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Symbolic Manifestation and Cancer

Symbolic Manifestation and Cancer…

IN every department of human life and endeavour, the whole of man’s knowledge is encompassed by material symbolism.

‘Man as a living animate creation evidences the unknown factor which he calls life by symbolic manifestations. Man is endowed with five senses, seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and feeling, and two attributes, intellect and mentality. With these man is a living machine, without all of them man cannot show or evidence life. Without all of them intact man cannot live. Yet when man sees a material object through his material eyes he calls that sight, when man touches a material thing he calls that touch, when man hears a voice he says he hears, but man neither knows what sight, hearing, touch, smell or taste really is. He can only realize their existence and know of their presence by the material manifestations of their actions. If the living man is alive because of one or more of these seven human attributes of life and can only maintain vitality or life when these remain, and as is well recognized, mankind uses up energy or vitality in every process of his body as a living machine, one must realize that through these seven attributes of potentiality the individual bodies of man obtain and maintain vitality through the presence of which life is maintained. What these seven avenues of power to all mankind really are, no man knows only does he know of their existence by the material manifestations whereby their presence is I y symbolized. But in an investigation of individual men, one soon realizes that while one or more of these attributes play an important part in the maintenance of vitality, the other avenues are rarely used or are of minor importance in this process of vitalizing that human machine. The attributes of an individual’s or nation’s vitality are symbolized by the material output of these sources of power. An individual can only produce what he has the power to produce. The man who has not well developed the tactile sense cannot produce a thing which requires the tactile sense for its evolvement. The material symbol is a true index to the source of power which it symbolizes. The man with a great intellect may read and learn the outpourings of another man’s individual thought or mentality, he is a great copyist but can never originate anything because his power to do so is absent. A man may be a great mechanic in any avenue of human endeavour whether as an engineer dealing with inanimate creation or as a surgeon dealing with human living people, but he needs only the refined tactile sense with a great intellectual knowledge of what other men have taught. Still such a man would be lost, in fact he would never be found, unless the originating mentality of another, whose teachings he follows and puts into mechanical practice, had preceded him.

The first attribute or avenue of vitality which animates creation, as exampled by the single celled amoeba, through which it shows that it is alive, is the sense of touch. To all other attributes, through which man gains vitality and signals its life, the amoeba is impervious. From the lowest form of life to man, the highest member of animate creation, there is gradual acquisition of the seven attributes of potentiality. The dog has all attributes but that of conscious mentality. Man alone of all animate creation has been the source through which the jungle has been turned into the modern evidences of the advance or progress of creation. The animal removed from contact with man remains today as it was centuries of years ago.

When we study mankind we find also great differences. Man works because from economic necessity he must, but man spends his leisure hours doing’ what he likes to do. He likes it because he feels better in doing so, he feels better because he is vitalized. By a knowledge of man’s leisure pursuits, we can find out through which attribute of vitalization man obtains and maintains the revitalization without which he would soon die. The man who spends his leisure in working out some intricate problem is different to the man who spends his leisure at music, etc.

This difference in human types is evidenced on every hand. The man who owes his vitality to the sense of hearing will be roused to physical vitality by music and the words of the orator, whereas devitalization is the result of music on those whose chief avenue of potentiality is the sense of touch. These potentiality types are well exampled in the nations of the earth. Their sources of power have produced the material symbols from which they have obtained their international positions. One thinks of America as symbolized by everything which is large buildings, factories, big business, etc. those things alone made possible by the sense of sight and appealing or affecting the body through the sense of sight. Not so, however, with Italy think of Italy, think of Music Opera-the appeal to the sense of hearing Mussolini the Dictator who has revitalized the Italian race by his ability to reinvigorate them and raise them to ecstasy or superabundant energy through the sense of hearing that sense through which the Italian normally obtains and maintains his vitality. To the Frenchman there is only one appeal refinement or taste in everything in clothes, architecture, wines, and even in cruelty. The Frenchman is often thought to be lascivious because in the presence of elegant. women he obtains his vitality but it is not woman as woman., but elegance symbolized by woman which he desires the same woman in inelegance will devitalize. Serve the Frenchman his food in elegance and he will relish it, but serve it from the pan in the kitchen and his appetite as a sign of his vitality is gone. Within a short distance from Paris is Germany, why the difference in everything which meets the eye every material symbol changes within a few miles. These symbols are the manifestations of senses, the natures of symbolized by the, material output of these sources of power..An individual can only produce what he has the power to produce. The man who has not well developed the tactile sense cannot produce a thing which requires the tactile sense for its evolvement. The material symbol is a true index to the source of power which it symbolizes. The man with a great intellect may read and learn the outpourings of another man’s individual thought or mentality, he is a great copyist but can never originate anything because his power to do so is absent. A man may be a great mechanic in any avenue of human endeavour whether as an engineer dealing with inanimate creation or as a surgeon dealing with human living people, but he needs only the refined tactile sense with a great intellectual knowledge of what other men have taught. Still such a man would be lost, in fact he would never be found, unless the originating mentality of another, whose teachings he follows and puts into mechanical practice, had preceded him.

