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Case Records

Record the innumerable clinical cases which have passed through my hands in the past years, which corroborate the chemical conception of pathologies set out in this treatise….

IT is not my intention to record the innumerable clinical cases which have passed through my hands in the past years, which corroborate the chemical conception of pathologies set out in this treatise. A few may, however, serve to substantiate my scientific arguments and outline the clinical reasoning which I used to bring about their permanent removal.

(1) A man, 63 years of age, had had a gradually enlarging cyst on his head, the beginning of which was due to a mechanical injury. For twenty years this steadily grew until it became the size of a large orange and the skin was tightly stretched over it. For the past three years the man had been the victim of asthma, also in the past three years there had been no increase in the size of the cyst. The blood analysis showed marked excess of carbonates. Urine analysis gave the same result. But strangely enough a small incision into the cyst revealed that its contents were also carbonates.

Every conceivable treatment by drugs had been used to try and alleviate the asthma, without result. The man had become a chronic asthma invalid. I reasoned thus: The head cyst had been a blood carbonate trap or reservoir while it could enlarge, but when through mechanical skin-tension further carbonate deposition in it from the blood could not occur, the carbonates were retained in the circulation and were the cause of the asthma. Heated words arose between his usual medical attendant and myself. I decreed that the cyst should be continuously emptied so as to provide a persistent reservoir for the blood carbonates. He ridiculed such an idea without first obtaining the chemistry of the cyst contents and the blood. He wished to follow the routine medical technique and completely remove the cyst. I won. I opened the cyst, drained it of its carbonate contents. Strangely enough three days after the initial drainage the asthma began to subside. No other treatment was given. For four months that cyst drained out its ever recurring carbonate content. The health of the patient rapidly improved and the recurring cyst-content diminished. Gradually but surely the drainage ceased, and a blood analysis revealed the disappearance of his excessive blood carbonates. If that cystic reservoir for the blood carbonates, which were proved by clinical results to be the cause of his so-called incurable asthma and invalidism, had been surgically extirpated, the blood carbonates being without a vent for their removal must have persisted and so must their effects-chronic invalidism and asthma.

A young married lady, 31 years of age, consulted a leading lady gynecologist for a palpable swelling in the lower abdomen. Apart from this she was in perfect health. A fibroid uterus was removed by hysterectomy.

Within three months the patient was racked with rheumatism.

My reasoning of the case was as follows:

While the uterine deposit-site for the blood carbonates was present her constitutional health was maintained; when the uterine deposit was surgically prevented the carbonate blood condition had its safe deposition-site removed and the blood stream became progressively carbonated. The arthritis was purely the result of Nature seeking and finding other sites for carbonate deposition. With the fibroid she had good health-although carrying a fibroid. Without the fibroid she rapidly became a rheumatic cripple-a nuisance to herself and her husband.

Blood examination revealed an excessive carbonate content. Undoubtedly this chemical unbalance preceded and was the local deposition cause of her fibroid as it was the cause of her post-operative rheumatic invalidism.

Gradually but surely her blood carbonate excess was removed-not by drugs but by the use of the knowledge of what had brought it about.

Her rheumatism disappeared with the disappearance of her excessive blood carbonates. For some years I have resolutely refused to extirpate surgically any cystic or fibroid pathologies. Some may contend that only by surgery can these local pathological sequelae of blood carbonate depositions be remedied. This is not correct. Like everything else-these pathologies can only persist when their causes persist. Carbonate depositions are their causes-blood carbonates are the sources of these causes. Cure of the local pathology without any tragic sequelae from removing a natural safety trap, can only be obtained and general constitutional health retained by recognizing the fundamental basic cause-the blood carbonate excess and removing that cause and not extirpating by surgery- the natural protective effect of that cause.

