drafts, agg.: Hippom. eating, amel.: Rad. met. eructations, amel.: Ferr., Lil-tig. exertion, from: Crot. hor., Lob. eye symptoms, with: Calc. carb., Kalm., Laur., Merc., Nat.mur., Nat.sulph., Puls., Raph. faintlike: Bor., Coff., Hyper., Mag. mur., Phos. fasting, while: Puls. flatus passing, amel.: Bell. food, thought of: Carbo. veg.


green: Amyl. nit., Bry., Caust., Hep., Verat-v. halo: Ammoniac., Anag., Atrop., Chin., Como. radiations: Bell., Con., Ign., Phos-ac. halo, rainbow colors: Calc-carb., Cic. Nicc., Osm., Phos-ac., Stann. red : Atrop., Bry., Como., Cund.,, Iodof., Ip., Nux vom., Stram., Verat. v., Zinc. spots: Dubois. Striped: Sol. nig., Sulph. white: Alum., Apis., Ars., Atrop., Caust., Chlorf., Coca, Sulph., Thuj., Ust. bottles of water: Thuj. files: Atrop., Dig. serpents: Ign. sparks: Rat., Ust. stars: Calc. carb. yellow: Amm. carb., Amm. mur., Amyl.nit., Aur., Bry., Calend., Ced., Chin., Coff., Coloc., Hyos., Irid., Lachn., Osm., Petr., Phos. Dazzling, amel., dark: Ferr.


True homoeopathy only teaches medicine in its fullness, all other methods are largely unmitigated delusions that pander to ignorance….


Detecting obscure mental twists is a very helpful part of our work, especially because these things permeate and color the whole fabric of the patients being. Be he secretive, prideful, arrogant, cynical, careless, amative or what not, his traits betray his basic predilections and largely motivate his actions, thereby affording one of the surest indications for the most suitable remedy.


Low spirited; ill humor; weeping; constant hot, vertex headache; acidity of stomach; skin symptoms or piles, suppressed, pruritus ani or vulvae; weak, faint spells in a.m.; menorrhagia; flashes followed by prostration, hungry feeling or cold sweat; skin dry; hunger at 11 a.m.; suffocation, wants window and doors open.


Bone felons; run-arounds; deforming the nail; worse heat; splinter-like pains; tendons and cartilages attacked; suppurating, numbing sticking pain. Sulph. Hangnail; as of a sticking splinter; burning crawling; prickling; worse hanging down; tearing drawing; shooting; worse evening.


The mental attitude of most medical men is a clear example of how far distorted reasoning may subvert logic; withal, a few rise above their training and thereby pay a glorious tribute to the power of indwelling light and truth. These men soon outgrow the fetters of an ultimately reactionary teaching, being helped materially thereto by disinterested work for the uplift of others.

How Shall I Find The Remedy

The manner and moods that patients display are of far greater value than any particular words that we may listen to . This we call personality; something quite apart. It is the objective halo with which the mind surround itself; the true tincture of its action and is deserving of our closest scrutiny. The mind that hides itself in the subtleties of speech is far removed from the one that almost invariably uses direct and positive language.


This is to a large extent only apparently true, because all upward paths lead to the summit, however devious they may seem to be. No two prescribers will follow exactly the same course in finding the similimum, yet if both the true followers of the law they must finally choose the same remedy.


There is an excellent reason why, in all countries of the world, the insane are called lunatics. In olden days, lunatics were called “money”. This little book deserves commendation. Unfortunately the arrangement of the material is not very clear, there is no index and it is therefore very difficult to use.


Unless acute disease becomes dangerous or throws upon the screen some individualistic indication it generally should not be interfered with. Ultimately the constitutional peculiarity is bound to reveal itself in a form pointing clearly to its remedial counterpart. Nature calls for relief in her own language, which it behooves us to learn, rather than to distort by our own predilections or too often only educated prejudices.


Other valuable additions to homoeopathic literature have been those translations of the works of Boenninghausen and other writers, most notably German, which have been made available through the tireless application of this worthy follower of Hahnemann.


