171. Pain, temples, extending ear, to: Atrop., Gymn., Lach., Strych.
parietal bone, to: Bry teeth, to: Nat. mur., Rhus tox.
throat; to: Croc.
upward: Bry.
vertex, to: Berb.
vertex, right: Prun. spin.
left : Anac.
172. lying, while: Calc. Phos., Glon., Mur. ac.
noise, from: Tub.
pressure, from: Ther.
amel.: Nat. mur., Zinc.
173. extending brain, to: Amm. carb., Ox. ac.
across (ear to ear): Chel. Naja., Nit. ac.
eyes, to over: Sil.
eyebrows, to: Sumb.
face, to: Sach. (r.).
forehead, to: Agar., Sulph.
head, center of: Bar. carb., Bov., Lach., Petr.
Sides of: Hyper., Nit. ac., Pall.
neck, to: Dios., Gels.
occiput, to: Aloe, Card. ben.,.
Cimic., Kali bich., Phys.
scapula, to: Lil. tig.
temples, to: Arg., Hell.
upward: Glon.
Blows: Acon., Apis., Ars., Bell., Calc. carb., Cann., Croc., Dig., Glon., Ign., Kalm., Lyc., Mur.ac., Naja, Nux mosch., Phos., Stann., Tarant.
occiput, on: Bell., Cimic., Dig., Lach., Lapp., Plat., Ran. bulb., Sabad., Tab., Tarant.
175. Boring, eyes, over: Ol. an.
176. Burning: Sarr.
177. temples: Lyc., Mez.
178. Bursting: Lac. can., Ran. bulb.
forehead: Mez.
occiput: Cimic., Podo., Thuja.
temples: Acon., Caust., China, Usnea.
alternating: Ip.
left: Bry., Kreos.
vertex: Syph.
180. Come off, as if head would: Cinnab., Helo., Iris, Kali.bich., Syph.
Compression, see Pressing, armor, cap, etc.
Crushed, shattered, etc.: Verb.
vertex: Ipec.
181. Cutting, forehead, left: Ferr., Iod., Sep., Stann.
vertex: Caust., Phos.
184. Drawing, occiput: Thuj.
side, left: Phos.
186. Hard ache, temple: Sinap.
188. Plug, forehead: Mosch., Rhus tox.
190. Pressing downward: Graph.
192. weight, as from: Bry., Med.
194. shaking head, amel.: Hyos.
201. vertex, inward: Arg. nit., Bism., Cina., Lach., Lyc., Phel., Puls., Spig., Thuj., Tub., Verat.
weight like: Acon.,Cact.,Lach., Meny.
Pressure, amel: Lach.
sleep, after: Ambr.
touching hair, on: Kreos.
upward: Glon., Sulph.
Pulled sensation, hair: Lept.
vertex: Phos.
203. shooting, eyes, over, right to left: Mez.
left to right: Squill.
204. sore: Tel.Tel.-Tela aranearum.
205. occiput, ascending steps, on: Nat-sulph.
206. side, left: Rat.
vertex: Merc., Nux vom.
209. stitching, eyes, over, right: Nux-mosch.
212. temples, right: Ind.
213. stunning, Ptel.
214. occiput: Lapp.
219. tearing sides: Phel.
221. ulcerative: Bry., Nat. mur.
223. Pricking, occiput: Phos-ac.
225. Pulsating, sleep, on falling to: Sil.
Standing, while: Chin.
226. forehead, right: Bell.
left: Nat. mur., Sil., Zinc.
eminence, frontal, right: Meli.
227. eyes, over: Carb. veg., Lyc., Naja.
root of nose, above: Phos.
occiput: Frax.
morning: Petr.
sides of: Ars.
sides: Arg. met., Bov., Coc-c.
right: Anac., Bov., Canth., Lach., Laur., Lyc., Rhus-tox.
left: Glon., Kali-bich.
228. temples, right: Thuj.
left: Aeth., Amyl-nit., Aur-mur., Clem., Glon., Hyper., Kali iod., Petr.
vertex: Syph., Visc. alb.
morning: Sulph.
exertion, on: Syph.
229. Rolling, lead ball, like: Plan.
Sensitive, brain: Vib.
brushing hair, on: Vib.
