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The Characteristics & Cause of Cancer

The Characteristics & Cause of Cancer…

“It may sound oddly, but it is true in many learned cases, that if man earned less, their way to knowledge would be shorter and easier. It is indeed shorter and easier to proceed from ignorance to knowledge, than from error. They who are in the last state must unlearn before they can learn to any good purpose: and the first part of this double task is not, in many respects, the least difficult; for which reason it is seldom undertaken.


THE cancer growth is a cellular proliferation characterize by certain definite peculiarities of metabolism, structure and associations.

The foremost of these is that it is a neoplasm or new growth occurring in the bodies of certain people but absent from the bodies of the majority. As has been pointed out previously, cancer cellular growth has a cause, and this cause must be present continuously in the human body in which the growth is present to give rise to continuity of growth or to maintain the growth as it is. Therefore the cancer growth effect is only the normal manifestation of the presence of its cause; cause without effect would constitute an abnormality.

That the cancer cell has characteristics which distinguish it from all other types of cell in the body, determine the fact that its cause and purpose are abnormal.”Under then circumstances in one body does nature produce two effects to fulfil one purpose at the dictates of one cause. Infection at any site of the body is always associated with the same white cell or leucocyte proliferation. But there are a large number of cell types in the many different types of cancer growth, yet in each cancer growth, its recurrences and metastases, there is never more than one cell type, and that cell type remains the same no matter where the secondary or metastatic growth occurs. There may be immature cells present but the mature cells always remain the same. When the body has evolved a cancer type of cell for a purpose, as the effect of a cause, the same cell is always reproduced, irrespective of the body localization of the growth.

A primary growth, such as that in the female breast, has only one avenue of ingress to its localization of the cause which gives rise to its evolution that avenue is the blood and tissue fluids. The continuity of cellular proliferative effect determines the fact that the cause is continuously in the blood stream. If the cause should cease the growth effect must cease and disappear; being then without cause or purpose. This applies without exception to every cell of the human body. Physiological atrophy accompanies removal of the purpose or function. That cancer growth is functionless is untenable. It has a cause; because that cause has not been known is no reason to consider that cancer growth, as the effect of the cause, breaks a universal law in which the effect has always a purpose associated with its cause.

Moreover the metabolism of cancer cells has been known for many years. What they produce by that activity is known. Now that the cause of cancer cell evolution and proliferation is definitely known, and that is here claimed, the purpose for which the cancer cells have been evolved and for which they proliferate and metabolize is known.

The question may be asked why if there is only one cause for cancer, are there many different cellular types of cancer growths? This can readily be answered from the knowledge which has already been gained. The localization of a primary cancer growth in the body tissues must be dependent on the operation of its cause. If the cause is operative in one tissue such as that of the human breast, it will there cause cancer and the cells of the growth will be similar to those normally present at that site, because it is these cells which have been acted upon by the cause and through this action of the cause it is these cells which evolve the characteristics peculiar to cancer cells. Once a type of cell in any body has evolved the characteristics of the cancer growth, the action of the cancer cause, no matter where that may take place, will give rise to the same type of cell as that which has been primarily evolved. In that body no other type of cell will be evolved for that purpose, consequently in one body there are never two types of cancer growth, even if two growths are so separate that neither by continuity or embolism can they be related. Their only relationship is that of their single cause, and the only avenue through which this single cause can reach two widely separated sites in which cancer appears, is the tissue and blood fluids.

A simple but scientific explanation of every known fact in connection with cancer must be obtainable if the causation of cancer is to be irrefutable. Any fact pathological, clinical or chemical which is at variance with the cause put forward as that of cancer disproves this conception.

What is the cause of cancer cell evolution and Proliferation? A caustic mineral salt.

Cancer growth is an abnormal cellular proliferation characterized by burning pain and tissue destruction or ulceration.

A caustic mineral salt causes burning pain and tissue destruction. Moreover the continuous application of a dilute mineral caustic to the tissues gives rise to cancer cell evolution, proliferation and growth.

Edward Henty Smalpage
Edward Henty Smalpage (1895-1962), was an Australian doctor. He netered medical school at Sydney at age 16. He went into Military service after that. After leaving services on medical grounds (epilepsy), he cleared FRCS from England in 1921. In 1940 he published the book Cancer, it's Cause, Prevention and Cure.