
Gnawing stitches in the scapulae (second day).

Stitches between the scapulae.

Stitches between (and on) the scapulae, with arrest of breathing (first, second, third days).

Tearing pain in the left scapula (after thirty-four days).

Stitches and cutting in the scapulae, with chilliness, two days in succession.

Itching on and between the scapulae.

Pain in the back, as if a hot iron were thrust through the lower vertebrae.

Violent pressure in the back, preceding the protrusion of a varix from the rectum.

Violent pain all along the back; stitches and twitches so that she cannot stoop, and cannot take up anything with her hand; increased by breathing (third day).

Fine stitches, extending from the back to the ribs (after two hours).

From time to time, a violent stitch in the middle of the back.

Itching, crawling (and stinging) in the whole of the back and in the sacrum, succeeded by grumbling pain.

Pain in the region of the kidneys.

Pain in the region of both kidneys, across the small of the back, as from a bruise, or after driving upon a rough road; it is worse on stooping or turning; as if a hook were plunged into her, which makes her scream and lasts for a few days (fourth day).

In the morning, pain in the kidneys; better in the afternoon.

Pain in the loins, especially on walking or stooping (tenth day).

Burning itching, like a flea-bite, in the left lumbar region; it makes him start; lasts a long time, and did not go off till after long scratching.

Pain in the small of the back when walking.

Violent pain in the small of the back, like gnawing; it rises up to between the shoulders, where it becomes so violent that she would like to weep (relieved by Chamomile) (thirty- second day).

Tearing sticking pain in the small of the back, in the evening before falling asleep, in bed.

Tearing jerkings in the small of the back, especially during motion.

Pain, as if bruised, in the small of the back and in the back.

Violent pain, as from a bruise, in the small of the back, and (early in the morning) in the coccyx on touching the part (fourth and seventh day).

After the evacuation, throbbing in the small of the back.

Painful twitches at the point of the coccyx, in the forenoon (second day).

Gnawing pain in the coccyx, not altered by walking; relieved by stretching (first day, in the evening).

Itching in the os coccygis.

Extremities in General.

Twitchings in all the limbs.

Involuntary twitchings here and there; movements of one foot, of the fingers, etc.

In the evening, twitchings in both of the lower extremities together, especially in the legs and feet, followed by a disposition to turn the arms and stretch them upwards.

In the morning, paralytic weakness of all the limbs, with stupefaction of the head, in paroxysms of some minutes (tenth day).

The fourth and fifth fingers, the right knee, and at last the heel, go to sleep after sitting.

Rigidity of the hands and feet, as if they had gone to sleep, early, on waking; the symptoms disappeared after rising and walking a little.

When engaged in some bodily labor, a cramp like sensation, like numbness, ascending the whole of the left leg, also in the left arm, with dizzy stupefaction of the head, in paroxysms (fourteenth day).

Sensation as of burning tension in the dorsa of the feet and hands, as from a swelling.

Sense of contraction in the right index and foot, as if the tendons were too short; when he touches something with his finger, he feels as if he were being electrified.

Pain in the limbs as if the bones were squeezed narrower, with pressure in the joints.

Sensation in the limbs as if he had caught cold, accompanied by frequent chilliness during the day and heat in the face in the evening.

Tearing in the left scapula, in the arms, hands, and legs, especially in the evening (third day).

Upper Extremities.

Tearing, at different periods, in the arms and all the parts thereof, in the shoulders, axilla, upper arms, elbows, forearms, etc., Stitches in the shoulders, axillae, and arms also at night.

Frequent tearing, occurring at intervals, in both axilla, in the afternoon (fourth day).

Pain, as from a sprain, in the shoulder-joint, especially on raising the arm.

Sudden jerk or concussion in the right shoulder (after two hours).

(Soft red) swelling of the arm, and violent stitches in it.

Lassitude of the arms.

Great lassitude in the arms, which the person is scarcely able to lift (third day).

Great weariness of one arm.

Burning (and tension) of the arms (upper arms) and fingers, and of the left elbow, as from glowing iron.

