

On the right ear, a transparent vesicle, without pain.

It seems to her as if something were lying before her ear externally.

Itching burning in the anterior border of the right ear (first day).

Heat and redness of the ear for many evenings.

Tension in the ears (second and third days).

Boring pain in the ear in the morning, and in the hollow of the ear in the afternoon; also felt on pressure (fourth day).

(Headache), tearing and stitches in the ears, somewhat lessened by pressure with the hand, lasting four days, towards evening (after sixth day).

Tearing in, behind, and below the ears.

Frequent stabs, as with a knife, into the hollow of the ear.

Sticking into the ears.

Stitches in the ears, especially in the evening (after thirty days).

In the night, stitches deep in the right ear (after four hours).

Stitches through the ears from within outwards (after four hours).

Stitches in the left ear (seventh day).

Pulsations in the ear.

Severe itching in both ears; rubbing with the fingers increases it (after fifty hours).

Itching before and behind the ears and of the lobules.

Discharges of pus from the right ear often (eleven days).

On blowing her nose something obstructed her ear; on swallowing, the ear opens again, Itching and tingling in the external swallowing, the ear opens again.

Itching and tingling in the external meatus.

Crackling of the tympanum, especially when chewing.

On swallowing, there is a crackling in the ear.

For an hour it seems, in the right ear, as though he had an entirely different voice (fourth day).

Loud whistling in the ear.

Whizzing in the ears.

Roaring of the ears early in the morning; at the same time the stools are more solid than usual.

Roaring before the ears, as of large bells, early in the morning, after rising.

Roaring in the ears, in the evening.


The septum of the nose is swollen, red, and painful to the touch; in the evening the pains are increased, with stitches in the forehead (one day).

Swelling and hardness of the left alae of the nose, with pain to the touch (eighth days).

Ulcerated nostrils.

A boil on the nose.

Rattling and piping in the nose, with rough voice, in the afternoon (three days).

The nose is stopped (one day).

Obstruction of the left nostril (ten days).

Unwell, as from a cold which cannot develop.

Sensation in the nose as if a cold would come on, in the evening, for several days (four days).

Catarrh, with sneezing and obstruction of the nose, the whole day (three days).

Dry catarrh (nine days).

Violent dry catarrh, especially at night, with great dryness of the mouth.

Violent fluent coryza in the left nostril, appearing suddenly; the right nostril is obstructed entirely.

First fluent coryza, then dry, so that both nostrils are entirely obstructed.

On the right side of the nose there are two pimples, with a burning and stinging pain.

Frequent sneezing (and hiccough), without coryza (one, two, seven days).

Water runs from the right nostril, without catarrh.

Secretion of much thick and viscid mucus from the nose.

Fluent coryza (with rough voice) in the afternoon and morning (four, six days).

Fluent coryza, with frequent sneezing and lachrymation.

Bleeding from the nose.

Blood only is blown out.

Intermittent burning pain in the right wing of the nose in the evening (one day).

Tearing in and near the right nasal fossa; upon pressing the part, it passes off only for a short while (second day).

Soreness with scabs in the right nostril, with a discharge of much thick yellowish mucus (the first four weeks).

Violent itching of one alae of the nose (one hour).

Itching of the dorsum, the side, and around the orifice of the nose.

Excessively acute smell.

Weakness of smell.

Sour smell in the nose, early in the morning (three days).


Sullen, low-spirited look. Paleness of the face.

Paleness and redness of the face alternating in quick succession.

Skin of the face rough, especially on the forehead.

Itching pimples on the forehead, the right side of the nose, and the left angle of the mouth; upon being pressed they run together (six to nine days).

Every day flushes of heat in the face.

Heat and tension in the left side of the face, in the evening (first day).

His face seems to him larger or swollen, and the eyes smaller, so that his sight is impeded; after dinner (first day).

The skin of the face is tense, even around the eyes, as if the white of an egg had dried upon it; after dinner, when walking in the open air (fifth day).

Formication in the right side of the face, with stinging pain in the hollow of the ear, and tearing in the right knee.

