. Tearing pain in and above the eyes (5th day). Itching of the eyes (after three hours). Itching in the eyes, as after drinking liquor. Itching in the right eye, disappearing on rubbing, at 5 p. m. Itching in the left eye, disappearing on rubbing (after three- quarters of an hour). Brow and Orbit. Pain above the left eye (2nd day). Neuralgic pain above the right eye, especially in the evening when reading by artificial light. Drawing pain over the left eye (6th day). Pressive pain above the left eye, which seems to press down the upper lid (after three-quarters of an hour). Sticking pain above the left eye (ten minutes after 5 drops). Tearing pain above the left eye, (after a quarter of an hour), (2nd day),; (after half an hour). Transient tearing over the right eye. Neuralgic pain over left eyebrow (after four hours). Sudden transient tearing over the left eyebrow, thence across over the right in a transverse direction (after half an hour). Stitches between the eyebrows, extending into the right eye and left temple, and above the left ear. Pressive tearing headache between the eyebrows, which presses the lids together; it disappears after eating, but returns after three-quarters of an hour (after half an hour) Stupefying pressure in the right orbit, extending from without inwards. Lids. Margin of the eyelids very red.

Redness and swelling of the margin of the lower lids, with redness of the conjunctiva of the lower lids (2nd day).

Twitching in the lids. Twitching and blinking of the lids, with lachrymation (after a quarter of an hour), (2nd day).

Repeated twitching and blinking of the lids (after half an hour). Blinking of the lids (after fifteen minutes).

Severe trembling of the right upper lid (after four hours).

Jerking in the left eyelid. Clonic spasms in the eyelids; on attempting to hold them open they were forcibly closed (after half an hour). Inclination to close the eyes and lie down, as after intoxicating drinks (after two hours). Desire to close the eyes; difficult opening of the lids, as if the upper lid were drawn downward, lasting till towards noon (11th day). The eyelids can be opened only with difficulty; they seem swollen; upon attempting to open them they feel as if there were a grain of sand in them (3rd day). The eyes close while writing (5th day). Rubbing of the upper eyelid against the ball, on moving the lid or ball (second morning). Crusts of dry mucus on the lids of the right eye (2nd day). Eyes agglutinated with dry mucus (3rd day). The lids of both eyes are agglutinated with dry mucus, and can be opened only with difficulty (5th day). Both eyes agglutinated withdraw mucus, the left worse (second morning). The eyes are agglutinated in the morning, and foggy, so that he cannot rightly distinguish objects until he has washed himself (second morning). The left eye was agglutinated with mucus in the morning (3rd day). Heaviness of the eye lids (4th day). Heaviness of the lids; they rub against the eyeball (8th day). Heaviness of the lids; it seems as though they would not open well, as with sleepiness (after one hour).

Pain just above the left lid (14th day). Pain in the lids, with lachrymation. Burning in the lids (after a quarter of an hour), (2nd day),; (7th day). Burning of the lids, with watery eyes.

Burning in the eyelids and about the eyes, after a slight rubbing. Burning in the eyelids, with heat and redness of the face. Burning in the eyelids and pressive pain in the eyeballs, as if they would be pressed into the head, worse in the left, in the morning after rising (2nd day). Burning in the lids of the left eye, lasting till going to sleep (1st day). Burning in the lower lids. Burning in the left upper lid (3rd day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.