Arsenicum Album


Skin became very white; complexion white and pasty looking Excessive whiteness of the skin, as in infants, which as the arsenical influence increased, became yellow and scaly, producing in J.E. and baby the most irritating eruption all over the body, with a strong and peculiar smell The skin became gradually yellow, and afterwards, a dusky brown color Jaundice The whole skin became blue The veins, especially the jugular veins, very much dilated, hence the skin became bluish Cyanosis He became red and moist over the whole body Smutty, mottled skin, especially in extremities Skin became a smutty brown, especially on uncovered portions Dry, cracked state of the skin Skin dry and scaly, cracked all over, and very sore, with a strong and peculiar smell from it Deep mortification of the skin On the toes, especially both little toes, an extremely hard, horny skin gradually appeared, which pained like a burning, and made walking very painful The skin from the head to the feet comes off (The skin of the whole body peels off in large scales.) The thickened epidermis comes off. The skin of the whole body, except the head, came off. Desquamation of a large part of the body, especially on the forearms, and return of a just cured herpes on the chin, which remains five to six days Exfoliation of the cuticle and skin of the tongue The thick skin of the soles of the feet came off. Spots on the skin, here and there Little blotches on the forehead Thick set, white blotches, about the size of a lentil, a little larger or smaller; skin colored, smarting and painful, and pain being generally worse at night Blue spots on the abdomen, genital organs, and white of the eye Large red spots over the whole skin Inflamed, measle like spots over the body, especially about the head, in the face, and on the neck. (* “After Opium had been given as antidote.” *) On the left side of the face, answering to the parotids, an inflamed spot, red, firm, solid, painful on pressure with the finger, appearing yellow (The parts around the ulcer become inflamed; the ulcer bleeds when bandaging it and becomes covered with a dry, superficial crust.) DRY ERUPTIONS: Eruption on the skin (* “Not found.” *) Eruption over whole body Very painful black eruption Small ecchymoses, or rather petechiae Rash over the whole body falling off in scales Red, scorbutic rash (Slight eruptions resembling nettle rash.) Rash like eruption on the skin, especially on the abdomen Rash, profuse, diagnosed as scarlatina, with such severe pains all over that he could not turn in bed Elevations similar to those caused by nettles; also small pimples, as in rash eruptions Pimples burning violently, causing almost unendurable anguish Small, pointed pimples make their appearance, with itching, going off after scratching Miliary eruption, with white tips, over the whole body, even the hands and feet (Fine, sand shaped, itching eruption all over the body.) (Eruption on the forehead.) (Innumerable, very red pimples on the scalp.) Pimples, difficult to cure,. (* “Not found.” *) Small pimples on several parts of the body, even on the forehead and under the jaw, causing a burning pain and not much itching A pimple, covered with scurf, in the left side of the scalp, obliging him to scratch, and painful when rubbed, as if ulcerated (after two hours) Pimples over the whole scalp, painful when rubbed or touched, as if ecchymosed or ulcerated; the same pain is felt in the whole scalp (after eleven hours) There appeared upon the face and neck a number of large red blotches, at first the size of a silver dollar, of an intensely red or scarlet color, and partially raised in wheals; this rash gradually extended, and in a day and a half covered the entire body (fifth day) On the lips, an eruption similar to herpes labialis. Eruption on the lower lip, with a thick crust and a lardaceous base Painless eruption on the margin of the vermilion, border of lip (after fourteen days) Red, herpetic skin, around the mouth biting eruption around the whole neck, upon the shoulders, and on the sides Pimples on the hands, the thumb, and the forehead. Purple petechiae on the chest and neck Skin of neck, bosom, and shoulders covered with a rough, cracked, dirty, brownish red eruption, with burning and itching Herpes like spot on left side of neck extended rapidly over whole side of neck, and upon face, with itching and burning, then a similar spot on the right side Blotches and pimples on the hands Dense eruption of small, red, conical pimples all over the hands and fingers, with itching, which is increased by scratching. MOIST ERUPTIONS: Eczema Eruption resembling red petechiae, from the size of a flea bite up to that of a lentil, sharply circumscribed, in the evening, painful, dry, moist, and burning after scratching (Sr., from Hahnemann) Black vesicles, causing a burning pain. Rash over the whole body, except the limbs; numberless small, white blisters covered the skin, which appeared to be inflamed between them Pimples in the region of the left temple; when scratched they exude bloody water, and become painful and sore when rubbed Scabby eruption on the occiput On the red, inflamed portion of the skin of the