In order to sense the sharpness of his tools the physician must needs have a just comprehension of the physics of life, especially as implied in the philosophy of Hahnemanns Organon. OUR old, brutal materialism seems to be slowly melting away.


Hahnemann first diluted drugs to lessen their violent action and in doing so incidentally hit upon the principle of potentization. The diphtheria case shows how the force of circumstances may restrict our choice to the nearest similar as the most available remedy.


stooping, amel.: Mag. carb., Sec. waking, on : AEsc., Aeth., Alum., Anac., Arg., Arg. nit., Berb., Calc. fluor., Calc. phos., Chel., Equis., Erig., Ham., Hyper., Kali bich., Kali mur., Kreos., Lycops., Mag. mur., Merc. Merc. i.f., Myrica, Naja, Ox. ac., Plant., Psor., Ptel., Ran. Bulb., Sil., Spong., Sulph., Verat. alb. Zinc. walking, amel. : Kali carb.,. extending abdomen or forward : Coc. c., Lil. tig., Lyc., Nat. carb., Puls., Sabina, Sep., Sulph. Vib. chest, left : Kali carb. feet, to : Kali mur. genitals, to : Berb. heart, to : Kali carb.


Always be suspicious of a sudden cessation of symptoms without a reaction. If the patient gets better almost instantly with no sign of a reaction, it arouses the suspicion that the action of the remedy is only palliative. Cases in which reaction occurs within a reasonable length of time and not too suddenly are well shown in the neuralgias.


In common with most homoeopathic physicians, I have seen a few almost unbelievable cancer cures from the internal use of our remedies. Almost any remedy has occasionally cured, when it was in fact solely prescribed upon some special or prominent indication but happened also to have the general symptoms which corresponded to the life history of the patient, hence corresponding accurately and in its entirety to the disease picture.


Flatulence, morning: Calc. carb., Cann. ind., Con., Kali carb., Kalm., Lach., Petr., Plat., Puls., Scilla, Senec., Sulph., Verat. here and there: Cham., Chin., Cocc. ind., Cycl., Nat. mur., Nat. sulph., Spig., Verat. menses, during: Kali phos. stool, during: Acon., Arg.nit., Asaf., Nat. sulph., Petr., Podo., Thuja.


Pain,bending forward: Lac.vir. downward,going: Amm.carb. epistaxis,amel:Brom., Carbo veg.. eructations,amel: Gels. Herpes zoster after Zinc. inspiration., amel.: Thuja. lifting agg., Brom., Gamb. Kali carb., Nat.mur., Zinc. micturition, amel;Lil. tig. Pressure of clothes, agg.; Ail,.Lach.


green: Amyl. nit., Bry., Caust., Hep., Verat-v. halo: Ammoniac., Anag., Atrop., Chin., Como. radiations: Bell., Con., Ign., Phos-ac. halo, rainbow colors: Calc-carb., Cic. Nicc., Osm., Phos-ac., Stann. red : Atrop., Bry., Como., Cund.,, Iodof., Ip., Nux vom., Stram., Verat. v., Zinc. spots: Dubois. Striped: Sol. nig., Sulph. white: Alum., Apis., Ars., Atrop., Caust., Chlorf., Coca, Sulph., Thuj., Ust. bottles of water: Thuj. files: Atrop., Dig. serpents: Ign. sparks: Rat., Ust. stars: Calc. carb. yellow: Amm. carb., Amm. mur., Amyl.nit., Aur., Bry., Calend., Ced., Chin., Coff., Coloc., Hyos., Irid., Lachn., Osm., Petr., Phos. Dazzling, amel., dark: Ferr. 276. Dim, headache, during: Hyos., Ign. menses, before: Nat-mur. motion, from uneven: Cic. nausea, with: Kalm.


