ALTHOUGH a blood chemical analysis reveals air excessive sodium carbonate content which the related free phosphorus deficiency, a chemical condition necessary for the production of any pathology in a localized tissue site as a result of deposition of the blood carbonates,. it must be fully realized that the nature of the tissue-pathology is determined by the cellular conditions existing at the carbonate deposition site. The basic factors determining carbonate deposition from the blood and tissue fluids are the presence of the excessive blood carbonates and the mechanical stasis in the circulating fluids requisite to permit deposition from the circulating stream.
Venous and lymph stasis determine the localized body- sites in which deposition can occur. Injury, traumatic or otherwise, determines lymph stasis and therefore predisposes to deposition. If, however, the lymph and venous circulation contain efficiency of free phosphorus, and of necessity in such a case an absence of carbonates, circulatory stasis cannot result in those pathologies dependent on the chemical action of the deposited carbonates or the caustic hydrates evolved by the hydrolysis of the carbonates. Excessive blood carbonates are essential for localized cancer cellular growth, being the source from which the caustic carcinogenic agent arises.
An excessive blood carbonate content must always be a danger signal-local carbonate deposition may not have already resulted, but a continuance of the processes which have caused the excessive blood carbonate state must inevitably end in conditions through which any degree of lymph or venous stasis will determine carbonate deposition. According to the tissue-site of deposition the- nature of the resulting pathological lesion is evolved. What determine the nature of the so-called benign fibroid tumour, the renal, thyroid, ovarian, pancreatic and genital-cord cysts, and finally the cancer or malignant growth, is not the blood chemical carbonate condition but the localized tissue-site into which the carbonates are deposited. The establishment of excessive blood carbonates by blood analysis, or more simply by an analysis of the urinary excretion through which the body endeavours to rid itself of its carbonate incubus, does not differentiate between local benign or malignant pathologies. The blood and urine carbonate-analysis establishes, however, whether malignancy can be present in any localized pathology when it is correlated with the anatomical knowledge of the site in which the suspected malignant growth is present. Cancer cell evolution and growth being due to the continuous local action of caustic hydrates, formed after the deposition from the circulating fluids, of carbonates, can only occur at body-sites in which carbonate hydrolysis can occur. Hydrolysis of carbonates is impossible in a serious lined cavity which gives no exit for the gaseous carbon dioxide. If, however, a continuous vent should occur in such a serous sac, forming the deposition reservoir for excessive blood carbonates, hydrolysis of the carbonates can and does occur with the formation of the carcinogenic hydrate and the evolution of its cancer cell pathology. If carbonate deposition should occur, as it does in the muscle wall of the female uterus, the carbonates retain their chemical state and the resulting increasing or progressive fibrosis is entirely the reaction to the carbonate deposition. This fibrosis once begun with an excessive blood carbonate state becomes progressive because the primary fibrosis determines continuous lymph and venous stasis with its sequela -continuous carbonate deposition.
A cyst or adeno-carcinoma occurs in the female breast due to localized deposition of carbonates! In the one case-the cyst-the duct exit for carbon dioxide is blocked and the cyst contents are carbonates, in the other case- the adeno-carcinoma, hydrolysis of the carbonates with duct-removal of the carbon dioxide is present and the consequent continuous local formation of the carcinogenic hydrate results in the evolution and proliferation of the cancer cells. Adeno-carcinoma occurs in the female cervix uteri, but fibroid growths occur in the musculature of the corpus uteri, the factor determining the type of pathology being the chemical end-result of the deposited blood carbonates.
I have established without exception in a long series of proven cancer cases of many body localizations that the blood and urine carbonate tests are a sure indication and a reliable guide.
Until the blood carbonate relationship between fibroid, cystic and cancer growths was fully realized, the factor determining whether a so-called benign pathology such as the fibroid or the malignant cancer should occur was not understood. Why in one clinical case a blood carbonate state should be associated with an ovarian or genital-cord (hydrocele) cyst and in another case the same blood carbonate state accompanied the presence in the body of a cancer growth, was revealed when I realized that in one case the deposited carbonates remained as carbonates, but in the cancer cases the deposited carbonates, owing to the nature of the deposition site, become converted by hydrolysis to the carcinogenic hydrate.
An outstanding feature of all cases examined in which excessive blood carbonates were present, was that they were always associated with abnormal gaseous bowel distension. Every case without exception in which excessive blood carbonates were found had this gaseous bowel distension. Moreover this distension could be greatly aggravated by the ingestion of chemicals which through the deficiency of the buffer acid-radicals of free chlorine and phosphorus, led to a rapid increase of the blood carbonates.
It has been established that in a large percentage of cases this common condition of gaseous bowel distension, with the disagreeable state of flatus escape through the rectum or the gullet, is due to the fact that the intestinal mucosa with its prolific blood circulation acts in the same way as the respiratory tract. Through the respiratory tract, in exhalation, carbon dioxide is removed from the body. If this carbon dioxide removal is deficient and the blood carbonate state is excessive, the carbon dioxide of the blood enters the gastrointestinal tract and is thus removed from the body. This intestinal removal of carbon dioxide, resulting from excessive blood carbonate hydrolysis, occurs from the stomach and the colon. But when the gaseous product of the hydrolysis of the carbonates is removed, the caustic carcinogenic hydrate remains.
Malignancy or cancer-formation in the stomach or the colon must occur under these conditions, because sooner or later when the carcinogenic cause persists in its action the cancer effect becomes inevitable.
In the realm of gynaecology-the cervix uterine cancer exacts its increasing human tragedy. From the uterine mucosa the blood excretes its chemical content. Excoriating or burning leucorrhoea is an almost universal antecedent to cervix uterine cancer formation. From the carbonate blood the carbonates are excreted, when they reach the cervix uteri and the vagina these are hydrolysized and the burning caustic hydrate leucorrhoea results.
This often at first causes cervical ulceration but being carcinogenic it must inevitably sooner or later produce its cancer growth effect.