Chelidonium Majus

Burning in the margin of the left upper lid (3rd day).

Sensation as if the eyelids were swollen, with sand in the eyes (1st day). Pressure in the eyelids, at night on waking (10th day). Pressure in the upper lids (second morning). Pressure on the right upper lid. Pressive pain in the left upper lid (3rd day). Sticking in the lift eyelid. Sudden transient sticking in the right upper lid. Stitches in the inner side of the right eyelids. Stitches on the inner side of the left lower lid. Itching of the margins of the lids. Burning itching in the lids, in the morning on waking (9th day).

Sticking burning in the left external canthus (after one hour and a quarter). Sticking and burning, as from sand in the inner canthus of the left eye, lasting more than two weeks; the inner angle of the eye was red and inflamed, with sensation of great heat in it; even after two weeks it was still weak and watery/ Jerking dull sticking in the right inner canthus, disappearing on rubbing, but frequently returning (after half an hour). Itching-sticking in the inner canthus.

Itching in the left inner canthus, all day (6th day). Lachrymal apparatus. Lachrymation (after 100 drops),; (after half an hour),; (6th day). Frequent lachrymation (2nd day). Lachrymation in the open air (after three hours). Conjunctiva. Great redness of the conjunctiva of the lower lid (3rd day). Whites of the eyes dirty yellow. The white of the eye is of a dirty yellow color (5th day) Ball.

Aching in the eyeballs on looking up. Slight aching in the eyeballs, on moving the eyes. Pressure in the eyeballs (7th day). Violent pressive pain in the left eye, in the middle of the eyeball, which. seems to be so large that the upper lid would not cover it; relieved on closing the eye in the evening (2nd day). (Tickling-itching in the right eyeball). Pupil. Contracted pupils (immediately). Contraction. of the pupils, immediately after taking it; they, however, dilated to their natural size after an hour. Vision. Dimness of vision. Dimness and weakness of sight. Morning on waking, sight is dim, as through a mist, especially in the right eye (4th day). Letters seems less distinct than usual when writing, as if the lamp were burning dimly (3rd day). Letters run together while reading (after two hours). Letters run together while writing (7th day). when writing, the letters seem to run together (14th day). Letters rum together while he is writing; can be more easily seen at a great distance from the eye after fifteen minutes). Flickering before the eyes. (second and fourth days). Flickering before the eyes, which rendered vision, indistinct. Flickering before the eyes, with dimness of vision. Flickering before the eyes, with vertigo, lasting over a quarter of an hour. Flickering before the eyes, lasting three hours, followed by diarrhoea-like stool.

Bright, flickering point before the eyes during the anxiety; she was unable to clearly distinguish objects (after six hours). Glittering points before the eyes, with transient obscuration of vision, so that it became black before the eyes. A blinding spot seems to be before the eyes, and if he looks at it the eye waters. A kind of glare before the right eye, so that she can hardly read. Cloudiness and illusions of sight. It becomes black before the eyes, with a sensation as if she would faint.


External. Thick earwax, whitish like must. Pain above both ears, worse on the right side. Pain above the left ear, extending through the upper back teeth of the left side (2nd day). Pain behind the right ear (soon). Pain behind the right ear, in the forehead, and vertex. Drawing pain behind and above the left ear, while in bed (1st day). A long-continued stitching in the right external ear, which gradually disappears (after three hours). Tearing above the right ear (second evening). Tearing behind the right ear. Tearing from the right check-bones to the ears and around the ears, extending thence to the upper part of the occiput along the lambdoidal suture. Pain in a small spot behind the left ear, as from a slight blow (after three hours). Pain as from a bruise in the lobule of the left ear, immediately followed by burning in the right lobule, as from a glowing coal (after thirteen hours). Internal. Pain in the ears. An unpleasant sensation in both ears, as if a wind were streaming out of them, so that he was frequently obliged to put the finger into the ear to relieve this sensation (after one-third of an hour, three and four hours. Ears feel too full (after two hours). Sensation as if the ears were stopped (after three- quarters of an hour), (2nd day). Sensation of stoppage of the ears, with ringing before them (1st day). Both ears seem stopped,; (after twenty minutes),; (after ten minutes). The left ear feels stopped (5th day). Burning of the ears. Burning in the left ear while the right is very cold. Boring pain in the right ear. Drawing in the left ear and left back teeth. Dull pressure in the ears (2nd day). Painful pressing out of the right ear, followed by tickling in it (1st day). Stitches in the ears (second, third, and fifth days). Stitches in the right ear, extending up to the vertex, and after a quarter of an hour into the left ear also. Stitches in the left ear. Stitches in the left ear, with which he hears with difficulty. Stitches and noise in the left ear (2nd day). Tearing in the internal ear; on attempting to relieve it by boring in with the finger ringing ensued. Hammering sensation in the ears. Itching in the internal ear; on attempting to relieve it by boring in with the finger ringing ensued. Hammering sensation in the ears. Itching in the right ear. Itching in the left ear.

