Arsenicum Album

Gastric acidity. Violent spasms of the stomach and bowels. Spasm of the stomach, with violent colic, diarrhoea, and fainting fits. (Excessively violent spasm of the stomach, with thirst). Feeling of great weakness in the epigastrium, so that she trembled, after micturition. Uncomfortable sensation in the stomach. Unpleasant sensation in the stomach. Anxiety in the region of the stomach. Anxiety in the pit of the stomach. Great anxiety about the pit of the stomach, etc. Anxiety in the pit of the stomach, rising high up, at night. Pains in the region of the stomach. Pain in the stomach, etc. Cardialgia. The stomach and pharynx painful. Pains in the stomach, causing nausea. (* “After antidote.” *) Pains in the region of the stomach and in the abdomen. Pain in the scrobiculus cordis. Pain in the pit of the stomach arresting the breathing. Considerable pain and great heat in the epigastric region. Great painfulness of the stomach. Great pain in the epigastric region. Great pain in epigastric region in paroxysms. Severe pain across the epigastric region. Violent pain in the epigastrium. He appeared to have violent pains, lamented, groaned, screamed, pressed with his hand on the epigastric region, but did not locate the pain verbally, as in general nothing was to be found out from him. The child showed signs of great pains in the stomach and abdomen. He experiences pain only in the stomach. The stomach was the seat of the most vivid suffering. Cries and complaining of inexpressible anguish in the pit of the stomach, without distension or colic. Excruciating pain in region of stomach. Terrible distress in the stomach. In the evening, pain in the stomach. Constant pains in stomach (eight month). Pains and cramps in stomach, with vomitings and water brash, becoming very severe. Pain in the stomach seemed to be associated with violent retching. Pain in the stomach seemed to be result of violent efforts to vomit. Symptoms of inflammation of the stomach. Pain in the stomach and intestines. Violent pain in the epigastric and umbilical regions. Violent pains in the stomach and abdomen. Constant internal chilliness in the epigastric region; he is never clad warm enough; the parts feel warm when touched. Sensation in the stomach, as if it would burn. Heat rises from stomach. Burning around the pit of the stomach. Burning in the stomach, etc. Burning in the pit of the stomach, etc. Violent burning pains in the stomach. Violent burning pains in the stomach and intestines. Burning in the stomach like fire. Burning in the stomach like red-hot coals. In the stomach fearful burning pains. Intense burning in the region of the stomach. Intense heat and burning of the epigastrium. Intense burning pain in the region of the stomach, increased by pressure. Heat and uneasiness in stomach. Heat, pain, and pressure in the pit of the stomach. Constant and considerable burning in the stomach and chest. Red-hot burning, with great anxiety in the region of the stomach, with tormenting retching. Burning in the pit of the stomach, with aching pain. Burning in the stomach, with pressure as of a load. Burning in the stomach, and pain increased by touch in the stomach and liver. Momentary relief of burning and nausea followed the vomiting. Feeling of repletion in the stomach, with aversion to food, and pain in the stomach after eating, in the evening. Severe pain in the stomach, as if it were distended in its whole extent, and would be torn. Pain in the stomach, as if full of flatulence; eased at first, after vomiting and diarrhoea, but subsequently returning with greater violence. Sensation of tension in epigastric region. Repletion in the epigastric region, with pinching in the abdomen. Contractive sensation in the region of the stomach. Painful contraction in the epigastrium. Violent contraction of the stomach and pharynx, and painful burning. Pinching in the pit of stomach toward the right side, causing her to stoop. Cramps in the stomach, and feeling as if he had an attack of cholera. Especially in the region of the stomach fearfully violent cramps and pains. Violent cramp in the stomach and abdomen. Spasmodic pain in the stomach, two hours after midnight. Periodic spasmodic pains in the stomach and bowels. Stomachache. Unbearable stomachache, with constantly increasing anxiety and cries for help. Drawing pain in the evening when sitting, commencing in the pit of the stomach, and extending around the lower border of the left ribs, as if something were torn loose. Painful drawing in the stomach, with slight shivering. Oppressive feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Weight in the stomach, and anorexia, all day. Weight in the stomach, as of a stone, after a meal. Pressure on the stomach painful, etc. Pressure at the exterior wall of the stomach, when talking (after half an hour). Pressure at the orifice of the stomach and in the fauces, after a meal, as if the food remained high up, followed by empty eructations. Pressure in the region of the stomach and pit of the stomach. Pressure in pit of stomach. Hard pressure over the pit of the stomach (immediately). Pressure in epigastrium, which is tense, though scarcely sensitive to even deep pressure. Pressure at the stomach for three hours, shortly after breakfast and dinner, accompanied with empty eructations, and nauseating relaxation of the body. Pressure about the stomach, so that he cannot stand up, as soon as he has eaten something, hot immediately, but after a little while. Strong pressure in stomach after swallowing a little soup. Strangulating feeling in the stomach, with increased sensitiveness to touch. (Cutting pain in the stomach). Cutting, spasmodic pains in the stomach, hypochondria, and chest. Gnawing, corrosive pain in the stomach. Stitching in the pit of the stomach, during cough.

