Arsenicum Album

Confusion of mind. Stupid and confused in his head, as in violent coryza, and when out of humor; the head feels like a lantern. Feels as if she would lose her senses when thinking long about anything. Absence of mind. Answers slowly. He returns very short answers when questioned. (Weakness of the understanding). (* “Result of suppression of Ague by A.” *) At last perfectly unable to perform any mental work, afraid of his fellow-men, irritable and passionate; he got so downhearted from continued sleeplessness (from October 6th, 1855, to November, 1856), that he committed suicide. Absence of the understanding and of the external and internal senses; he saw nothing, said nothing for many days, heard nothing, and understood nothing; when one shouted into his ears, he looked at those present like one waking from deep sleep. Want of memory. Diminished memory. Forgetfulness memory. Forgetfulness; thoughts leave him. Very imperfect memory for a long time. From having had a remarkably good memory, she lost her memory completely. Does not recognize objects. Did not seem fully conscious of his condition. (Chronic weakness of sense).

(* “Doubtful how much in ague and how much A.” *) Self- consciousness disappears of becomes very indistinct.

Unconsciousness. Loss of consciousness, etc. They lay unconscious and insensible. Loss of sensation and of consciousness. Lies unconscious, and is aroused with difficulty. Senseless. (She lay on her bed senseless, muttered unintelligible sounds, with staring eyes, and cold sweat on the forehead; tremor of the whole body; small pulse, hard and very quick). Loss of consciousness and speech. Loss of consciousness and convulsions. Stupor and pervading sleepiness. Comatose stupefactions. After vomiting and diarrhoea, condition of stupor from which it was difficult to wake her. Stupor with staring eyes.


VERTIGO: Vertigo, etc. Vertigo; felt whole room go around. Excessive vertigo, so that she had to hold herself. Excessive vertigo and dulness in the head. Vertigo on arising.

