Arsenicum Album

Tongue moist, whitish in the centre. Tongue moist and icy. Dryness of the tongue, etc. Dry and brown-coated tongue. Dry tongue, coated toward the back. Tongue dry, and morbidly red, with papillae considerably raise at the tip. Insensible tongue as if burnt and dead, and no taste. (Feeling of dryness on the tongue. Weakness and pains in the tongue. Violent burning on the tongue, in the palate and throat. Violent burning on the tongue, in the pharynx and stomach. Pain in the tongue, as if covered with burning painful vesicles. The tongue feels painful, as if corroded, on the side of the tip (after fourteen day). Tongue seemed thick. Boring pain in the right border of the tongue, in a sort of half sleep. Stitching pain in the root of the tongue, as if a fishbone were lodged there, when swallowing or turning the head. MOUTH ETC.: Mucous membrane of the mouth slightly abraded. Painful blisters in the mouth and on the tongue. Numerous aphthae in the whole mouth. Aphthae in the mouth, at first white, then becoming black. Disgusting smell from the mouth. Fetor of the breath, with superficial ulceration of the gums and throat. Hemorrhage from the mouth and rectum. Slimy mouth and throat (two hours). Dryness of the mouth, etc. (Great dryness in the mouth). Dry mouth and thick tongue. Dry mouth, with violent thirst. Violent dryness in the mouth and great thirst. Feeling of great dryness in the mouth, with violent thirst; he drinks little at a time. He imagines he has sand in his mouth. Long-continued feeling of roughness in the hard palate. Pain in the mouth, beginning on the left side, and afterwards affecting all the gums (after some days). Heat in the mouth and throat. Burning in the mouth and pharynx. Burning in the mouth along the pharynx, and in the pit of the stomach. Mouth, pharynx, and oesophagus commenced to burn violently. Much saliva; he must spit often. Frequent spitting. Frequent spitting. Considerable salivation. Copious salivation. Salivation has been observed to follow, especially when small doses have been given for a length of time. Acrid fluid rises into the mouth. Diminished secretion of saliva. Saliva bloody. Bitter saliva. Dry taste in the mouth, as of wood. the food tastes as if not salted enough. Beet has a flat taste. Unpleasant taste. Disgusting sour taste in the mouth. He complain of a detestable taste in the mouth and fauces. The food tastes salt. Disagreeable metallic taste in the mouth. Sour taste. Disgusting sour taste in the mouth. Sour taste in the mouth; the food likewise tastes sour. Bitter mouth, without having eaten anything. (Bitter taste, morning). Bitter taste in the mouth after a meal. Bitter, repulsive taste in the mouth, after eating and drinking. Bitter mouth, with yellow diarrhoea. Malt beer tastes bitter. putrid and fetid taste in the mouth. Putrid taste, morning, like spoiled meat. Loss of power of speech. He cannot speak, for he cannot approximate the lips; the lower one is burned, hanging down, everted, and very painful.


THROAT IN GENERAL: Ulcerated throat. Ulcerated sore throat (while the paper was being removed from the walls). Erosions of the throat fester deeply. Excessive swelling of the left carotid, when stooping. Swelling of the submaxillary glands, with painfulness to external pressure). Hard swelling of the left submaxillary gland, increasing in the evening (Sr).. Parotid and submaxillary glands much swollen. (Inflammation of the throat). Bitter throat after a meal, the food having a natural taste every other day (like a tertian fever). Sweetish taste also in throat. Hawks up gray mucus. Constant spitting of saliva and mucus from fauces. Extreme dryness of the throat. Feeling of dryness in the throat; she had to drink all the time, as if parched. Dryness and burning in throat. Dryness and contraction of the throat. Dryness, soreness, scraping, and burning in throat. Dry throat, with violent thirst. Roughness and hoarseness in the throat, mornings. Sensation as if a hair were in the throat. Pain in throat in the evening. Pain in throat and mouth. Pain in throat and stomach. Excruciating pains and burning sensation in throat and stomach. Burning in the throat, etc. Heat and burning in the throat. Heat and uneasiness in throat. Heat and excruciating pain in throat. Heat and lancinating pain in throat. Excruciating heat and oppression in the throat, as if burning and suffocating. Burning and dryness in the throat. Sensation of heat in throat and stomach. Burning in the throat and region of the stomach. Violent burning, as if fire in the throat and chest. A burning sensation from the pit of the stomach up the pharynx into the throat.

