THE review of a pamphlet or book is usually left to an independent person, but in keeping with the unorthodox views and the method of their expression, which form the context, I indeed to add my own review. This course has y been taken because in doing so I wish to relate the circumstances which led me to forsake the routine orthodox views which I was taught in the University and Hospitals and to step off the beaten track into the unexplored jungle with its loneliness and traps. Having watched the results of therapies for pathologies of various body localizations and scientific medical names, at the hands of reputedly the world’s leading surgeons and physicians, and having practiced those methods with assiduous care, there was forced on my attention from a source outside the routine orthodox medical circles in which I then walked, that in spite of the so-called marvels of medical science, supposedly symbolized in hospital buildings of annually increasing size and public expense, the mortality from cancer was rapidly increasing, the demands of the public for hospital accommodation, and the number of major surgical operations performed were increasing out of all proportion to the increase in the nation’s population. A study of statistics of other civilized communities only served to prove that this state of affairs was, and is, world wide. Being a member of orthodox medical associations then and now, I was able to attend their meetings, although in the past years the possibility of gaining anything worth while from such sources has appeared so remote to me, that I do not any longer waste time. I cannot be accused of stating facts which I cannot substantiate, nor can the ill success which has attended many trials of orthodox therapies be blamed upon my own incompetence, because I have made it my business, since my whole professional future depended on my decision, to check up on the results obtained at the hands of leading surgical and medical exponents of the various specialities into which medical practice has become divided. The climax came when the question of a serious surgical operation arose in relation to a near relative of my own. A lump developed in the breast- other surgeons said operation-probable malignancy. The statistics of leading surgical clinics throughout the world and my own years of observation and experience said, “Operation is only a temporary removal to be followed by a recurrence in a more dangerous site.” In spite of an awkward position, I strongly advised against surgery and my advice was taken. I then had to review my whole position as a surgeon, advising other men’s wives and relatives to have an operation I would not permit when it affected my own. Then I seriously considered the fundamental question in regard to all pathologies, including cancer. What are the causes? and again, how is it possible to obtain permanent cure of any pathology as the effects of a cause, if the cause is allowed to persist. If the originating cause of the primary lesion persists, although this lesion is removed, another similar lesion must in due course appear at the outcome of the continued action of the same cause. Carefully investigating the cystic, fibroid, malignant and other pathologies for which countless surgical operations are performed annually in hospitals, requiring ever increasing accommodation for such cases, it soon became obvious that with exception these surgical operations were performed to remove effects and could in no way remove causes. Such a routine is not only irrational but can have only one result-a temporary alleviation with a final recurrence of the pathological effect of the cause which still persists.
At great financial loss I discarded once and for all such palliatives as obstacles’ to the elucidation of the causes of these pathologies, a knowledge of which alone can lead to permanent cure of effects by removal of the causes.
I set out, off the beaten track, into the trap-strewn jungle to try and elucidate the causes of cysts, cancer, fibroids, rheumatism, cardiac failure, and the morbidity and mortality which is generally ascribed to these states when they are present in the body.
A knowledge of the cause for a pathological lesion makes possible a permanent cure. It is impossible in any other way.
This book, when started, was intended only to deal with the chemical cause of cancer-cell evolution and growth. The other pathologies which have been introduced may, however, open up a new vista for their therapeutic treatment for the relief of mankind.