Chelidonium Majus

Chelidonium Majus homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….

Common names: Celandine; (Germ)., Schellkraut; (French), la ficarie commune.


Chelidonium majus, Linn.

Natural order: Papaveraceae.

Preparation: Tincture of the whole plant when in flower.


Emotional. Intoxication, with vertigo (after 5 minutes). Condition similar to that of intoxication (after a few minutes). Fancies during a half sleep, without sense or connection, in the evening.

Excited mood. Very excited mood, with anger and fretfulness for the first three days. Excited and uneasy. Exhilaration. (* Curative action *). Great inclination to talk too much in company (2nd day). Disinclination to speak. Silent mood. Crying the whole night, especially when taken hold of (1st night).

Frequent crying out in the night (3rd night). Frequent crying in the night without waking (1st night). Frequent crying when taken up and carried (3rd night). Lively mood. Lively mood (2nd day). Lively mood (10th day). Uncommonly lively mood. Mind calm and serene throughout the proving, excepting while the chest symptoms lasted. All day, great tranquillity of mind, and even gayety, despite some unpleasant preoccupations (curative effect?), (2nd day). Remarkable serenity of mind (1st day). Remarkable serenity of mind (on waking in the morning), (3rd day). Sad mood (2nd day). Sad mood; she fears that she has ruined her health by the proving (9th day). Sadness, even to weeping, and despondency about the present and future. Dejection (7th day). Extremely depressed; full of sad thoughts about the present and future, even to weeping; he had no rest of any kind. Anxiety (2nd day). Anxiety lasting till evening (one hour after 30 drops). Waking, with anxiety, at 4 A.M. (2nd day). Anxiety after rising (3rd day). Anxiety in the evening (2nd day). Anxiety at every slight noise. Anxiety and oppression (soon). Anxiety and uneasiness. Anxiety, uneasiness (2nd morning). Anxiety and uneasiness, with palpitation. Anxiety, with great palpitation, lasting ten minutes, during which time she was obliged to sit down (after 2 hours). Anxiety, so that she was obliged to loosen the clothes about the chest, lasting half an hour (14th day). Anxiety, trembling (3rd day). 6 P.M., anxiety, with trembling of the limbs (4th day). Anxiety, and trembling in the hands (after 10 minutes). Anxiety and fear of death, with desire to eructate, which he cannot do, at night. Great anxiety (after one hour),; (4th day). Great anxiety and depression. Great anxiety, and twitching in all the limbs (after one hour). Great anxiety, with constriction in the chest (after 3 hours). Great sudden anxiety, with palpitation of the heart. Attacks of anxiety in the room, with sensation as if sweat would break out on the forehead (5th day). Attacks of anxiety, with nausea and retching (after 6 hours). Anxious about death and being a soldier, at night. Uneasy mood; she could willingly die (3rd day). Becomes frightened at the slightest noise, as if he had not a good conscience.

Fear that pneumonia is coming on (4th day). Mood very irritable, daily outbreaks of anger without cause; feels as though she could beat the children, and trembles from rage because she has no reason for doing it (17th day). He is not in good humor; he does not feel well, although he does not know what is the matter (after half an hour). Out of humor and fretful, in the afternoon. Ill-humored about every trifle. Ill humored, and constantly dissatisfied with my surroundings. Fretful. Fretful on waking, with red spots alternately on both cheeks (3rd day). Fretful, peevish mood. Fretful mood, with inclination to weep (6th day). Inclined to be fretful and angry. Fretful, depressed, anxious, as if I had committed some evil, which gave me no rest. Morose and fretful. Sulky mood (2nd day).

Obstinacy. Apathy (3rd day). Extreme and constant apathy. Intellectual. Thought difficult. Thinking generally difficult. Very difficult thinking. It seems as though she could not think, and would lose her reason (after 3 hours). Confusion of ideas, as when half-sleep, without chilliness, or increased heat of surface, or any other disagreeable feeling. This condition passes off spontaneously in about three hours, leaving only the dull pain in the lumbar region, which continues till night; lachrymation in the open air, without any other sensation in the eyes; and finally, but only now and then, some itching and a slight smarting at the orifice of the urethra, as if from constant urging to urinate, which, however, was not felt (after 6 hours). Very forgetful as to what she was to do or had done. On going into another room to get a book, he had to stop and think several minutes for what purpose he had come (2nd day). Absence of mind; I forgot to put on my stockings; when shaving, rose from my chair before I had shaved by lips and chin (3rd day). Feeling as if stupefied (1st day).

Stupefaction at night. (The senses vanish). Rubbing the soles of the feet restored her to consciousness; but she did not feel the rubbing; continued rubbing of the soles relieved the headache (after 7 hours).