Violent itching in the face.

Itching, with a violent desire to scratch, in the face and under the chin; succeeded by small pimples like rash (fourth day).

Itching of the forehead, cheeks, around the eyes, and of the chin.

The cheeks look as red as copper, as in brandy drinkers.

A painful red spot upon the right cheek.

Small, red, painless pimples upon the right cheek, which feel rough (twelfth day).

Upon the right cheek a pimple, which is painful to the tough like a sore.

Pimples on the left cheek and forehead (tenth day).

One boil after the other on the left cheek.

Drawing and tearing in the left cheek and gums; in the afternoon (after thirtieth day).

Crawling on the internal surface of the cheeks (after three hours).

Itching of the cheeks, with burning after scratching.

Itching of the left angle of the mouth, and the zygoma; it disappears on being scratched.

Tearing in the sides of the face, especially in the right side, in the zygoma; upon rubbing the part it passes off: it is sometimes attended with tearing pain in the teeth of this side.

The vermilion border of the lips is bluish (during and after the fever).

Swelling of the lower lip.

On the internal surface of the lip a bright vesicle as large as a pea (second day).

Swelling of the lips with vesicles upon them.

chapped (dry) i(ups.

Both his lips appear to him larger and swollen.

The lips peel off (fourth day).

Crusty eruptions on the lower lip.

Small pimples on the chin, which pass of again next morning (after eighth and thirteenth day).

Sensation around the chin, as if it were covered with cobweb.

The jaws are firmly set against each other (one hour).

Remarkable shortening of the lower jaw; the upper teeth project over the lower for three days.

The jaw is so swollen that he cannot open the mouth without pain; there are stitches going up to the malar bone and the temple.

Tension and drawing in the jaws and cheeks, with increased secretion of saliva (second day).

Painful tension in the articulation of the jaws, when chewing or opening the mouth. Itching formication on the right side of lower jaw.


Thick, badly smelling mucus on the teeth (fifth day).

Two rotten molar teeth (one above, the other below) catch into each other on opening the mouth.

Ulceration of the roots of all the teeth.

In chewing the least she suffers the most violent toothache; the roots of the teeth are then painful, and as if they were ulcerated.

The toothache extends down to the larynx, with irritation of the nerves, as after having caught cold, or having used too much chamomile.

The teeth are very painful when she chews; she is afraid of pressing them against one another (after second day).

Upon setting the teeth together, a toothache, as if the teeth were loose.

The hollow teeth are very painful when food gets into them.

Sense of coldness of the teeth, with great sensitiveness.

Sensation as if the teeth were too long (first day).

In the evening, boring (tearing, grinding) in the teeth (after one hour).

Boring in various hollow teeth.

Drawing pain in the teeth of the right side, in the evening; it disappeared after having laid down.

Gnawing pain in one of the front molar teeth of the lower jaw, with tearing behind the ear, as if the ear would be torn out; worse at nine o’clock in the evening, and then slowly decreasing; sitting up in the bed gives a little relief; after midnight there is only gnawing in the tooth; the pain remains the same under all circumstances; in daytime it is dull.

Drawing and tearing pain in the front lower teeth, extending to the zygoma and the temples.

Drawing pain, extending from one tooth as far as the ear, in the side of the incisors, both as far as the ear, in the side of the head.

Pressive pain in one of the incisors, both when chewing and not.

Tearing in the molar teeth at different times of the day, sometimes as high up as the temples.

On biting on a stump it pains, as if violently pushed into the socket.

Cutting toothache, in the open air and on lying down in the evening in bed (after two and three hours).

Bruised pain in one of the right upper molar teeth; pressing upon the tooth, which makes it feel loose, relieves the pain (eleventh day).

One of the upper molar teeth is painful to the touch.

At night, when in bed, throbbing of the roots of the teeth, like pulsations.

Jerking and tearing toothache wakes her up after midnight; it disappears after rising (fifth day).

Jerking pain in one of the first molar teeth of the left upper row (first day).

Tickling in the teeth and of their roots, immediately after dinner (the fourth and fifth days).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.