
Lightning-like shooting to and fro in the right shoulder, the small of the back, and the abdomen; afterwards feels bruised (second day).

(Dull, pressive pains in the bones, especially of the legs, the chest, and the back).

Pain, as from bruise, in the back and all the extremities, as in fever and ague.


Small injuries of the skin become sore and inflamed.

The tetters (small white itching pimples in clusters) increase.

Pimples on the forehead and neck.

Itching of an already dry crust of a small uncured boil on the forehead; the itching disappears on being scratched.

The hairy scalp itches, and is covered with white scales.

A cluster of pimples on the scalp behind the right ear, with painful tension.

On the left lower eyelid a pimple, with a stinging pain.

On the right ear a transparent vesicle, without pain.

Boil on the nose. Itching pimples on the forehead, the right side of the nose, and left angle of the mouth; upon being pressed they run together (sixth to ninth days).

Painful red spot upon the right cheek.

Small, red, painless pimples upon the right cheek, which feel rough (twelfth day).

Upon the right cheek a pimple, which is painful to the touch, like a sore.

Pimples on the left cheek and forehead (tenth day).

One boil after another on the left cheek.

On the internal surface of the lip a bright vesicle as large as a pea (second day).

Crusty eruptions on the lower lip.

Small pimples on the chin, which pass of again next morning (after eight and thirteen days).

Number of little ulcers in the mouth.

Blister on the right half of the chest and on the throat, with burning pain; with glowing heat in the face, and chills in the rest of the body; sleeps soundly, and without dreams.

Vesicles on the right side of the neck (eight day).

Violent itching of the neck, nape of the neck, and chest, without visible eruption; on touching the skin, a hard pimples is felt here and there under the skin (fourteenth day).

Pimples upon the back.

Itching eruption of rash on the arms and legs, without any redness; upon scratching, watery blood.

Eruption, across the shoulders, of small, red elevations, with a pointed vesicle in the middle; they cause some burning, only in the evening (after six and fourteen days).

Rough, chapped, readily bleeding hands.

After violent itching of the hands the skin peels off, on the third day, like bran; at the same time a small round spot forms behind the left thumb and index, which burns violently, but lasts only one day.

On the tips of the fingers, a disposition to ulcerate; there is formed on them a white ulcerated spot, with stinging pain; it goes without opening.

Boil on the right hip, which suppurates.

An ulcer in the sold of the foot, which is almost entirely cured, causes a stinging pain on stepping upon it; in the room, after walking in the open air.

The old, hard skin of the feet becomes very sensitive.

Herpes between the toes.

Biting in the tetters.

Stinging here and there of the whole body, especially in the evenings.

Intolerable itching of the whole body, especially when he becomes heated, and in bed; he has to scratch himself until the skin bleeds, which is painful after scratching.

Itching of the whole body, especially the face (seventh day).

Itching of single small places of the body here and there mostly in the evening, and not going off by scratching.

Violent itching of the whole body, as if an eruption would break out (after five days).

Violent itching and gnawing upon the skin of the whole body; but little relieved by scratching.

Itching of the tetters, especially towards evening.

Stinging-itching of the back and side of the abdomen (second day).

Itching of (and fine eruption on) the inside of the right thigh.

Sleep and Dreams.

Much yawning, accompanied by drowsiness (which goes off only in the open air).

Constant yawning, also before dinner, without drowsiness.

Snoring during the afternoon nap (sixth day).

Drowsiness by day).

Great drowsiness in the evening, even when standing.

Great drowsiness in the evening, already at six o’clock.

She falls asleep very early in the evening.

Tired and drowsy.

Great lassitude, accompanied, in the forenoon, by an irresistible inclination to sleep; she lies down and sleeps soundly for an hour; this sleep caused the lassitude to disappear, and made her feel very comfortable.

She sleeps too soundly, and has to be waked.

Deep sleep towards morning, with dreams which fatigue the head (after ten hours).

Early on rising she feels as if she had not slept enough; she still feels tired, and yawns.

Early in the morning, after an uneasy sleep, he still feels tired, and does not wish to rise.

In the morning he would like to sleep longer.

