Hpathy Needs Your Help!


NEWS AND NOTES. OUTSIDE the Metropolis it would appear that in this country Homoeopathy is perishing of professional politeness. Homoeopaths imagine that if graduates and post-graduates can only be induced to smile benevolently on disciples of Hahnemann the trick will be done. But though we do not despise anybodys smiles, they cut no ice; and something more than smiles is needed for the conquest of the homoeopathic art.

THE Annual Congress will be held in London on Friday morning, July 3rd, at the Connaught Rooms, under the presidency of Dr. Granville Hey, who will give as his Presidential Address, “A Brief Outline of Homoeopathy in Great Britain.” The President and Mrs. Hey will give a Reception at the Connaught Rooms on the evening of Thursday, July 2nd.


THE Annual Meeting of the Association will be held in the Board Room of the London Homoeopathic Hospital on Monday, July 6th. Sir George Wyatt Truscott, President of the Association, will take the Chair at 3.30 p.m.


OUTSIDE the Metropolis it would appear that in this country Homoeopathy is perishing of professional politeness. Homoeopaths imagine that if graduates and post-graduates can only be induced to smile benevolently on disciples of Hahnemann the trick will be done. But though we do not despise anybodys smiles, they cut no ice; and something more than smiles is needed for the conquest of the homoeopathic art. By the time a medical degree is acquired ninety-nine graduates out of a hundred have learned all they are capable of learning in the Art of Cure by medicines.

If they are to do anything worthy in the homoeopathic art they must either have been cradled in it like Dr. Margaret Tyler, or, like Dr. Sarat Chandra Ghose, must have made it their “Religion, their Politics, and their Fatherland.” Professional politeness is all right and proper, but to expect anything practical to come of it is the acme of folly. No amount of condescension towards homoeopaths and homoeopathy will make a man a curer, so, if homoeopathic doctors are not to be obtained, the public will have to follow our friend Mr. John Blacks example and learn how to cure themselves, their friends, their cattle and their dogs.


THE following valuable bit of experience has been sent us by Mr. John Black, of New Zealand, whose letter referring to it will be found elsewhere in this issue. We are inclined to think that Mr. Black is right in ascribing the eczema to the handling of plants. In any case is it a good “win for Gunpowder,” as Mr. Black says. Here is the letter which is addressed to him:.

DEAR MR. BLACK, I am writing to you in reference to the eczema on my wifes hands. For the last four weeks she has been taking the Gunpowder tablets 3x recommended by you, and I am thankful to say that they have effected a complete cure. I might mention that the finger nails are coming off and new ones are growing.

For fully six months my wifes hands have been like pieces of raw meat and nothing we did seemed to cure them; we consulted a doctor and the treatment prescribed for them would heal one finger and break out on another.

This is the first time she has had any skin trouble. Over twelve months ago she was suffering from anaemia and from then on the eczema started.

During all this time my wife was unable to put her hands in water, but a fortnight after taking Gunpowder she was able to do her own washing, so the cure speaks for itself. She has taken about 200 tablets and says she has not felt better for the last ten years than what she is now.

Thanking you for your advice,

I remain, yours sincerely.


19 York Street, Lower Hut.

May 9th, 1931.


MESSRS. BOERICKE & RUNYON have sent us their circular notice of the ninth edition of the late Dr. Wm. Boerickes classic Materia Medica, with Repertory. It is quite unique as a multum in parvo and is issued for 28 dollars. Specimen pages can be obtained from our publishers.


ON p. 240 of our volume of 1928 we publish an article by Dr. Gisevius on Mercurochrome. On page 292 of our volume of 1929 we gave extracts from the British Medical Journal and others on the same remedy. It does not however appear to have become “naturalised” a yet in the Homoeopathic Materia Medica, so we append this from the British Medical Journal of December 27th, 1930.


SIR I was very pleased to see the article you published on December 13th by Mr. E.R. Chambers, of Bristol, on the treatment of ocular disease with Mercurochrome. I first used it at the Western Ophthalmic Hospital in October, 1927, on a case of Parinauds conjunctivitis, which had resisted all other treatment. Mercurochrome drops cleared up the case completely in two weeks, and there has been no recurrence of the trouble. I have also found the drops useful in the conjunctivitis which one finds in patients with a tuberculous history. Mercurochrome is also very beneficial in clearing up chronic cases of dacrocystitis.

I am, etc.,


London, W. I.

December 17th.

CHRONIC BROMIDE POISONING. C.P. Wagner and D. Elizabeth Bunbury (Journ. Amer. Med. Assoc., December 6th, 1930, p. 1725), impressed by the incidence of bromide intoxication among psychotic patients admitted to the Colorado Psychopathic Hospital, record observations upon 1,000 consecutive cases in which routine determinations of the bromide content of the blood were made. In 77 the serum showed the presence of bromide in concentrations of 75 mg. per 100 c.cm. and over, and in 44 of these the mental symptoms were due to, and increased by, the bromide.

The authors consider that serum concentrations of 200 mg. per 100 c.cm. should be regarded as toxic; the figure should be kept below this point, since in higher concentrations some evidence of toxicity usually manifests itself, taking the form of increased restlessness, hallucinations, and apprehension, with physical symptoms of tremor, speech defect, ataxia, and finally stupor. In concentrations over 300 mg. life may be endangered, and the delirium may mask any underlying psychotic condition.

Treatment is mainly supportive and eliminative, the diet and fluid intake being increased. Sodium chloride in 15-grain doses three times daily by the mouth increases bromide elimination. In patients showing evidence of debility and dehydration, however, its administration is undesirable, since it liberates the bromide from the tissues too rapidly for elimination by the kidneys, causing a rise in the blood bromide content, and possibly a fatal exacerbation of the toxic symptoms. Where there is impairment of the excretory or circulatory functions the administration of bromide must be carefully watched, but untoward mental symptom can be minimized if the physician is on the look out for any exacerbation, or assertions the bromide concentration in the blood. British Medical Journal, February 28th, 1931.

J H Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica