
Hoarseness in the morning (sixteenth day).

She is frequently attacked with sudden hoarseness, which caused a loss of voice, and could not be relieved by clearing the throat; mostly in the afternoon and evening.

Cough, with painful pressure in the occiput.

Cough, with scraping in the throat.

Short fits of cough, with tearing, shooting pain in the right temple and the vertex.

Cough, which makes the chest feel sore, in the forenoon, (third day).

Frequent short, dry cough, in the forenoon and evening.

Dry cough at night, with dryness of the throat (after twenty-four hours).

Violent, short, dry persistent cough, with sneezing; and tearing, shooting, and pinching pain, extending from the nape of the neck as far as the right shoulder.

Dry cough, coming suddenly in the morning, and passing off quickly, or when walking in the open air, and then also continuing in the room (first and sixth day).

Continual dry, hacking cough, with vomiting and arrest of breathing, and sticking pain extending from the left side of the abdomen to the hypochondrium and the pit of the stomach.

Violent dry cough, during the day, every attack lasts a long time; only after two days, the cough becomes less frequent and looser.

Violent and dry cough in the morning after rising; later, some expectoration follows (fourth and sixth days).

Cough, with much expectoration, especially in the morning.

(Cough, with expectoration; the throat becomes rough and hoarse, with fluent coryza).

Cough, with secretion of loose mucus (curative effect).

Sudden violent, but short cough; by making an effort, he expectorates a piece of phlegm, mixed with blood, in the afternoon (fifth day).

The morning cough and expectoration ceased (curative effects), (fifth day).

Difficult breathing, in the forenoon.


Blister on the right half of the chest and on the throat, with burning pain; with glowing heat in the face, and chills in the rest of the body; sleeps soundly and without dreams.

Rattling in the chest, caused by mucus (fifth day).

Feeling of dryness in both sides of the chest (fifteenth day).

Continual warmth in the middle of the chest (after five minutes).

Heat in the forepart of the chest; she feels the heat when breathing.

Pinching pain in the upper part of the chest, in the evening when sitting (first day).

At night he is roused from sleep by a cramp, and oppression of the chest (having walked a good deal the day before).

Pressure on the chest, with shortness of breath, at night, when lying upon the back; passing off when lying upon the side (second day).

His chest feels oppressed.

Oppression at the chest (first day).

Oppressive of the chest.

Oppression, orgasm, and pulsation in the chest (after two hours).

Oppressive pain in the chest, the chest feels tight.

Oppression on the chest.

Oppression at the chest, when stooping while writing.

At night, violent oppressive pain in the chest, which disturbs the otherwise quiet sleep, and is not increased by breathing, but by bending the head forward several days (after five days).

Oppressive pain in the middle of the chest, alternating with a constriction and violent palpitation of the heart, especially after a meal (eighth and ninth days).

Weight on the chest, with shortness of breath, without cough, only in the afternoon (eighteenth day).

When walking fast, sensation as of cutting and pressure in the chest, relieved by sitting (a fortnight) (after twenty days).

painful sensation, as if the chest became wide (first and ninth days).

The chest feels contracted, with apprehension (eleventh day).

Sensation of constriction around the chest when stooping, while the person is sitting; it passes off on becoming erect, in the afternoon (first day).

When stooping during some work, her chest felt constricted, so that she was scarcely able to breathe, as if she had been laced too tightly; this passed off when walking in the open air (ninth day).

Boring pain, sometimes in the middle, sometimes in the sides of the chest, aggravated by breathing, sometimes in the evening; relieved by becoming erect and walking.

External pressure at the lower part of the chest (diminished somewhat by friction).

Pressure here and there in the chest.

Pressure in the chest, followed by empty eructations, without relief; the pressure sometimes reaches as far as the back, and is increased by walking, in the forenoon (first and twentieth days).

Pressure on the chest, with shortness of breath and irritation to cough, which often goes and comes.

