Arsenicum Album

Sleep and Dreams.

YAWNING AND SLEEPINESS: Yawning. Frequent yawning. Yawning almost uninterrupted. Yawning and stretching as though he had not slept enough. Yawning and weakness after eating, so that he must lie down and sleep. Inclined to sleep. No sleep, but inclination to slumber. She became sleepy, with out being able to sleep or rest. Sleepiness, etc. Frequent attacks of somnolence in the daytime, when sitting.

Drowsiness. Excessive drowsiness; he falls asleep again immediately after taking; for four days. Drowsiness interrupted by uneasy dreams and great anxiety. Irresistible desire to sleep, alternating with great restlessness. Soporous condition, from which she often awoke, but only for a short time. SLEEP: Slept a little at times; when awake, was inclined to converse in a quiet and agreeable way, more particularly in reference to her own history; this continued for the next forty_ eight hours, she being all the while in a state of extreme prostration (first day). The little patient slept, except when awakened by vomiting. Slumber and slight delirium. At night, sleep, alternating with raving and different visions. He lies on his back during sleep, with his left hand under the occiput. Quiet sleep. Startings of various kinds, when falling asleep, in the evening. Much violent starting while asleep. Frequent starting from sleep. General sick feeling, in sleep, two successive nights. Uneasy nights; felt as if a chill was coming on. Disturbed sleep. Sleep uneasy, and disturbed by dreams. Restless sleep. Sleep restless; disturbed by attacks of cough, anxiety, and general heat, until 1.30 P.M. After midnight (from 3 o’clock on) she tosses about, and sleeps only at times. Loud moaning in the evening, while asleep. Moaning, while asleep, with tossing about it bed, especially about 3 o’clock in the morning. He talks and quarrels while asleep. During sleep, loud talking and indistinct murmuring, with half closed eyes. During sleep, he complains of headache, now in the forehead, now in the occiput. The pains are felt in the night, during sleep. Sleep very restless, she wakes very early. The pain of the affected part wakes him in the night from time to time, especially before midnight. She is awakened from sleep by vomiting. He wakes while dreaming, and while an emission is taking place, without being able to remember what he dreamed of. In the morning, she feels as if she had not slept enough. Feels as though she had not slept enough, mornings; eyes are weary; she cannot get out of bed. Cannot go to sleep, although fatigued. Sleeplessness till 3 A.M., No sleep. Sleeplessness, and others. Sleepless for forty-eight hours, then had a good night’s sleep, which quite refreshed her; felt comfortable for twelve hours. Sleepless, with restlessness and moaning. Sleepless, tossing about, nights, with creeping in the abdomen. Sleeplessness, with fainting fits from time to time. (Nightly fancies). During his morning slumber he hears every sound and noise, yet continues dreaming withal. Heavy dreams. Heavy dreams and nightmare; the dreams hovered before his mind even during the day, and disquieted him. Dreams full of fatiguing thoughts. Sleep disturbed by anxious dreams. Dreams full of care; he wakes, and when asleep again continues his dream. Anxious dreams while falling asleep; he wants to cry out, but cannot utter his cry, and is suddenly waked by that cry, which he hears yet. Vivid, vexations dreams. Frightful, anxious dreams. Nightly dreams full of threats, apprehensions, or repentance. Dreams full of care and danger; he wakes with a cry, and, when asleep again, dreams of something else. Dreams full of care, sorrow, and fear, disturb his sleep. Uninterrupted dreams about thunderstorms, fire, black water, and darkness. Dreams about death.


