Easy relapses. General stiffness. Paralysis; of tongue; of upper or lower limbs. Blueness. Pains; pressive, < touch; as of blows, being broken, like lightning, etc. Acute senses. Nervous. Uneasy; moves about. Impulsive. Stammers. Says what is not intended. Mimicry. Fears; sudden; death; shrinks from everyone (Bar. c.). Piercing shrieks; howls or mutters. Bites; strikes attendant. Mania. Delirium; loquacious. Confusion. Malicious jesting or gloating. Sullen; tricky ; alternately yielding and headstrong.


NERVES: Cerebro Spinal Suppressions. Metastases.

Axis | Anger.

Emotions < Fright.

Muscles ; flexor.

Digestive Tract | Epigastrium Heat | Fire.

< Abdomen < Weather.

| |. Blood Touch. Exertion.

Raising arms.


Cold drinks > cough, vomiting and chill.

VIOLENT often spasmodic effects; recurring in irregular groups; then collapse. Twitchings, CRAMPS or spasms; in or starting from a single part, as fingers and toes; knot the muscles (Phys); extort cries; twist the head awry; with trismus or hiccough; then deathly exhaustion, chills, laughters, etc.; behind sternum ; in palms, calves or soles (Calc. c., Rhus t., Sul.); nocturnal; at menses; epileptic. Jerkings; hands and feet; in sleep. Tremblings; < hands. Latency. Poor reaction. Persistent weakness. Easy relapses. General stiffness. Paralysis; of tongue; of upper or lower limbs. Blueness. Pains; pressive, < touch; as of blows, being broken, like lightning, etc. Acute senses. Nervous. Uneasy; moves about. Impulsive. Stammers. Says what is not intended. Mimicry. Fears; sudden; death; shrinks from everyone (Bar. c.). Piercing shrieks; howls or mutters. Bites; strikes attendant. Mania. Delirium; loquacious. Confusion. Malicious jesting or gloating. Sullen; tricky ; alternately yielding and headstrong.

Vertigo; with internal tremor; prolonged; < before, > after stool; head sinks forward; faintlike, on rising; with vanishing senses. Faintings.

Head; Brain feels bruised. Pressing down in. Aching over frontal sinuses. Bores it into pillow. Congestion to. To and for motion of. Meningitis.

As of cold water pouring on. Crawling in vertex. Pulls her hair.

Eyes: Sunken. Staring. Red. Balls oscillate behind closed lids or turn up. Tightly closed.

Face: Sad and anxious. Livid, distorted or pale, < cough or spasms. Mouth: Contracted jaws. Froth from. Grinds teeth. Slimy, metallic taste (Rhus t.). Puts tongue in and out like a snake (Crot. h., Lach.). Loss of speech. Hurried eating. Noisy swallowing. Spasms of gullet.

Hoarse crying. Dry throat with unquenchable thirst.

Anorexia. Sour-bitter eructations.

Nausea; in throat; ascending from abdomen.

Hiccough; then vomiting; then spasms.

Vomiting; tormenting; in convulsive gushes; wheyey, and purging, frothy bile; on awakening; < least motion; > drinking; with lachrymation; with agonizing colic, inflammatory; or solids only.

Epigastrium: As of something bitter or hard pressure in. Burning.

Stomach: Painful cutting or transfixion cramp. Sensitive. Convulsive gnawing in. Lies on, and jerks buttocks up.

Hypochondrium: Pain in r., to shoulder.

Abdomen: Hard, hot and tense. Cant bear covers. As of a hard body in. Frightful, agonizing colic > cold drinks or pressure, < raising arms; with collapse. Cutting at navel.

Stools: Spurting; flocculent; of green water; very green and very foul. Cholera.

Urine: Foul and turbid. Suppressed.

Cramps prevent coition (Grap.). After pains. Anemia, after suppressed footsweat or eruptions. Chlorosis.

Respiration: Difficult, cant bear anything near mouth (Lach.); < coughing, laughing or dampness, < lying; spasmodic < menses; unequal; interrupted; stridulous; abdominal. Spasm of glottis. Asthma.

Cough: In violent paroxysms; stiffens out–gets blue; suffocative; incessant; > cold drinks (Caus.); < deep breathing or bending back; with lachrymation, nosebleed, palpitation, gurgling in throat, cramps or spasms (Zinc.). Metallic tasting or foul, bloody expectoration. Pertussis.

Chest: Substernal pain on swallowing. Aortitis. Angina.

Spasmodic tightness. Painful constriction of (lower)–(Coccl., Nux v., Plat.), takes her breath away (Ars.); before menses. Loud rattle in. Pneumonia; non-reactive (Ant. t., Op.). Anxious palpitation.

Back: Pain between scapulae, in elbow and knee joints. Cutting beneath left scapula. Sensitive spine.

Forearms seem large. Bluish, mottled arms and hands. Clenches thumbs into palms. Formication, tearing or vesicles on fingertips.

Cramp in calves > rubbing. Heavy ankles (Ant. t., Led., Nit. ac., Sec. c., Sul.).

Skin: Numb prickling. Repressed or latent eruptions, discharges, etc. (Zinc). Yellow desquamation. Old ulcers with red borders (Kali bi.).

Sleepless from crowding ideas. Somnolency.

Slow pulse.

Shudders; with the pains; after spasms.

Coldness; icy, of whole body; of tip of tongue; after every attack.

Chilly; not > heat.

Hot skin; with internal chilliness.

Sweat; cold, clammy at night; intermittent; many symptoms terminate in.

Complementary: Caus.


C.M. Boger
Cyrus Maxwell Boger 5/ 13/ 1861 "“ 9/ 2/ 1935
Born in Western Pennsylvania, he graduated from the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and subsequently Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia. He moved to Parkersburg, W. Va., in 1888, practicing there, but also consulting worldwide. He gave lectures at the Pulte Medical College in Cincinnati and taught philosophy, materia medica, and repertory at the American Foundation for Homoeopathy Postgraduate School. Boger brought BÅ“nninghausen's Characteristics and Repertory into the English Language in 1905. His publications include :
Boenninghausen's Characteristics and Repertory
Boenninghausen's Antipsorics
Boger's Diphtheria, (The Homoeopathic Therapeutics of)
A Synoptic Key of the Materia Medica, 1915
General Analysis with Card Index, 1931
Samarskite-A Proving
The Times Which Characterize the Appearance and Aggravation of the Symptoms and their Remedies