Arsenicum Album

Extremities in General.

Hands and feet as if mummified, so that the skin hung in many folds about the bones, which protruded unnaturally, but were not at all enlarged. Contraction of the limbs. The flexor muscles of the upper and lower extremities contract Drawing together of the upper and lower limbs Strong contraction in the knees and elbows The toes and fingers were continually flexed; after being straightened by anyone, they again returned to the flexed condition The contraction of the fingers and toes disappeared after a profuse loss of blood by vomiting, and from the anus; after being bent straight they remained in this position, but appeared as if dead; after a warm bath life returned to the hands and feet, but fingers and toes again remained bent Distortion of the limbs Twitching of the limbs. Upper and lower extremities convulsed Convulsions of the limbs and knees Tremor of the limbs and others Tremor of the extremities Trembling in all the limbs Trembling in the extremities, etc Trembling of the upper and lower extremities. Violent trembling of the limbs Trembling of the limbs, even after a moderate walk Trembling and very violent motion of the limbs. Trembling and jerking of the limbs Trembling of the limbs after the vomiting was over Violent startings of the limbs while falling asleep. From time to time he stretched the extremities and remained several moments in this condition on account of relaxation, when vomiting appeared with renewed violence Loss of the nails of the hands and feet. Sensation in all the extremities diminished (eight weeks) Numbness of the limbs and pains across the shoulders, extending down the arms Insensibility and falling asleep of the upper and lower extremities; lasted during the whole illness, and prevents her holding objects tightly, As the gastro-enteritis got better, numbness and loss of power in his limbs came on, at first only in his fingers and toes, but slowly extended to his knees and wrists, almost depriving him of the use of them The mobility and strength of the extremities decreased, so that the patient could only with difficulty hold anything, and his gait became insecure and stumbling Almost absolute immobility of the limbs, especially the left; sensation was only diminished, not lost Heaviness in limbs Lassitude of the limbs Great lassitude in the limbs. Lassitude in the limbs and weakness. Weariness of the limbs. Limbs felt tired Weariness of the limbs, etc Prostration and lassitude of the limbs Excessive weakness and exhaustion of the limbs, obliging him to lie down. Weakness and diminished sensibility in all the limbs Complete ataxia of the muscles of the extremities; the gait was as in an excessive chorea, and the hands could hardly be held up Stiffness of extremities Motion of limbs difficult He can no longer move his limbs freely ( Stiffness and immobility of all the joints.) Extremities as if paralyzed Partial paralysis of the limbs.

Paralytic weakness of the limbs, returning at a certain hour every day, like fever and ague As if paralyzed in all his limbs; he is unable to tread firmly (Paralysis, contraction of the limbs.) Paralysis is sometimes general, and affects both the upper and lower limbs Paralysis of extremities, with anaesthesia and most violent pains The paralysis of the extremities related as well to the motor as to the sensitive nerves, nevertheless the parts were extremely sensitive to cold Weariness and pain of the joints in the forenoon, more when sitting than when walking Weakness and crawling sensation in limbs, especially from knees to toes.

Uneasiness in all the limbs before retiring, going off when lying down Inexpressibly painful and disagreeable feeling of sickness in all the limbs Pain in limbs; dreads to move them Excessive pains in the limbs Wandering pains in the limbs Pain and stiffness in his limbs Arthritic pains in the limbs, without inflammation Coldness of the extremities, etc Extremities cold and pulseless (Stiffness of all the joints; he was not able to stretch himself because of a tension in the whole body; the knees were so stiff and cold that he tied handkerchiefs around them, otherwise they are painful and disturb his sleep.) Cramp in the limbs Complained of cramps in the upper and lower extremities Cramps in the muscles of the extremities All the limbs ache All the limbs ache, whether he walks, sits, or lies. Painful drawings in limbs Tearing in limbs Tearing pains in the long bones Muscles of the extremities sensitive Creeping in the limbs, as if gone to sleep Sensation of numbness in the feet and hands, with fearful pains by day and night, which for three months drove all sleep from her Arms and legs quite strong and mobile; hands and feet, on the contrary, extremely wasted, so that, without organic changes, all the articular processes protruded unnaturally, and, in regard to sensation and mobility; so paralyzed that nothing could be held securely; the feet would not permit his rising; on stepping he always planted down the flat sole, and on walking his feet were dragged along like weights Frequent falling asleep and insensibility of the right arm and foot Numbness in the tips of the fingers, and also in the feet, where cutting pains were sometimes felt Diminished sensation, at first in the tips of the fingers, whence it spread over the hands and arms; then in the toes, whence it spread over the feet and legs Loss of sensation in hands and feet Complete insensibility of the hands and feet. Sensation in soles entirely lost, and greatly diminished in the hands Complete anesthesia and paralysis of the hands and feet, equally in the extensors and flexors Loss of sensation in hands and feet, so that the tips of the fingers and toes could be pricked without the slightest feeling (chronic poisoning) His hands and feet seem to have lost their power, and they feel trembling early in the morning Weakness of the wrists and ankles, they are still and sometimes painful Immobility of the fingers and toes He lost the use of his hands and feet, with which violent neuralgic pains appeared in the extremities, which lasted for over two and a half years, and did not leave even after the strongest doses of morphia; the paralysis lasted nearly three years Occasional pains in the joints, as the shoulder and knee Severe pain in legs and arms, very excruciating and like the gnawing of rats, or the boring of a gimlet into the bones Neuralgic pains in arms and legs. Neuralgic pains in the forearm and legs from the hips downward; they did not seem to follow the main nerve trunks; increased gradually, reached their height, then gradually decreased, and were never lancinating; cold air or cold water excited them immediately; they were most violent between 9:30 p.m. and 8 a.m Cramps in the legs and arms very severe Drawing pain in the joints of the knees, feet, and hands Drawing pain in the evening in bed, in the middle finger and foot Violent tearing in the arms and lower limbs; he cannot rest upon the affected side; the pain is least felt when moving the affected part to and fro. Stitching pains, as of needles, in the hands and feet Sudden tearing jerking or stitching, changing to a burning in the thumb or big toe, in the morning in bed Trembling and prickling sensation in the hands and feet Toward evening, but not during the day, crawling in the fingers and toes Occasional creeping sensations in the hands and feet.

