Chelidonium Majus

he is only able to breathe short and with great exertion, with anxiety as if he would suffocate; followed by nausea, which was relieved by eructations of air, with difficult breathing, even after lying down in bed (2nd day).


Rush of blood to the chest, lasting several hours. Sensation of rush of blood to the chest (soon). Uneasy feeling in the chest, which renders breathing difficult, for an hour and a half or two hours, without alternation in the pulse (3rd day). Anxiety in the chest (after 1 hour). Anxiety and oppression of the chest (4th day). Pain in chest. She was obliged to sit upright, and could not move on account of the pains in the chest, which become intolerable (2nd morning. Pains in the chest and back. Pains in the chest and small of the back, and pain in the larynx on coughing. The pains in the chest, neck, and back return after 4 hours and last till evening at 2 P.M. (after 4 hours and a half). The pains in the chest increased in severity till 9 A.M. after which they diminished (2nd morning). Pains in the chest on inspiration.

Aggravated by motion, in the afternoon (3rd day). Pain within the chest on every inspiration, with a short dry cough, which aggravates the pain, and which troubles her at short intervals (2nd morning). The pain in the chest was always felt while walking, but was not increased thereby (4 hours after 150 drops). Wandering pains in the chest and extremities (2nd day). Burning in the lower portion of the chest (after a quarter of an hour). Tensive pain in the whole of the thorax (6th day). Tensive pain around the thorax coming and going. In the evening (14th day). Painful tension about the base of the inner side of the thorax, on taking a deep breath (after a quarter of an hour). Great tightness of the chest (1st four hours). Constriction of the chest, as from a coat of mail (5th day). Severe compressing pain deep in the chest, noticed on stooping low down, this pain seems rather in the region of the bodies of the vertebrae; it does not affect respiration, but is so violent that stooping cannot be endured; on the third day the same pain is felt after rapid walking, violent blowing of the nose, sneezing, or when stooping and is then felt more externally along the spinous processes of the dorsal vertebrae; not affecting respiration (2nd and 3rd days after 100 drops). Drawing in the thorax (5th day). Drawing in the lower portion if the thorax, with difficult breathing and pressure in the throat, as if it were compressed (2nd day).

Drawing pain in the chest and pit of the stomach (16th day).

Drawing pains in muscles of chest and back (70 to 140 drops).

Drawing pain through the pectoral muscles, extending to the umbilical region, now more now less severe (2nd day). Pressure upon the chest (after 5 minutes). Pressure upon the chest, on waking in the morning cannot get air enough on inspiration, so that I was obliged to expire quickly in order to inspire soon again; relieved by several deep inspirations (4th day). Pressure and oppression on the chest (10th day). On inspiration it seems as though something were pressing on the chest, after dinner.

Pressive pain in the chest, with great oppression. Pressive pain in the chest and back extending to between the shoulder (2nd day). Oppression of the chest, etc.; (14th day). Oppression of the chest at 4 A.M. (3rd day). Oppression of the chest and forepart of the stomach. Evening, in bed, slight oppression of chest (1st day). Awoke with oppression of the chest and dyspnoea, soon after midnight (3rd day). Oppression of the chest on expiration. Oppression of chest (when walking), (after three hours). Oppression of the chest, with short breath. Oppression of the chest and of the breathing.

Oppression of the chest and difficult breathing (after five minutes). Oppression of the chest, with difficult respiration (4th day). Oppression of the chest; the clothing seemed too tight upon the chest 2nd morning). Some oppression, with thick cough, about 6 P.M. (2nd day). Stitches in the chest. Stitches in the upper part of the chest. Fine needle- like stitches in succession in the chest, on inspiration, extending from the left to the right side, rather externally (after three- quarters of an hour). Dull pulsations at the base of the right lung and in the liver. Front. Pain in the forepart of the chest (after one hour). Is unable to take a deep inspiration, on account of a pain in the forepart of the chest (2nd morning). Tension on the forepart of the chest (after half an hour). Drawing pain in the forepart of the chest, extending down into the abdomen as far as the navel (6th day).