Continual burning and stinging in the arms, with stiffness in the back, so that she cannot well move.

Heat in the right arm, from time to time, which may be even felt externally sense of tightness in the arm, as from cold.

Tearing in the arms, from the upper arm to the fingers, and from the fingers and wrist-joints to the shoulders.

Paralytic pain, as from a bruise, in the arms, sometimes across the small of the back, coming to the right upper arm, and going to the left lower arm, and vice versa.

Itching of every part of the arms, which disappears by scratching.

Pain in the left upper arm, as if it were dislocated.

Drawing pain in the left humerus (second day).

Tearing pain in the back part of the upper arm, extending as far as the scapula, when sneezing and coughing.

(Sticking) tearing in the upper arm and elbow; it seems to be in the bone, in the forenoon.

Stitches in the muscles of the left upper arm (after some hours).

Almost constant boring pain in the point of the elbow.

Pain above the point of the elbow, especially on leaning upon it, as from a sharp pressure on the upper arm.

Sticking pain, as from a sprain, in the elbow and wrist- joint.

Continual (visible) twitching in the right forearm and the lower joint of the left thumb.

Excessive heaviness in the forearms and hands; her arms seem shorter.

Her left lower arm goes to sleep everyday; there is a pricking sensation in it from the hand to the elbow.

Painful drawing in the lower arm, when at rest.

Drawing and tearing pain in the lower arm, extending as far as the hand, in the morning on waking.

Painful tearing in the lower arm, apparently upon the bone, lasting one minute and occurring three times.

Tearing in the forearms, as far as the wrist and the fingers.

The left wrist is so sensitive that he cannot lift anything with this hand without the greatest pain.

Distended veins of the hands in the afternoon and evening.

Rough, chapped, readily bleeding hands.

After violent itching of the hands, the skin peels off, on the third day, like bran; at the same time a small round spot forms behind the left thumb and index, which burns violently, but lasts only one day.

Continual troublesome coldness of the hands.

On waking, his right hand has gone to sleep.

Itching upon the hands, the back of the hands, and between the fingers; relieved by scratching.

Swelling of the fingers.

In the tips of the fingers, a disposition to ulcerate; there is formed in the, a white ulcerated spot, with stinging pain; it goes off without opening.

The middle fingers are painful on motion.

Sensation in the right index as if it were dislocated.

His left thumb went to sleep in the afternoon twice in succession; then crawling, which lasted for some time.

Drawing pain in the thumb and index.

Tearing in and between the fingers.

Formication in the fingers of the right hand, in the evening, with burning stinging (sixth day).

An eschar upon the finger, which was formed nine years ago in dissecting, begins to itch (ninth, twelfth day).

Itching on and between the fingers, which goes off by scratching.

Itching on the right fingers, which increases by scratching and rubbing.

Itching around the lowest joints of the fingers, which increases by friction; this is succeeded by an insufferable pain in the bones of the fingers.

Burning itching, with crawling, between the index and middle fingers of the left hand.

Extreme brittleness of the finger-nails; they break on being cut.

Gnawing beneath the finger-nails, with crawling along the arm, as far as the clavicle.

Lower Extremities.

Great heaviness in the lower limbs; he can scarcely drag them; when walking he staggers and has to sit down; in the evening (fifth day).

Pain in the legs and loins during motion.

After a walk, pain in the legs and loins; it prevents her from sleeping.

Great weariness of the legs when sitting.

Staggering walk as in intoxication.

Drawing in the extremities.

The right hip-joint gives him pain.

Tearing pain over both hips and on the upper brim of the pelvis.

Tearing and sticking in the hip-joint, and just above the knee, in paroxysms.

Stitches in the left hip, extending to the small of the back and to the loins; when breathing repeated pain in the left hip as from a bruise;it becomes worse on pressure, early in the morning (fourth day).

When sitting the nates go to sleep. Cutting, as with a knife, transversely across the right half of the nates, in the forenoon (second day).

Burning and biting itching of the thighs, passing off by scratching.

In the thighs and legs, long-continued tension, almost like a cramp, extending downwards; and only a few minutes, but frequently returning.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.