
Tearing in the legs, the thighs and legs, when sitting and lying, especially at night.

Trembling of the knees.

Cracking of the right knee in walking.

At night, violent pain in the bend of the knee, extending down to the heel.

Pain in the bend of the left knee; the boy cannot tread upon the foot.

Her knees appear to her to be longer during the pain.

Painful boring in the right knee (after two hours).

Drawing pain in the bend of the knees, on ascending, not descending the stairs.

Drawing pain in both knees on ascending the stairs; the pain is not felt on simply bending the knees, not is it felt on touching them.

Sensation of pressure into the bend of the left knee, when walking, after having risen from the seat.

Sharp, twitching pressure from without inwards at the patella.

Tearing in the knees and patella.

Violent tearing, beginning at the knees and coming out at the toes, with a sensation of swelling of the knees; in the afternoon, until evening (relieved by walking), (twenty-first day). dull tearing on the inside of the left knee, in the evening (nineteenth day).

Sticking tearing pain in the knee, in the evening, before falling asleep.

Stitches in the left knee, only when sitting; they disappear when walking in the open air.

Sticking and tearing in the right knee, in the evening (first day).

Pain in the patella on pressing the hand upon it or upon bending the knee.

Feeling of uneasiness in the legs for several evenings, at seven o’clock, lasting half an hour, before she went to sleep.

Drawing in the legs.

Heaviness of the legs; she can scarcely lift them.

Weariness of the legs, especially in the middle of the tibiae; they feel bruised when standing or walking; she feels as if she would sink down, for then the pain is worse, especially in the evening; less when sitting and lying.

Tearing drawings in the leg, extending up from the malleolus externus.

Tearing in the legs at different periods.

Gnawing pain in the legs.

Cramp like sticking pain, in the right leg, with a sensation of numbness; during the afternoon nap, when sitting, and also after waking.

Stitches in the right tibia, when in bed in the evening.

Pain, as from a bruise, in the left tibia, especially during motion.

Upon laying one foot across the other, or stepping upon the toes, she is attacked with painful cramps of the calves.

When walking the gastrocnemii muscles appear too short; they seem tense (after twenty hours).

Before taking the drug he had tension of calves (soles of the feet and toes, with spasm and paralysis of the legs); this symptom is increased by the drug, and extends over the knee, so that he cannot keep himself straight; afterwards a burning, shooting, sometimes cutting pain in the calves and soles (the first day).

Tension and burning, on the external surface of the right calf, in the evening (second day).

Tensive pain at the inside of the calves when walking.

Frequent cramps in the calves.

Cramps in the calves, as if the tendons were too short, after rising from his seat, passing off on walking about; previously his feet became suddenly so languid that he was afraid of rising, in the afternoon (second day).

Painless drawing down along both calves (after two hours).

Tearing in the calves.

Painless beating or throbbing in the left calf like pulsations, early in the morning (fourth day).

Violent formication in both calves, after supper (fifth day).

Itching of the calves.

On trying to step upon the foot severe stitches in the malleolus of the right foot, and violent cutting from the left big toe to the heel, so that he is not able to step upon the foot (second day).

Sensitive drawing pain in the tendo Achillis, when at rest, not when walking.

Tearing in each tendo Achillis, in the evening (fifth day).

Numbness of the heel on stepping upon the foot.

Sensation in the left heel as if it were compressed from both sides (second day).

Heaviness in the feet, with tearing.

Heaviness in the feet, with great lassitude of the legs (third day). the right foot goes to sleep, with crawling in it.

Painful drawing below the malleoli (tenth day).

Tearing in the feet and malleoli at different periods.

Pain in the bones on the dorsum of the foot on touching them, accompanied by itching (first day).

An ulcer in the sole of the foot, which is almost entirely cured, causes a stinging pain on stepping upon it; in the room, after having walked in the open air.

Pain in the sole of the foot, on stepping upon it, as though it were too soft and swollen.

Tension in the sole of the foot, in the forenoon (second day).