In the morning he is obliged to sleep longer than usual, and he cannot wake up entirely; at the same time, however, he falls asleep later on going to bed.

In the evening he falls asleep late, on account of images crowding upon his fancy (second day).

In the evening he cannot fall asleep under an hour, but afterwards he sleeps well.

He cannot fall asleep before midnight, hindered apparently by a heaviness in the arms.

He cannot fall asleep before midnight, and tosses about from one side to another (second day).

When asleep, she spoke, loud, laughed and wept.

Great uneasiness during sleep, with violent weeping and disconsolate grief, without being fully conscious, for a few minutes, before midnight.

She sobs and groans at night, as if she were weeping, although she is not aware of it, shortly after falling asleep (seventh day).

Violent starting when asleep, before midnight, which rouse him completely (seventh day).

At night uneasiness in all the limbs; this prevents him from falling asleep.

She cannot find rest anywhere at night; she tosses about and feels pain all over, for several nights (after fifteenth day).

Uneasy sleep; he tosses about in bed; feels hot and anxious; accompanied by twitchings in the limbs and startings, before falling asleep.

Uneasy sleep during the first nights.

Uneasy sleep; she often turned from one side to another; she felt hot, lay most of the time uncovered; her sleep was a mere slumber, which did not afford her any rest, accompanied by many dreams, and frequently interrupted by waking (seventh day).

Uneasy sleep, with toothache.

Waking frequently at night, for eight days (twelve days).

Wakes up before midnight, on account of a dry cough, first accompanied by chilliness, then by dry heat.

After midnight his sleep is uneasy; he often wakes, and tosses about in the bed.

At night he rises from his bed without being aware of it, and with firmly closed eyes; he goes anxiously from one room to another while he is rubbing his eyes; when brought to bed again, the boy fell asleep immediately.

Uneasy sleep before the appearance of the menses; many dreams; on waking she has orgasm, heat in the face, headache, and palpitation of the heart.

Towards morning waked with a deathly anguish caused by pains which one imagined when sleeping.

Sound sleep (full of dreams), with erections.

Sound sleep, with many pleasant dreams.

Pleasant dreams, about money which he had received, etc.

Confused dreams.

A number of dreams, all of them of a disagreeable nature.

Dreams causing anxiety, with uneasy sleep.

Anxious dreams towards morning, the sleep being otherwise sound (after twelve days).

Fearfully anxious dreams and nightmare.

Anxious dreams, such as that the tiler forcibly thrusts a piece of meat into one’s mouth.

He talks much when asleep, as if he had an anxious dream.

After midnight he starts up from an anxious dream (that a horse is pursuing him, and intends to bite him), (tenth day).

Dreams about quarreling and vexations.

Dream, full of shame.

Tormenting dreams, begetting a fear of death, which lasts even after waking.

In a dream he imagines he is obliged to descend from a height; he thinks that he will fall.

She dreams that she is upon a ferryboat which is foundering in the river; she wakes up with anxiety.

He dreams that he is walking about in a river, in which he sees serpents and other animals, of which he is afraid.

He dreams about ghosts, and makes so much noise that it wakes him.

Dreams about falling stars, fires, marriages.

Dreams about thieves; she wakes with anxiety.

She dreams that she has committed a theft, or that she has got among robbers.

Dreams about death and burial.


Internal cold and chills, with a desire for the warm stove, and stretching of the limbs; worse after warm drinks.

Chilly in the open air.

Chilliness of the whole body; the feet are as cold as ice the whole day, with heat in the head, also in the room (first day).

Internal chilliness and external heat, especially on the cheeks, with dark redness of them, as in brandy drinkers.

Internal chilliness, with hot cheeks and cold hands.

Cold creeps, without any thirst or subsequent heat or sweat, from four to six o’clock in the afternoon, with throbbing pains in the forehead and occiput, which decrease by pressing with the hands (ninth day).

Chilliness, constant eructations, bitter taste in the mouth, frequent collection of saliva, great failing of strength and headache, as if the head would burst, especially on the top of the head, with vertigo (relieved by a dose of ipecacuanha), (thirty fourth day)(1140).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.