Separated from body, as if: Alum., Ant. tart., Cann., Nat-carb., Nat., mur., Nux mosch.
230. Shocks: Apis, Cimic., Naja, Tab.
231. Skull cap, ad if: Acon., Cann., Carbo veg., Helod., Kali sulph.
232. Swashing: Plect.
Swollen, forehead: Apis, Hell., Ip., Stann.
veins: Abrot., Calad., Cann., Chin., Cub., Piloc., Sulph.
233. Twitching, vexation, from: Mag. carb.
234. Water dropping on head: Verat.
Weakness: Iod., Lac. can.
235. Agglutinated sensation: Caust.
Bleeding, coughing, from: Arn.
236. Cataract: Nat-sulph.
Close, pain from : Hep.
spasmodic closure, headache, with: Calc-ac., Sep.
wont: Phos.
Coldness, icy: Lyc., Mag-pol-aust.
lids, water between: Berb.
drop on: Scroph.
Contractive sensation: Hyper. (r), Phys.
238. Drawn together sensation: Lyc.
Dryness, night: Sanic., Sulph.
239. Enlargement, sense of: Agar., Coloc., Phos. (r), Puls., Ruta, Sanic.
Eversion of lids: Caps, Sil.
240. Eyegum, canthi.: Caust., Dig., Graph., Guaj., Seneg., Sil.
Falling lids: Lach.
out feeling: Lyc.
240. Fistula lachrymalis: Graph. Kreos.
Hardness: Phos.
241. Heaviness, lids: Lil-tig.
morning: Chel., Glon.
242. Inflammation, dentition, agg.: Ferr, phos.
heat of fire, agg.: Phos.
syphilitic: Zinc.
244. Injuries: Nux vom. (bloodshot), Ruta (bone).
Inversion of lids: Puls., Sil.
Itching, open air, agg.: Staph.
245. Lachrymation: Glon.
right: Acon., Sep., Spig.
left: Thuj.
night, at: Amm. carb., Amm. mur., Arn., Ars., Bar. carb., Gels., Ran. scel.
246. fever, during: Ail.
gushes, in: Aur., Chin. ars., Eug.
headache, during: Lach., Nat-mur.
heart symptoms, with: Amm-carb.
swallowing, on: Arg-nit.
Movement: eyeballs, closed lids, under: Cupr., Zinc.
pendulum, like: Cocc., Kali-carb., Puls., Zinc.
247. constant rolling: Raph.
Open, morning: Hep.
148. delirium, during: Crot-hor.
Pain, afternoon: Cep.
249. changing weather: Cad. sulph.
closing, agg.: Manc.
coition, after: Nat. mur.
cold water, amel.: Syph.
combing hair, agg.: Nux-vom.
glaucoma, in: Acon.
250. lying, while: Con., Zinc.
on painful side, agg.: Syph.
reading with other eye: Kalm.
throat symptoms, with: Tarant.
251. extending, face, over side of: Acon.
nose, to: Camph.
vertex, to: Kreos.
canthi, outer, inward, to: Caust.
255 drawing, backward, the eyeball: Bry. (1), Nicc.
sulph., Olnd., Petr. (4), Phos.
outward: Aloe, Phos.
together: Lyc., Op.
257. pressing outward: Iber.
together: Op.
eyeball, in: Thuj. (r).
rubbing: Ars.
260. Canthi, inner, right: Arg. nit., Brom., Coloc., Eug., Fluor.ac., Grat., Ind., Led., Mag. Sulph., Sol. nig., Spig.
left:Agar., Alum., Arg., Aur. mur. nat., Calc., carb., Cann., Carb.an., Clem., Elat., Nat.Carb., Nat.mur.,Nat., sulph., Nit.ac., Rhus-rad., Spong., Stann.
261. Paralysis of lids, right: Gins., Med., Nat. mur., Radm.
left : Ars., Bar. carb., Caust., Coloc., Kali phos., Thuj.
262. Protrusion: Kali nit.
263. Pupils, contracted: Ruta.
and dilated alternately: Arn., Staph.
264. Redness, morning: Acon., Act., spic., Eug.
265. Rub, desires to : Sanic, Seneg.
Spasm, of lids: Hyper. (r).