Burning stitches in the sole of the right foot, in the evening and in the morning, disappearing by rubbing.

Painful sensitiveness of the sole of the right foot.

The old hard skin of the feet becomes very sensitive.

The hard skin of the sole of the foot is very sensitive to the touch; but even without being touched it is affected with a violent aching pain.

Stinging, titillation, and pricking in the soles of the feet.

Tickling itching in the sole of the foot.

Herpes between the toes.

Cutting in the big toe of the right foot, as if he walked upon knives, early in the morning, when walking (fourth day).

Burning stitches in the left big toe, close to the nail, at night.

Stinging pain in the ball of the big toe.

Crawling in the big toe, as if it had been frozen (second day).

Itching of the toes, after staying in the open air.

Itching and shining redness of the great toes; they are painful upon external pressure (after fourth day).

Itching of the toes and feet, when the feet have become warm by walking; after walking the symptoms disappear immediately (after thirty days).

Itching of thee toes, with redness, as if they had been frozen, worse after scratching, in the evening (third, fourth, sixteenth days).

Corns are very painful.

Smarting stitches in corns.


Shaking pulsation through the whole body.

Involuntary motions of the head and other parts.

His arm and head are jerked backwards several times, with apprehension.

Tremulous excitement of the whole nervous system.

Even the weakest spirituous drink intoxicates him.

Inclines to convulsive laughter, in the evening when in bed (fifth day).

First he sat still without answering; this was followed by anxious groaning for five minutes; after this a convulsive laugh for ten minutes, then again weeping; then weeping and laughing in alternation.

When he attempts to take his after-dinner nap in a sitting posture, a jerk through the head and limbs, like an electric shock, with stupefaction.

Uneasiness; she constantly had to move her feet and to go about.

Uneasiness when sitting or lying; she had to shift the position of her hands and feet.

All the muscles feel paralyzed.

Tremulous lassitude.

Lassitude in the forenoon, and great chilliness; in the afternoon shaking chilliness in the back.

Great lassitude of the whole body, with chilliness and headache (thirty-third day).

Lassitude; dizziness; frequently a feverish pulse and want of disposition to work for several days; little appetite; drowsiness after dinner; heaviness in the body; frequent disposition to eructations, which, however, either do not take place at all, or but imperfectly (after four weeks).

Lassitude in the whole body, accompanied by obtuseness of the thinking faculty, flushes of heat, and anxiety (fourth day). Physical depression, lassitude, so that she can scarcely lift her feet, accompanied by drowsiness and laziness (twenty-second day).

His strength fails, even after a short conversation or walk.

After the menses had ceased body and mind felt exhausted; a little work and moderate walking prostrated her and made her spiritless.

Great exhaustion of strength, especially after walking in the open air, accompanied by yawning, stretching, drowsiness, and inclination to lie down; lying down, however, increases the lassitude (thirteenth day).

Great fatigue, especially upon talking.

Slow, tottering gait, as after a severe sickness.

Excessively faint and tired; he is obliged to sit down.

Unconquerable disposition to lie down (after three hours).

Walking in the open air is succeeded by excessive cheerfulness and staring look; afterwards, at every motion, cold shivering and sweat, with chilliness of the head; when going to sleep, head, hands, and feet are hot.

At night, when waking, there is anxiety, dyspnoea, and profuse sweat.

Upon entering the room, after a walk in the open air, dread and nausea when talking.

Rush of blood to the head; black before the eyes; giddiness; ringing in the ears, and drowsiness.

Towards evening she feels sick at the stomach, and her head turns, with constant palpitation of the heart and great anxiety; this lasted the whole night until the next forenoon.

Orgasm of blood, with increased pulse, and trembling of the hands when writing; also after a meal, with heat of the whole body, and sweat of the face (first day).

In the evening violent pain in the small of the back, and vertigo, followed by a desire for stool, during which pure blood was passed; feeling of paralysis in the small of the back; when sitting straight she had no support.

Pain, as from bruises, in the loins, over the hip and in the muscles of the calf, when walking.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.