Arsenicum Album

Burning heat over body. Violent heat. Internal heat. Burning heat internally. Feels as if burning up internally. Feeling of heat with anxiety, after midnight, with inclination to uncover herself. Feverish heat. Burning heat and thirst. Feverish heat, with thirst. Complains of violent internal heat and thirst while vomiting. Internal heat, with thirst, after diarrhoea. Heat, internally and externally, through the whole body, as if he had drank too much wine, with thirst for beer. (Anxious heat). (* Exaestuatio.” Vol. I. – 35 *) General, anxious heat. General heat in the morning, in bed, at sunrise, with sweat in the face, and dryness of the forepart of the mouth, without thirst. Transient heat, in the afternoon, with thirst. At 4 o’clock, heat and sweat, without diminution of the pains, until 6 o’clock. Night, heat, without thirst or sweat. Heat and restlessness the whole night, and pulsations in the head hindering sleep. Heat in the face and body, at the commencement of the pains. Heat in the face, at 7 0Clock in the evening (for one hour).

(Excessive orgasm of the blood). (* “Exaestuatio.” *) Sensation as if the blood either coursed through the veins too rapidly, or were too hot, with small, rapid pulse. Sensation as if the blood in the arteries was boiling-hot. COLDNESS AND HEAT: The skin is cold and clammy in the stage of collapse, at other times very hot, or there are rapid alternations of heat and cold. Fever; chilliness and heat in alternation. Very hot, then very cold. She either feels too cold in her whole body, and nevertheless is not cold to the touch anywhere, or else she is too warm, and nevertheless is not warm to touch, except perhaps in the palm of the hand. Chill, so that the teeth chattered; with red and hot forehead. Feverish chilliness and shuddering; heat of the external ear; anguish, and gnawing in the pit of the stomach, mixed with nausea and inclination to vomit. Unpleasant sensation through his body, like a sort of fever; when lying down, his head becomes hot, especially the ears, but the knees are cold (after thirty-six hours). Feverish chilliness, followed by dry heat of the skin. Fever; external coldness of the limbs, internal heat, anxious restlessness, and weak, changeable pulse. Fever; chilliness in the daytime, after the chilliness, thirst; in the evening, a good deal of heat in the face. Feverish shuddering in the morning, alternating with heat. Fever in the forenoon; chilliness with shaking, without thirst, with spasms in the chest, pains in the whole body, and a kind of inability to use one’s senses; afterwards, heat with thirst, followed by sweat and roaring in the ears. Fever in the afternoon; shuddering about the head, with stretching and drawing in the limbs, followed by chilliness and goose-skin; in the evening, from 8 till 9 o’clock, heat over the body, especially in the face, without sweat; cold hands and feet. Rigors followed by heat, every evening. Fever, every other day; chilliness at 6 o’clock in the evening, with weariness of the thighs, and bruised feeling; on the third afternoon, at 5 o;clock, inclination to lie down, afterwards, chilliness all over the body, without thirst; afterwards, heat without thirst, and an oppressive, aching pain in the forehead. Fever; short lasting coldness at night, followed by violent heat with delirium, but no thirst, H. SWEAT: Skin very dry. Skin, tongue, and fauces, dry. Skin dry and hot. They then rarely perspired, even in the hottest weather (while the skin was yellow and brown). Sweat. (* Note to authority 47, “Stated as effect of antidote.” *) (Sweat tingling the skin, and especially the eyes, yellow). (* As S. 138. *) Offensive sweat over whole body. Profuse perspiration. Very copious sweats. Very easy and profuse sweat. Cold sweat. Profuse cold sweat. Cold sweat all over. Cold sweat over the whole body, disappearing after a quarter of an hour, and, after he had felt well all day, returning toward evening, and disappearing as rapidly. Sudden and cold sweat. Cold, clammy sweat. Cold clammy sweat. (Cold, viscid sweat). (* As SS.

55 and 563. *) Sweats easily; cool. Frequent sweat. Very profuse sweats, which lasted many days. Morning, sweat over the whole body, from the time he wakes to the time he rises. Sweat only in the face in the morning, when waking. Sweat, in the forenoon, with heaviness of the head, roaring in the ears, and trembling. (Night-sweat). Night-sweat, three nights in succession. Profuse sweat about the lower limbs in the night, especially about the knees. Sweat while in bed, exhausting him unto fainting. Sweat when commencing to sleep, going off after sleeping a little. Sweat on the hands and thighs, at the commencement of sleep, going of after sleeping awhile (after six hours). Sweat, with excessive thirst; he would like to drink all the time. Sweat with increased diuresis. Moist skin, with cold extremities. The sweat appears when the fever is over.

Conditions.- Aggravation.

(Morning). When waking, ill-humor; in bed, indignation; heaviness of head, etc.; on waking, headache, etc.; on rising, headache; when waking, dull headache; after rising, heaviness in head, etc.; when rising, bruised pain in side of head; gum on the eyelids; agglutination of lids; pus in eyes; slight lachrymation, etc.; stitching in the ear; discharge from nose at 5 A.M., etc.; Teeth loose, etc.; on waking, coryza, etc.; swelling of face; on rising, slight toothache; stitching in gums; bitter taste; putrid taste; roughness, etc., in throat; when swallowing first mouthful, scraping in throat; when waking, feels qualmish, etc.; on getting up, vomiting of bile; an hour after getting up, vomiting; bloatedness, etc.; on waking, rumbling in bowels; after rising, pains in the intestines; before and during diarrhoeic stool, pinching in hypogastrium; diarrhoea; early, at commencement of micturition, burning in forepart of urethra; erection; violent cough; green, etc.; expectoration; in bed, jerking or stitching in thumb, etc.; tearing in metacarpal bone; drawing tearing pain in hips, etc.; on rising, attack of pain in thighs; sweat on legs; early, heaviness, etc., in legs; cramp-pain in legs; heels painful; trembling of whole body; muscular stiffness; fatigue; on rising, general malaise; on waking, pains all over, etc.; on waking, attack of chilliness; from the time of waking to time of rising, sweat; when waking, sweat only in face; feels as though had not slept enough.

