Arsenicum Album

Obstinate constipation for two years No stool Constipation, with pains in the bowels diarrhoea alternating with constipation. At first diarrhoea, at last constipation, without vomiting.

Urinary Organs.

Tenesmus and strangury Strangury. Burning in the urethra Burning on urinating. Burning in the urethra during micturition. Burning in the anterior part of the urethra at the commencement of micturition, early in the morning (after twenty- four hours) Biting pain in the urethra Frequent pain, like tearings, deep in the urethra Strong urging to urinate Frequent desire to urinate, passing much urine (after two to seventeen hours) Frequent desire to urinate, which at times in accomplished only with difficulty Great desire to urinate, but does not pass any urine. Desire to urinate, which he cannot satisfy, but the bladder is empty, and with the catheter only a few spoonfuls of clear urine are discharged Frequent urination Urine more frequent than usual Must rise to urinate three or four times in the night, passing a large quantity every time, several nights in succession Involuntary urinating. Involuntary micturition; the urine flowed from her before she was able to reach the chamber, though but little urine. (Involuntary emission of urine in the night, when sleeping.) Painful urinating Ischuria Spasmodic difficulties in urinating. (Diminished flow of urine sometimes.) Scanty urine, passing with difficulty Scanty emission and burning during emission. Urine was not passed at all Retention of urine Retention of urine, as if the bladder were paralyzed. Urine suppressed (Urine increased, often.) Urine in considerable quantity Profuse urination Urine profuse and dark brown (Urine copious and burning hot.) Urine scanty Scanty dark yellow urine Urine almost colorless Dark, wine yellow urine with violent pressure. (Greenish, dark brown urine, turbid when emitting it, looking like cow dung stirred up with water, and forming no sediment. Hematuria Urine very turbid (after five days.) Much sediment in the urine Red sand in the urine and pain in passing it.

Sexual Organs.

(Inflammation and swelling of the genital organs, increasing almost to gangrene; excessively painful.) Excessively painful swelling of the genital organs. Sphacelus of the male parts of generation The glans is blue red, swollen, and cracked. Erections seldom and incomplete Sexual powers lost Erections i the morning, without emission Erection, with burning in the anterior part of the prepuce The penis, bladder, and kidneys cause him fearful pains Swelling and unbearable burning of the penis Corrosive itching of the posterior portion of the penis, obliging him to scratch Violent itching of the glans, without erection Stitching itching on the tip of the prepuce On awaking, all the reddened portion of the scrotum was found covered with an eruption of very small vesicles. This continued for some days, discharging slightly, and ending in desiccation (This case shows the elective action of Arsenic on the genital organs.) Swelling of the scrotum Emission, with sexual dreams Emission, without dreams, followed by a continued erection Discharge of prostatic juice, with diarrheic stool.

Female Genitalia

Itching of the genital organs. Sexual furor of a woman; she requires an embrace twice a day, and if not satisfied, the orgasm takes place spontaneously She experienced active fetal movements during the attack (she was seven months advanced in pregnancy). Leucorrhoea (a cupful in twenty-four hours) yellowish and thick, corroding the parts it touches; for ten days. Leucorrhoeal discharge while standing and emitting flatulence (after twenty- four hours). After the menses, there always appeared for several days a discharge of a yellow, offensive, watery fluid; frequently also, a discharge from the rectum of blood and purulent mucus, associated with burning pains Sudden profuse discharge of dark blood from the vagina. Discharge of bloody mucus after the menses Menses too early. Menses twice return, too early, even in twenty days Profuse menses. Menstruation several days longer and somewhat more profuse Constant exhausting menorrhagia. The menses did not make their usual appearance; in their stead, she had stitches in the gluteal region and the shoulders Appearance of menses which have been five days retarded Menses continue only two, instead of six days as usual. The menstruation, which should appear, ceased Amenorrhea. Suppressed menstruation Scanty, pale menses Pale red blood.

Respiratory Apparatus.

Obstinate bronchitis (Gangrenous croup) Suffocative catarrh. (* “Same symptom as next.” *) ( Sudden, catarrh, threatening suffocation at night. ) Spasms of glottis. Dryness of the larynx Irritation in larynx, provoking a cough. Smoky sensation in larynx causes cough before going to sleep, evenings, as of the vapor sulphur.

Constant titillation in the larynx, inducing cough, even when not inspiring. The voice is trembling. Low voice Weak voice Voice clear but weak. Voice very uneven; now strong, now weak Hoarseness. Chronic hoarseness Voice rough and hoarse Rough voice, with hoarseness. Voice, from time to time, screaming The voice is hollow, the speech unintelligible The voice almost ceased Aphonia.

