Chelidonium Majus

Many dreams and sweat towards morning. Many dreams at night not remembered (2nd day). Disconnected dreams (1st night).

Confused dreams, without being anxious (fifth day). Sleep full of confused dreams (first night). Lively dreams. Sleep with dreams of the occupations of the day. Dream, s of journeys. Vivid dreams about a journey, of which the, minutes circumstances were remembered on waking (3rd day). Voluptuous dream (2nd night). Dreamed that she had great lice upon the shoulder, and thought for a long time about whence they came.

Dreams of falling and bloody wound. Anxious dreams of being killed. Dreams of corpses during the night (second night). Dreams of funerals and corpses. Dreams of being buried alive.


Chilliness. Skin cool and dry. The skin of the whole body is cold to the touch in spite of a very warm room. (3rd day). Shivering (soon after 5 drops),; (15 minutes). Shivering (after 15 minutes). Shivering over the whole body, with unchanged warmth of it. Shivering throughout the whole body, with unchanged warmth of it, without thirst (after 3 hours).

Transient shivering over the whole body (after three-quarters of an hour). Slight shivering (first night). Cold shiverings, as if dashed with cold water (after three hours). Cold shivering over the whole body several times in succession, whereupon the confusion of the head is relieved (after one hour and a half). Chills in the afternoon about 2 o’clock, as if dashed with cold water, alternating with dry heat, especially in the face, with constantly cold feet (2nd day).

Chill towards evening, with chattering of the teeth, cold hands and feet. Chill with headache, constriction of the chest, and nausea (19th day). Chill, with nausea; great oppression of the chest (18th day). Violent attack of chill at 4 P.M., with general sick feeling. Shaking chill in the evening, lasting a quarter of an hour. Shaking chill (with cold hands) over the whole body.

Shaking chill half an hour before supper, lasting several minutes (4th day). Shaking chill for several minutes, on lying down in the evening (5th day). Shaking chill always on going out into the open air, without coldness (in the summer), which did not cease until he came into the room (for two days. Shaking chill at 6 P.M., lasting a quarter of an hour, with shivering, chattering of the teeth, as if ice-cold water were dashed over the body, followed by severe heat, chiefly in the whole head (4th day).

Shaking chill with nausea, without eructations (after a quarter of an hour). While lying in bed in the evening, he was attacked with a severe shaking chill, which lasted nearly an hour, with external warmth of the whole body, though with gooseflesh, followed by a sweat which lasted the whole night (after 38 hours). Chilliness. Chilliness (after half an hour),; (2nd and 3rd days). Chilliness in general (9th day). Chilliness, with cold feet, on waking in the morning (5th day). Chilliness, in the afternoon. Chilliness at 4 P.M., lasting a few minutes, followed by heat, lasting a quarter of an hour (9th day). Chilliness about 4 o’clock, lasting a quarter of an hour, followed by heat, especially in the head, with coldness of the lower legs, lasting two hours (6th day). Chilliness at 5 P.M. Chilliness towards 6 P.M. Chilliness at 8 P.M. Chilliness increased at 10.30. P.M., in the bed, which was thoroughly warmed, with chattering of the teeth for half an hour, followed by sound sleep. Chilliness and shivering in the night, on waking with trembling and heaviness in the knees (4th day). Chilliness, after drinking (5th day). Chilliness, with chattering of the teeth, about 7 and 8 P.M. Chilliness and cold sensation over the whole body, lasting till noon, for two hours (1st day). Internal and external chilliness. Slight chilliness (7th day). Severe chilliness, so that I was obliged to stand by a hot stove in order to get warm (after one hour). Constant chilliness (13th day). Incessant chilliness in the evening, on account of which he went to bed, but with the feet on a hot stove he was only able to get warm at 10 P.M., after three hours. Sudden chilliness. Coldness, lasting two hours in the evening. Coldness of the whole body (after 7 hours). Coldness of the whole body, especially just below the umbilical region (2nd day). Coldness of the whole body, especially of the hands and feet. Sensation of coldness in the whole body, without diminished temperature. Sensation of coldness, especially in the hands and feet. Diminished warmth. She was unable to get warm in bed, even with warm coverings (after seven hours).

