
Frequent repetition of chills in the evening (second day).

Chills over the whole body, every other day, towards evening, without any thirst, with want of appetite; sleeplessness and restless tossing about in the bed.

Chills over the whole body, during an evacuation, in the evening (fifth day).

At four o’clock in the morning roused from sleep by chilliness of the whole body, accompanied by violent contraction of the stomach; continual empty eructations, which afford relief; then four liquid stools, with constant chilliness, followed by burning in the anus; the chilliness lasted until evening (thirty-second day).

Chilliness and uneasy sleep the whole night (thirty-third day).

Chills near the warm stove (fifteenth day).

In the evening, chilliness from seven to eight o’clock; she feels so chilly that she is obliged to go to bed, but even there it takes her a long while to get warm (fifth day).

Very sensitive to cold air, especially in her feet.

In the evening, feverish symptoms, chills, which increase by the slightest motion; sometimes also flushes of heat in the face (first day).

In the evening, at five o’clock, such violent chilliness, especially of the back and feet, that she could not even warm herself near the warm stove; in half an hour sweat broke out, without any thirst (sixth and seventh days).

In the evening, chilliness and warmth often alternate; the face, is hot, with chills in the rest of the body.

Internal chilliness, with hot hands and hot lobules of the ears (after two hours).

Chilliness half an hour, followed by heat of the body, and sweat in the face.

Pleasant warmth, of short duration, in the right side of the face, in the afternoon (fifth day).

Sudden heat in the face, with redness, lasting only for a short while (fifth day).

Sensation in the body, as after being violently heated, when sitting (first day).

In the evening, heat in the whole body for two hours; it appears to begin at the head (fifty day).

Feverish faintishness, with internal heat.

Towards evening, heat in the whole body, especially in the feet; followed by shivering, which obliged her to go to bed, where she soon fell asleep; thirst neither during the hot nor the cold stage, without other symptoms (eleventh day).

Heat before midnight; it does not allow him to fall asleep.

Heat, with anxiety, at night, and sweat.

Sudden heat, with sweat and anxious palpitation of the heart.

In the morning, upon remaining in bed after six o’clock, she begins to sweat, for some mornings (after ninth day).

During bodily effort, heat runs over the whole body; succeeded by chills, with during in the abdomen.

Sweat upon every motion, followed by cold shivers, as if one had caught cold.

Conditions.- Aggravation.-

(Morning), Early on waking, depressed; most symptoms appear; early, anxiety; early, head confused; early, head feels cloudy, etc.; early, head feels heavy; vertigo; quickly passing vertigo; in bed; rhythmical beating in whole head; early, painful spot in forehead; early, on waking, headache in vertex, etc.; on waking, burning of eyes; early, biting, etc.; pain in eyes; sensation of dry gum in eyes; early, stitches in right side of head; on waking, dry gum in eyes; on waking, eyes agglutinated; early, after waking, lachrymation; early, sometimes, burning, etc., of eyes; boring pain in ears; early, sour smell in the nose; heat, etc., in left side of face; spitting of saliva, etc.; early, flat, etc., taste in mouth; on rising, bitter etc., taste in mouth; on waking, thick mucus in throat; early, sweet taste in throat, etc.; on waking, throat rough, etc.; dull stitches in right tonsil; contraction of the oesophagus, etc.; early, sweetish risings from the stomach; inclination to vomit; retching in the throat; faint like nausea; nausea, etc.; oppression at stomach; early, on turning in bed, soreness at pit of stomach; early, before breakfast, pain from the bladder to the chest; on waking, pinching in abdomen, etc.; dry feeling in urethra; on waking, and while in bed, drawing, etc., in urethra; early, urging to urinate, etc.; decrease of urine; dry cough; violent, dry cough; cough with expectoration; early, stiffness of neck, etc.; pain in kidneys; early, pain in coccyx; weakness of all the limbs, etc.; early, on waking, rigidity of the hands, etc.; on waking, pain in the lower arm; early, pain in left hip; early, beating in left calf; burning stitches in right sole; early, cutting in right big toe; would like to sleep long; upon remaining in bed, after 6 o’clock, begins to sweat.