Open up your almanac and see what quarter the moon was in, then look down your list of remedies and see which remedies are most prominent in that quarter. It is not invariable. You may not make an absolutely accurate prescription but it will be an enormous help.


blowing wind instruments, on: Rhus tox. children, scrophulous: Calc. carb., Sil. chill, after: Eup. per. climaxis, at: Bell., Bry., Ham., Nux vom., Puls., Sep. coffee, agg.: Nux vom. cough, with: Caps., Lach. crying, after: Nit. ac. drunkards, in: Hyos., Nux vom. ear noises, with: Bell., Chin., Graph., Nux vom. eating, after: Arg., Kali carb., Zinc. amel.: Tarax. fever, during: Bry., Carbo veg., Erig., Phos. ac. amel.: Crot. hor., Lach. typhoid: Ars., Carbo veg., Phos. flushes, after: Ferr. headache, with: Cham., Chin., Crot. hor., Dig., Kreos., Mag. carb., Mill., Nux vom., Rhus tox. after: Amm. carb., Bell., Sep. haemoptysis, with: Ham. heated, if: Thyroid. haemorrhoids, suppressed: Sulph. itching, after: Amm-mur. with: Arg., Arn., Bell., Carbo veg., Kali bich., Lach., Rhus tox. followed by: Hydras. lifting, agg.: Rhus tox. measles, agg.: Bry., Puls., Sabad. menses, before: Ip., Nux vom. during: Nat. carb., Verat. profuse: Calc. carb., Croc., Sabina. scanty: Bry., Graph., Puls., Sec. corn., Sep. intermittent: Nat. carb. motion, agg.: Carbo veg., Rhus tox. old people, in: Chin., Ferr. phos., Verat. ozaena, in: Sang. periodic: Chin., Croc. persistent: Ferr., Led., Mill., Tril. plethora, in: Abrot. salivation, with: Hyos. sitting, while: Carbo an., Sulph. ac. 338. sleep, during: Bell., Merc. cor. smell, lost: Ip. sneezing, on: Amm. carb., Mag. carb., Sabad. spasms, with: Mosch. standing, agg.: Sulph. ac. sweat on forehead, with: Crot. hor. vertigo: with: Bell., Lach. vomiting, with: Sars. walking in open air, on: Lyc., Nat. carb. warm becoming, on: Carbo veg. washing feet, on: Carbo veg. weakened by: Chin., Ferr., Sec. corn., Verat.


ADDITIONS TO KENTS REPERTORY. A drug has no symptoms inherent in its substance; it merely determines the character of the symptoms evoked in the person of the prover.


Easy relapses. General stiffness. Paralysis; of tongue; of upper or lower limbs. Blueness. Pains; pressive, < touch; as of blows, being broken, like lightning, etc. Acute senses. Nervous. Uneasy; moves about. Impulsive. Stammers. Says what is not intended. Mimicry. Fears; sudden; death; shrinks from everyone (Bar. c.). Piercing shrieks; howls or mutters. Bites; strikes attendant. Mania. Delirium; loquacious. Confusion. Malicious jesting or gloating. Sullen; tricky ; alternately yielding and headstrong.


lower: Ant. tart., Gels., Ran. scler. Twitching, upper (over malars): Amm.mur., Glon., Phos. eyes, below: Bell. (r), Thuj. (r). right: Amm. mur., Bor., Bry., Calc. carb., Chel., Kali nit., Mag. carb., Meny., Mez., Nux vom., Phos., Plb., Thuj. left: Ant. crud., Arg. nit., Bar. carb., Bell., Brach., Carbo veg., Chin. sulph., Con., Euphor., Glon., Kali carb., Phel., Phos., Tel., Thuj., Valer. flatulency, from: Nat. carb. lips, lower: Ind., Puls., Thuj.


The appearance of the external symptoms is a manifestation of the internal storm. In speaking of these external manifestations we are not speaking of symptoms of arteries, of muscles, or of mind, but rather of universal symptoms shown in every part of the body, for the sick patient shows distress as a unit, and not as separate, single discrete changes or actions.