where it is most violent, causes a marked scraping, and hinders swelling. Sensation in the throat as of a lump of mucus, which tastes of blood. Globus hystericus. The throat feels closed internally, as by swelling. Sense of constriction of the throat, etc. Suffocative constriction in throat. Choking sensation. Sense of constriction, with feeling of dryness of burning heat in the throat. Sore throat. Quite painful sore throat. Capricious sore throat. Scraping in throat as if rancid grease, when swallowing the first mouthful in the morning. Uvula, ETC.: Uvula somewhat swollen and red. Scraping sensation behind the velum pendulum palati, between the acts of deglutition. Tonsils swollen, with false membrane. Superficial excoriation of the fauces. The fauces red and swollen. Fauces exceeding red. Burning in the faces. Heat and dryness of the fauces. Much constriction of the fauces. Pain in the pharynx when talking. Pain in the pharynx and abdomen. Cramp in the pharynx. Burning sensation in pharynx, oesophagus, and stomach. Tearing pain in the pharynx and along the whole throat, even when not swallowing. Twisting sensation in the fauces and stomach, as if a thread were rolled up into a ball. (* “Observed after an antidote.” *) At the base of each pillar of the pharynx a large aphthae surrounded with a red areola, with redness of the pharynx, for four or five days. Paralytic condition of the pharynx and oesophagus; the bread went down with great difficulty, as if the oesophagus had not strength enough to swallow it; he heart it fall down with a rumbling noise. Burning in the pharynx, etc. Violent burning in the pharynx and oesophagus as far as the stomach. Violent burning in the pharynx and stomach. Constriction of the pharynx (oesophagus). Soreness in pharynx. Sensation of a slight burning in the oesophagus. Sensation of burning pain down the oesophagus. Burning sensation along the oesophagus. Pain, burning, etc., in the oesophagus and stomach. There was evidently a spasmodic contraction of the oesophagus. In the oesophagus, sensation of soreness. Constant sensation of desire to swallow saliva. Dysphagia. Painful deglutition. Swallowing very difficult and painful.

Difficult swallowing, etc. Swallowing very difficult. Difficult swallowing on account of small ulcers in the throat. The throat feels closed up; nothing can pass through the pharynx. Inability to swallow.


APPETITE AND THIRST: Appetite morbidly increased. Constant craving for food. Desire for sour things. Great desire for acids and acid fruit. Inclination for lard. Capricious appetite. Inclination to eat, but everything is repugnant. No appetite; still, he relished the food he eats. Diminished appetite. No appetite for dinner. Want of appetite, etc. Want of appetite for eight days. Want of hunger and appetite for ten days. (Want of appetite, and violent thirst). Want of appetite, and a pressing sensation in the region of the stomach. Loss of appetite, etc. Complete loss of appetite. Complete loss of appetite, all through the proving. loss of appetite, or else unusual craving for food. Aversion to food. Aversion to all food. Great aversion to food. Aversion to butter. Can eat nothing, everything is repugnant. (He cannot think of food without feeling nauseated). (* As. S. 138. *) Loathing of food. Inability to get nourishment swallowed. (* “After antidote.” *) Thirst, etc.

Thirst and dryness of the mouth, with a peculiar thick white saliva. Thirst and anxiety. Increased thirst, etc. A good deal of thirst, at night, owing to dryness in the throat, ceasing in the morning. Great thirst, etc. Urgent thirst.

Excessive thirst. Excessive thirst; drinking did not refresh him. Excessive thirst; he drinks much, but little at a time. (“not found”). Intense thirst, etc. Thirst violent.