Pressure on the chest during an already existing cough, and after it; during which a paralytic pain extends through the arm, so that the arm becomes weary and powerless (after half an hour).

Pain in the chest, as if it were cut or sore, after dinner, until ten o’clock in the evening; relieved after lying down; next morning the pain returns, during the morning cough, with a feeling of weakness in the chest, and accompanied by empty eructations and short breath (seventh day)(780).

Sharp stitches in the upper part of the chest (third day).

Stitches in the chest, here and there, sometimes worse by breathing, sometimes burning.

When stooping, a stitch from the left side of the abdomen, to the middle of the chest; it comes with every inspiration; afterwards, also when standing erect.

Tearing stitches, like lightning, from the right loin to the left side of the chest, through the pit of the stomach, when inspiring.

Soreness in the chest and in the pit of the stomach, accompanied by fatiguing cough, lachrymation, and tenacious expectoration.

Feeling of soreness in the interior of the chest, when moving or turning the body.

Formication on the left clavicle (and over the right half of the chest, with biting itching); the spot burns on being scratched, and burning vesicles appear (sixteenth day).

Burning in the whole right side of the chest, with twinges and sticking in a false rib of the right side, in the afternoon (first day).

Disagreeable feeling of constriction below the right side of the chest, on a small spot (after two hours).

Sensation of hard pressure during active exercise, high up on both sides of the chest; less when sitting, completely disappearing on lying down; touching the parts does not affect


Stitches high up in both sides of the chest, during active exercise; when sitting or walking there are none, but only pressure with arrest of breathing.

Fine stitches in the left mamma, at nine o’clock in the morning (second day).

During a violent effort, lifting, carrying, etc., pain in the chest on the left side of the sternum, with soreness of the place on being touched (after ten days).

Sensation of oppressive dryness under the sternum.

Chilliness in the interior of the sternum.

Pressure on the sternum, worse in the evening, when walking.

Stitches under the sternum, increased by talking; at the same time feeling of compression of the chest, as if she were tightly laced (thirty-fifth day).

At the lower part of the sternum, pain as from excoriation, which extends to the stomach, afterwards hoarseness.

Itching upon the sternum, which goes off by scratching (fifteenth day).

Heart and Pulse.

Palpitation of the heart, daily on waking.

Frequent palpitation of the heart; a few irregular beats, large and small ones being intermixed.

Towards 4 or 5 o’clock in the morning, waked by anxiety about the heart, as if sweat would break out, which, however, is not the case; after rising, the anxiety immediately disappears.

Neck and Back.

The nape of the neck is painful on moving the head.

Stitches in the nape of the neck.

Stitches in the nape of the neck and on the right side of the neck, where they disappear only after long friction, Itching in the nape of the neck and of the throat (after eighteen days).

Vesicles on the right side of the neck (eight days).

Swelling of the glands of the left side of the neck.

Early in the morning, stiffness of the neck and upper part of the back, with drawing pains, passing off by motion (four days).

Stiffness of the muscles of the neck, so that she cannot turn her head to the left side.

Violent tension in the back of the neck, one hour in the afternoon (one day).

Painful drawing in the muscles of the neck, not altered by friction or motion of the head, in the forenoon (one day).

Drawing and pressure in the glands of the left side of the neck.

Stitches in the neck, on the left side, externally, relieved by pressure, with tearing in the head and stitches in the ears (after twelve days).

Stitches in the glands of the right side of the neck, and drawing pressure in those of the left side (after half an hour to an hour). Violent itching of the neck and on the chest, as if she were bitten by fleas (after ten days).

Violent itching of the neck, nape of the neck, and of the chest, without any visible eruption; on touching the skin, a hard pimple is felt here and there under the skin (fourteen days). Painful stiffness between the scapulae, afterwards extending towards the ribs and kidneys.

Burning in the superior angle of the left scapula, relieved somewhat by friction.

Painful tension between the scapulae, in the forenoon (two days).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.