The mental attitude of most medical men is a clear example of how far distorted reasoning may subvert logic; withal, a few rise able their training and thereby pay a glorious tribute to the power of indwelling light and truth. These men soon outgrow the fetters of an ultimately reactionary teaching, being helped materially thereto by disinterested work for the uplift of others.


In doing so he evolved a new and unique method of dealing with symptoms and at the same time showed that success with the abnormal depends upon fully realizing what is normal. Just as the lights and shadows of the mind color every form and kind of action, so they foreshadow those oncoming storm crises which we call sickness, by changes of mood and disposition.


It is noteworthy that this remedy presents quite a few of the modalities of Pulsatilla and of Rhus tox. and for this reason is often overlooked, often being needed when Rhus is given. It is a common complaint that poison ivy doesnt act long or thoroughly enough; when a careful scrutiny of the Magnesia carb. symptomatology will show that it should have been given instead.


In treating sick people the atmosphere charged by the mind of the patient and which the acute physician senses at once, governs much that he outwardly sees, and must be taken fully into account, if we wish to do the best possible work. It is here that pure homoeopathy is far superior to every other form of treatment and the great beauty of it is, that every new scientific development only adds strength to its already commanding prestige.


Insufferable depression, with easy fatigue, chilliness and indisposition to work. Sad and hopeless, without cause; in afternoon. Melancholy. Inclined to pessimistic fault-finding. Easily irritated. Craves sympathy. Premonition of impending illness. Feels bad. Dulled. Beclouded. A sense of well-being that comes and goes; of satisfaction. Feels much fresher, stronger and desires to work more in. evening, than in the morning. Full of project.


The selection of the most appropriate remedy depends upon our ability to pick out the distinctive features from the whole life history of the invalid. These placed together like beads on a string make up the red strand of his individuality and point unerringly toward the indicated constitutional remedy.

Actea Spicata

Burrowing, cutting pain, as from a dull instrument within the head, with transient loss of consciousness and repeated roaring and buzzing within the depths of the cranium. Feeling of fulness and fine stitches in various spots on the forehead when raising up, disappearing almost entirely from warm coverings.


If every symptom is a little picture reflected from the central disturbance, a composite picture will most nearly depict the whole. This is what we mean when we speak of the symptom complex or the totality of the symptoms. …


Energy, as we understand it, is of a three-fold form., spiritual, dynamic and physical. Energy is a store-house of vitality which exists in all nature and it shall be our special effort to so train you that you may avail yourselves of the power which we call energy….


The first step in the study of homoeopathic science is not always the same, but as obvious things make the strongest appeal many converts have been made after seeing or experiencing the power of similia. Such clinical demonstrations keep for us a perennial interest….


That likes may be cured by likes has been believed for many long ages, but it was left for a genius of Hahnemann to prove that likes are cured by likes, implying that this is the way of nature. …


All the signs of disease expressed externally we find by observation of the so-called objective symptoms. Disease expresses itself also subjectively, the so-called subjective symptoms, which must be obtained from the patient. …


A very partial exhibit of nature’s distress necessitates making the most minute examination of all of the antecedent as well as the present symptoms, along with their modifications and connections in order that an accurate and complete picture thereof many be available before the search for a similar among our drug provings is undertaken. …


Hahnemann called attention to the bizarreness of symptoms, as being definitive, whether of direct or correlative origin. While in acute disease this differentiation is easier, in chronic ones our knowledge of the outcroppings of the miasms is more fragmentary, making it harder to separate common from individualistic manifestations….


Changes of personality and temperament are particularly to be noted, especially when striking alternations, even if rare, occur; the latter often supplant or by their prominence may obscure the physical manifestations and consequently correspond to but few remedies….


We are often compelled to choose the remedy from the standpoint of diagnosis, much as this should be avoided because of the numerous pitfalls sure to be encountered….


The primary elements of a given clinical picture are ordinarily not found in the same combination in the pure pathogenesis, but must be pieced together from the symptoms contained in several provings, which means that no one person can possibly show the whole clinical picture of any one disease nor can he exhibit all the phases of action of any one drug….


