
On waking, pinching in the abdomen, and tenesmus; she was scarcely able to reach the privy, where she had to lean against the wall in a fainting fit; she had no stool, but the pain in the abdomen ceased after much tenesmus (twelfth day).

In the afternoon and night, pinching pain and tearing stitches in the left side of the abdomen, extending to the hypochondriac region and the sternum (seventh day).

Towards evening, colic-like pinching and tearing in the abdomen, with chilliness in the body; relieved by application of warm cloths.

During the menses, pinching in the abdomen, and greater lassitude than usual.

Flatulent colic.

After dinner, violent attacks of colic, the whole afternoon; short sleep relieves; as soon as he moves, it seems as if they would return, with violent tenesmus and occasional expulsion of faeces; this lasts until evening; the anus feels sore, with stinging, so that he cannot sit down without pain; on the following day, liquid mucus frequently passes off by the rectum, in voluntarily (after fourteen days)(550).

Pinching in the abdomen, after every meal, at noon, and in the evening (after twenty-nine days).

Violent pinching in the abdomen after every cold she takes, or as soon as she goes into the cold air.

Pinching and writhing in the abdomen (after one hour).

At midnight, is roused from sleep by violent pinching and rumbling in the abdomen; this ceases towards morning (after twelve days).

Drawing pain in the abdomen.

Pressure and heaviness in the abdomen.

His abdomen seems to hang down heavily, for two hours, in the afternoon, in walking.

Continual pressure and burning in the abdomen.

Pressive and sticking pain in the abdomen, after eating (fifth day).

Stitches moving about in the abdomen and the hypochondria, as if something would press out (seventh day).

Tearing in the os innominatum.

Sense as of tearing in the abdomen, mornings after rising.

A few days before the appearance of the menses, she has cutting pains in the abdomen during am evacuation, as if she were to have diarrhoea; with pinching, writhing, and pressing, like labor-pains.

Pain in both side of the abdomen, as if something, would tear on physical exertion; it extends to the thighs.

Tension of the abdominal muscles, from reaching high.

Sharp cutting and burning in the hypogastric region, the whole forenoon, till evening.

Pulsative pain in the left side of the abdomen, in the neighborhood of the abdominal ring, when sitting (fourth day).

Violent pain in the left side of the abdomen, as if an ulcer were forming, with nausea (thirty-fourth day).

Shootings, causing fright, in the left side of the abdomen (second day).

Shortly after eating, acute pressive pain in the left side of the abdomen.

Pain in the abdomen, as after a copious evacuation, which leaves a desire for stool behind (after ten days).

Pain in the upper abdomen, as if threatened with diarrhoea, succeeded by soft stools, without any diminution of the pain (eleventh day).

Colic, followed by diarrhoea, this was succeeded by a violent pain in the abdomen, at the place where, when a girl, she had an internal ulcer, which opened; the pain was like that felt after a violent blow; she had to rub the place and lay the hand upon it, while the body was bent; this relieved the pain somewhat, but it lasted uniformly the whole day, either sitting or standing (seventeenth day).

Frequently cutting in the abdomen, without distension or stool (second day).

Upon sitting bent, acute cutting pains transversely across the abdomen (after five hours).

Violent cutting and rumbling in the whole abdomen; the pain rises up to the stomach, like a violent twisting; succeeded by an intensely pressive pain in the chest, which arrests the breathing, from four in the afternoon till eleven at night.

Inguinal hernia protrudes with violence (after half an hour).

Hernia did not protrude in the first days; then it protruded every day until the twelfth day; on the thirtieth day, hernia threatened to become strangulated; then it protruded every day until the fiftieth day, although the protrusion diminished from day to day, and finally ceased for several months.

Hernia protruded a good deal toward evening; became constricted in the lumbar region with the most violent pain, which obliged her to bend her body, and did not allow her to walk; the hernia could not be reduced; half an hour afterwards, when sitting quietly, reduction took place of its own accord (thirty days)(580).

Pinching and stitches in the groins and the lumbar regions (on ascending the stairs).