Spots, brown: Kali-bich.
Staring: Ang., Dig.
266. Stiff, eyeballs: Sil.
Stones, as if full of little: Kali nit., Lac. def.
Strabismus: Thuj.
Convergent: Alum., Art. vulg., Calc. carc.
periodic: Thuj.
Styes, left eye: Sulph.
Sunken, sensation: Ambr., Apm. grav., Aur., Chin., Cinnb.,. Iod., Lac. fel., Lyc., Teucr., Zinc.
267. Swollen, sensation: Acon., Arg. nit., Chel.
lids: Chin.
lower: Calc. carb., Glon., Rhus-tox.
upper: Nux mosch.
right: Sep., Vesp.
268. Tears, thick: Tarant.
Tingling: Phos. (bones).
Turned: Phos.
Outward: Plb.
269. Twisted sensation: Chin., Petr., Phos., Phys., Pop-cab.
Twitching, agg. looking fixedly: Lach.
lids, right: Sulph.
270. Weak, coition, after: Kali phos.
weeping, as after: Cycl.
271. Blurred, headache, before: Lac. def. Psor.
272. Colors, black: Thuj.
rings: Hell., Spir., nit. dulc.
blue: Amyl. nit., Coff., Dig., Jab., Kreos., Sulph., Thuj., Valer.
brown: Agar., Atrop., Lac. can., Med.
gray, objects seem: Ammoniac., Arg. nit., Brom., Calc. phos., Chenoidin., Elap., Lachn.
274. green: Amyl. nit., Bry., Caust., Hep., Verat-v.
halo: Ammoniac., Anag., Atrop., Chin., Como.
radiations: Bell., Con., Ign., Phos-ac.
halo, rainbow colors: Calc-carb., Cic. Nicc., Osm., Phos-ac., Stann.
red : Atrop., Bry., Como., Cund., Fluor.ac., Iodof., Ip., Nux vom., Stram., Verat. v., Zinc.
spots: Dubois.
Striped: Sol. nig., Sulph.
white: Alum., Apis., Ars., Atrop., Caust., Chlorf., Coca, Sulph., Thuj., Ust.
bottles of water: Thuj.
files: Atrop., Dig.
serpents: Ign.
sparks: Rat., Ust.
stars: Calc. carb.
yellow: Amm. carb., Amm. mur., Amyl.nit., Aur., Bry., Calend., Ced., Chin., Coff., Coloc., Hyos., Irid., Lachn., Osm., Petr., Phos.
Dazzling, amel., dark: Ferr.
276. Dim, headache, during: Hyos., Ign.
menses, before: Nat-mur.
motion, from uneven: Cic.
nausea, with: Kalm.
277. sideways, see objects, when looking: Lil-tig.
siesta, after: Lyc.
twilight, amel.: Bry., Lyc.
278. Distorted: Bell., Nux vom., Stram.
Fiery balls: Act. spic.
Flickering: Amyl. nit., Arn.
279. Foggy: Calad., Cep., Lact., Mosch., Oxal. ac., Vinc.
280. Hair, as of a: Kali carb., Lach.
Hemiopia: Chin., Hyos., Ran. bulb., Verat.
Large, objects seem: Kreos.
raises foot high: Agar.
281. Lightnings: Thuj.
282. Loss of vision, lying down, on: Cham.
sunset, at: Bell.
283. Nyctalopia: Sil., Sulph.
284. Sparks, blowing nose, on: Nat. sulph.
Stars, sneezing, agg.: Nat. Carb.
Wavering: Chlorof., Morph.
Zigzags: Cann., Coloc., Con., Fluor. ac., Kali bich., Lach., Lyc., Phos.
286. Coldness, warmth of bed, agg.: Merc.
Discharges: Calend., Kino.
bloody: Kino.
foetid: Syph.
flesh colored: Carb-veg., Kali-carb., Zinc.
mucous: Bov., Tarant.
287. puslike: Bry.
sensation of a: Acon., Agar., Calc-carb., Cham- ac., Cinnb., Dirc., Graph., Merc., Sil., Tel.
watery: Spong.
Discoloration, red, one side: Ant. crud., Kreos., Nat-mur., Sep., Tel.
right: Calc. carb.
Dryness : Fago.