Thirst so violent that he drank eleven jugs of water in half a day. Violent tormenting thirst. Violent thirst, not without appetite. Thirst, violent, continued. Unquenchable thirst, etc. Unquenchable thirst, with dryness of the tongue, pharynx, and oesophagus. The thirst became unquenchable in the evening. Unquenchable thirst, from morning till evening; he has to drink water every ten minutes. The vomiting cases; he only constantly cries, “I am thirsty. Constant thirst. (Suffocative thirst). Burning thirst (“not found”). Burning thirst, without especial desire to drink. Burning, unquenchable thirst. He calls for refreshing fruits, and sucks slices of lemon with great eagerness. Desire for vinegar water. Great desire for milk, which was usually repulsive to her. Great desire for coffee. Desire for brandy, H. Thirst not very marked. She does not wish to drink. Absence of thirst. No thirst during the chilliness. ERUCTATION AND HICCOUGH: Frequent eructation. Many eructations, especially after drinking. Continual eructations. Unsuccessful eructations. Violent empty eructations, with confusion of the head (after thirty-six hours). Frequent empty eructations (half an hour). Eructation of air. Eructations tasting of the ingesta. Bitter eructations after a meal, with gulping up of a bitter, greenish mucus. Eructations occasioned by flatulence moving upward. Sour eructations after dinner. Eructations of foul-smelling gases. Eructations and hiccough. Eructations and nausea. Water brash (after 4 in the afternoon). Hiccough, etc. During the night hiccough. Hiccough, at night, when rising, with a scraping repulsive taste in the mouth. Long-lasting hiccough, in the hour when the fever ought to have come. Frequent hiccough after a meal, followed by eructations. Frequent hiccough and eructations. Violent hiccough. Convulsive hiccough. NAUSEA:. Qualmishness, at 11 in the forenoon, and 3 in the afternoon. In the morning, when waking, she feels qualmish and nauseate, as high up as the chest; afterwards, he vomits white mucus and has a bitterish taste in her mouth. Nausea, etc. Increased nausea, Intense nausea. Daily nausea. nausea in the pharynx and stomach. Frequent nausea, with a sweetish taste in the mouth, not always after a meal. Nausea, which seems to be seated in the throat, with accumulation of water in the mouth. Nausea when sitting; water got into the mouth, as in water brash; the nausea disappeared on walking into the open air, and was succeeded by profuse discharge of papescent stools (after seven hours). Nausea before a meal; after eating or drinking, distension. or pressure and cutting in the abdomen. Nausea, with anguish. Nausea, with imperfect water brash, shortly before dinner. Nausea, with frequent inclination to vomit. Nausea and desire to vomit, obliging him to lie down, in the forenoon; accompanied with tearing around the knuckles, and in the dorsum of the foot. Disgust, nausea and vomiting, mostly two hours after eating, no matter how light the food was. Nausea, then vomiting. Constricting nausea, followed by vomiting, Nausea and vomiting. Nausea, and occasional vomiting. Nausea and violent vomiting. Constant nausea and vomiting for several hours. Nausea at times increases, so that one vomits food, mucus, and a fluid partly acid and partly bitter. Long-lasting nausea, with faintness, tremor, heat all over, and shuddering, after a few hours. Great sickness of the stomach, accompanied by a copious flow of tenacious saliva. Sickness and vomiting. Inclination to vomit. Inclination to vomit, with out vomiting, etc. Desire to vomit, and violent vomiting. Inclination to vomit, after the heat. Desire to vomit, also in the open air. Constant inclination to vomit, with rare vomiting, but frequent retching, which as it seemed increased periodically with oppression. Desire to vomit. Drinking brandy lessens the inclination to vomit. Unusual tendency to retching, brought on by crying or coughing. Retching. Frequent ineffectual retching. Ineffectual retching, continues almost without interruption. (Empty retching). Violent retching. Constant retching, without real vomiting. Retching, and sometimes vomiting. Violent retching and vomiting. Very violent retching and vomiting. Retching, with frequent vomiting of white mucus. Retching and vomiting as soon as he has taken a few spoonfuls of soup. Retching and repeated violent vomiting of mucus and bile. Attempts at vomiting. Very great effort to vomit. VOMITING:. Vomiting, (and numerous others). Vomited a little. Vomiting freely. He vomits very easily, even after slight meals. Severe vomiting. Violent vomiting. Violent vomiting, as if the bowels would be torn asunder. Continued violent vomiting, with the sensation as if it would tear our his stomach and intestines, as with a pair of forceps. Violent vomiting, not only of the food last taken, but also of the fluid contents of the stomach. Violent vomiting, lasting, with little interruption, half a day, at times mixed with blood, with cutting in the stomach. The vomiting is generally violent and incessant, and excited by any substance taken into the stomach. Very violent vomiting, etc. Violent vomiting, with internal burning, thirst, and heat. He vomited several times very violently, at first fragments of food, then water, with great relief. Most violent vomiting, with fearful pains in the abdomen and legs. Vomiting not copious, with remarkable effort. Excessive and most difficult vomiting of the beverage, and of yellow-green mucus and water, with bitter taste in the mouth, which remained a long time after. Frequent vomiting. Repeated vomiting, for forty-eight hours. Vomiting at short intervals till the next day. More frequent vomiting, not only bilious, but bloody and slimy, every half hour, day and night. During painful, continued retching, vomiting repeated at least every ten minutes. Frequent labored vomiting. Vomiting, almost incessant, and very severe, continuing six hours, then recurring by spells, for twenty-four hours. Almost