Should the case be taken correctly, the similar remedy found, an accurate diagnosis made and whatever else is needful by done, it will all avail but little, if we do not know how to manage the case. …


Similia Similibus Curantur is a phase of the law of action and reaction on a higher plane. It is an extension into the superphysical where stabilization occurs, as here, through the conversion of energy. In other words health cannot be regained until harmony in the expenditure of vital energy again prevails….


The main features of some remedies greatly resemble the broad outlines of certain diseases, as Belladonna and scarlet fever, Lachesis and chorea major, Lachesis and typhus fever, Phosphorous and pneumonia, Antimonium tart and capillary bronchitis, etc., etc. This similarity lies at root of the idea of specific, but even so, instances are constantly occurring in which some outstanding indication takes the clinical case entirely out of the specific class. …


The ability to pick from each life history the striking and unusual features which crop out and stick to the patient through many forms of sickness and then to find their counterpart within the pathogenesis of some remedy, means the power to cure radically where other fail….


Coccus cacti suits almost any paroxysmal cough when the attacks are violent but not very close together, and are attended by much redness of the face and a general sense of feeling too hot. …


Gymnocladus has a keynote that tongue has blue colour, which is found in very few homeopathy medicines….


The common vision of Magnesia carbonica portrays sour, gassy babies with cutting colics and greenish, frothy, floating stools. The typical Magnesia carb. patient is a pretty sensitive chap with a restless flair as well as a desire to keep warm. He feels changes of weather and cold winds acutely….


Swan gave us the nosode Syphilinum and later Abrams reinforced the argument, but like other isopathic remedies it has not taken a very strong hold on the profession….


Cases which reinforce why homeopathy is the ideal choice to treat all diseases….


Therapeutic remedies for climactric symptoms or problems during menopause period….


Homeopathic remedies for Panaritium. A list of indicated remedies with symptoms….


Children act their symptoms and well they do it, too; but you must be prepared to read the acting, or your defeat is certain from the beginning. …


In cancer cases, from the beginning there is the most urgent necessity to choose with the greatest conscientiousness and care the most fitting from the following recommended homeopathy remedies….


A study of Causticum will soon show you that it is a very weakening drug. It causes such severe prostration and weakness to come on that there is a constant desire to lie down and rest….


Cobaltum homeopathic remedy symptoms and cases from The Studies in the Philosophy of Healing by C M Boger….


Clinical cases by Boger that show the effectiveness of homeopathy medicine in treating various diseases….


In chronic diseases it is useful to pick out the peculiarities of each past illness, combine these with the unusual features of the present complaint and then seek for the remedy which covers the combined feature, always bearing in mind that the latest development most likely contains the real deciding symptom….


The pregnant state so profoundly affects the mental sphere that it furnishes the most reliable indications of all and it is his bounden duty to scrutinize the mind with the utmost care. …

10. Time

There are certain other remedies which exhibit their action during a more or less definite time of the day; among the most prominent are Natrum mur., 10-11 a.m; Belladonna, about 3 p.m.; Apis, 3 to 5 p.m. and the well-known Lycopodium from 4 to 8 p.m….

11. In Conclusion

The food and regimen is as important as are medicines in the treatment of sick….

1. Arborivital Medicine

Study of Materia Medica. Boenninghausen saw and corrected the tendency of Homoeopathy to pay too much attention to subjective sensation while it lacked the firm support of etiologic factors and the modalities, which afford so many objective and distinctly certain criteria. …

12. Observations of Prescribing

Only by means of its masterful materia medica, have homoeopathy doctors been able to meet every emergency and weather every storm without changing its basis of action….

2. Taking the case

Taking the case. We must not only diagnose sickness in its larger sense but the comprehension of its picture will most certainly limit our grasp of the remedies from which a choice may be made….

13. Grading Symptoms

The final analysis of every case, therefore, resolves itself into the assembling of the individualistic symptoms into one group and collecting the disease manifestation into another….

