
Castoreum homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….

   Common name: Beaver.


Castor Fiber, Linn. Natural order: Rodentia. Class, Mammalia.

Preparation: Tincture of the secretion contained in the preputial sacs.


Very sad, lachrymose, and languishing, in the afternoon ( (3rd day). Very melancholy and depressed, as if something evil would befall her, in the afternoon (3rd day). Anxious at night, and waking from fright, after midnight (4th day). Despondent, apprehensive, moody, in the afternoon (3rd day). Extreme apprehensiveness and sadness, and constantly inclined to cry, the whole of the first and second days; towards evening, however, she was unusually lively. Fretful humor. Very fretful humor.

During menstruation, she was very fretful, discontented with everything; she was even averse to speaking.


Sensation of heaviness in the whole head, in the morning, after rising, lasting till noon (11th day) Pain in the head and stomach, with nausea, after dinner and after a vexation (2nd day). Headache, like sticking, with confusion, lasting 15 minutes. Forehead. Sensation of heaviness and aching in the forehead (after half an hour). Headache, like a fullness in the forehead, and a sensation as if the skull at that place would burst (9th day). Transient pressure in the forehead.

Extremely painful pressure in the forehead, in the evening (1st day). Pain, pressing from within outward, in the right side of the forehead. Some sharp stitches behind the right frontal eminence, at 10 A.M. (15th day). Headache, tearing in the forehead, with great sensitiveness on the top of the head, during menstruation, in the evening. Fine tearing in the right side of the forehead and vertex, when sitting (3rd day).

Tearing and drawing in the forehead, in the evening, at 6 P.M., disappearing in bed. Beating and throbbing, with sensation of heaviness in the forehead, at 4 P.M., after a bath, worse in the evening, and continuing until she fell asleep. Temples. Twitching in the left temple, which extended forward to the upper back teeth, during menstruation (15th day).

Tearing in both temples, and sore, sensitive pain when pressing upon them, in the evening, lasting till 10 P.M., with chilliness (13th day). Tearing from both temples; it extended thence into the middle of the forehead; relieved by pressure upon it and in the open air, together with pain and sensitiveness to pressure upon the vertex, with chilliness (11th day). Throbbing in the right temple, in front of the ear, while standing, after dinner.

Vertex. Heaviness and sensation of tearing in the vertex, half an hour after dinner. Headache on the vertex, as if it were suppurating; worse from pressure upon it. Parietals. The head feels screwed together, especially in both sides. Sharp stitches in a small spot on the right side of the head, in the forenoon (4th day). Sharp stitches in the upper part of the left parietal bone, in the afternoon (3rd day). Such violent stitches, together with beatings on the upper part of the right parietal bone, that the head was moved by them (10th day).

Tearing in the right side of the head, in the temples, in the evening, while walking (3rd day). Occiput. Twitching in the right side of the occiput, in the afternoon. Pain in the occiput, as if the head would be drawn backward (18th day).

Pressure and throbbing in the left side of the occiput, externally, in a small place, internally, widely extended; as she pressed this place slightly with the finger, the pain disappeared, but a great sensitiveness remained, and she felt stupefied, during dinner (1st day). Severe tearing and sticking in the right side of the occiput, like shootings, in the afternoon, while standing (3rd day). Violent throbbing, with sticking and tearing in the right side of the occiput, in the afternoon, while standing (3rd day). Painful throbbing, as from an ulcer, in the occiput, while sitting (after 2 hours).


The eyes feel as though he had not slept enough. The eyes burn, and are very sensitive to the sunlight, in the afternoon (5th day). Burning of the eyes, in the evening, by the light, with agglutination of them by night. Biting, now in the right, now in the left eye, during menstruation. The eyes are agglutinated nearly all night (1st night). She was unable to look at the sunlight, on account of burning in both inner canthi (11th day). Biting in the right inner canthus, disappearing while rubbing, in the afternoon (6th day). Continual watering of the eyes (3rd day). Vision. Inclination to strain the vision when looking sharply at work, with pain like pressure, in the evening; is not felt when not at work (1st & 2nd days).