Confusion and Vertigo. Confusion of the head, etc.; (a few minutes (,; (after ten minutes),; (after ten minutes after 5 drops),; (4th day),; (6th and 7th days). Confusion of the head, especially of the forehead (after some hours). Confusion of the head, as after alcoholic stimulants (after 5 minutes). Confusion of the head, with sensation of pain about the forehead (6th day). Confusion of the head, more in the left side of the forehead, extending to the occipital protuberance. Awoke from the midday nap with confusion and heat of the head (5th day). Confusion of the head and vertigo, in the afternoon (2nd day). Confusion at night on frequent waking, with heaviness in th occiput; if she attempts to rise, the occiput seems fastened to the pillow, Slight confusion of head (70 to 100 grains), Slight confusion of the head, which is worse towards evening, with a sensation as if there were a lump in the brain, Slight confusion of the upper part of the head, Cloudiness and pain in head. Vertigo (after a quarter of an hour),; (2nd day),; (3rd day),; (6th day). Vertigo, as if everything were turning in a circle, when closing the eyes (5th day) Vertigo, on sitting up in bed. Vertigo, tendency to fall forward, on rising from bed. At 6.30 p.m. immediately after dining with a good appetite, some vertigo, followed by a return of the chest symptoms (4th day),. Vertigo, with inclination to fall forward (after two hours),. Vertigo, and reeling (after ten minutes),. Vertigo, and dizziness (after half an hour),. Vertigo and nausea, Vertigo and nausea, with collection of water in the mouth, on rising (7th day),. Vertigo, as from drunkenness, with nausea, from 6 to 9 p. m., with warm sweat on the throat and chest, with internal and external heat, without thirst, with regular pulse. Vertigo, with sensation of faintness (3rd day). Vertigo, together with shivering in the upper part of the body; consciousness vanishes for the moment; it seems as though he were turning in a circle (after one hour and a half), Slight vertigo, Dizziness (10th day). Dizziness of the head,; (after one hour).

Dizzy and confused in the head (a few minutes),; Dizzy and confused, after rising in the morning. Dizziness and tension in the upper part of the head, especially in the vertex, which is sore to touch, aggravated by reflecting. Reeling, as if she would fall forward, without vertigo (10th day). General Head. Trembling of the head and hands (after four hours). On lying down, she was unable to raise the head, she was obliged to lift it with the hands, in the evening (1st day). Rush of blood to the head,; (after five minutes). Rush of blood to the head, lasting several hours. Rush of blood to the head, throat, and upper part of the chest. Heaviness of the head, on waking (4th day). Heaviness in the whole head. Heaviness of the head, with stitches in it here and there. Heaviness seems to be seated in the middle of the head. Heaviness in the head, extending to the right side of the head, whence a rheumatic drawing extends into the right side of the neck, then through the arm into the wrist, affecting both of the injured fingers; this rheumatic drawing also affects the whole right side of the chest, but does not involve the lung, but seems to be seated in the flesh; is not aggravated by breathing. Dull, confused heaviness of the head, in the morning. Pressive heaviness in the head, as if it were tightly bound up. Dull head from 3 to 3 and a half P.M. as yesterday; pulse 110 to 120; this fever lasted half an hour, and disappeared suddenly (2nd day). Pain in the head. Pains in the head, as after intoxication.

Dull pain and heaviness in the head, the whole day. Headache (3rd day),; (5th day). Headache became violent in the afternoon, and extended to the occiput. Headache towards evening (1st day). Headache on rising (3rd day). Headache at night, with violent pains in the left temporal region (seventh night).

Headache, on coming from the open air into the room, in the forenoon (after three hours). Relief of the headache on waking from a nap in the evening. Headache, relieved somewhat by closing the eyes (after three hours). Slight headache. Severe headache on rising, disappearing after breakfast (2nd day). Violent headache, with throbbing in both temples, lasting two hours (half an hour after 30 drops). Dull headache. Dull headache, lasting till going to sleep in the evening. Dull headache, with chilliness, towards evening (1st day). Contractive headache. Dragging in the cerebrum, as if there were not room for it in the skull, and it would press outward through the ear, in which there is a noise as of a distant waterfall. Pressive headache. Pressive headache, in the evening (6th day). Pressive headache pressing from within outward, especially towards the forehead, aggravated by the open air, by coughing, blowing the nose, or by stooping, but not while eating, lasting the whole day. Severe pressive headache towards noon (2nd day). Pressure in the brain an hour and a half after breakfast (2nd day). Dull pressure towards the middle of the head. Sticking pain in the head and shoulders. Stitches in the head, while coughing.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.