Arsenicum Album


Chest In General: Yellow spots on the chest. Upper part of chest yellow Anterior part of chest and neck livid. Wheezing in chest Inflammation of the lungs On auscultation, the posterior lobes of both lungs were found to be affected with pneumonia, and the lower lobes on both sides were partially consolidated Violent catarrh and oppression of the chest with phlegm Very tenacious mucus in the chest, difficult to loosen. Pains in the chest. Pains internally, in the upper part of the chest (after five hours) Much pain in the chest Pain in lower chest on full inspiration Chilliness in the interior of the chest, in the evening, also after supper ( Burning in the chest. ) Great heat in the chest, extending below the diaphragm. Heat and excruciating pain in chest Tightness in the chest. Tightness of chest, as if bound by a hoop Great tightness on the chest; he felt as if he must burst (Tightness of the chest, threatening suffocation, for one hour.) (* “Local effect.” *) Tensive pain in the chest, especially when sitting As soon as he walked a little, he immediately experienced tightness of the chest Continued contraction of the chest, and short and hacking cough.

Constriction of the chest Constriction of the chest with great anxiety and restlessness evenings. Constriction of the chest so that he was scarcely able to speak one word, and came near fainting (third day) Some constriction and heaviness in chest Cramp in the chest Compressive sensation in the chest when eating. Oppression of the chest (* “Anxietates pectoris.” *) Sense of oppression Oppression of the chest. In the evening, violent oppression of the chest.

Oppression of the chest and sensation of anxiety (Oppression of the chest, difficult breathing.) Oppression of the chest when walking fast; coughing on going upstairs. Wakes out of sleep at night, with oppression of chest, or spasm in chest, and great anxiety Much lassitude and oppression of breathing when walking. (Pressure on the chest.) Increased stitches under the ribs, and increased headache, as if heat were in it, during cough In the chest a stitching tearing, tensive pressing and burning pain Dull stitches in the chest when stooping Feeling of soreness and rawness in the chest Creeping in the chest. Stitching in the side under the short ribs; he cannot lie on that side Stitching when coughing, first in the side of the chest, and afterwards (in two days) in the side of the abdomen Burning in the right chest, extending to the groin, where it is a pressure Sticking tearing pain in the region of the upper right rib Stitches in the upper part of the right chest, especially when breathing; the stitches are a sort of pressure terminating in a stitch (after one and a half hours). Stitching in the left chest, only during an inspiration, which was impeded by the stitching Stitches in the left chest, during a deep inspiration, obliging him to cough. Severe pain at the junction of the upper and lower sternal regions (Long continued burning in the region of the sternum.) Oppression in the region of the sternum, makes respiration difficult (for eight days). Stitching pain in the sternum from below upwards, when coughing. Very great precordial anxiety. Great oppression in the praecordial region.

Heart and Pulse.

Heart: Inflammation of heart, and its results, dilatation and edema of feet The sounds of the heart, but especially the choc, rather violent; not agreeing with the small pulse Heart slow, pulse weak Great irregularity of the heart and breathing Irritable heart The heartbeats are irritable Feeble and hurried action of heart Heart and pulse accelerated Palpitation of the heart Violent palpitation. Complaint of violent palpitation of the heart Violent, tumultuous palpitation of the heart Very violent and even painful palpitation of the heart Excessive, troublesome palpitation of the heart Violent palpitation at night Strong, visible, and audible palpitations, chiefly at night. When lying on the back, the heart beats much faster and stronger The heart acts violently; one hears a violent blowing sound, with very full pulse, per minute Violent palpitation of the heart with small irregular pulse. Palpitation of the heart and anxiety Irregular palpitation of the heart, but so violent at night that he imagines he hears it; accompanied with anguish. Violent palpitation, visible in the carotids; causes beads of sweat on the face. Palpitation of the heart and tremulous weakness after stool; he has to lie down. The beat of the heart entirely disappeared. Cramp in the heart. Sensation as if the heart were pressed down. Irritated pulse Extremely feverish pulse.

