Evidence of Caustic Causation of Cancer

Then the combination with the free carbon dioxide results in excessive blood and tissue fluid carbonates and deficient red corpuscle oxyhaemoglobin with deficient tissue oxidation, as the oxygen is required in association with carbon of tissue metabolism for, combination with the continued presence of the caustic mineral salts as the only available protective mechanism to the body.

It has been shown by. blood and urine analysis of cancer subjects that exactly the same conditions are present in the blood and tissue fluids as those which must inevitably follow from the age old habit, a habit greatly accentuated in modern civilization, of ingesting excessive quantities of mineral salts mainly sodium salts. That the same conditions would result if men took excessive quantities of other chemical mineral salts such as those of calcium, potassium. and magnesium is without doubt, but a study of what man ingests in modern days as well as in centuries of the past, throughout which cancer has been a destroyer of humanity, shows conclusively that the sodium habit is that which must inevitably bring about the conditions found to be invariably present in cancer victims. But although sodium carbonate in excess in the blood must result from this continued sodium habit and is found in cancer victims, sodium carbonate will not give rise to the evolution of the cancer cell and its proliferation or to the burning pain and other signs and symptoms of cancer growth pathology.

When, however, by venous or lymph stasis carbonate is deposited in the body tissues from the carbonate excess present in the blood and tissue fluids, it undergoes hydrolysis and caustic soda is the result. Caustic soda is deposited without the local protection of the free acid radicals of chlorine and phosphorus and carbon dioxide, and as the burning mineral salt it remains at the local site of its deposition, to give rise to tissue destruction or ulceration or to tissue inflammation or fibrosis. These mechanical conditions produce further lymph stasis and further caustic formation from the carbonates circulating constantly in the blood and tissue fluids and provided constantly to these fluids by the continuance of the sodium habit.

The body is then faced with the continuous local deposition of a caustic mineral salt without any means of preservation against the burning destructive results. Only by the evolution of a new protective mechanism can rapid destruction be prevented and this necessity gives rise to the evolution and proliferation of the cancer cell whose metabolism by glycolysis from glucose of lactic acid, with the protective combination of this lactic acid with the caustic mineral salt to produce the innocuous mineral lactate, constitutes the body’s endeavour to prevent rapid burning destruction which is inevitable if the constant production of the caustic mineral salt is permitted to go on completely unchecked.

This newly evolved cellular proliferation is therefore a physiological and not a pathological new growth and attempts t6 fulfil a physiological purpose under the abnormal conditions existing in the human bodies in which it is present. Being physiological with a physiological purpose, the cancer cells conform to the laws which govern all the specialized cells with their specialized physiological purposes which go to form the human machine. These cancer cells, evolved for a purpose, at the dictates of a cause, can only remain while that cause remains, and undergo physiological atrophy and disappearance only when that cause is removed. Moreover, these, cancer cells must continue to proliferate while ever the cause which has brought about their evolution continues to increase and necessitate ever increasing degrees of cancer cell function or purpose. While man afflicted with a cancer growth continues the sodium habit which has brought about the cancer growth, the cancer growth must persist and continue growing.

It can be fully understood from this outline of the conception put forward as to the cause of cancer that it fulfils all the facts known in regard to cancer evolution, cancer cell proliferation and cancer growth. Moreover, this conception is confirmed by scientific tests performed on the blood of cancer patients.

Many skilled research workers have proved that cancer cell metabolism produces lactic acid by the glycosis of glucose. This conception of cancer causation in which the cause is a caustic mineral, salt produced in the tissues of the cancer victim by the age old sodium habit indulged in by mankind from time immemorial shows definitely the reason for the production of the lactic acid by the metabolism of the cancer cells, the necessity for this metabolism and the necessity for the evolution of the cancer cells so that this lactic acid production can be brought about namely that the whole process of cancer cell evolution and metabolism is a protective one whereby the body seeks to guard itself against the continuous local production in some of its, tissues of the burning caustic mineral salts namely the caustic salt of sodium.

Having traced the tragedy which must inevitably result from the age old human sodium habit from the ingestion of sodium salts in excess to the evolution and proliferation of the cancer cells with their protective metabolism as nature’s final attempt at salvation against the burning results of this habit, and corroborated the conclusions which have been drawn from a long series of blood and urinary analyses, there still remain certain salient questions to be answered.

(1) Why does cancer growth principally affect certain localizations in the human body?

(2) Why do certain proven cancer cases survive after surgical and, radiation ablations of the existing cancer growth?

3. What effect has deep X-ray radiation on the cancer cells?

4. What constitutional conditions accompany the localized presence in the body of a cancer growth?

5. Is cancer hereditary?

6. What causes mortality when a cancer growth is present?

7. What constitutional and other conditions precede the evolution and proliferation of the cancer cells, as a result of the gradual chemical change in the blood and tissue fluids, before these make necessary the cancer cell evolution?

8. Cancer prevention.

9. Cancer cure Is cancer curable?.

Edward Henty Smalpage
Edward Henty Smalpage (1895-1962), was an Australian doctor. He netered medical school at Sydney at age 16. He went into Military service after that. After leaving services on medical grounds (epilepsy), he cleared FRCS from England in 1921. In 1940 he published the book Cancer, it's Cause, Prevention and Cure.