
Swelling of the gums.

On the gums of the left side of the lower row of teeth an ulcer forms, which opens immediately, and discharges blood which tastes saltish.

Bleeding of the gums (fourth day).

Drawing pain in the gums, as if they were sore.

Tongue coated white, with a good taste.

Tongue coated yellowish-white, with bitter taste.

Sense of roughness on the tongue (after three-quarters of an hour).

Crawling in the tongue (stinging, and transient) (one hour).

Itching in the tip of the tongue; he would like to scratch it to pieces (after fifth and seventh days).

Number of little ulcers in the mouth.

Thick mucus runs from the posterior nares into the mouth.

Musty. bad smell from the mouth.

The mouth continually feels as if it were burnt (after dinner) (after forty-eight hours).

Painfulness of the inner mouth, palate, tongue, gums; they feel so sore that he can scarcely eat.

On waking, the mouth is dry and the tongue sticks to the palate.

Dryness in the mouth, although saliva is not wanting; this causes frequent painful swallowing.

Increased secretion of saliva and mucus (first and second days).

The secretion of saliva becomes real ptyalism.

In the morning, spitting of much saliva and mucus.

Increased secretion of saliva, with a sense of contraction in the mouth, or with continual crawling upon the surface of the checks (after half an hour).

A large quantity of saliva accumulates in the mouth, when in bed in the evening (third day).

Constant collection of sweetish or sourish water in the mouth (fifth and eighth days).

Collection of much mucus in the mouth; on spitting it out it is continually formed, while the throat remains dry (first day).

Water in the mouth.

Sour liquid rises into his mouth.

Frequent collection of watery saliva in the mouth; he is obliged to spit it out the whole day, most in the afternoon; never at night (after ten minutes, and second day).

Early in the morning, flat, metallic taste in the mouth (fourth and fifth days).

Sourish, saltish taste (first day).

Bitter, insipid taste in the mouth.

Bitter taste in the mouth (shortly after taking it).

Bitter and slimy taste in the mouth, in the morning on rising (five days).

Bitter taste in the evening, after having eaten apples.

Astringent acrid taste upon the tongue, as from eating sloes (one to eight days).

Taste in mouth of blood, for half an hour (seven days).

Everything tastes flat.

Everything she eats seems tasteless, and not salted, especially in the evenings; bread tastes like sponge (first and second days).

Meat, especially, does not seem to have any taste.

Beer tastes bitter and nauseous; this causes retchings (twelve days).


Redness, inflammatory, in the back part of the throat (nine days).

Inflammation of the throat, terminated by a marked livid border round the buccal cavity, several days (after two days). Thick viscid mucus flows into the throat from the posterior nares.

He cannot hawk up the phlegm in his throat, because it is too far down.

A piece of phlegm gets into his throat, which chokes him until he swallows it (after ten minutes).

Collection of thick viscid mucus in the throat, especially in the evening, and morning on waking, which increases the soreness of the throat; it induces frequent clearing of the throat, and can only be expectorated in little lumps, with great effort (first day)(380).

Clearing the throat of saltish phlegm, after dinner (two days).

In the evening, dryness of the throat, which induces frequent clearing of the throat (three days).

Dryness of the throat and mouth (shortly after taking it).

Dryness and scraping of the throat (one day).

Great dryness of the throat, mouth, and lips, as if the parts were parched, attended with torturing thirst.

Sourish taste in the throat, then bitter eructations, shortly after having eaten his milk soup in the evening (four days).

Sourish taste appearing suddenly in his throat, without eructations, in the forenoon (four days).

Sweet taste in the throat, with vertigo, followed by expectoration of mucus mixed with blood, early in the morning (twenty-eighth day).

On waking in the morning, his throat is rough and his chest oppressed; he cannot raise anything from his throat, and is obliged to sneeze a good deal (after twelve hours).

In the evening (and at night), roughness of the throat, which causes hawking, with secretion of mucus, several days in succession.

Rancid and rough in the throat; this obliges him to clear the throat (four days).