Upper Extremities.

Upper extremities weak; the flexors of the fingers retracted (eight weeks) Heaviness and formication, which soon attacked the upper extremities Unbearable pain in the left shoulder Convulsive sensation in the left shoulder Drawing pains in shoulders (Glandular swelling of the axilla.) Tearing sticking in the right axilla Soreness in the axilla, under the arms Painful swelling of the right arm and hand The right arm became intensely tumefied from the elbow to the wrist and was very painful Weakness of arms The arms were somewhat weak Entire inability to move the left arm The right arm goes to sleep when he lies upon the right side Pain in the arm of that side upon which one rests at night. The left arm feels colder than the right Violent neuralgia in left arm, followed by lame feeling.

Peculiar neuralgic pains in the left arm, suddenly, after meals. Drawing, jerking and tearing from the tips of the fingers into the shoulder Tearing in the arm, especially of the elbow and wrist, at night, in bed Pains in the elbow and fingers Violent rheumatic pains in right elbow In the wrists there was very little muscular power; the fingers could neither grasp nor hold anything smaller than the crutches, which they could hold a little, though there was no sensation in the tips of the fingers, even when injured Drawing pain in both styloid processes of the wrist, every evening Hands and lower half of forearm dark and livid, as in malignant cholera (Painful swelling of the hands.) The hands never recovered their former fullness and strength, and the so called naevus (mother’s mark) almost totally disappeared (after ten years) Trembling of hands, etc The hands are stiff and insensible for a long time The hand can be extended, but not the fingers Hands could hold nothing securely Hands and arms are powerless Lameness of the hand; it commenced with heaviness, but was not combined with wasting Cold hands The hands icy cold Cramp in the hand, when moving it Drawing tearing in the metacarpal bones in the morning Tearing sticking in the bones of the hand, and the little finger Palms very sensitive, yet he does not know whether he has taken hold of an object Violent crawling in the hands at night Fine tickling in the palm of the left hand, obliging one to rub (Hard swelling of the fingers, with pain of the bones of the fingers.) Ungual phalanges wasted and the nails very hard, brittle, clawlike Trembling of the fingers and occasional creeping sensations in the hands and feet He moves his fingers and hands during sleep Tonic spasm of fingers Fingers half flexed Flexors overpower extensors, and constant flexion of fingers The extensors of the fingers much more powerless than the flexors, so that the fingers were always bent somewhat The flexors of the four fingers of each hand are so contracted that the two last phalanges are bent on the first, and the tips of the fingers touch the palms (eight months) One can bend the fingers, but not extend them Rigidity of the fingers, as if they were stiff He could not move the fingers Sensation extremely slight in the fingers, blunted as far as the wrists, above them normal. Loss of sensation in the fingers, as if everything stagnated. After the lapse of years, numbness of the fingers The finger joints are painful when moved Painful cramp in the lowest joints of all the fingers Painful cramp in the tips of the fingers, from morning until noon (after five days) Cramp in the fingers, especially at night in bed Cramp in the fingers of the right hand, when attempting to stretch them Drawing pain in the middle fingers Tickling itching of the right middle finger Badly colored nails The nails changed color nearly every month; at first they became fiery red, then black, as if suffused with blood, after which they made room for new nails, which were thin and transparent.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.