Intolerable pricking pain in the stomach, as though thousand red hot needles were sticking through the stomach. Tearing in the stomach and abdomen. Dull tearing, transversely across the region of the stomach, when walking in the afternoon. Violent tearing boring pain and spasm in the stomach and intestines.

Tearing, spasmodic, aching pain in the stomach. Pain in the stomach, tenderness on pressure. Pains on touching the regions of the stomach and bladder. Stomach tender to pressure. Tenderness of pit of stomach to pressure. Soreness in pit of stomach, when talking, drawing breath, or moving bout. He complained little of pain, but the region of the stomach was sensitive to external pressure. Regions of stomach and navel sensitive. Stomach remarkably sensitive. On touching the region of the stomach slight pain. Acute pain on pressure over the epigastrium. At first the region of the stomach, afterwards more especially the regions of the liver and the abdomen, are painful to touch. The region of the stomach very sensitive, with very violent pains in the intestinal canal. Pains in and around stomach, which becomes sensitive to pressure. Throbbing pains in epigastrium; prevent sleep. Frequent spasmodic jerks from the pit of the stomach to the rectum, causing him to start. Gnawing and pricking (hard and fine beating) pain in the pit of the stomach, with a feeling of tension. Itching at the pit of the stomach, obliging him to scratch. He constantly scratched the skin of the epigastrium with his nails. Could not bear any wine, even the smallest portion. The pains in the stomach are relieved by sweet milk.


HYPOCHONDRIAC AND UMBILICAL REGIONS: Irritation of liver, with yellowish, or sickly pale look. Pain in the region of the liver. Violent pain in the right hypochondriac region. Pain in the right hypochondriac and adjoining lumbar regions, the pain extending from these parts sometimes through the abdomen, sometimes into the right groin and side of the abdomen, like renal colic; urine unchanged. Acute pain over region of the liver, much increased oppression. Hypochondria tense and shaken by convulsions. Increased tension in the hypochondria during the paroxysm of fever; he is almost unable to lie on one side. Pressing sensation in the liver when walking in the open air. Drawing stitching pain under the left hypochondrium, extending into the chest, when clearing the throat. Hypertrophy of spleen. (Swelling of the spleen, which had been indurated formerly. H). Violent pains about the navel, causing him to bend forward, increased by touch and on attempting to raise himself, or to lie on the back. Pains in the abdomen below the naval. Drawing colic in the umbilical region (after two hours). Dysenteric colic in the umbilical region.

(*”Tormina circa umbilicum.” *) ABDOMEN IN GENERAL: Swollen abdomen. Abdomen swollen and painful. Bowels rather tympanitic. Abdomen fuller than usual. Excessive swelling of the abdomen. Swelling of the abdomen and of the orbital region. Violent, painless distension of the abdomen after a meal; he had to lean his back against something to be relieved. Abdomen swollen and tense Distended abdomen, etc Distension of the abdomen after stool Distension and pain in the abdomen. Bloatedness every morning, with emission of flatulence a few hours after The abdomen was soft and not distended Abdomen soft and sunken Spasms and pinching in the abdomen, in the evening after lying down, with breaking out of sweat; afterwards emission of flatulence and thick stool Great flatulence Flatulence having a putrid smell (after eleven hours) The flatulence rises and causes eructations Emission of a quantity of flatulence preceded by loud grumbling in the abdomen Rumbling in the bowels. Rumbling in the abdomen, as of much flatulence Rumbling in the abdomen, without stool Violent rumbling in the abdomen Rumbling in the bowels, morning on waking Gurgling in the abdomen; flatulence Weakness of the abdominal muscles Tendency to inflammation of duodenum, with violent pains Uneasiness in the abdomen, but only when at rest Uncomfortable feeling in the abdomen, afterwards colic, and very frequent vomiting Excessively unpleasant feeling in the whole abdomen Anxiety in the abdomen, with fever and thirst Pain in bowels Pains in abdomen, etc. Pain over the abdomen Much pain in abdomen Unbearable pains in the abdomen The pain in the abdomen becomes seated in the left side Pains in the abdomen, with unbearable anxiety Anxiety, with pains in abdomen so violent that he grasped those about him, and again pushed them from him; frequently jumped out of bed and sat on the chamber, or ran about Pains in abdomen and legs Pain in the abdomen, with heat in the face Abdominal pains, with excessive urging to stool, when a diarrhoeic evacuation followed. Pains in abdomen, with constipation Dull pain, with sensation of tension and heaviness in the right epigastric and hypogastric regions Violent pains in abdomen, etc Violent pains in the abdomen, even caused screaming Intolerable anguish, and very troublesome sensation in the abdomen arrests the breathing, with lamentings about it, (* Same as S. 34. *) Violent pains in the abdomen, with such great anguish that he had no rest anywhere; rolled about on the floor, and despaired of his life. Such violent pains in the abdomen that on going home, he had to hold on to the houses in order to prevent falling Violent pains pervading the whole abdomen, with continued vomiting and diarrhoea Violent abdominal pains, with incessant diarrhoea.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.