Waking, with drawing pain in the forepart of the chest and dyspnoea, about midnight (14th day). Pressure over the forepart of the chest, with difficult breathing (2nd morning). Stitches in the forepart of the lower portion of the thorax, extending into the intestines below the navel. Pain in the sternum just above the pit of the stomach. Pain internally behind the sternum, especially noticed on inspiration. Attack of violent pain in the sternum, on every inspiration (after 7 hours). Drawing pains in the lower portion of the sternum, extending towards the right side of the spinal column (3rd day). Awoke at 4 P.M. with pains about the sternum, as if it were pressed in, lasting an hour, followed by profuse sweat, wherewith the pains disappeared. Severe pressure on the sternum (after 200 drops). Spasmodic pressure behind the middle of the sternum, in a spot about two inches in diameter, awake him at night; this pressure extended into the bronchi, with sensation of constriction in them. Stitches in the upper part of the sternum and in the left lower leg. Soreness behind the sternum. Sore place behind the upper part of the sternum, on coughing. 1.30 P.M., beatings isochronous with the pulse under the top of the sternum (7th day). Jerking in the sternum and right shoulder. Sticking-jerking pains somewhat to the right of the lower portion of the sternum, extending straight through to the back, aggravated by motion and inspiration; the pains in the chest are aggravated by bending backward; the pains in the chest are relieved by frequent eructations, and are accompanied by great restlessness (5th day). Sides. Pain in the ribs of the right and left sides, on bending the thorax to that side (after half an hour).

She is unable to take a deep breath, on account of pains in the ribs and vertebrae (14th day). Both ribs are still painful to touch the whole day, worse in the afternoon, when again the cold sensation and pressure in the stomach, with difficult breathing, return (9th day). Sudden cessation of the pains in the ribs, after supper (16th day). Tensive pain in the sides of the chest (4th day). Drawing pain in the sides of the chest, extending thence into the abdomen (14th day). Pressure in the chest below both arms, compressing, as if the chest were constricted. Stitches in the side, at 4 A.M. (3rd day). Stitches just below the clavicle and in the cheek-bone. Cannot take a deep breath on account of stitches in the side, lasting a quarter of an hour, at 4 P.M. (3rd day). The seventh and eighth ribs of both sides are painful to touch, and feel, on every inspiration, as if they had been injured; worse on the right side, where it is also more continuous than on the left (8th day). Pain in the lower portion of the right wall of the chest, extending into the side, involving a place of a hand’s breadth, aggravated by every inspiration (after a quarter of an hour). Sudden violent pain in the right side, in the region of the seventh and eighth ribs, aggravated by motion; appeared after the sudden cessation of the headache, and lasted two hours, followed again by pressure in the brain (7th day). Pain between the sixth and seventh ribs of the right side, on bending the thorax towards the opposite side (after half an hour). Transient pains in the right side of the chest. Sudden transient pain in the right side of the chest. An obscure pain, or rather a sort of numbness, in the whole right side of the chest (3rd day). About 1.30 P.M. a dull deep seated pain in the whole right side of the chest, and in the corresponding shoulder, without cough, but with difficult respiration; this pain, which is accompanied at times, by dull throbbing in the chest, does not allow of deep breathing; it is not much increased by moving the arms; is chiefly felt at the axilla and beneath the scapula (4th day). Drawing in the right side from downward (2nd day). Sticking in the right side of the chest, in the region of the nipple, while sitting, not aggravated by inspiration or expiration, without cough; it does not seem to be seated in the lung; afterwards the same pain appears in the left side (3 hours and a half after 150 drops). Stitches in the right side. (after a quarter of an hour). Stitches in the right side of the chest, lasting two hours. Stitches in the right side behind the ribs. Stitches in the right side, just beneath the breast, afterwards extending into the praecordial region. Violent stitches in the right side of the chest from 2 to 6 P.M. she is obliged to inspire slowly and cautiously on account of the stitches, she could also only speak very softly, in the afternoon (4th day). Severe transient stitches in the right side of the chest. Stitches in the right side of the thorax, lasting several minutes, which compel short respiration, and are intolerable when attempting to take a deep breath, several times. Violent stitches in the lower portion of the right side of the thorax, on inspiration, aggravated by motion and by cough, at 2 P.M. (3rd day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.