face, numerous vesicles filled with yellow fluid; the redness and inflammation spread about the nose and mouth Eruption on the face, covered with blisters The eruption on the face dried into scabs; nose and lids scale The eruption on the face dries, here and there scabs fall off, and on the left concha new blisters form Whitish, pointed pimples, the lips filled with a watery fluid, with burning itching, as of mosquito bites, on the hands, between the fingers, and on the abdomen; the fluid flows out when scratching the pimples, and the itching goes off (Fleshy excrescences spring up from the ulcers on the fingers; they speedily become decayed, blue, and green, with viscid ichor, spreading an intolerably bad odor.) (Blisters form in the night, all over the soles, as if caused by fly blisters; they open and pour out a light yellow, fetid water.) ULCERS AND PUSTULES: The ulcer has very high edges Much black, coagulated blood comes out of the ulcer. Ulcer which is especially painful in the morning, with dark brown, thin, bloody pus under a thin scurf, and with single stitches while sitting, the stitches being diminished when standing, and still more when walking Severe suppuration and swelling of the skin around the spreading ulcers, especially on the abdomen, genitals, and inside of the thighs Cancerous ulcer, making the amputation of the limb necessary (* “In a refiner of A.” *) Sores broke out over the head and neck. Two large pimples on the forehead between the eyebrows, obliging him to scratch, exuding bloody water, and becoming filled with pus on the day following Pustule on forehead and left cheek Pustules on forehead and chest On the forehead, about the eyes, on the cheek bones, the shoulders, the upper part of the arm, and the chest, an eruption of white pustules, in large number, which, in form and progress, were similar to smallpox; these pustules were partly isolated, partly confluent, were very easily torn, changed to thick crusts, and left very perceptible scars behind (Pustulous eruption on the scalp and face, with burning pain.) Ulcers in the whole face The face became covered with pustules Ulcerated eruption around the lips (Large, broad, pale red, and excessively painful boil on the hand, between the thumb and index finger, especially in the evening.) Abscess on the posterior side of the arm above the wrist; on opening it a very copious discharge of thick yellow pus followed, with denudation of the surface of the ulna, as shown by the probe. Gatherings (abscesses) on her hands, which she never had had before, followed by severe pains in her wrists and arms, so as almost to disable her (Ulcer on the left leg below the knee.) Ulcer on the leg, covered with a gray crust, and surrounded with an inflamed border; it is burning and painful. (Itch like eruption, especially in the bends of the knees.) Ulcers on both heels, which discharge ichorous matter. The trunk and upper extremities are covered with a discrete papule-vesicular eruption, very troublesome, causing him to scratch until he bled; itching much aggravated at night Great sensibility or irritation of the skin, accompanied by a vesicular eruption; sometimes this has assumed the form of nettle rash, or of the eruption of scarlet fever, for which disease arsenical poisoning has been mistaken (The skin of the soles become insensible, thick as cork, and breaks.) Sensation, when moving about, as if the whole skin were rough and about to burst The skin of the whole body is painful The hard, horny skin on the toes is very troublesome, and burns much Horrid burning in the skin of the finger, as if the part had been burnt with boiling grease (after dipping the hands into a cold solution of Arsenic) Intolerable burning in the skin. Much disturbed at night by smarting and itching, which forced him to keep applying cold water compresses; he got a little sleep about 4 o’clock in the morning Burning pain in the ulcers Burning in the ulcers as from glowing coals. Burning like fire around the ulcer, which is fetid and suppurates, accompanied with faintness and drowsiness in daytime. Burning in the border of the ulcer and itching in the ulcer itself. (Burning in the ulcer follows the itching.) Tearing pain in the ulcers Stitching over the whole skin Slow stitches, as with a red hot needle, in the skin here and there Prickings in the skin Painful sensitiveness of old ulcers previously painless. Creeping sensation, as of fleas, in the thighs, as far as the abdomen, also in the loins and nates, obliging him to scratch Burning itching of the body. Burning itching, the parts being painful after scratching. Unpleasant itching and eruption of small, itch like pustules, which soon desquamate At night, itching on the head and several parts of the body, lasting all night, and preventing sleep Itching of the neck below the maxilla Itching and soreness of the anus and privates, with sometimes sharp pains there Frequent itching on the back of the fingers, sometimes so severe that she scratches the skin off, with an eruption of pointed papule between the fingers (after three days) A good deal of itching of the right thigh and arms.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.