In the abdominal muscles, over the left groin, a drawing pain for a quarter of an hour, when she is dancing or walking fast.

Pressing in both groins towards the sexual organs, in the evening (third day).

Sensation in the right ilium as of both sides being pressed together with a vise first day).

Sticking pressive pain in the region of the abdominal ring, as if a hernia would press out there, with tension as far as the side and the abdomen, at the same time a tumor may be felt at the painful spot, which feels like a strangulated hernia.

Stitches in the right iliac region.

Stool and Anus.

Protrusion of a varix of the rectum; it enlarges by walking, and decreases during a night’s rest.

Varices of the rectum always enlarge in the evening; they become moist, and burn.

The rectum is inactive, as if it were deficient in peristaltic motion, and had not strength enough to press the contents out; the stools are soft and thin, and can only be pressed out by straining the abdominal muscles (after sixteen hours).

The rectum seems paralyzed (second day).

The varices become moist, and sting.

When walking, dark-colored blood passes out of her rectum.

Tenesmus of the rectum and the bladder, passing off after an evacuation.

Tenesmus (third day).

Tenesmus (first day).

Tenesmus, lasting a long while, succeeding a troublesome pressure in the lower abdomen; the evacuation comes on slowly, and can only be passed by straining the abdominal muscles; the whole of the intestines appear to be inactive for want of peristaltic motion; stools are not hard (after second day).

Tenesmus preceding an evacuation.

Bearing down during an evacuation; the stools are very firm, knotty, and scanty, preceded by tenesmus (second day).

Itching, burning of the anus.

During an evacuation it seemed as if the rectum were dried up and constricted; however, the stool was regular.

Prickling, as with pins, in the anus, after a difficult evacuation.

Crawling in rectum, as from worms.

Itching, burning, and stinging of the rectum.

Sensation of excoriation in the anus, after an evacuation attended with contraction of the rectum and constriction of the anus.

Pressure in the anus (third day).

Itching in the anus for a long while (after thirtieth day).

Itching of the anus, as if it would pulsate.

Severe itching in the fold between the nates and the anus; scratching aggravates it (first and second days).

Sweat of the perineum, with an intolerable itching, which increases, and becomes painful after rubbing.

Sensation as if the perineum, between the scrotum and anus, were inflamed.

Momentary pressure in the perineum on blowing the nose.

Painful pressure in the perineum, which passes off quickly.

Violently pressure in the perineum, at the commencement of coition and during erections.

Pressure in the perineum during coition.

Soreness of the perineum during clap (after four weeks).

Colic preceding an evacuation, which is sometimes solid, sometimes soft, but always scanty.

After an evacuation, much ineffectual desire for stool in the upper abdomen, and in the sides of the abdomen, without tenesmus.

Attacks of slight diarrhoeic stools, with colic, lasting for two and three days.

Diarrhoea succeeding colic.

Diarrhoea succeeding a retention of stool, which had lasted six days; six evacuations a day, preceded by colic, which sometimes continued even after the evacuation.

Twice a diarrhoea in the evening; the stools at lasts become lumpy (second day).

Diarrhoea, with tenesmus in rectum.

For some time she had three or four ordinary evacuations a day without any trouble.

The evacuation which generally took place in the evening, took place in the morning.

Liquid stools, preceded by pain in the evening, took place in the morning.

Liquid stools, preceded by pain in the abdomen, or attended with colic (third and fifth day).

Stools soft, almost liquid, with burning in the anus, also an evacuation in the evening, preceded by tenesmus; another in the night (second and fifth days).

The first portion of her stools is liquid, and is expelled with a jerk; the last portion appears burned (fifth day).

Stools covered all over with a whitish mucus, firm, preceded by oppression in the region of the stomach, which ceased immediately after the evacuation (after thirtieth day).

Bright-colored stools.

Bloody mucus passes during and between the evacuations and without it.

Dropping of blood during an evacuation.

This is succeeded by a stream of blood, followed by soreness in the anus, and along the rectum (after seventeenth day).

Blood passes during a firm evacuation (ninth and thirtieth days).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.