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Cancer Localisation and it’s Causes

Edward Henry S. in his book Cancer its cause, prevention & cure wrote gave some clues and specific cause for particular location for cancer cells to grow….

ALTHOUGH various irrefutable facts have been brought to light proving that the case of cancer cell evolution and growth is definitely a local one at the site in the body in which the growth is present and that the source of this cause is contained in the circulating blood to which its ingress is made as an entirely different chemical agent or agents through the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts, the question must be considered as to why certain parts of the body are more prone to become sites of cancer growth than others. If the source of the cancer cause is in the blood stream and, therefore, in touch with all parts of the body, why are certain parts of the body more prone to cancer localization than others?.

Obviously in a circulating fluid, the presence of any agent will only cause abnormal conditions of the blood constituents when affecting them, similarly, an agent cannot bring about such a condition as cancer cell evolution, and continuous proliferation at a local site unless it is continuously in direct contact with that site; and if the source of this causative agent is in a flowing stream such as the blood and tissue fluids, it must be continuously deposited at a local site to cause cancer at that site. Moreover, as the agent circulating in the blood and tissue fluids is not in the same chemical form as that which is cancer causative, it is necessary for the deposition at a local site from the circulating fluids to be associated with a transformation of the agent from the non cancer producing state present in the fluid to the cancer producing state at the site at which cancer evolution and proliferation occur. Deposition of the pre-carcinogenic agent from the blood and tissue fluids is necessary when consideration is being given to cancer growths in the female breast and uterus and other body localizations in which the only avenue of ingress is the tissue fluids, but in gastrointestinal, skin and respiratory and urinary cancer there remains the possibility of deposition of the pre- carcinogenic agent and its subsequent conversion to the carcinogenic factor from the gastrointestinal, urinary fluid contents or from the air inhaled into the lungs. As regards the skin there may be deposition at the local site direct from outside the body.

Consideration will first be given to deposition from the blood and tissue fluids as being the factor causing cancer localization in two of the commonest sites of cancer incidence and growth namely, the female breast and uterus. Even in these two sites the conditions are different, because the cervix uteri is exposed to the body surface and to direct affection from the exterior of the body. Of course the breast is exposed to injury but the only influence injury can possibly have on cancer localization when a caustic mineral salt is the cause of cancer cell evolution and proliferation is to bring about local conditions favoring deposition of the pre-carcinogenic cause from its only avenue of ingress to the breast tissues, namely from the blood and tissue fluids.

The breast tissue has one of the poorest arterial supplies of any part of the body and a proportionately high lymphatic system. The tissue fluid circulation is dependent mainly on arterial force or the impetus to the lymph flow given by the arterial pulsation..Consequently with its poor arterial supply the breast tissues constitute a site at which lymph stasis is more prone to occur than almost any other body localization. Moreover, this tendency to lymph stasis in the breast is abetted by positional dependence of the organ and the common habit of pressure applications. This latter habit of civilization cannot be disregarded as a cause of cancer localization in the breast as it has a material effect in interfering with the breast circulation and bringing about Lymphatic and venous stasis. Observation will soon remove any doubts as to the effect of this habit of civilization on the breast circulation. Obviously the heavy dependent breast will have the same influence by retarding the lymph flow from the breast.

Considering that the avenue of ingress of the pre-carcinogenic cause is the blood and tissue fluids, and continuous deposition is requisite for the transformation of this to the definite carcinogenic agent, it would be cause for surprise if the female breast was not one of the commonest localizations for cancer cell evolution and cancer growth.

In regard to the female uterus, the periodic discharge, Whose source is the blood stream must contain the pre-carcinogenic agent when that is present in the blood stream. Moreover, the pre-carcinogenic agent being a carbonate undergoes hydrolysis on exposure to the surface and is converted into the caustic, the carcinogenic agent. The action of this caustic on the blood menstrual flow is blood destruction evidenced by the abnormal flow (dirty brown to black). Its action on the cervix uteri is ulceration, and once started this ulceration becomes continuous owing to the action of the caustic formed in the discharges from the ulcerated surface itself given off from the tissue fluids, from the carbonates present in these fluids. Ulceration of the cervix uteri whether produced in the first place from the tissue fluids or from mechanical factors o crating from outside the body through the.P vaginal tract, must inevitably bring about cancer when the pre-carcinogenic agent is present and remains present in the tissue and blood fluids.

In gastrointestinal cancer, a site of extreme importance, being that which is associated with a great deal of the high human cancer mortality, there are certain peculiarities.

Cancer in the alimentary tract occurs on the lip, in the tongue, the tonsil, the lower end of the oesophagus, the stomach, the caecum, the colon and the rectum. Although there are over 20 feet of small intestine, cancer as a primary condition rarely if ever occurs there. All these alimentary sites of cancer incidence are subject to mechanical injury causing traumatic ulceration from which lymph is poured out, and if this lymph contains the pre-carcinogenic factor whose hydrolysis ends in the caustic mineral salt, this caustic causes further ulceration and continuous action of this carcinogenic agent. Moreover, in the lower (esophagus, stomach, caecum, colon and rectum, stasis of the gastrointestinal contents leads to deposition not only of undigested and unabsorbed protein, carbohydrate and fats, but also of excessively ingested and unabsorbed mineral salts. The hydrolysis of these adds further to the caustic poured out from congested and injured sites of the bowel wall as carbonates but converted into caustic when carbon dioxide is given off.

It will be realized that the intestinal contents cannot in this way bring about or aid to inception of gastrointestinal cancer unless there is deficiency of free chlorine and phosphorus, otherwise the innocuous chlorides and phosphates would be formed. So the primary necessity before cancer can be evolved is a deficiency of the free acid radicals of chlorine and phosphorus in the blood plasma. Once these protective or buffer acid radicals become deficient in the blood and tissue fluids and the habit of excessive ingestion of chemical mineral salts, which has brought about this deficiency, is persisted in, there can be only one result namely the progressive increase of carbonates in the blood and tissue fluids. These carbonates are the pre-carcinogenic agents whose conversion on deposition at a localized site of the body into the caustic salts, the carcinogenic agent, must give rise to cancer cell evolution and proliferations.

Edward Henty Smalpage
Edward Henty Smalpage (1895-1962), was an Australian doctor. He netered medical school at Sydney at age 16. He went into Military service after that. After leaving services on medical grounds (epilepsy), he cleared FRCS from England in 1921. In 1940 he published the book Cancer, it's Cause, Prevention and Cure.