COLDNESS:. Temperature lowered. Skin cold. Cold as a corpse. Coldness of the skin for several month. Skin cold to touch, and covered with profuse cold perspiration. The skin icy cold, covered with cold sweat, especially on the forehead and temples. Skin cool and spasmodically closed. The skin icy cold and the face fearfully pale. Sensation of external coldness (which is also objective), with internal heat, like fullness or fire in the vessels. Shuddering. Frequent shuddering. Feverish shuddering. Cold shuddering. Violent chilly shuddering. The shuddering disappears after dinner (rare alternate effect). Shuddering after dinner. The shuddering returns every afternoon at 5 O’clock. Shuddering, after drinking, as if from disgust. Shuddering and chilliness, after drinking (immediately). Feverish shuddering every evening. Shuddering, every evening, before retiring. Shuddering when walking in the open air. Shuddering, without thirst (immediately). Shuddering over the whole body, with hot forehead, warm face and cold hands, or with forehead, not cheeks, and cold hands. The shuddering is apt to be accompanied with other pains or ailments. Many symptoms are accompanied with shuddering. Shivering. Fever- shivering, chill. Shivering, out of the bed. Chattering of the teeth, fearful distortion of the facial muscles, and crying out that he can bear it no longer on account of the coldness; he trembled with it as if he had an ague; the room was well heated and the weather not cold. General chilliness. Chilliness in the external skin, over the face and feet. Chilliness increasing to the highest degree. Violent chilliness with shaking. Chilliness, with cold feet; nevertheless, he began to perspire. Chilliness, with alternating burning pains in stomach, and marked anxiety. Chilliness with shaking, during the pains; they are followed by thirst. Chilliness, with coldness towards evening. Violent chilliness in the evening, after going to bed. Attack of chilliness in the evening, lasting five minutes, and again in the morning, on waking. Chilliness, without being able to get warm, accompanied with ill humor, flushes of hear, when talking or moving about; she then became red in the face, but nevertheless felt chilly. Toward evening, attack of chilliness, lasting two hours, afterwards, sweat heat. Chilliness at 3 o’clock, every afternoon, with hunger; the chilliness increased after a meal. Quotidian ague, sometimes tertian. The slightest chill from exposure to damp, or from sitting in church on a very cold day, was always followed by shivering fits, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, rapid loss of strength, and distressed countenance. Internal chilliness in the afternoon, with external heat red cheeks. Fever when coming out of the open air and entering the room: first, chilliness, afterwards hiccough for a long while, after which, general sweat, lastly, again hiccough. Violent shaking chill. Shuddering chills, with shaking of the head. Cold. Great coldness. Great coldness of the surface of the body. Coldness over the whole body, etc. General coldness. Constant coldness of the whole body. Coldness of the body and dryness of the skin, alternate with cold sweat. Icy coldness before vomiting, then burning heat of the whole skin, which is cold to touch. Coldness of the limbs. A sudden coldness crept over him, he could not stand. She cannot get warm in bed, at night. He cannot get warm in bed; he thinks he has caught cold in his head. The coldness of the body could not be relieved by the application of external warmth; complete want of reaction. Sensation of coldness over the whole body, also internally, especially in the stomach. Coldness and numbness of the whole right side, especially in arm and hand. Coldness of the face, hands, and forearms. Extremities and face in the afternoon cool, toward 5 o’clock cold. Hands and feet icy cold. In the evening, coldness of the hands and feet, and even about the abdomen. General coldness, with profuse sweat of the skin. The whole body, especially the hands and feet, cold and dry. Coldness morning and evening, without thirst; emitting a quantity of urine, little stool, and stretching in all the limbs, H. Heat;. Perceptible heat of whole body. Burning flush over whole body. Temperature of skin increased, etc. Skin very hot. Violent heat of the skin. Dry heat of the skin.

Skin hot and dry. Fever. (* “Not found.” *) Violent fever, etc. Regular tertian intermittent fever. At first, slight fever, afterwards becoming severe. The fever begins in the daytime, and lasts till evening. Fever, attended by delirium. High fever, with delirium. Fever with violent thirst. Violent fever and thirst. Violent fever with rapid hard pulse. Fever, with stiffness and very violent pain in the swollen legs and feet, which also continued after the fever had disappeared on the eighth day. Fever and restlessness. Fever at 2 o’clock in the night, increased warmth over the whole body, sweat in the face and on the feet, and tension in the hypochondria and epigastrium, producing colicky pain, and a feeling of anxiety. Typhus-like fever with extreme restlessness, alternating with stupor. Attacks of fever. Repeated attacks of fever, with pain in shoulders and nape. Every evening, an attack of fever. Fever, towards evening; chilliness with drowsiness, and a disagreeable sick feeling through the whole body, as after a paroxysm of fever, either completely or only half terminated; after midnight, profuse sweat on the thighs; returned at the same hour, two days after. Burning fever, not to be relieved by cold water; the heat is followed by sweat, especially in the nape of the neck; this fever sometimes appears every fortnight, for a few days. Fever at 10 o’clock in the evening; heat, with redness of the whole body, afterwards sweat. Paroxysm of fever returning at the same hour for several days. Hectic fever. (* As S. 138. *) Fever terminating in death. (* “Not found.” *) Heat. Great heat.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.