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Actea Spicata

Burrowing, cutting pain, as from a dull instrument within the head, with transient loss of consciousness and repeated roaring and buzzing within the depths of the cranium. Feeling of fulness and fine stitches in various spots on the forehead when raising up, disappearing almost entirely from warm coverings.

Radix Christophoriana. Natural Order Ranunculaceae.

Tincture of the green root gathered before flowering, in May, or of the berries.

Toxic Action:

Maniacal delirium and death (Linnaeus).

Intense sick feeling with cold sweat (Golden).

A sort of intoxication, with great cerebral excitement, irritation of the digestive organs, vomiting and constipation (Lemercier).

Blisters on the skin (Monnier).

Popularly used as a purgative, to induce sweating and in lung affections.

The changes induced in the mental and physical spheres by Actea spicata are numerous and suggestive.

General Action:

Great nervous excitability in the morning.

In the morning painful tension, yet more like a burning heat in the right lower leg, ceasing on motion, with fruitless urging to urinate and violent burning.

Involuntary muscular movements.

Occasional jerks in the right calf.

General itching, more especially on the head and face.

Cold Shivers over back, trembling and great nervous debility.

Very sensitive to uncovering; admission of air causes a feeling of painful tension in he chest and chilliness.

The attacks of fever, mostly announced by a slight cold, shiver along the back, always come at uncertain times.

Nightly attacks of fever unto the 6th night.

Strong febrile movements at night.

Constant restlessness and anxious tossing about.

Violent internal and external heat.

General, sour smelling sweat.

Clammy sweat toward morning.

Violent ebullitions of blood and congestion of blood of the head, excited by drinking coffee.

It is impossible to lie in bed in night.

Nightly sleeplessness.




Disinclined to reflect.

Diminished power of comprehension.

Confusion of ideas.



Doubtful of success, even in the most trifling undertakings.


Great desire to work, yet inability for it.


Wavering mood.

Anxious concern, when at rest.

Increased joy of life.

Craving for rich foods.

Cheerful when in motion.


Constant complaining and sighing.

Occasional wailing.

Fear of death, more at night in bed.

Mental debility decides with difficulty.

Dulness of the senses.

Low spirits with inclination to weep.

Very fearful, starts at the slightest thing, noises, etc.

Constant apprehensiveness.

Attacks of weakness of the will, almost amounting to insanity.

Hasty speech.

Confusion, with intercurrent absence of mind.


Weakness of mind.

Weakness of memory.


Dissatisfied with self.


Beside himself.

Distrustful, with aversion to physical motion in the open air.

Inclined to scold after eating.


Vertigo with staggering, during motion, gradually disappearing in the open air.


Whirling with turning black before the eyes.

Frequent attacks of fainting.


Burrowing, cutting pain, as from a dull instrument within the head, with transient loss of consciousness and repeated roaring and buzzing within the depths of the cranium.

Feeling of fulness and fine stitches in various spots on the forehead when raising up, disappearing almost entirely from warm coverings.

Boring and tearing headache on the whole of the right side of the head, with a very sore pain, diminished by motion in the open air, disappearing entirely after drinking coffee, when standing it is combined with beclouded senses and a drunken feeling.

Violent itching and crawling on the entire scalp, alternating with a feeling of heat (after 8 hours).

Falling of the hair.

Beaten, bruised feeling of the whole head, when sitting and lying.

Sticking drawing or sometimes a dull pressure in the brain in the supra orbital region, with darkened vision, after smoking.

Throbbing in the brain, by fits and starts.

Pressure in the occiput.

Burning heat in whole occiput every evening.

Sudden stitches through the right temple into the brain.

Tearing, stinging pain in the right temple, especially in the pars mastoidea as if it would be wrenched out, at night in bed.

Very violent, sticking tearing from the crown to between the eyebrows, driving one almost to distraction.

Heaviness in the forepart of the head.

Congestion to the forehead, with violent redness of the face.

Branny desquamation on the forepart of the head down as far as the forehead.

Dizziness with an empty feeling in the forehead (Alu.) when stopping.

Violent sticking and tearing in the forehead.

Burning heat on the forehead, not far above both eyebrows, alternating with a clamping pain between the forehead and the parietal bone.

Occasional digging boring in the center of the forehead.

Digging in the left frontal eminence, with a feeling as if the bone were being crushed, forcing one to tears, after eating and cold drinks.

Cutting, sometimes gnawing or crunching in the left frontal cavity; often they cease suddenly and jump to single spots on the crown yet soon return again, after midnight.

Increased sensitiveness of the entire frontal bone, on motion it is converted into a pain which necessitates screaming.

An anxious heating up of the forehead.


Sensitive itching and burning of the eyes.