Pain in the left auditory meatus (after ten minutes). Sensation of heat in the right meatus. Drawing in the left meatus auditorius. Drawings from the left meatus into the left temple/ Transient drawings in the left meatus auditorius. Pressure in the right meatus auditorius with ringing.

Intermitting tearing pressure in the right inner auditory canal (after two hours). Sticking pain in the right external meatus auditorius (after ten hours). Sticking pain in the right meatus auditorius and upper part of the forehead. Sticking pain in the left meatus auditorius (after half an hour).

Stitches in the right meatus auditorius. Stitches in the left meatus and temporal bones. Tearing pain in the right inner auditory canal (after three-quarters of an hour). Itching sensation in the meatus auditorius, now in one, now in the other. Hearing. Hearing vanishes while coughing; it seems as though some one were holding the hand over the right ear, lasting a long time (after three-quarters of an hour).

Sounds in both ears, as from a distant cannonading. Noises and ringing in the ears (1st day). Buzzing in the ears (after twenty minutes). Humming in the ears (after three minutes).

Ringing in the ears. Ringing before the ears, like a whistling (after half an hour). Ringing in the ears, with burning in the cheeks. Ringing in the right ear. Ringing before the left ear. Ringing in the left ear. Ringing in the left ear, when walking (after nine hours). Roaring in the ears,; (4th day). Roaring in the ears, as from a strong wind (after one hour and a half). Roaring in the ears, with difficult hearing for several weeks. (* On this account I was obliged to suspend the proving for a long time; was obliged to take a dose of Sulphur of account of this roaring in the ears, which would not disappear of itself, after which there was profuse sweat and disappearance of the ear trouble. *). Loud roaring in the ears, as from a distant storm of wind. Roaring in the right ear. Singing and ringing in the ears on closing the eyes (after three hours).


Objective. Tip of the nose swollen and red (5th day). Trembling and twitching in the tip of the nose. Sneezing twice (after one hour and a half). Stoppage of the nose (5th day). Stoppage of the nose ceases in the right side and continues in the left (after three quarters of an hour). Complete stoppage of the nose (after two hours and a half). Fluent catarrh, with much sneezing. Stopped catarrh,; (after two hours). Stopped catarrh; he could get no air through the nose (after one hour and a half). Fluent coryza (without having taken cold). Fluent coryza, from morning till evening. Fluent coryza, lasting several days. Fluent coryza for two hours, with expectoration of mucus (3rd day). Fluent coryza with some cough, on rising up from stooping. Profuse, violent coryza. Stopped coryza in the morning, worse in the warmth.

Stopped coryza in the morning on waking. Watery secretion in the nose (2nd day). Discharge of water from the nose,; (after half an hour). Discharge of much water in drops from the left nostril, less from the right, with burning on the outer margin of the nostrils (after fifteen minutes). Thin mucus is discharged from the nose (3rd day). Much mucus in the nose, so that I was obliged to change handkerchiefs during the day. (* I could not have taken cold; I noticed the same catarrh during the first proving without thinking I had taken cold; previously I had never suffered from catarrh, and I am obliged to attribute these catarrhal symptoms to the medicine taken, and on account of them I stopped the proving. *). Increased discharge of mucus from the nose, and every now and then fluent coryza (4th day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.