Sensation as if something hung down before the eyes, so that she was obliged to look outward, and at times prevented vision (3rd day). A fog before the eyes on looking at a distance, together with a pain like a burning; she also saw at times small stars and clouds before the eyes (3rd day).


Pain behind the left ear. Tearing in the right concha, and about the temple, in the afternoon (2nd day). Painful tearing on the tip of the left ear, which frequently returns, in the forenoon (3rd day). Hearing. Sounds in the right ear for a long time, which only disappeared on boring in with the finger, in the forenoon. Roaring and gurgling in the right ear, like boiling water, relieved by boring in with the finger (16th day).


Sneezing, so violent that it shakes the whole body. Frequent sneezing, without coryza (17th day). Frequent sneezing during the day, with stoppage of the nose (1st day); the next morning the stoppage is loosened. Coryza, with which much water is discharged (16th day). Clear acrid water flows from the nose, without stoppage; it excoriates the nostrils ( (4th day).

Stoppage of the upper part of the nose, as though no air could pass through. The nose seems to be full and stopped in the upper part; only clear water comes from it (2nd day). Tearing in the upper part, in the root of the nose, with itching in the nose.


She looks very pale and sick during menstruation. Redness of the face and constant yawning on account of severe pain in the bowels, without sensation of heat (17th day). Visible twitching in the lower lip, and feeling as if something alive were in it at 6 P.M. (11th day) Tearing in the left lower jaw and teeth in the afternoon (7th day).


Teeth and Gums.

Toothache in the right side of both jaws, caused by eating, the whole afternoon, till evening; relieved by nothing except frequent doses of spirits of camphor. Boring toothache in the whole right side, relieved by nothing except warm water, at 5 P.M. lasting the whole night she could not bite upon it.

Violent tearing in several teeth of the right upper row, and in the whole side of the face, at 8. P.M. (1st day).

Toothache, a frequent painful tearing caused by sucking or touching with the tongue (15th day). boring tearing in the right upper eye-tooth; the pain was worse from cold, and relieved by warmth, but afterwards not relieved by anything. Toothache in the left lower row, crawling, as from worms, caused by cold, and then also continuing in the warmth, in the afternoon (14th day). Something acid comes from a painful back tooth in the right lower jaw, in the afternoon (2nd day). Pain in the left lower back teeth. A right lower back tooth begins to pain, worse from cold water, relieved by warm, in the evening, lasting till going to sleep. Toothache as soon as she begins to eat, and lasting a long time afterwards, in the left lower anterior molar, during menstruation. Gnawing pain in hollow back tooth of the right lower row, this is followed from time to time by severe jerking in it. Tearing in a hollow back tooth of the right side worse in the air at 7 P.M.

and frequently returning. Toothache, tearing and digging, in the last back tooth of the right upper row, somewhat relieved by warm water. Tearing in the last back tooth of the right upper row, with a feeling as if a worm were creeping about in it, in the afternoon. Jerking-tearing in the back teeth of the right lower row, in which some bread lodged; if she touched the teeth with the tongue, the pain became worse; it was also worse in the open air, lasting a long time, in the afternoon.

Jerking pain in a back tooth in the right lower row, with sensitiveness to touch of the tongue (9th day). The gum of the right upper inner side of the jaw is swollen, with tearings extending to the right temple, at night (1st day). Burning in the gum in a painful tooth, lasting a quarter of an hour, worse when pressing upon it with the tongue (12th day). Tongue. Burning on the upper surface of the tongue, after dinner (1st day). Drawing and itching in the tongue, extending to the throat, frequently, at 5 P.M. (15th day). General Mouth. Offensive odor from the mouth, which she herself noticed; it is not dispelled by washing the mouth with water (14th day). Offensive odor from the mouth, which she herself did not notice, in the morning (4th day). Dryness, without taste, in the mouth, in the morning, after waking (17th day). Saliva. Uprising of water into the mouth, during and after violent pain in the abdomen (17th day). Taste.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.