Increased pulse Accelerated pulse, etc Pulse extremely rapid. Quick, rather hard pulse Pulse hard and frequent Quick small pulse Pulse frequent and small, etc Pulse rapid and weak. Quick, weak pulse (* “Not found.” *) Weak, quick pulse Pulse small and rapid. Pulse small and quick Pulse regular, not frequent pulse, somewhat tense and small Pulse frequent, full, and quite regular Quick, weak, and irregular pulse. Pulse rapid, weak, spasmodic Small, rapid, weak pulse. Pulse contracted, frequent, irregular.

Convulsive, small, rapid pulse Pulse is small, very frequent and irregular; sometimes wholly imperceptible Pulse irritated and frequent, not full. Weak, small, frequent pulse Small scarcely perceptible, frequent pulse Pulse full, hard, accelerated Pulse restless and small; increased after repeated vomiting Depressed, hard and rapid pulse The pulse was small, unequal, irregular, very frequent Pulse feverish; at the most, 90 beats Pulse 100. Pulse and strong Pulse sharp, but easily compressed. Pulse 120, feeble and irregular Pulse weak and rather unequal, with occasional indication of fluttering. Pulse, when resting in bed, 90; standing up or walking, 120 Pulse rapid, to then 130 to 140 Pulse in the morning quiet; 9 to 10 o’clock somewhat irritated; at 12 o’clock, small, hard, frequent; from 5 o’clock until death, after midnight, no longer perceptible. Pulse miserable Pulse full, not rapid Pulse hardish and slow. Pulse 140, irregular (Slow pulse, sometimes only 38 beats.) (* “He had not previously counted it.” *) Pulse large Tense pulse Pulse throbbing and hard Pulse full and strong Pulse strong, full, and bounding Feeble pulse. Pulse very weak Small weak pulse. Small, oppressed pulse. Pulse small, contracted, intermitting Irregular pulse Small and irregular pulse Pulse intermitting Intermittent small pulse. Intermittent, unequal, small pulse, finally, complete disappearance of pulse Pulse trembling, scarcely perceptible. Pulse small, scarcely perceptible Pulse almost imperceptible, small, contracted, irregular Pulse scarcely perceptible, etc It is possible to feel only the slightest trembling of the radial pulse. Pulse and respiration scarcely noticeable Imperceptible pulse. No pulse Pulseless Absence of pulse with frequent, irritated beating of the heart.

Neck and Back.

Yellow color of neck. Swelling of the external neck; no pain Swelling of the thyroid gland, especially on the right side of neck Distortion of the cervical muscles. (* “Not found.” *) The neck is drawn by spasms to the left side and backward Stiff nape of the neck, as if bruised or sprained, a similar pain being felt over the hips; night and morning Stiffness of the nape of the neck Stiff neck; she cannot move her head In the evening, stiffness of the posterior cervical muscles Tensive stiffness in the neck Pain on the left side of the neck, as far down as the pectoralis muscle Violent neuralgia on left side of neck, followed by lame feeling Spasmodic pain on left side of neck. Pain on pressure in the cervical vertebrae Pain in the back, with uneasiness and anxiety Weakness in back Pains in the back. Violent or dull but continual pains in the back, with accompanying great weakness; inclined to lie down without relief Stiffness in the spinal column, beginning in the region of the os coccyges. Severe pain in the back Dull pain in the back, with painful transient drawing on the external surface of the extremities.

Drawing in the back, up and down Drawing pain in the back, from the small of the back to the shoulders, with stitches in the sides; flatulence moving about in the abdomen and pressing upward; after this he belches and is relieved Drawing from the sacrum to the nape of the neck, causing the trunk to bend backward Drawing pain in the back in the forenoon (after six days) Drawing pain between the scapulae, obliging him to lie down. Pain as if bruised, in the back and across the scapulae (after four days). Bruised pain between the shoulders Beating, drawing, and stitching pain in the back, small of the back, and thighs, at night Strongly gurgling movements in the muscles of the left side of the back, only when lying on the right side (after three hours).

Itching and exhalation of the back, the whole night Pain in the region of the two last dorsal vertebrae Acute pains in the lower part of the spine (eight months) Stitches in the region of the kidneys, when taking an inspiration and sneezing Loss of strength in the small of the back. Painful stiffness in the small of the back the whole day Pain in the small of the back, as if bruised. Violent periodical pains in small of back. with stiffness Weakness in loins Complains of a tensive and tearing sensation of pressure in both loins, especially violent below the curve of the left rib, where it is also very sensitive to touch.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.