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The Buffer Salts of Blood

The Buffer Salts of Blood has protective action against injury.In their absence or deficiency,new cells with specialized metabolism to produce a new buffer acid radicals are evolved. These new cells are the cancer cells….

THE acid radicals of free phosphorus and chlorine have been known as the buffer salts. This buffer action is one of protection to save the body against injury. The questions at once arise-protection against what, and how is this protective or buffer action brought about?.

An acid radical can only protect the body by eliminating a danger due to a dangerous alkaline salt, when by chemical combination an innocuous product is formed. The purpose of the buffer or protective acid radicals is therefore to combine with such dangerous salts as those of the caustic minerals of sodium, calcium, potassium, etc. Without this purpose the buffer salts would not exist because they would then be purposeless.

It is therefore obvious that when the buffer salts are absent or deficient a natural and normal body protection is absent or deficient. Under these circumstances the body is exposed to danger. To danger what from? From dangerous alkaline mineral salts such as the caustic end products of the hydrolysis of mineral salts. Without these buffer salts of free chlorine and phosphorus in the blood plasma, the ingestion of chemical mineral salts, by their hydrolysis to caustics, must rapidly destroy the body, unless there is another means of protection present in the body. There is another protection the free carbon dioxide of the blood plasma, whose combination with the caustic mineral salts forms the mineral carbonates. Why then are the free acid radicals of phosphorus and chlorine necessary, if the presence of free carbon dioxide will protect the body against the caustic mineral end products of the hydrolysis of all ingested mineral chemical agents? Because the carbonates circulating in the blood plasma are in themselves a source of extreme danger to the body.

Any hydrolysis of these carbonates of the plasma, brought about by venous or lymph stasis or exposure to the surfaces, at which carbon dioxide is given off, results in the production of the burning caustic mineral salts. Without the free acid radicals of chlorine and phosphorus, the body would be continuously exposed to grave dangers. The purpose of these free acid radicals called the acid buffers, therefore, is protective, and when the protection is deficient or absent the results are disastrous in that the ingestion of mineral salts leads to the formation of carbonates whose hydrolysis at any localized site in the body produces the caustic mineral salt.

What is the action on the tissues of these caustic mineral salts? Tissue destruction. If allowed to continue this destruction would rapidly become fatal. How can this be stopped? Without the free acid radicals of chlorine and phosphorus, the only protection normally present in the body is the formation of further carbonates. But as we have seen these when hydrolyzed only produce more caustic, so they are not a source of protection at a local site in the body where through deposition or exposure to the air they only form more caustic and so increase its burning destruction. For protection the tissue cells at the site of this caustic formation take on new characteristics of growth and metabolism, to produce a metabolic agent for protective combination with the caustic salt, and by so doing prevent its further destructive sequele. These newly evolved cells are the cancer cells their metabolism is that of glycolysis of glucose with the production of lactic acid, this lactic acid by combination with the caustic mineral salts removes the dangers. Therefore this lactic acid due to the metabolism of the cancer cells is a new buffer or protective salt, made necessary by the deficiency of the normal buffer salts of the free acid radicals of chlorine and phosphorus.

The body needs the buffer salts of free chlorine and phosphorus. In their absence or deficiency a new buffer salt is demanded, and to this demand new cells with specialized metabolism to produce a new buffer acid radical lactic acid, are evolved. These new cells are the cancer cells and their continuous proliferation, made necessary by the continuous demands for protective acid radicals in the absence or deficiency of those normally present, constitute the cancer growths.

Edward Henty Smalpage
Edward Henty Smalpage (1895-1962), was an Australian doctor. He netered medical school at Sydney at age 16. He went into Military service after that. After leaving services on medical grounds (epilepsy), he cleared FRCS from England in 1921. In 1940 he published the book Cancer, it's Cause, Prevention and Cure.