
In the forenoon, acidity rises into his mouth; it continues for a long time, and is attended with a sensation of heat in the mouth.

Water brash.

Gulping up of sour mucus; afterwards, burning in the throat, like heartburn, coming on frequently, especially after the soup for breakfast.

Sweetish risings from the stomach; the phlegm which he throws up tastes sweetish, continues a long time, early in the morning (three days).

Hiccough after eating, at noon and in the evening.

Hiccough after dinner, also after eructations from the breakfast soup (one to two days).

When standing, she becomes nauseated.

Nausea, even to fainting; her breathing is arrested on account of it at night.

Nausea as soon as 4 o’clock in the morning.

Frequent nausea, as if he would vomit; his appetite is, nevertheless, tolerable good.

Inclination to vomit in the morning.

In the morning, retching in the throat, as if one would vomit.

Inclination to vomit after eructation of air, with chilliness of the body, which rises from the feet into the abdomen.

Nausea, with an inclination to vomit, and retching; this caused her to put her finger into the throat, after which she vomited phlegm and water, but the breakfast, which she had eaten two hours before, remained (fourteen days).

After supper, nausea, loathing, and weariness, for several evenings.

Loathing and qualmishness in the oesophagus (one hour).

Qualmishness at the stomach, with faint-like nausea and vertigo; the room turns round with her; after this, her head remains confused (ten days).

Frequent nausea, especially during the chills.

Nausea, with rising of air.

Nausea and chilliness the whole day.

Attack of nausea, with headache, paleness of the face, want of appetite, several evacuations of the bowels, loathing, subsequent inclination to vomit, creeping chilliness; after a walk he is obliged to lie down (eleven days).

Early in the morning, faint-like nausea; after breakfast, relieved (nine days).

On waking in the morning, nausea, qualmishness, and lassitude, with sticking, over the eyes, and pain in the kidneys during motion (nine days).

She wakes in the morning with nausea and qualmishness at the stomach, and physical depression, as if sleep had not recruited her, accompanied by a quick feverish pulse, with internal heat (three days).

Violent nausea and tremor after supper Disagreeable sensation of hunger and emptiness in the stomach, without, however, much appetite.

Violent pain in the stomach, with sensitiveness to external pressure in the region of the stomach in the evening (six days).

Pain at the stomach; it feels full or bloated; painful to external touch; empty eructations and fermentations, or loud rumbling and rolling in the abdomen, as of something working therein, after dinner (one to five days).

After having eaten potatoes, the stomach aches; sick feeling, nausea, and colic.

Sensation of coldness in the stomach, as if she had been drinking cold water, in the evening; also in the forenoon, after an eructation, and while some eructations are continually taking place; in the afternoon, it passes off (two to five days).

Heartburn after drinking water.

Heartburn after supper.

Heartburn, with profuse discharge of water from the mouth.

Sensation of pinching at the stomach, in the afternoon (one day).

Drawing pain at the stomach.

After dinner, drawing in the stomach; this caused a sensation of tension in the whole body, which made her so tired that she was obliged to lie down.

Gnawing in the region of the stomach, awhile after dinner (two to three days).

Pressure and constriction in the region of the stomach (thirty-one days).

Pressure and soreness transversely across the stomach and upper abdomen, in the afternoon.. Disagreeable pressure in the region of the stomach before the evacuation had taken place (nine days).

Oppression at stomach upon eating, although she eats with relish.

Oppression at the stomach, extending up to the throat, after having eaten potatoes; eructation relieves, in the morning (eight days).

Oppression in the stomach, towards noon or evening.

Griping in the pit of the stomach, in the evening, when in bed.

Drawing pain from the pit of the stomach, up into the pharynx, with difficult breathing.

Violent pressure at the pit of the stomach, and from thence great oppression of the chest; she was obliged to stand still every moment, and was unable to walk further.

Sensation of pressure and constriction at the pit of the stomach, extending into the chest and between the scapulae (thirteen days).

Pressure and crawling at the pit, as from a worm (after two hours).