Hoarseness and rancidity of the throat, the whole afternoon (after five days).

Sense of burning in the throat, in the evening (three days).

Burning in the throat, like heartburn, with a sense of roughness (five days).

In both sides of the neck, sensation as of an external swelling, with stinging pains.

Sensation in the throat as if it were narrowed, and the air cut off, as in a violent sore throat after a cold, or in an inflammation of the throat; this always lasts only a few minutes (first seven days).

Constructive (pressive) pain in the throat and pharynx, with much mucus in the mouth, in the evening (one, two days).

Scraping high up in the throat.

Drawing and tensive pain in the right side of the throat, especially on moving the tongue (nine days).

At nights, spasmodically drawing pain in one side of the throat and in the ear, disturbing the sleep, and increased by deglutition (nine days).

Pressure in the throat as from a lump, with soreness, rough voice, and dryness of the throat.

Pressive and tensive pain in the inner right side of the throat, as far as the ear (one day).

Sense of scraping in the throat, as if he had swallowed pepper (after three hours).

Constant griping scraping in the throat (five days).

After eructation, scraping in the throat, which obliges clearing the throat (two days).

Rawness and roughness of the throat, which induce coughing, in the evening (four days).

Sore throat in swallowing.

Burning soreness in the throat during and after deglutition, in the morning, for several days in succession (four days).

After clearing the throat, which she finds very difficult, it feels very sore.

Aching sore throat during empty deglutition, in the evening, for several days in succession (caused by a swelling in the throat) (four days).

Sore throat, pressure in the throat, even when not swallowing, with internal heat in both hands (after two hours).

Transient stitches in the throat, shooting here and there, on swallowing, and something pointed sometimes seems to stick in the throat in the evening (two, four days).

Stinging in the throat, on empty deglutition.

Violent tickling in the throat, exciting frequent cough (four days).

Pressive pain in the left tonsil, during and after swallowing (one day).

In the morning, dull stitches in the right tonsil (four days).

Swollen tonsils (six days).

Sense as of constriction from the oesophagus down to the stomach, every time he swallows a morsel of food.

Contraction of the oesophagus, and want of action, in the morning, on waking. Violent pressive pain, as if a portion of the oesophagus were contracted or compressed, in the middle of the chest, especially during deglutition, but also when not swallowing, with oppression of the chest alternating with palpitation of heart, especially after a meal (eight, nine days)(420).

Impeded deglutition at night, as from a spasmodic constriction of the throat (one day).

Spasmodically pressive pain in the middle of the chest, on swallowing food and drink.


He is always hungry; could always be eating.

Very hungry.

Rabid hunger; he is panting for his dinner, and can scarcely await it.

She is hungry, but she eats nothing with relish.

She has no aversion to food, but no desire to eat; on looking at the food she is already satisfied; she could go a whole day without eating (for many days).

Strong appetite for vegetables, fruit, and soft food.

No desire to eat, no appetite, no hunger; food dose not taste badly, but it does not taste at all; everything tastes like straw or shavings.

He has no appetite, and eats with reluctance.

Little hunger and no appetite for many days, even when he eats nothing at dinner (one to fifteen days).

Diminished appetite. with fullness of the abdomen.

Aversion to meat, even unto vomiting, for three days (after six days).

Very thirsty the whole day, also at dinner.

Aversion to the usual smoking.

Smoking does not relish, and intoxicates him, for four days.

Smoking does not agree with him.

Frequent empty eructations (after two hours).

Empty eructations after supper (two days).

Frequent eructations tasting of milk-soup which he had taken, from supper until he lay down.

Eructations, with pressive pain in the chest, while eating (after three-quarters of an hour).

Bitter eructations after eating potatoes; he feels a loathing which makes him shiver; in the evening (five days).

Rancid eructations, leaving a burning in the throat for a long while (one day).

Rancid eructations, especially after dinner (ten to thirteen days).

Rancid eructations after breakfast soup.

Acrid eructations.

Sour eructations, in the evening, when in bed.

Sour eructations, with burning in the throat, like heartburn (one day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.