A married lady, 54 years of age. A hysterectomy for fibroid growths four years previously; two years later cholecystectomy for gallstones; now carcinoma of the stomach, proven by biopsy. A chronic invalid. Blood and urine analysis revealed a very high degree of blood carbonates. My reasoning of this case was:

The fibroid resulted from blood carbonate deposition- this protective site for the blood carbonates was surgically removed-they were then deposited in the gall-bladder- this was removed. Thwarted Nature then selected the stomach. From the nature of this deposition site the deposited carbonates became the carcinogenic hydrate, and the inevitable cancer evolution began its tragedy.

Strangely enough, on treatment based entirely on the conception of these pathologies here set out, that chronic invalid with biopsy-proven gastric carcinoma is now going about her duties, a comparatively healthy woman- comparative because she had undergone three major surgical operations and her long persisting blood sodium- carbonate excess has caused a degree of loss of functional vitality which my knowledge at present cannot eradicate. Will recurrence occur? Only if excess blood carbonates recur, and this is only possible if she returns to the conditions which produce excessive blood carbonation.

An athletic civil servant, 54 years of age, was retired because of cataract blindness. Cataract is due to hardening of the ocular lenses. The surgeon operates and removes the eyes’ own lenses which have become hardened, through which light cannot penetrate with the function of, sight maintained, and the optician replaces them with transparent glass lenses! But what causes the hardening of the natural lenses? These anatomical structures can only be influenced in this way by a change in their chemical nature brought about by causes whose only avenue of ingress to the site-the optic lens-is the blood and tissue fluids.

This man, retired through blindness-or the inability to see, had also two renal calculi in one kidney pelvis and three in the other. Eight years previously, on a diagnosis of gastric hyperacidity and for the symptoms considered to be due to this, leading specialists had advised the regular daily ingestion of large quantities of bicarbonate of soda. Two facts acted as signposts to diagnosis of the one cause of both the optic lens condition and the formation of the renal calculi. These were,(I) If urine, in the act of voiding, inadvertedly came in contact with the patient’s clothes, and this misadventure became more common as his vision became more defective, a white deposit formed. (2) In the summer after perspiration, the patient’s clothes showed evidence of strong impregnation with a chemical- they could not be dry cleaned, they had to be washed.

Laboratory tests of blood and urine specimens revealed, marked saturation with carbonate of soda. Moreover, this man was a martyr to gastrointestinal gaseous distension, which, as already stated, has been shown to occur always in people with excessive blood carbonates, clue to hydrolysis of the carbonates in the intestinal mucosa and the escape of the carbon dioxide gas into the bowel.

Celebrated urologists after renal X-ray examinations had advised surgical removal of the renal calculi as the only cure for the repeated attacks of ureteric colic brought about by the transference of the renal pelvic depositions to the ureteric canal.

My opinion, based on clinical observations and chemical laboratory tests, was that the renal tract condition was entirely the result of prolonged ingestion of sodium bicarbonates therapeutic sodium habit of civilization which can only have one finale-blood sodium carbonate saturation with one or other of the pathological sequelae of sodium carbonate deposition-the type of pathology resulting being determined only by the tissue site in which the blood carbonates are deposited.

Sodium carbonate is rapidly dissolved in an acid medium. Dilute hydrochloric acid medication with absolute abstinence from the bicarbonate of soda ingestion which had been a daily routine, under medical advice, for so many years, rapidly dispersed the renal carbonate of soda depositions. Another renal X-ray examination under the advice of the urologist who had stated that surgical removal of the renal calculi was their only cure, showed clear renal pelves. Nor had the calculi entered the bladder as such. They had been dissolved by the simple use of elementary chemistry based on clinical data and laboratory chemical tests.

Edward Henty Smalpage
Edward Henty Smalpage (1895-1962), was an Australian doctor. He netered medical school at Sydney at age 16. He went into Military service after that. After leaving services on medical grounds (epilepsy), he cleared FRCS from England in 1921. In 1940 he published the book Cancer, it's Cause, Prevention and Cure.