The first attribute or avenue of vitality which animates creation, as exampled by the single celled amoeba, through which it shows that it is alive, is the sense of touch. To all other attributes, through which man gains vitality and signals its life, the amoeba is impervious. From the lowest form of life to man, the highest member of animate creation, there is gradual acquisition of the seven attributes of potentiality. The dog has all attributes but that of conscious mentality. Man alone of all animate creation has been the source through which the jungle has been turned into the modem evidences of the advance or progress of creation. The animal removed from contact with man remains today as it was centuries of years ago.

When we study mankind we find also great differences. Man works because from economic necessity he must, but man spends his leisure hours doing what he likes to do. He likes it because he feels better in doing so, he feels better because he is vitalized. By a knowledge of man’s leisure pursuits, we can find out through which attribute of vitalization man obtains and maintains the revitalization without which he would soon die. The man who spends his leisure in working out some intricate problem is different to the man who spends his leisure at music, etc.

This difference in human types is evidenced on every hand. The man who owes his vitality to the sense of hearing will be roused to physical vitality by music and the words of the orator, whereas devitalization is the result of music on those whose chief avenue of potentiality is the sense of touch. These potentiality types are well exampled in the nations of the earth. Their sources of power have produced the material symbols from which they have obtained their international positions. One thinks of America as symbolized by everything which is large buildings, factories, big business, etc. those things alone made possible by the sense of sight and appealing or affecting the body through the sense of sight. Not so, however, with Italy think of Italy think of Music- Opera-the appeal to the sense of hearing-Mussolini the Dictator who has revitalized the Italian race by his ability to reinvigorate them and raise them to ecstasy or superabundant energy through the sense of hearing that sense through which the Italian normally obtains and maintains his vitality. To the Frenchman there is only one appeal refinement or taste in everything in clothes, architecture, wines, and even in cruelty. The Frenchman is often thought to be lascivious because in the presence of elegant women he obtains his vitality but it is not woman as woman., but elegance symbolized by woman which he desires the same woman in inelegance will devitalize. Serve the Frenchman his food in elegance and he will relish it, but serve it from the pan in the kitchen and his appetite as a sign of his vitality is gone. Within a short distance from Paris is Germany, why the difference in everything which meets the eye every material symbol changes within a few miles. These symbols are the manifestations of senses, the natures of which in themselves are unknown and can only be exemplified by the things they bring forth. Each human sense and also the attribute of intellect has in the body of man the physical symbol denoting its avenue to maintain the vitality of man. Intellect, the brain, a large organ; hearing, the ears; sight, the eyes; smell, the nose; taste, the lips and tongue; and touch, the whole exterior of the body with its greatest refinement in the hands. But the highest attribute of man’s potentiality mentality has no physical symbol in the human machine. There is no part of man to which one can point and say without this, man cannot be a mental being.

Edward Henty Smalpage
Edward Henty Smalpage (1895-1962), was an Australian doctor. He netered medical school at Sydney at age 16. He went into Military service after that. After leaving services on medical grounds (epilepsy), he cleared FRCS from England in 1921. In 1940 he published the book Cancer, it's Cause, Prevention and Cure.