Cough and Expectoration

Troublesome cough Frequent coughing Frequent severe cough Severe spasmodic cough Severe spasmodic cough with tendency to vomiting; lasted until the heat of summer Severe spasmodic cough (while the paper was being removed from the walls) Violent morning cough Cough short in the morning, after the (usual) tea drinking Cough in the evening, directly after lying down; she has to sit up; afterwards, contractive pain in the epigastric region and pit of the stomach; this pain continued the cough, which made her weak Night cough; he has to sit up as soon as the cough commences Violent fits of cough wake him in the night, as if he would be suffocated; the throat became swollen Cough when going into the open, cold air. Cough, evening, directly after lying down. Cough when moving the body; the cough frequently puts him out of breath suddenly Cough caused by a constrictive sensation in the upper part of the larynx, as from the vapor of sulphur. Cough on drawing a deep breath or moving about Cough especially after drinking. Cough excited when he drinks without thirst Tenacious, short, and hacking cough, causing a smarting pain in the chest Cough, tightness of the chest, and painful stitching in the chest Dry cough (Dry, hacking cough.) (Dry, violent cough (after two hours),. (Dry, fatiguing cough), Frequent short, dry cough Deep, dry, short, unceasing cough, after midnight. Cough, without expectoration, from irritation in the air passages Frequent short, dry, hacking cough from a suffocative sensation in the larynx as from the vapor of sulphur Dry, choking cough, with short, labored breathing and sore pain in the pit of the stomach, as if ulcerated; the pain extends to the middle of the chest Cough, without expectoration, but with dyspnoea, in the evening. Cough, without expectoration, preceded by a jerking in the hip, which seems to excite the cough. Violent attacks of cough and copious expectoration (Short and hacking cough, with pain in the chest and salt expectoration, preceded by oppression of the chest.) (* See S. 138. *) Thick yellow expectoration. Green, bitter expectoration in the morning Salty expectoration (by hawking) (* “Observed after antidote.” *) Bitter expectoration (* “Observed after antidote.” *) When coughing violently, much water comes out of the mouth, resembling waterbrash Expectorates a frothy saliva. The mucus coughed up is streaked with blood. Discharge of mucus streaked with blood; afterwards desire to vomit.

Spitting of blood Spitting of blood, with such a degree of nervous irritability, that a current of air caused an attack of spasms and convulsions Painful expectoration.


Inspiration normal; at times sighing Frequent involuntary sighing Shortness of breath Short respiration. Very short breathing Respiration short, irregular Short and frequent respiration Respiration short, accelerated, moaning. Respiration short, anxious. Short respiration, especially when walking Directly after coughing, the breathing becomes short, as if the chest were contracted. Frequent oppressive shortness of breath in every position of the body, causing anxiety. Respiration accelerated. Respiration rapid and short. Respiration slow Respiration free, slow Respiration very slow and imperfect Respiration heavy He breathes heavily, etc. Respiration heavy, and disturbed by frequent sighing He breathes heavily while suffering the pain in the abdomen, as if the chest were oppressed Respiration oppressed Respiration very much oppressed Oppressed respiration, frequently returning Breathing greatly oppressed; obliged to get up and go to the window for air. Oppression; want of breath; a nocturnal asthma makes him spring up at midnight. Breathing difficult and often interrupted by sighs. Unusual anxiety; gasping for air Breathing difficult, etc. Breathing very difficult Labored breathing Difficult breathing, with great anguish Sleep, with difficult respiration. (Difficult breathing.) (* “Local effect.” *) Respiration is painful, from the tender state of the abdomen Suffocative feeling when going upstairs. Air passages seem constricted; he could not fully breathe, and thought he should suffocate. When walking in the open air he experiences a suffocative sensation which obliges him to cough. He is threatened with suffocation; puts out his tongue. She imagines she will suffocate every moment, being so weak that she is not able to take a deep breath. He immediately loses his breath in the evening upon getting into bed and laying himself down ever so carefully; the trachea becomes constricted and a fine wheezing is heard in it, resembling the sound of a fine string. dyspnoea great Great dyspnoea, with pain in the right chest and shoulder. Violent dyspnoea Extreme dyspnoea The distress of breathing continually increases Continually increased distress of breathing, ending in asphyxia Spasmodic asthma Asthma; the breathing becomes more and more weak and short until, finally, she is only able to breathe and talk very low, by inclining the chest forward. Asthmatic attack every half an hour, lasting five to ten minutes Long lasting dyspnoea Dyspnoea when vexed Asthma when fatigued, as from anguish Asthmatic attacks during sleep.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.