3. Location

Different drugs affect different parts, tissues and functions of the organism. The study of regions implies a discovery of the seat of the disease and of the remedies related thereto. …

4. Origin

Understanding the origin of the disease is important to cure a person. Things, in themselves apparently very trivial may become of the greatest import when related to the beginnings of disease….

5. Taking the case

Whether the causes come from without or arise from within, the homoeopathic simillimum cannot be chosen with safety without taking them fully into account. The great miasms belong to this class….

6. Modality

The importance of modalities in taking the case. The aggravations and amelioration factors are a clue to the choice of the remedy….

7. Mind

The mind symptoms are often the governing symptoms and decide what homeopathic remedies are suitable in a case….

8. Concomitants

The value of a concomitant symptoms is often fixed by its age. The acute or more recent ones are of course the most guiding, for within their genesis lies bound up the type of the similimum….

9. Peculiarities

Every sickness possesses a more or less definite individuality which is reflected by those symptoms which in their nature epitomize the various attributes of the whole case, the characteristics or the peculiar symptoms….

7. Noon

7. Noon.  

Aggravation:- Apis., ARG-N., Carbo vegetabilis, Kali bichromicum, NUX-M., Nux vomica, Paeon., Sepia, Stramonium, Sulphur, Valer., …

8. After-noon

8. After-noon.  

(12 Noon to 6 P.M.).

Aconite, AGAR., All-C., ALOE., ALUM., AMBR., AM-C., AM-M., Ang., ANT-C., APIS., Arg-M., Argentum nitricum,…

4. During Day

4. During Day.  

In General:- Am-M., Cimic., FER., Nat-Arsenicum, Natrum carbonicum, NAT-M., Nit- Ac., PULS., RHUS-T., Sanguinaria, SEP., SULPH.

5. Morning

5. Morning.  

4 A.M. TO 9 A.M

ABIES-N., Abrotanum, Absin., ACON., AGAR., Aloe., AMBER., Am-C., AM-M., ANAC., Ang., ANT-C., Ant-T., ARG-M., AR…

6. Morning until noon

6. Morning until noon.  

Heat:- Ang., APIS., Arnica, Calc-C., Causticum, Chamomilla, Hepar, Kali-I., Natrum muriaticum, Rhus toxicodendron, Sulphur

Bed …

9. Evening

9. Evening.  

(6 P.M. to 9 P.M.)

Abrotanum, Aconite, Agn., ALL-C., ALOE., Ambr., AM-C., Am-M., Anacardium, ANG., ANT-C., ANT-T., Apis., ARG-M…

10. Night

10. Night.  

9 P.M. to 4 A.M

Acet-Ac., Aconite, Aloe., Am-C., AM-M., AMMO., Ang., ANT-C., Ant- T., Apocynum, ARAL., Argentum nitricum, Arsen…


The table of Moon Phases consists of an enumeration of the times, at which a particularly successful prescription has been made; thereby accentuating the importance of the time period in which the remedy has been found more useful….


The Moon Phases refers exclusively to cured cases and was undertaken in order to determine the relative standing of the remedies in this respect. …

What Should We Know (1935)

We are often compelled to choose the remedy from the standpoint of diagnosis, much as this should be avoided because of the numerous pitfalls sure to be encountered….

Philosophy and the Repertory (1934)

About a score of our drugs act out the common ills of life in their pathogeneses. These Hahnemann called polychrests and if we must have favourites let us learn all we can about these first of all. …

The Undeveloped Picture (1932)

The original Materia Medica Pura of Hahnemann contains but relatively few conditions of aggravation and amelioration, leaving us to infer that originally they were used much less than now, although Boenninghausen was quick to add this helpful factor to our working knowledge of the remedies. …

Vital Energy (1931)

In homeopathy we are more particularly concerned with dynamic energy. This dynamic energy Hahnemann called the dynamis, the spirit-like, vital force animating the material body. …