Desired to have the room very hot; heat was very agreeable to her (after 10 hours). Sense of coldness in the occiput, rising from the neck (after one hour and a half). Feeling of coldness in the nose (after half an hour). Great, coldness of the face; the cheeks are pale and feel quite cold, for two hours. Sensation of coldness at the pit of the stomach. Coldness of the abdomen (9th day). Coldness in the abdomen, on drinking water, which had never been the case before (6th day). Sensation of coldness in the bowels (after half an hour). An unusual sensation of coldness in the intestines, on drinking water, in the afternoon (4th day). Shivering and creeping down the back. Chilliness in the back (after two hours). A cold sensation extends from the spine along the seventh and eighth ribs forward to the sternum, more on the right side than on the left (8th day). Creeping shivering from the neck down the back, in the afternoon (4th day). Creepings in the back (after two hours). Cold creepings between the shoulders (6th day). Very great coldness in the back, lasting five minutes, with cold hands, lasting nearly an hour (2nd hour after 100 drops). Extremities felt cold (after seven hours). Arms and legs rather colder than usual, especially towards evening. Cold tips of the fingers and cold feet. Coldness of the hands and feet (2nd morning). Coldness of the feet and tips of the fingers. Sensation of coldness in the upper arm (17th day). Cold hands (after two hours and three-quarters). Shivering in the hands, which are warmer than usual (after a quarter of an hour).

Sensation of coldness in the lower extremities (3rd day). She was unable to sleep, in the evening, in bed, on account of a stiffening of the lower extremities by cold, in spite of a warm bed (second night)/ Coldness in the lower legs,; (11th day). The lower legs feel cold (10th day). Cold sensation in the skin of the inner side of the right calf; this extended up into the popliteal space, feeling as though the place were laid bare (after a quarter of an hour). Sensation of icy coldness in the calves and soles (10th day). Coldness of the feet, specially of the left (5th day). Cold feet (after one hour and a half),; (3rd day). Cold feet towards evening (3rd day). Cold feet, followed by hot, burning feet (7th day). Feet icy cold (after three hours).

The right foot and as far up as the knee is icy cold, with sensation of coldness in it, while the other foot and all the rest of the body have their usual warmth, and the veins of the hands and arms are swollen (after three hours and a half).

Feeling of coldness in the toes. Heat. Pungent heat of skin. At night, a little dry heat of the skin (3rd day).

Heat (soon after). Heat and anxiety from 5 to 7 A.M. (2nd day).

Heat, without thirst, in the evening after lying down (3rd day). Heat over the whole body (after a quarter of an hour). Heat over the whole body, with restlessness and lameness of the legs, the whole day. Heat, especially of the eyes and cheeks. Heat, with sensation as if the hairs stood on end. Alternating heat and chilliness, with thirst for breyhahn, (* A very frothy weiss beer with out hops. *) towards evening (1st day). Dry heat over the whole body, which developed into a fever; pulse full and hard (1st day). General dry heat, with pulse 100 to 110, at 4 P.M.; ears cold. Sensation of heat over the whole body (after a quarter of an hour). Sensation of heat over the whole body, especially in the face and hands. Warmth and uneasiness of the body. He is warm all over; he feels the warmth over the epigastric region (after 4 hours). Increased warmth the whole day, mostly in the soles of the feet, where she sweats, with a cold skin (2nd morning)/ Increased warmth of the whole body (1st night). Increased warmth of the whole body, especially of the palms of the hands whence the warmth seems to spread, not in the feet, at 5 P.M. Generally increased warmth, with profuse sweat, on waking in the morning (4th day). Great, though only internal, warmth of the whole body, at 1 P.M. Very great warmth and full pulse, in the afternoon (4th day). An agreeable warmth over the whole body (soon). Sensation of warmth through the whole body, with oppression (8th day).

Sensation of increased warmth through the whole body (4th day).

Sensation of great internal warmth of the body, with somewhat moist forehead, at 4 P.M. (after 4 hours). Increased sensation of warmth over the whole body, except in the lower limbs, but without increased warmth of the skin (after 2 hours).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.