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Is Cancer Curable

The cause of the cancer growth is localized to the site of the cancer cell evolution, but its source is a constitutional one being contained in the circulating blood and tissue fluids and cure or return to health does not only involve the removal or disappearance of the cancer growth but the removal of the constitutional morbid states,…


Two factors have to be considered in the prevention of cancer firstly, its cause, and secondly, its inheritance.

Knowing the cause, if this can be removed and the pre-carcinogenic blood state replaced by normal blood chemistry without the concurrent dysfunctions of vital organs causing death before the objective is attainable, then cancer is curable.

If this, the only permanent and rational objective to be aimed at, cannot be obtained, then, in that case, cancer is incurable. But the advanced incurable cases at present to be seen on every hand have only reached that stage through ignorance of the cancer causation, and consequent ignorance of the scientific measures which have any hope of staying its progress and bringing about complete cure in the comparatively early stages when the signs and symptoms of the cancer condition first manifest themselves. Moreover, a knowledge of the pre-carcinogenic blood condition in which, with deficient free acid buffer or protective radicals of phosphorus and chlorine, there are consequent excessive carbonates, blood tests can readily signify if cancer dangers are present and if present a knowledge of the chain of links leading to the final cancer cell evolution will enable definite remedial measures to be taken and the dangers can be averted.

Prevention must always be better than cure, but nowhere so much as in the cancer question, because when the pre-cancerous blood condition, which has persisted for varying periods, has finally given rise to the local cancer growth evolution, the question of cure and return to health does not only involve the removal or disappearance of the cancer growth but the removal of the constitutional morbid states, the organ and tissue dysfunctions, which have gone hand in hand with the malignant procession to its final denoucement.


Cancer cell evolution and proliferation is a physiological new growth in a human or animal body in which there is a definite continuous cause, at a localized site.

This new cell proliferation has a definite. proven metabolism, the product of this metabolism having a definite purposive association with the cause which has given rise to the cancer cell growth.

This new cell growth must persist or recur as the effect of the cause while the cause persists, and must undergo physiological atrophy and disappearance if the cause is removed or disappears.

The cause of the cancer growth is localized to the site of the cancer cell evolution, but its source is a constitutional one being contained in the circulating blood and tissue fluids.

The cancer cause and its blood stream source, although related, one being the offspring of the other, are entirely different in chemical nature.

The cancer cause is a mineral caustic which arises by hydrolysis from its parent chemical source the mineral carbonate, present in the blood and tissue fluids.

The presence of this blood carbonate source of the cancer productive caustic constitutes an ever present danger of localized cancer cell evolution and proliferation. Consequently the only positive cure of cancer, which entails the removal of the cancer cause necessitates the removal of the blood carbonates the source of the cancer cause.

The blood and tissue carbonate source of the cancer cause can only remain while there is deficiency of the acid radicals of free chlorine and phosphorus in the circulating blood and tissue fluids to combine with the caustic end products of ingested and inhaled chemical mineral salts; and to combine with the caustic end product of the hydrolysis of any carbonate deposited locally in a tissue.

The deficiency of the free chlorine and phosphorus buffer or protective acid- radicals is brought about by the excessive ingestion of mineral salts, principally those of sodium, owing to the age old habit of mankind of impregnating his food before eating, cooking or in preserving, with various mineral sodium salts, so that the quantities of these taken into the body are far in excess of the free chlorine and phosphorus which must be supplied to the body if it is to be protected from the caustic end product of the mineral salt ingestion or the carbonate formed as a protective measure by the body. The prolonged continuous habit of mineral salt ingestion can have no other effect than the presence in the blood and tissue fluids of excessive mineral carbonates, which are the direct source of the caustic mineral salt cause of cancer cell evolution and proliferation.

The prevention of cancer as a constitutional disease having excessive blood carbonates and a local cellular growth entirely due to deficiency of the buffer or protective acid radicals of free chlorine and phosphorus is therefore obvious.

The removal of the blood carbonate source of the caustic cancer cause is alone possible by medicinal measures which replace the carbonate by chlorides and phosphates. That is by the provision to the cancerous body of the free acid radicals of chlorine and phosphorus.

But although these measures, when successful, must remove the carbonate source of the caustic cancer cause and lead to the physiological atrophy and disappearance of the cancer growth, which is then without cause and purpose and cannot persist, they will not correct the chemical unbalance of the blood plasma which has been brought about by the excessive ingestion of mineral sodium salts. This age old habit of excessive sodium salts ingestion completely upsets the mineral blood balance, giving excessive blood sodium which necessitates deficiency of calcium, magnesium, potassium, etc., if blood isotonicity is to be maintained. The removal of these salts by excretion or deposition in the tissues from the blood circulation leads to deficiencies of functions of vital organs, manifested by constitutional and local organ morbid states.

Only when this chemical blood unbalance has been brought to normal can the constitutional sequelae of the sodium habit of mankind be replaced by normal function. and health.

Any medication by chemical mineral products of calcium, magnesium, potassium, etc., to regain this normal blood chemistry while there still remains deficiencies of the acid protective radicals of chlorine and phosphorus, brought about by the sodium habit, must end in disaster, as the carbonates of these mineral salts must then be formed and become a blood source for the local cancer growth cause which may be any caustic mineral salt.

Only when there is no longer any deficiency of free chlorine and phosphorus as buffer or protective acid radicals, can chemical mineral medication for the reintroduction of calcium, magnesium, potassium, etc., be undertaken. Moreover, these salts’ can only be reintroduced by their preponderance, in ingestion, over the sodium salts.

Cancer is curable only when the abnormal blood chemistry and the morbid constitutional sequelae of this, give ample time for definite chemical and biochemical medication, to restore the buffer acid radicals of chlorine and phosphorus to efficiency, to remove the blood carbonate source of the local caustic cancer cause and to normalize the mineral chemistry of the blood plasma. If the disorganization of such vital functions as that of the myocardium is so far advanced due to the abnormal blood condition, as to make return to normal organ function impossible, then cancer as a constitutional disease with a local new growth manifestation is incurable. The local growth may be caused to undergo retrogression due to physiological atrophy as a result of the removal of its cause, but although cure may / then be considered as having been obtained, the removal of the constitutional dysfunctions together with the disappearance of the local growth, must always be looked upon as the only condition of positive cure of cancer. Such an objective may be that of perfection, but always be most difficult of accomplishment, because the dysfunctions of vital organs due to the “cancer” constitutional blood condition are generally associated with such degrees of organic disturbance, that a return to normal organ structure, and therefore normal organ function, although hoped for, can rarely be expected, and final mortality, although not associated with the presence of a cancer growth in the body, is still due to sodium habit whose final act is cancer growth formation in the living body, but whose climax is death.

Only by prevention can these sequelae be prevented.

Only by fleeing from the caustic burning salt destruction and its source, the sodium habit, can mankind save himself from inevitable salt destruction with or without a cancer growth, present in his body.

In no case more than in this malignant disease constitutional and local, is prevention better than cure, and with knowledge of the cause, prevention, previously impossible, is now made possible.

Edward Henty Smalpage
Edward Henty Smalpage (1895-1962), was an Australian doctor. He netered medical school at Sydney at age 16. He went into Military service after that. After leaving services on medical grounds (epilepsy), he cleared FRCS from England in 1921. In 1940 he published the book Cancer, it's Cause, Prevention and Cure.