(Morning till noon), Cramp in finger-tips. (Morning till evening), Thirst. (Every morning), At 5 o’clock discharge from nose. (Forenoon), Nausea, etc.; diarrhoea; drawing pain in back; weariness, etc., of joints; fever etc.; sweat, etc. (Towards noon), Stupid, etc., feeling in head; hammering in temples. (Afternoon), Drawing headache; when walking, tearing across stomach; burning pain in abdomen; colic and diarrhoea, etc.; when sitting, jerking in legs; chilliness, etc.; face, etc., cool; transient heat; fever, etc. (Every afternoon), At 5 o’clock, shuddering; Cat 3 o’clock, chilliness, etc. (Towards evening), Tearing through left meatus auditorius; crawling in fingers and toes; chilliness with coldness; attack of chilliness, etc.; fever. (Evening), Anxiety, etc.; confusion of head; swelling of frontal heaviness; headache over left eye; feeling of sand in eye; feeling of burning, etc., in eyes; burning in outer ear; head in left nasal fossa, etc.; pain in molar teeth; swelling of submaxillary gland; pain in throat; thirst; pain in stomach; after eating, feeling of repletion in stomach; when sitting, pain from pit of stomach round left ribs; after lying down, spasms, etc., in abdomen, etc.; after lying down, pains in the intestines; shortly after lying down, lancinations in left side of abdomen; before going to sleep, smoky feeling in larynx, etc.; directly after lying down, cough; cough, without expectoration, etc.; When getting in to bed and lying down, loses breath; chilliness in chest. Constriction of chest, etc.; violent burning of chest; stiffness of cervical muscles; in bed, in finger and foot; pain in wrist; in bed, contraction of muscles of thighs; chilliness of legs; when falling asleep, starting in affected part; general feeling of fatigue; pains in whole body; boil on hand painful; while asleep, loud moaning; after going to bed, violent chilliness; attack of chilliness. (Every evening), Feverish shuddering; before retiring, shuddering; attack of fever; rigors, etc. (Every other day), Fever, etc.

(Night), Delirium; talked senselessly; headache; tearing etc., headache; throbbing in whole head, etc.; headache over left eye; pain in left eye; pressive pain under right eye; alternate dilatation and contraction of pupils; stitching pain in left ear; toothache; regularly recurring tearing in teeth; pain in gums; thirst; hiccough; when rising, hiccough, etc.; vomiting; vomiting and diarrhoea; anxiety in pit of stomach; colic pains; burning of the haemorrhoids; sudden catarrh; cough; violent palpitation; strong, etc., palpitation; pain in back, etc.; itching, etc., of back; in bed, tearing in arm; crawling in hands; in bed, cramp in fingers; tearing in lower limb, etc.; in bed, cramp in calves; when lying in bed, tearing in the corn; when walking, burning in all the veins; smarting and itching; itching on the head; during sleep, the pains are felt; in bed, cannot get warm; heat, without thirst or sweat; heat, etc.; short-lasting coldness, etc.; sweat; profuse sweat about the lower limbs. (Every other night), Formication in the head. (Before midnight), Pain wakes him. (Midnight), Hammering in the temples; oppression, etc. (After midnight), Desire to kill himself: pulsative throbbing in the eyes; in two hours, pains in stomach; deep, etc., cough, from 3 o’clock on; tosses about, etc. (Towards morning), Mental excitement. (2 A.M)., Fever, etc. (About 3 A.M)., Moaning while asleep, etc. (3 A.M)., After waking, anxiety; violent anxiety. (11 A.M)., Qualmishness. (11 A.M. to 6 P.M)., Stupid feeling in head. (1 P.M)., Pain in eyelids, etc. (4 to 6 P.M)., Heat etc. (After 4 P.M)., Water brash. (Towards 5 P.M)., Face, etc., cold. (6 to 8 P.M)., Pressing in head. (7 P.M)., Heat in face. (10 P.M)., Fever, etc. (11 P)., Headache, etc. (Open air), Desire to vomit. (Going into open air), Dizziness. (Walking in open air), Pressing sensation in liver; suffocative sensation; shuddering. (Left alone), Dread of death. (Ascending stairs), Suffocative feeling; oppression of chest. (In bed), Exhausting sweat. (After breakfast), Pressure at the stomach. (Breathing), Stitches in right upper chest; stitch in left chest. (Drawing deep breath), Cough. (When clearing throat), Pain under left hypochondrium. (Cold air), Pains in limbs; cough. (Cold water), Pains in limbs. (Coughing), Heat in head; tendency to retching; stitching pain in pit of stomach; bruised pain in abdomen; oppression of chest; stitches under ribs, etc.; pressure at stomach, etc.; stitching pain in sternum. (After coughing), Breathing becomes short.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.