Vertigo every evening; she has to hold on to something when closing her eyes. Vertigo, only when walking, as if he would fall to the right side. Vertigo, when sitting. Vertigo, with vanishing of thought when rising up. (Vertigo, with headache). Vertigo, with obscuration of slight. Vertigo, with transient loss of sight. Vertigo, with quiet features. Violent vertigo, with inclination to vomit when lying down; he has to sit up to be relieved. Much vertigo, especially with rush of blood to the heart. Vertigo and trembling,. So dizzy, that he could not keep his head erect. Dizzy in the head when going into the open air; the dizziness increased on re-entering the room (after half an hour). Dizziness, attended with mental confusion Giddiness. Reeling sensation in the head during vomiting. Reeling and stupid sensation in the head, especially the forehead, when walking in the open air, as if intoxicated, so that he staggers from side to side, and threatens to fall every moment (after nine and half hours). CONFUSION, ETC.: Confused feeling in the head. Confusion of the head. Great confusion of the head. Great confusion of the head, evenings (third day). (* “Not found.” *) Confusion and somnolence. Dull head, without pain. Stupid and dizzy in the head; he was unable to thank. Stupid feeling in the head, as if he had not slept enough, from eleven in the forenoon till six in the afternoon. Stupid and weak in the had towards noon. Stupefied feeling in the head, as if he had done an excessive amount of work with precipitate haste, accompanied with internal uneasiness (after second day). (Stupefaction of the head, with loss of sense, and vertigo). (* “Not found.” *) Gloominess in the head. Weakness of the head, with weakness and qualmishness in the pit of the stomach, so violent that she was quite sick, (Heaviness of the head, with aching pain, in the morning), (after seventy-two hours). Heaviness in the head, etc. Heaviness of the head, without pain. Heaviness of the head all day (as after sexual excess). (Heavy and confused feeling in the head, so that he cannot stand still; he must lie down. (Great heaviness in the head, especially when standing or sitting). (* After an antidote. *) Heaviness of head, with confusion. Heaviness and pressure in the hand. Great heaviness in the head, with humming in the ears; it goes off in the open air, but returns again as soon as he enters the room (after sixteen hours). HEAD IN GENERAL: (Swelling of the head). (Swelling of the veins of the whole head, after violent vomiting. (Swelling of the head and face). (Excessive swelling of the head and face).. Oedema of the head, face, eye, neck, and chest, having a natural color. Palsied shaking of the head. Incessant to and-fro movement of the head. Grasping the head and throat (in a child). Ringing noise in the head. Noise and confusion in head. Strange sensations in her head. Sensation in the head, over the ear, when walking, as of two marbles striking each other. Headache, etc. Violent headache, etc. Excessive headache. Severe headache, getting worse all day, with very decided feeling of constriction at the temples, as if from intoxication (immediately). Stupefying headache, especially in the right side of the forehead, directly over the right eyebrow, with sore pain when knitting the brow. Headache, which lasted days. Headache at uncertain times, mostly in the night. On rising in the morning, violent headache, worse on the left side; he was obliged to return to bed; it lasted several days, though with less intensity. Increase of headache at 11 P.M., with cold hands and face. Headache nearly constant, aggravated by vomiting Headache for several days, relieved by applying cold water, but becoming much worse if taken away, (periodical headache). Intense headache, increased by light and noise. Headache and vertigo (a long time). Headache and vertigo. Headache and stomachache. Violent headache, with fever and sensitiveness of the region of the stomach. Burning pain in the head. Heat in the head, when coughing. Tensive headache. Contractive pain in the head. Stupefying, aching pain, especially in the forehead, with fine stitches in the left temporal region near the outer canthus, when walking and standing, going off when sitting (after two and a half hours). Dull headache, in the morning, when waking, going off when rising. Drawing and throbbing in head. Violent pressive headache. Violent pressing in the head from six to eight o’clock in the evening, entire want of appetite, transient sweat, and great anguish. Excessive heaviness in the head, as if the brain were oppressed by a load, with humming in the ears in the morning after rising (after twenty- four hours). Stupefying pressive headache, especially in the forehead, in every position. Pain as if the brain were being torn out. Tearing throbbing headache, especially at night. Frequent attacks of tearing throbbing headache, sometimes on one side, and extending over whole head. Tearing in the head, and at the same time in the right eye. Headache, consisting of tearing and heaviness, with drowsy faintness in the daytime (after four days). Pain as if bruised, in the external head, worse when touched. Wavering sensation in brain, especially when moving the head. When moving the head, while walking, the brain seems to flap, with pressure upon it. Sensation, during motion, as if the brain moved and beat against the skull. Violent throbbing pain in the whole head, especially the forehead, with desire to vomit, when raising himself in bed. Sharp, hard throbbing, like a hacking, in the whole head, as if the skull were pressed asunder; at night, sweat breaking out. FOREHEAD:. Inflammation of frontal sinuses, with aggravation at the same time, each day. Cold sweat of the forehead. Hard swelling, on both frontal eminences, like a nut; the swelling increases in the evening (Sr).. Frontal heaviness all day, becoming quite troublesome in the evening, with pulsations rather more painful in the forehead and temples. Frontal headache. The most agonizing pains were about the forehead and temples. Intense pains in the frontal region, accompanied by vertigo. During sleep, he complains of headache; now in the forehead, now in the occiput. Drawing pressive pain in the right side of the forehead (after two and three quarter hour). (Headache over the left eye, very violent in the evening and night). Constrictive (drawing together) pain above eyes and in temples. Pain as if bruised or sore, over the nose and in the forehead, going off for a short time by rubbing. Sensation as if he had been knocked on the forehead. Throbbing headache directly over the root of the nose. Violent throbbing pain in the forehead, during motion, TEMPLES: Swelling of the superficial veins of temples. Unpleasant feeling in the region of the temples. Pain in temples. All day pressive headache in both temples. Pressive pain in the right temporal region, in every position of the body (after three hours). Stitch like pressive pain in the left temple, not going off by contact (after two and a half hours). Stitching pain in the left temple, going off touch. Tearing stitches in the left temple. Painful hammering in the temples, at noon and midnight, for half an hour, after which her body feels paralyzed for two hours. VERTEX: Pain in the region of the vertex. Burning at a spot on the scalp the size of a dollar, on the vertex. The burning pain in the region of the vertex has not yet quite disappeared (after ten days), and she complains of a sore pain in the scalp, when touched. Drawing headache, under the coronal suture, a few hours every afternoon. In the head, now a pressing confusing, now a violent throbbing, or a burning pain in the region of the vertex which grew less on gentle rubbing. Headache, as from a heavy weight pressing on vertex. PARIETALS:. ( Hemicrania). Bruised pain in one side of the head, in the morning when rising (after twelve hours). Dull beating pain in one half of the head, as far as above the eye. The pains in the head and face are especially severe on the left side, so as to prevent leaning or resting on that side; she was obliged to sit up all night, keeping the head erect. Violent neuralgia on left side of head, followed by lame feeling. Dull pain on left side of head. Tearing pains on left side of head. OCCIPUT; Headache in the occiput. Head painful, especially in the occiput. Tearing pains in the occiput. EXTERNAL HEAD: (Corroding ulcers on the scalp). (Ulcerated crust on the scalp, of the thickness of a finger, falling off in a few weeks). (Ulcer-crust on the scalp extend as far as the middle of the forehead). Scalp covered with hard, isolated pustules. Moist discharge from scalp. Behind the right ear a circular elevation of the size of a penny piece, with reddened base, burning, twitching, and stitching. (Burning pain in the scalp). Scalp painful when touched. Pain of the scalp when touched, as of ulceration. The scalp was painful, on applying the head to it. (Gnawing itching on the head). Disagreeable formication in the head, every other night. Creeping in the integuments of the occiput, as if the roots of the hair were moving. Itching all day on the hairy scalp, compelling him to scratch. Corrosive itching over the whole head, obliging him to scratch. Painful itching, as of an ulcer, in the whole scalp, which is painful all over as if ecchymosed, but mostly in the region of the occiput (after seven hours). ( Burning- itching in the scalp). The hair is painful when touched.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.