Tension, pressive digging or sometimes quivering within the eye, in the evening.

Peculiar pressure, as from a grain of sand lying therein on closing the eyes.

Violent burning and tearing of the right eye.

Frequent fiery apparitions, like balls, after midnight.

The eyes are affected and him.

The eyes are actively red, brightly sparking, protruded and rotating rapidly.

Keenly sensitive to light.

The eyes are dim, sunken and encircled by blue rings.

Sparking and flashing before the eyes.

Throbbing and hammering alternating with burning under the right orbital arch.

Sense of heat between the eyebrows toward evening.

Boring tearing pain behind the right orbital cavity.

Puffiness and dry inflammation of the eyelids, especially the upper; constant itching and crawling of them, necessitating rubbing.

Single, small millet – like vesicles on the right upper eyelid, without biting or itching.

The eyelids are agglutinated by yellow, pus – like mucus.

Frequent twitching of the left eyelid in the morning; blinking.

Smarting pain in the right upper eyelid.

Sticking, biting in the inner canthi; after reading and writing.

Excoriation of the inner canthi (after 4 days).


Tight pain in right inner ear, with crawling extending to the cavity of the mouth.

Great sensitiveness of the ears to drafts.

Perspiration behind the ears, when lying.

Tinkling, buzzing and dull ringing.

Stopped feeling with transient deafness after eating.

Loud roaring.

Tensive pressure in the tympanic cavity.

Tearing, boring pain in the right inner ear.

Outward digging.

Feeling of cold air streaming into ear and aggravating the pain, in the afternoon.

Sense of heat alternating with itching in the left ear lap.

Biting in the lobule of the right ear, with a feeling of fierce eating.

Burning itching with a hot feeling in the right concha, when lying.

Thin, sour smelling earwax.


Scabs and pustules on and within the nose.

Redness with a superficial erysipelatous inflammation of the tip of the nose with violent itching and biting.

Burning in the left nostril, with a feeling of dryness and coldness.

Chaps in the left wing of the nose, in the morning.

Violent, tearing, boring pain from the root of the nose to the right frontal eminence.

Sore feeling in the nostrils.

Catarrhal tendency.

Fluent coryza, with persistent tickling on the floor of the right nostril, causing sneezing.

Profuse discharge of serous fluid (after 24 hours).


Pale, sunken, emaciated face.

Bright red face.

Bloating of the right side of the face with a dull pressure or sometimes compression of the parotid gland.

Peculiar tensive outward pressure in the fleshy parts below both eyes, intensified by motion, sneezing and stooping.

Tearing, squeezing in malar bones.

Boring in the periosteum.

Swollen cheeks with rheumatic pains.

Outward tearing with frequent stitches in the left lower jaw, worse after midnight.

Drawing and tension in the lower lip, extending to the chin.

Occasional violent cracks in the lower lip.

Dryness and soreness in the upper lip after eating.

Dry herpetic eruption about the mouth the solitary itching pimples.


Stitches and unbearable tearing in the molars of the left lower jaw with the feeling as if they projected too far, diminished by smoking.

Burning in the gums, with a swelled feeling.

Tensive drawing in the right upper gum, spreading to the uvula; heat therein after smoking and cold drinks.


Much expectorating.

A sour fluid gathers in the mouth.

Sour bitterish, often salty taste.

Changing burning in various spots on tongue.

Tongue very red, clean, hot and tremulous.

Rawness on back of tongue, worse in the morning.


Severe pressure and swollen feeling in the left tonsil.

Dryness and burning heat in the throat; sometimes a feeling like hot air streaming through it at night.

Burning scratching in throat.

Burning in throat when swallowing solids.

Frequent thirst, with a scrapy dryness in throat, as after making a night of it.

Dull pressure in the entire gullet, with some oppression of the chest.


Frequent eructations; with constant pressure in pharynx, after speaking.

C.M. Boger
Cyrus Maxwell Boger 5/ 13/ 1861 "“ 9/ 2/ 1935
Born in Western Pennsylvania, he graduated from the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and subsequently Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia. He moved to Parkersburg, W. Va., in 1888, practicing there, but also consulting worldwide. He gave lectures at the Pulte Medical College in Cincinnati and taught philosophy, materia medica, and repertory at the American Foundation for Homoeopathy Postgraduate School. Boger brought BÅ“nninghausen's Characteristics and Repertory into the English Language in 1905. His publications include :
Boenninghausen's Characteristics and Repertory
Boenninghausen's Antipsorics
Boger's Diphtheria, (The Homoeopathic Therapeutics of)
A Synoptic Key of the Materia Medica, 1915
General Analysis with Card Index, 1931
Samarskite-A Proving
The Times Which Characterize the Appearance and Aggravation of the Symptoms and their Remedies