(Forenoon), Depressed, etc.; indisposed to labor, etc.; heat rises into head; tearing in whole head; tearing in whole head; tearing in forehead; tension in spot in right temple; boring, etc., in temples; beating, etc., in vertex; tearing, etc., in right side of head; drawing in right side of the occiput; sourish taste in throat; acid risings into mouth; cold sensation in stomach; tearing from hypochondriac region into hip; sensation as if the hypochondriac region; cough; dry cough; difficult breathing; pressure in chest; drawing in the muscles of the neck; tension between scapulae; twitches at the point of the coccyx; tearing in upper arm, etc.; cutting across the nates.

(Towards noon), oppression in the stomach.

(Noon), Hiccough).

(Afternoon), Peevish, etc.; headache, etc.; stitches in the head, etc.; beating, etc.; in forehead, etc.; beating, etc., in right temple; weakness of the eyelids; boring in hollow of ear; rattling, etc., in nose; drawing, etc., in left cheek, etc.; water y saliva in mouth; hoarseness, etc., of throat; pinching at the stomach; pressure, etc., across stomach, etc.; cutting in region of stomach, etc.; burning, etc., in right hypochondriac region; worrying around the navel; pressure in umbilical region, etc.; cold feeling in abdomen; burning in abdomen, pinching in abdomen; pinching, etc., in left side of abdomen; abdomen seems to hang down heavily; frequent and increased urine; when sitting, numerous erections; leucorrhoea; sudden hoarseness; sudden cough, etc.; weight in chest, etc.; sense of contraction around chest; burning in right side of chest; tension in back of neck; tearing in the axilla; distended veins of hands; right thumb went to sleep; tearing from knees to toes, etc.; cramp in calves; shaking chilliness in the back; warmth in right side of face.

(Towards evening), Stitches in front, etc., of head; trembling of left eye; tearing, etc., in ears; oppression in stomach; colic_ like pinching, etc., in abdomen; protrusion of hernia; sick at stomach, etc.; itching of the tetters; chills over whole body; heat in the whole body, etc.

(Evening), Most of the symptoms appear; throat symptoms; uneasiness; external pinching, etc., in head; headache, tearing, etc.; pressive headache; tearing in forehead; boring into the right temple; boring, etc., in left temple; tearing, etc., in left frontal eminence; redness of the eyes, etc.; pressure in right eye; biting in left eye; sense of excoriation in the interior of eyes; burning and dryness of the eyelids, etc.; inflammation of conjunctiva of the right eye; dim- sightedness; eyes dull and dry; heat and redness of ear; stitches in ears; roaring of ears; pains in the nose, etc.; sensation in nose as if a cold were coming on; boring in the teeth; boring in the teeth of right side; drawing in the teeth of right side; on lying down in bed, cutting toothache; in bed, saliva accumulates in mouth; bitter taste, after eating apples; everything tasteless, etc.; thick mucus in throat; dryness of the throat; sourish taste in the throat, etc.; sense of burning in the throat; constrictive pain in throat, etc.; rawness, etc., of throat; soreness in throat; aching sore throat; stitches, etc., in throat; bitter eructations, etc.; in bed, sour eructations; hiccough; pain in the stomach, etc.; cold sensation in stomach; in bed, griping in pit of stomach; stitches in the stomach, etc.; stitches in left lower ribs; pinching around the navel; emission of flatulence; pinching in the abdomen; pressing in both groins; varix of rectum enlarges; weak feeling in the bladder, etc.; burning in urethra, while urinating; numerous erections; sudden hoarseness; dry cough; pinching in the upper chest; boring pain in chest; pressure on sternum; before falling asleep in bed, tearing, sticking in small of back; twitchings in lower extremities, etc.; heat in the face; tearing in the left scapulae, etc.; distended veins of hands, formication in right fingers; tearing on inside of left knee; tearing in the knee; sticking, etc., in right knee; legs feel bruised; in bed, stitches in right tibia; tension, etc., on surface of right calf; tearing in each tendo Achillis; tension in sole of foot; burning stitches in right sole; itching of the toes, etc.; in bed, inclines to convulsive laughter; lassitude, etc.; pain in small of back, etc.; burning of eruption across shoulders; stinging, here and there, of the whole body; itching, here and there; cannot fall asleep under an hour; frequent repetition of chills; chills over whole body; feverish symptoms, etc.; alternate chilliness and warmth; heat in whole body.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.