incessant vomiting for forty-eight hours, with fearful burning in the abdomen, and thirst that cannot be satisfied. Incessant vomiting. Vomiting cannot be stopped, with violent retching, griping in the abdomen, and pains, Vomiting bitter. Vomiting of a bitter green-yellow liquid. Vomiting of ingesta. (Vomiting of the ingesta, for several weeks). Vomited all the food he took. Inability to retain nourishment, which is thrown up as soon as it touches the stomach. Vomiting of food and white mucus. Vomiting of food, mixed with a tenacious mass. Even water is immediately thrown off the stomach. At first he ejected food by vomiting, then mucus and green bile. Vomiting of food mixed with a reddish- brown liquid. Frequent vomiting of food; soon after repeated diarrhoea, with relief. Vomiting of large quantity of fluid. Watery vomiting. Vomiting white fluid. Vomiting of a scanty yellowish fluid, streaked with green. Copious vomiting of pale yellow liquid. Vomiting, without effort, of yellow mucus. Greenish bitter vomiting. Bilious vomiting. Severe bilious vomiting. Copious vomiting of bilious matter. Vomiting of bile on getting up. When vomiting, much green bile was ejected. Vomiting of much green matter at night, of whitish stuff next morning. Violent vomiting of mucus, bilious and frothy masses. With tormenting retching, violent vomiting of a large quantity of greenish liquid, and two stools, consisting of the food eaten the day previous, almost undigested. Vomiting of thick, glairy mucus. (* “After antidote.” *) Vomiting, two or three times, of a tenacious mucus and brownish mass. Vomiting of brown and green substances. Vomiting of an alternately thin of thick brownish-dark substance, with violent exertion and increase of the pain in the stomach, without subsequent relief. Violent vomiting of a brown turbid matter, mixed with mucus, and sometimes streaked with blood. Vomiting of a brownish substance, frequently mixed with blood, with violent exertion. The vomited matter was colorless, pale-yellow, mixed with a little frothy saliva, or several streaks of blood. Vomiting of blood-streaked mucus. Vomiting mucus mixed with blood. Vomiting of blood. Profuse malaena; vomited blood, and his sputa was tinged with it. Violent vomiting of blood, and evacuation of dark blood (with which a violent burning pain was left in the anus); there was such a mass of blood that not a drop seemed left in the body. Vomiting of bloody mucus. Vomiting of mucus and blood. The matters discharged from the stomach and bowels may have a yellowish color, or may be colored by blood, or by a mixture of blood and bile, and then present various shades of brown or olive-green. They may be milky white, consisting of flakes of mucus mixed with white arsenic. The ejecta tasted bitter, like acrid bile, and looked green. vomiting on raising the head. Vomiting, immediately after a meal, without nausea. Vomiting after each meal. Vomiting every time after drinking. After each drink the vomiting is renewed, with violent pains in the abdomen and pharynx. Vomiting periodic, more a retching. Vomiting every half- hour, without pain or other appearance of suffering. Vomiting, especially in the night, which lessened toward morning, when diarrhoea appeared. The vomiting is relieved by water. The vomiting brings no relief. Violent vomiting, and very violent bleeding of the nose. Vomiting of a substance which causes constriction of the throat. Amid fearful retchings and convulsive contractions of the stomach, he had vomit six times. Vomiting, and afterwards violent diarrhoea. Occasional vomiting and purging. Vomiting and diarrhoea, etc. Excessive vomiting and diarrhoea. Violent vomiting and purging. Violent vomiting and diarrhoea for four days. Violent, continued vomiting, with diarrhoea. Vomiting, alternating with diarrhoea; after which, lasting constipation. Vomiting and painful diarrhoea. Vomiting, and diarrhoea of greenish bloody water. Vomiting and purging of dark-colored matters. He vomited, the first two days and nights, about twenty times (which ceased only after eight days), and purged often, especially at first. Vomiting and diarrhoea bloody. Vomiting and diarrhoea, during the whole night. Vomiting and purging, with unbearable odor. Horrid cries accompany the vomiting, which continues day and night. (* “Cited from Cardanus.” *) The vomiting returned accompanied by violent palpitation of the heart (second day). Vomiting was followed by pain in the small of the back. Vomiting, eighteen to twenty times in succession, after which she became very weary, so that she could not speak, could only complain of her abdomen. Vomiting of a thin, bluish, dirty yellow substance, followed by great debility. Vomiting with diarrhoea, directly after the swoon. Vomited several times, then fell asleep, and slept until near midnight. Violent vomiting, followed by copious sweating. Incessant vomiting of the milk that had been taken, with roaring like a wild animal, on account of pain. Frequent vomiting, with apprehensions of death. Vomiting with returning consciousness. Violent vomiting and frequent unconsciousness, lasting but a few moments; immediately after, trembling, abdominal pain, and repeated stools followed. The vomiting occurs mostly by paroxysms, without great exertion. STOMACH: Inflammation of the stomach is a constant post- mortem appearance, whether the poison have entered the system by a wound or ulcerated surface, or by swallowing. Severe inflammation of the whole alimentary mucous membrane. The stomach, duodenum, and rectum were much inflamed (post mortem). Weak digestion, and dislike to meat. Disturbed digestion from the slightest food. Digestion difficult (eight months). Indigestion. Stomach distended and hard. The stomach begins to distend, and is warmer than the rest of the body. (Distension of the region of the stomach and hypochondria, previous to stool). (* “After antidote.”) Distension of the epigastric region.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.