Twisting and constriction in the region of the stomach, extending into the chest and throat, attended with difficult breathing.

Sensation of cutting in the region of the stomach; it is painful to the touch, in the afternoon (two days).

Stitches in the pit of the stomach and of the chest.

After dinner, stitches in the stomach and chest, coming out at the shoulder, with short breathing and great anguish; for several hour in the evening (after twelve days).

After an evacuation, and during the period of digestion, he experiences a sense of scraping in the stomach and the mouth.

Ulcerative soreness at the pit of the stomach, early in the morning, on turning in the bed.

Tearing sore pain from the pit of stomach down into the abdomen, as if everything would be torn out.


When stooping, the liver is always sensitive and painful.

Tearings in the liver.

Tearing, extending from the right hypochondriac region into the hip, in the forenoon (first day).

Upon rising from a stooping position, violent stitches in the right side of the abdomen, as if in the liver, with arrest of breathing (eleventh day).

Stitches in the right hypochondriac region when standing; they disappear when sitting.

In the evening, continually painful stitches under the left lower ribs, extending as far as the pit of the stomach (fifth day).

Dull stitches occurring alternately under the left lower ribs, and in the right side of the abdomen (fourth day).

Stitches in both hypochondriac regions.

Sensation as if both hypochondriac regions were forcibly pressed or screwed towards each other, in the forenoon (first day).

Long-continued burning, and stitches in the right hypochondriac region, as if it were deeply cut into by a band, in the afternoon (first day).

Frequently an instantaneous drawing pain under the right ribs, when sitting or walking.

In the evening, pinching around the navel (first day).

During the usual breakfast, there is pinching below the navel, with fullness and distension of the abdomen (first day).

Worrying around the navel, as after a cold, in the afternoon (second day).

Pressure in the umbilical region with stitches, in the afternoon, when standing.

Both sides of the upper abdomen seems to press towards each other; the place is externally painful to the touch (after two hours).

Painful distension of the abdomen at night, which prevents her sleeping; with retention of stool (Eleventh day).

Great distension of the abdomen, with empty eructation and two soft evacuations, without relief (eighteenth day).

After dinner, much distension, with tenesmus; this was afterwards succeeded by the passages of two hard balls of faeces; afterwards she went to walk, during which the distension of the abdomen continued in spite of the copious emissions of flatulence; no relief was obtained till a copious evacuation occurred after her walk (ninth day).

The abdomen is distended and very hard, without any sensation of pain.

Fullness of the abdomen, with orgasm extending towards the chest, after dinner, for several days (after third day).

Distension and rumbling without passage of flatus.

During the menses, bloated abdomen, and too large flow of blood.

Grumbling in the abdomen, with anxious restlessness, without any flatulency passing off; the small stool does not relieve (first day).

Much rumbling flatus in the abdomen; however, it passes off freely, with a feeling of weakness of the sphincter ani.

Much audible rumbling and grumbling in the abdomen.

Loud grumbling in the abdomen, also after eating.

Rumbling in the abdomen, succeeded by eructations.

Frequent desire to emit flatulence, Emission of flatulence, which relieves the sense of fullness of the stomach, in the evening (fifth day).

Loud emission of flatulence.

Much badly smelling flatus, which passes off quietly in the night, and after dinner (one to seven days).

Moving to and fro, and painless clutching in the abdomen (after half an hour).

Early, before breakfast, spasmodic pain from the bladder to the chest, disappears after breakfast.

Sensation of distension, as if the abdomen became more and more full, after supper (fifth day).

Feeling of coldness in the abdomen, in the afternoon.

Sudden sensation of burning in the abdomen, in the afternoon.

Sudden pinching in the abdomen here and there; it then passes to the small of the back, where it produces a gnawing pain for a long time, in the afternoon (sixteen day).

Pinching in the abdomen, with heat in the stomach (after one hour).

Pinching in the abdomen, in the evening, when in bed; it terminates in a flow of saliva in the mouth (second and third day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.